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The puppet master lay on his bed with the great book in his hand and the magic pen too. The book contained the ideas of the puppets he wanted to make, their modifications, their clothing, their appearance and all that would relate to them. He had woken up so early with one idea and without putting that idea in his great book, he had no idea how uncomfortable he would be throughout the rest of the day. He placed the pen on the book and began writing after placing an asterisk first.
--- is a light skinned puppet who is moderately built. He is six feet and five inches tall and he has short hair. His has a black eye color and no noticeable scars on his face. He often wears karategi which has been fine tuned to be much lighter and of a loose fitting though it’s purely made of leather. Due to the nature of his fighting skills which emphasize on striking, kicking and reaching, his outfit has evolved in a manner that maximizes mobility and speed without the extremely coarse and strong fabric required for grappling and throwing thus why the leather is always beaten hardly to make it into the exact texture needed. This is then brushed or ribbed for unrestricted movement and added comfort likewise reinforced stitching to compensate for the stress put on the outfit.

The suit is rigid to increase ventilation and gives off a more pronounced sound when a move is executed. --- has three main sets of this karetegi. The first one being short sleeves and trousers for less restriction. Whenever he puts this on, he also wears iron rings around his upper arms and gauntlet like leather on his lower arm. This first set has a longer lapel that prevents it from riding up over the belt and the short sleeves are for a more aesthetic application. The second set has a longer sleeve and trousers and the lapel is shorter, chosen again for an aesthetic appeal. The third set of the karategi appears to have more artistic design where several linings of different colors are added in to give the karetegi a colorful life of its own. --- shoes are a special footwear designed to provide increased support to his feet during intense sparring or fighting while providing a safe surface for the feet. Before the shoes are put on, a thin or thick rope is tied from the ankle up to a certain place on the leg to tighten the trousers before the shoes are worn on. The karategi is the first mode of --- dressing.

Dray had just written down the idea as he had thought of it. He put it down like he was writing about a person so he would have a better chance when executing it. He was about closing the great book when he put another asterisk on the page and wrote down. ----no upper clothing and just a red trouser with a blue belt. The red trouser has a black and white piece of clothing strapped around the right thigh and two iron rings attached to the knee side. He then wears a long boot with blue and black colors. He also wears iron rings around his upper arm and gauntlet like leather on his lower arm and on his upper body, a sort of leather from his right armpit to his left shoulder and down his left armpit. No idea in puppetry was certain yet. There was always need to evaluate and check in with other ideas so that was an optional one. The puppet master closed the book and placed it on the table by his bed side. On the table was another book and that book contained the information he had gathered on his investigation on this Draygglez Senju person. He had not been getting any solid information the past few days and that reminded him that it had been a while since he saw the young man named Asura Senju. Their meeting was brief though Dray could sense the seed that was sown right there. All that was required was another meeting and this seed would grow into what it was meant to grow into. Dray would have the information that he needed on his investigation.

The special jounin got out of bed and walked into the bath room after pulling his night wear. He had a quick bath and got out of the bath room. With a white towel tied around his waist, he looked at the mirror gently as he observed himself. No one in kumogakure had ever seen his full face, not even the raikage. The most anyone had seen was his eyes and fingers and that was it. He was changing or better out, he was adapting to kumogakure. His body was expanding, little beards were appearing and his hair was losing its green but it did not matter much seeing as nobody really knew him too well in the village hidden in the clouds. The village was appearing to be more festive than usual due to the chunin exams that were starting in a few days and what were the odds that if Dray went out into the village, he would meet with the young man named Asura. He was not certain where to look but the young man seemed matured even though he was just a genin. Dray was thinking of the newly opened casino but was that a possibility? He himself was not all that good in betting but he was not sure about the other person besides once Dray found him, they could go some other place in the casino and have a drink or something. It was a possibility and Dray would have to check it out to see so with that, he dressed up quickly in a grey cloak other than his green one. He picked up his scrolls and shot out of the house. He went down the stairs and over to where he was going to have breakfast. He sat at the table and was served, toast breads and a hot tee seemed to help a cold morning. Dray ate calmly until he finished his food before after which he took time for the food to digest and then left the giant sleeping inn and headed for the golden horn.


