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1Stop that Cat [Kumo-C Repeatable/Closed] Empty Stop that Cat [Kumo-C Repeatable/Closed] Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:14 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji was told a few days ago that a thief was amongst the village, a highly skilled one that had avoided detection thus far. So they called on one of the villages' shinobi; Kenji Chikara. Now a Chuunin Kenji was highly reputed and trusted by the Kage to deliver a satisfactory result. The objective was to locate the items the thief had stolen; notify the Kumo police and attempt to return it to the original owners. He also had a brief description of the cat burglar's description; the culprit was a female with an impressive physique that enabled her to move swiftly and gracefully. That was it, all Kenji knew was the girl was sly and apparently good at what she did. Kenji was looking forward to another C-rank mission; he was in good standing with his clan due to his performance so far; they were actually thinking about removing the leash completely, but not yet.

Kenji knew for certain that the criminal was a night prowler giving the nature of her crimes. He put on his stealth ninja attire; which was a plain black shirt and black sweat pants. He also grabbed his shiny gloves but he put them in his pocket; planning to only use them if he had to. Finally he sheathed his katana in a black scabbard, equipped his ninja tools and headed out into the night to investigate; hoping to catch the prowler in her element. Kenji was at the far east of the village walking in a crouch staying near alleys and dark passages. The night air added to the thrill of hunting the prey, or was Kenji the one being stalked; the possibility mandated Kenji be constantly alert. As he weaved in and out of shadows immersing himself in darkness he kept his right hand on the hilt of his katana. "Maybe she took the night off." Kenji thought to himself, he stood out of his stoop and walked to near the center of the village sure he wouldn't find anything... "Shit, there's nowhere to hide." thinking desperately as he stood in the middle of the street while the thief was coming out of someone's window; the 'woman' was already turning her head in Kenji's direction.

Kenji drew his katana knowing hiding would be in vain at this point he would have to apprehend her. The woman looked down curiously as the blue haired shinobi charged with the speed of a Special Jounin. The curvy woman made one hand seal and with it went Kenji's surroundings. As a expert Genjutsu user he was able to break the hold immediately via a Kai. When his environment returned, she was standing right in front of Kenji with her voluptuous body imprinting itself into Kenji's memory steadily leaving him in an even more powerful Genjutsu. "You're fast kid, but I'm faster." She said with a seductive tone that sent Kenji's brain flying in a hundred different directions; all with a similar theme. "By the look of those scars, you like it rough." Kenji was able to catch a glance of her pulling a senbon from her waist moving it for Kenji's stomach; "Damn it!" He quickly drew a kunai and slid it in front of himself intercepting the senbon. Her firm and well sculpted body went jumping backwards; Kenji smiled at her attempt to stab him with a senbon, "If you tell me where the goods are, I'll let you use hand cuffs, whips, and whip cream..." Kenji snapped out of it as he was somewhat serious. Kenji threw the kunai at the sexy perpetrator; she unleashed a retractable bo staff from her cleavage that easily smacked the kunai to the ground. Kenji scoffed at the weapon; "Mine's bigger." The cat walked forward swinging her hips in a hypnotizing fashion, looking downard; "Would you show me?" Kenji twirled his katana around his finger, "...You can't miss it." Kenji stopped twirling his katana that gleamed in the moonlight; he sheathed it and leaped back and while air borne he put on his gloves and made the hand seals and extended as the temptress advanced; he was able to catch her just before she left his Genjutsu's range. He quickly release three shuriken and launched them at her, she would see them going in the opposite direction. He could see the confusion in her eyes but she didn't fall for it and waved the bo staff in front of her face just to make sure. "Oh, you use Genjutsu too huh" She leaped up and ran lightning chakra through her bo staff. Kenji rolled out of the way of the downward strike.

As he came out of the roll he made the hand seals for his "Sea Sick" Genjutsu; she was quick, he needed to reduce her reflexes if he was to get the upper hand. He made eye contact, triggering the Genjutsu, and he could feel the effects taking their toll. Kenji smiled as he shot out of his stance darting right for her using his speed and her disorientation. He had his katana wielded but he wasn't attacking with intent to really harm her; his duty was to find the stolen items. If he killed her; he would never find out. But as he came into striking range something rather frightful happened. She started screaming hysterically. Kenji stopped in his tracks a few meters away from the scared woman. "Was I that good?" Then she started to hyperventilate; to prevent her from possibly suffocating Kenji released the Genjutsu and she felled to her knees. The Genjutsu's purpose was to make the victim think they were out at sea, on a boat, reducing their balance and reflexes; the only reason she would've responded that way was if she had some type of water or sea phobia. As she gained her composure she looked up at Kenji who had stepped in a little closer; "So this is where you want me." Kenji couldn't help but give a slight nod as his carnal desire couldn't be denied. As Kenji fell in a momentary daze a smoke bomb was released and Kenji covered his face in reaction to the expanding plume of smoke. When the smoke cleared; the lovely... despicable woman was gone. Kenji exhaled, "The one that got away; I thought we had something special. Oh, maybe I was right." He spotted a piece of paper with something written on it. Had fun with you my little kitten. As a reward for showing me a good time I've written the location of the things I've stolen. Let's play this game again XOXO ;)

Kenji was undoubtedly disappointed that their encounter was cut so short; but at least he competed his assignment, and it would have to suffice for now. Kenji folded the note and put it in his pocket. Not wanting anyone to see the letter; he would tell the police the location and say she told it to him. He told the police and they went to investigate the hideout; they were very impressed that he was able to not only catch the "crook" but also get the needed information. "It's the hair."

WORDCOUNT: 1220/1000

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