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1Catching a Prankster[D-Rank, Completed] Empty Catching a Prankster[D-Rank, Completed] Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:47 am


Unbeknownst to a certain gambler, sleeping soundlessly in the comfortable bed of his apartment, bed sheets askew, showing his black boxers to all the world, he was being stalked by a vicious predator. A predator who, while not a killer, have been a nuisance for mankind for eons. A predator who has had a hand in causing violent outburst, and grumpiness to all that fail victim to it. A predator who is the natural enemy of man, especially in the morning. A predator known by all as sunlight! Such a vile thing that had no enemy, except moonlight. And it was this predator that were currently snaking its way towards the prone figure of Kichirou, crawling up the edge of the bed, before finally reaching it's destination and attacking mercilessly. The prey in question didn't know what had hit him till it was to late, and as he fought against the adversary, he knew this battle had already been lost. For the predator were simply to strong and determined. So thus Kichirou woke up, no thanks to the sunlight that was dancing against the walls, as if it was laughing at the man's misfortune.

I hate you.” Leveling a glare, that could kill, at the sun rays peaking through the curtain, and waiting for it to respond – like it would. Laying there for a few minutes, Kichirou finally decided to get out of bed and start a morning ritual. A ritual that took him roughly thirty minutes to complete. Now with a towel wrapped around the waist, he idly wondered what his plans were for today, while searching through the drawers for clothing. The idea of visiting Akai were thrown out of the window, seeing how, because of certain incidents, the Hyuuga clan had her on heavy guard, basically making her a prisoner in her own home. He wondered how she were doing? Though that, again, was a stupid question. Pushing the thoughts away, he also threw the idea of gambling out of the window. While the activity was fun, some of the better gambling spots were becoming weary of his extreme luck and assumed that he been cheating – which he wasn't. Oh maybe he could do a mission, for the betterment of Konohagakure? Been awhile since he did one of those, his shinobi mission report looking pretty bare and lacking than others. So yeah, maybe that's what he should do today. Besides the money from doing them would be nice. And with that Kichirou finished getting ready and left the apartment.

Ten minutes, that's how long it took the green eyed genin to make it from his apartment to the mission hall, where he were now standing in line waiting to get a mission from the chuunin receptionist.

What can I do for you, shinobi-san?” The dark haired receptionist asked, obviously not knowing the rank of the man affront of her. Not like it bothered him any, Kichirou wasn't the type of individual to flaunt his status around in the open anyway. So it wasn't a surprise that she didn't know his rank.

Taigen Kichirou, genin of Konohagakure, asking for a D-rank mission.” He stated, green orbs looking at the surrounding area, taking in the decor of the mission hall. Despite it being plan, it did the area justice.

Here you go.” The receptionist stated, tossing a scroll at the gambler who caught it with ease.

Opening the parcel, Kichirou's eyes scanned over the contents of the scroll, committing the mission parameters to memory. The mission was short and simple, catch a prankster who has been terrorizing the village, who possess academy level skills. Thanking the receptionist for the mission, Kichirou disappeared from the mission hall, heading towards the last know location of the prankster in question.

Mission completely.” Kichirou stated, leaving the mission hall after turning in the mission.

Twenty minutes, that's how long it took Kichirou to catch the prankster in question. After leaving the mission hall, Kichirou started questioning those around the areas that had been hit by this notorious prankster, using the intelligence gather, he than headed towards the shinobi academy. Why do you ask? To ask the teachers if they had any disrupting students, who are prone prank people in class, and have been missing at odd times lately. Kichirou also gave them a stretch of the prankster in question, to see if they recognized the boy. When it seemed like all hope was lost, Kichirou finally caught a break when one teacher recognized the kid in question. A short discussion later, Kichirou had the address of the student and thus he made his way towards the given address. After making it to his destination, he found out, by the boy's mother, that he were currently at the park playing with friends. Kichirou expressed his concerns to the lady about her son might being spray painting various buildings in Konohagakure, along with speculating that he might be doing such things right now. Of course the woman didn't believe the green eyed male, even when he told her that others have scene her son committing said acts. Being a gambler act heart, the man decided to make a bet with the woman. If her son wasn't responsible for these vandalizations, he will apologize and be on his way, after given her enough money for a week worth of grocery. If he wins? Well he gets the satisfaction of being proven right. Needless to say the gambler were proven right when the boy in question came home with spray cans in his hands. If that wasn't bad enough there was paint his clothing and hands. A small interrogation Kichirou founded out that the boy indeed was the one who did such crimes.

And that's how a gambler caught a prankster. . .

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