Asura Senju

Asura Senju

The night moon was hanging over the small grey tent that Asura had put up the day before, the moon's light shone on his camp while Asura was kept deep in sleep. Asura walked through the forest in his dream, scanning the Trees and bushes for any signs. He had no idea where he was, or even why he was there, the moment he looked dead ahead of his path, he noticed a glowing pair of red eyes creep out of the darkness and shadows. Asura remained in place as he watched a man, quite like himself wandering out of the darkness, approaching Asura, repeating a single verse over and over again, "Voices twist and turn the mind, changing the way we hear the vines, looking upon the earth below, where our empty beds will grow... Vritra is the name that is placed on my head. Vritra, is the one that will claim your head." The stranger kept repeating it in a sadistic voice, sending chills throughout Asura's body. Asura looked at the man, staring him dead in the eyes, "Let the voices be silent, let them be still, let the hordes of the lost sound their ill will." The stranger spoke in a low tone. Asura awoke, breathing heavily as he looked around in a panic, looking for those hellish red eyes that haunted his dream. Asura placed his hands on his forehead, "Gods, that was... Vritra... You... I can never..." He shook his head from side to side, trying to get the thoughts out of his mind, the image of that man. He looked almost the exact same as Asura; such a thought scared this once fearless giant. He fell back, heading back to sleep, placing his arms under his pillows as he returned to his slumber.

Asura yawned as he slowly raised his head off of his pillow. His eyes slowly opened, showing the blurry light peering through the tent. The blur started to clear as he shook his head from side to side, clearing his mind of the nightmares from last night, the sights of gigantic spiders crawling around him, vanishing, leaving his mind with the dream of a six-armed being, glowing with wrath. Asura tapped his forehead lightly with the palm of his head, his head aching, "Owww... Why today... Wait... I get to train today, at least something good comes of this, that and the exams are soon... I'd better put some good work in if I am ever to pass." He quietly spoke in his low, styled, tone voice. He moved the blanket off of himself and tossed it to the side as he crawled out of the tent. He stood up and yawned, stretching his arms and legs, cracking his neck before throwing a few punches at the air. He packed up his things putting them away carefully before picking up his backpack. Asura sat himself on a rock, opening up his brother's book, the book was written by a 'Shintaro Senju' about a secret group.

The strange book was named "The Thousand-petaled War". Asura opened the book and started reading like he did every morning, starting out with a mythical tale of a other worldly beast who slew hundreds before splitting his power, throwing it to different villages, one of which was named 'Mabukai no Mai'. He started reading about the several members that exist in the group named 'Sahasrara', one of them, going by the name of Muladhara. It read in the book -- Muladhara has slate gray eyes and long black hair, which he keeps up in intricate white headpieces called kenseikan, which symbolize his nobility as the head of his Clan, wearing one on top of his head and another two on the right side. In addition to the standard shinobi uniform, he wears a white scarf, which is woven by the master weaver Tsuji Kuro III. The scarf is made from silver-white, windflower light silk and is a family heirloom, having been handed down from generation to generation and given to each head of the the Clan. -- Asura looked at the book with a faint face of confusion, question what he just read, remembering his father mention such a man, however it was this man that was the lowest of the group. The next he read was of a man named 'Svadhishthana'. The book, although unclear on their personalities and who they really were, -- Svadhishthana is a well-toned man with piercing green eyes, shoulder-length black hair, and a long ponytail of red hair, with bangs hanging on the right side of his face to frame it. When he was a member of the Clan that Muladhara, he wore a normal Shinobi uniform with the addition of a long red scarf, a light lavender obi sash, and a beaded necklace with a pendant. He also wore an intricate white headpiece called kenseikan, which symbolized his nobility, on the left side of his head to hold his ponytail in place with red tufts of hair sticking out, though he later cut it off to relinquish his status as a Clan member. -- Asura suddenly closed the book, his eyes were wide with fear, the reading of that member of the group shook him, he had seen that person before, "Grandpa... Was that... You?" He spoke to himself out loud before shaking his head from side to side violently.

