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1Stop the cat [C-rank, Kumo, repeatable] Empty Stop the cat [C-rank, Kumo, repeatable] Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:29 am



It was a night time and Miho was lurking around. It was obvious that she was on a mission as the scroll was hiding somewhere near the cleavage in the area around the chest. The scroll stated that there have been reports of a cat burglar running around Kumo and stealing from the villagers. Miho was asked to catch the cat burglar and interrogate her for the location of her stash of stolen goods.The night time was not chosen randomly, the time was picked on purpose because the mission scroll stated that the cat burglar, who Miho had to capture, makes her appearance only at night. Well, night time had its own advantage for Miho as well, as her costume was pure black, thus, faded away into the night making the girl even harder to spot.

Miho was walking slowly through the village searching for some clues that would give the cat burglar away, she could not notice anything yet though. She was just passing through houses in the village like a night monitor and observing every inch of the environment around. Although, some minutes after she passed this one house that seemed like to have a rich owner. Miho heard some very silent noises. She rose her head right away and spotted a black burvy figure trying to get its way in the house through the window. The figure was also in a black costume very similar to that Miho was, the costume had ears and tail reminnding ones of a cat.  It seemed that the figure was so concentraded on sneaking around, that it had not noticed Miho walking around. From the whole situation and appearances, Miho assumed that she had just seen the very popular and wanted cat burglar working at night.

Miho was standing there for a moment and admired the appearance of this cat, however then she decided to get serious. There cannot be two charming villain woman in town.  Miho suddenly vanished and appeared in front of the burglar right on the roof where the window she was gettiing through was.

“Going somewhere?“

Miho was standing with her hands crossed on her chest and her chakrams floating around. It looked like she was really enjoying that. However, the cat burglar did not get confused. She back a little right a way and curved a smile on her face. Maybe she was keen on fighting as well, though it seemed that she tried to seduce Miho for a moment by moving her body in seductive manner. Although, that never works on the girl, because she is very like that, so knows all of those seductive tricks.

“No, you are. And the destination is your biggest nightmare.“

The cat burglar smiled. Miho was warned that she might be a skilfull genjutsu user, but that was not a real problem for her as genjutsu do not scare Miho at all. The warning turned out to be truth. As soon as those words came out loud, Miho was put under cat‘s genjutsu. The girl found herself in the place that she was once before. She was standing in the battlefield with everyone around her being killed and only some men standing in front of her. All of that seemed very realistic. The men were approaching her with powerful weapons and the next minute she would have been paralyzed. That did not happen though. Miho released the genjutsu quite easily as she has very little of what to fear in her life and her past do not fall into that category.

“Not so bad, but seemed more like a dream to me. I have created more cruel nighmares with my hands in real life, than you ever could imagine with that poor genjutsu of yours.“

Now the cat burglar looked a little confused and furious that her technique did not have the impact she was expecting to have and that will have to fight further. The burglar stood in the position of four legs acting like a real cat and made her second attack. She was appearing and disappearing in different places on the roof just to get Miho distracted and confused. That was a wise move, but not enought to make Miho confused. Those movements of the sneaky cat had some pattern so were quite predictable. Miho predicted the place where the cat would appear next and sent her chakram flying to that direction. When the burglar cat appeared the weapon hit her leaving a scratch on her right cheek  and knocking her down on the surface of the roof. It was obvious she was not expecting that, but yet still had a smile on her face. As soon as Miho was ready to capture her and the reinforcements were almost there, the cat burglar made a gas screen in the place she was lying. Miho rushed into that smoke cloud to get a grip on her, but could not find the cat there anymore. When the cloud of smoke had vanished, the note was lying in the same place the cat was knocked down  to.  The note had the playful and colourful text written on it:

“Had fun with you my little kitten. As a reward for showing me a good time I've written the location of the things I've stolen. Let's play this game again XOXO ;)“

Miho was furious and shaking out of anger that she did not catch the burglar. She sqeezed the paper in her hand and wanted to throw that out, however she realized that this might be the evidence, so left that to herself to show the reinforcements the time they will come here. She was irritated that due to her want to play a game a little Miho let the burglar go, however, she was looking forward to meet the cat woman again and get her revenge on her. Not only for the escape ot the thing that she has stolen from people, but also for that little genjutsu stuff which let the cat go into Miho‘s head and investigate her past and thoughts.

W.C. 1019/1000

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