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1Planting Seeds (Training, Closed) Empty Planting Seeds (Training, Closed) Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:49 am



Ukiyo walked alongside the stream in the western part of the woods, light reflecting off its hectic water and being splashed onto trees and Ukiyo. It blinded her again and again, and eventually Ukiyo decided to leave the stream and head back deep into the woods. She climbed a tree near the stream and began jumping to nearby branches, swiftly deciding which path would be best and coordinating her efforts to reach higher into the canopy as well. Soon she was at a prime location, able to see over 50 trees and 100m in radius. Branches and leaves surrounded her, but not so packed that they obstructed her vision. She could still make out things beyond them and the general landscape all around. Not too far above, however, the branches and leaves became exceedingly thick/plentiful, so she couldn’t go any higher if she wished to have a good perch. Ukiyo looked around decisively. This will be perfect. She made two hand signs and concentrated the flow of chakra to her palms. She was silent and her eyes were closed, meditating as she slowly molded her chakra. With extreme precision, Ukiyo constructed seeds as small as she could possible make them, and excreted each through a pore in her palms. The balance of suiton and doton had to be just right, any more or less and the seed would be a dud. Being so tiny, their anatomy was very delicate and could be disrupted by any one momentary lapse in chakra control. She slowly brought her hands apart, careful not to accidently brush off any of the seeds and drop them. Soon, her hands were in front of her, crossed at the wrist (her left wrist laying on top the right). She opened her eyes and smiled, knowing the jutsu was already complete. She jumped backwards off the branch and threw her hands out in front of her. She then bounced her feet off a branch from behind and darted forwards/downwards, making a hand seal. Suddenly, dozens of flowers filled the air around Ukiyo, falling all around her as she moved through the air. Ukiyo fell nearly all the way to the ground before catching herself on a branch; watching as the flowers continued past her and lightly settled on the floor. Ukiyo smiled and pulled herself up. This is going to be easier than I thought.


2Planting Seeds (Training, Closed) Empty Re: Planting Seeds (Training, Closed) Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:50 pm



Ukiyo dropped to the ground and picked up a flower. She breathed in deeply through her nose as she enjoyed the fruit of her labor. A breeze rolled in and the flowers began lifting up around her and floating away, tumbling across the ground. She let go of the one she was holding and watched as it was taken away by the wind, soon disappearing into the brush. Ukiyo looked at her palm and closed her eyes. Soon a daffodil raised up on it, still attached to her hand. She goes to smell it, then at the last second bites the stem and eats it whole. Ukiyo wipes her mouth, Maybe I should head back to the stream, I’ve gotten thirsty again. Ukiyo jumps into the tree above (where she dropped down from) and continues back towards the stream. Jumping from branch to branch, knowing exactly which way to go, Ukiyo made her way back to the rushing water and splashing sunlight. She approached the water and knelt down, fiddling with the sand at the edge of the stream as she holds herself up. Then she cups her hands and picks up some water. Ukiyo takes several handfuls and then gets back up, wiping her mouth off again. She looks at her hand as she wipes her mouth and thinks for a moment. Then, she closes her eyes and makes the same hand seals as before. When Ukiyo opens her eyes, she extends her hands out in front of her with her palms facing down, fingers out wide. She lifts them up, retracting her fingers slightly, then slams them down in the air, expanding her fingers again as she does it, and stopping shortly well above the water. Ukiyo waits a moment, then concentrates her chakra into the seeds. She watches as flowers scattered all over the stream’s surface begin to spring up, only to be knocked over and dragged under water by the stream’s current. As expected, those were nowhere near where I dropped them. At least they managed to stay afloat somehow. Ukiyo turns around and looks at her hands. She giggles as she grows grass, flowers, and weeds at random point on her palms, and heads back into the woods.


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