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1Catching a Prankster [D-Rank/Private] Empty Catching a Prankster [D-Rank/Private] Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:48 pm



A boy has been putting graffiti on the wall of buildings. He has thus far managed to escape custody, and possesses skills equal to that of an Academy ninja, able to move around on rooftops to escape capture. Now it is your turn to try and capture him, good luck!

“Well that was… vague,” Sayomi thought to herself as she scanned the document in which her mission details were enclosed, “I get that this is a D-Rank mission, but still. You’d think that I could get a more in depth briefing on the situation than that.” A frustrated sigh escaped her lips as she refolded the document and slid it into her back pocket. From the rooftop she glared down at the alley below, awaiting her target that a bit of investigative research had provided her a lead to, “At least I won’t have to waste the whole night scouring the city for some insolent brat. If my sources are right he’ll be here. If not… I will have some Academy brats to punish.”

Only a few minutes had passed since Sayomi’s arrival when what looked like the figure of a child came strolling into the alley below. The bandana that he wore pulled up above his nose hid his face, but his size and stature were enough for her to ballpark his age group and the mask and the fact that he was here at this time all but proved that he was the one she was looking for. Even so, she would wait atop the rooftop until she could pin him as the culprit with absolute certainty, her hawk like eyes following his every move. She would get the proof she desired when he ran over to the ver end of the alley and pulled out a duffle bag which was stowed away behind a dumpster.

Mission Completion: 313/600



“Stop right there!” she would yell out at the boy from the rooftop, startling him and causing him to drop the bag in shock. From the partially unzipped bag out an opened can of spray paint, the same color that had been used in the previously reported incidents of vandalism. The boy looked straight up at Sayomi standing tall on the rooftop, his eyes filled temporarily with a look of fear upon first being called out. That look of fear would fade into one of anger before he quickly turned towards the exit of the alley and took off in that direction. “Got you,” she mused to herself, letting out an amused huff as she brought her hands together in front of her chest, “You aren’t going anywhere, brat.”

She would immediately weave a lightning fast sequence of hand signs ending in the tiger sign and inhale deeply as she followed his movements from her bird’s eye view. Predicting his rather obvious path Sayomi would turn her sights towards the very entrance of the alley, the one the boy had entered through and now was attempting to flee from. After molding the necessary katon chakra in her lungs she would then launch a large fireball in front of the boy, setting his escape route ablaze and cutting off his path.

He would let out a startled cry as he fell down and began crawling away from the fire fearfully, only to bump into Sayomi who had leapt down from the rooftop. Still shaken up from the fireball he tried to crawl away once again, but would once again be cut short by Sayomi who would push him over with her foot and press it down upon his chest to hold him down. “Why did you try and run?” she said mockingly with a haughty smirk, “You hurt my feelings. Your little game is over.”

Mission Completion: 600/600

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