"Right, I'd better get going." He still wore his light blue T-shirt with a white trim, in addition to blue jeans, black combat boots, and a pair of black leather fingerless gloves. He also wore his gray shirt over his light blue shirt keeping the top three buttons undone to show his shirt that is located underneath. Asura walked along on the side walk, looking around as he passed by the shorter villagers, smiling as he wave to those who recognized him. He would occasionally look up to see the beautiful morning sky as he walked past the several homes between his and the market, hearing the villagers talk as he passed by, seeming to have not a care in the world. Asura turned the corner and passed by a Cafe, his eyes scanning the streets for a book store, he remembered about the event going on with the casino, he knew he had little to know money on him but he continued his path never the less, passing by several Inns.

Word Count: 1,080



The young man walked the streets of the hidden cloud village towards where he had in mind, the golden horn casino. He had played roulette there once and had staked a hundred ryo on the numbers 11- 12- 14- 15, a corner or better called a square but lucked did not seem to be on his side on that particular day. The big idea struck Dray again but this time he was not with his great book so he woud have to keep it in his head until he got back home. He liked the fact that he could make his puppets talk and do most things but he knew that they were missing a little something, something that would make them unlike any other puppet in existence, something that would make them more than just puppets and that something was a mind of their own. Chi was beginning to develop some of that but it is not at all easy. He knew he could do it, he just had to think of the ‘how’. Dray opened up a section of his brain and began storing the idea in it. It was a personality idea for the new puppet that Dray intended on making. The one who’s clothing idea Dray had written down in the great book earlier this morning.

If it were to be real, it would be young in looks but sharp in mind and later have a tender heart and would also be extremely gifted with the power of tongue but seeing as he was a puppet, that would not really matter so Dray would strike that out. He would be taciturn at first, he would dislike interacting with others. He would prefer to do anything with his own power and in his own way if he could. Living in isolation would seem to pay him rather than being in the midst of so many. He would take time to meditate at will, voiding his mind of every problem so as to find a solution to it. He would then eventually grows out of disliking being around others after a certain memorable incident though the shades of his old self show through from time to time out of annoyance at the things he would sometimes encounter but he would smiles a bit more often in his newly found personality. He would be gentle and protective over his master but he would also have a quick nature through his moves. He would also like to make witty jokes when the time comes and with his strong will and the powerful sense of justice he would have, he would have the will to train and fight for what he thinks is right.

Most of all, he would love having time with his treasured weapon, Justice. A weapon that consists of a staff and a blade as the end, this is Dray’s very own idea for the puppet. It was a naginawa or something along the lines of that. The length of his staff allows a multitude of long range attacks however if his opponent gets too close, he would have other means to employ which would make him a fearful adversary. He would like to strings his attacks, mixing his staff wielding skills with Dray’s ninjutsu skills and for this reason, they both would excel to a great degree more than most ignorant persons. Their team would be formidable. Dray smiled as this idea flowed like a gentle river through his brain. If only he could give life to his puppets, if only. Once a goal is set, the way to achieve it would show so Dray just had to set this goal and start on the track. The building of the heaven tower began with a single brick.

The chunin exams.. Dray hopes that people would be allowed to watch it like some sort of tournament or something. He would have loved to be in it but seeing as he was even two ranks above genin level, he knew the damage he would wreck if he tried to engage the participants. They being skilled or not, it would take more than some D ranks or C ranks techniques to bring him down and seeing how he was rusty, he would be eager to get back in shape but maybe a tournament for higher ranked ninjas would hold soon, who could say. Dray really needed to have a spar or train at least. He was using his puppets as a means of fighting, yea but still he needed to train so as to perfect the coordination of their attacks and also to synchronize their usage with his ninjutsu skills. Dray had been aiming to learn the medical ninjutsu skill but he had not found one teacher yet. He knew that the person who would teach him this specialization was definetly around for this chunin exams event but he did not know who he was or how he looked like so it was up to him to find this person by himself and to give him a reason to teach Dray. Not many people often released their knowledge like that, they always want to keep it sacred and it was not a bad thing. The puppetry skill was an uncommon one and Dray would not teach it to just anybody but to avoid the knowledge of the skill being lost forever, he would have to teach the skill to somebody sooner or later. They were two that possessed the kagutsu skill in the hidden cloud village and that was him and Etsuo Yukimura, another special jounin that he had met at the village cross roads so maybe they could train together or spar something.

While the thoughts rumbled in his head, each finding a place to settle in and have dray listen to them, the special jounin put an eye out for the genin that he was looking for even though he knew that he was headed for the golden horn casino. There was every possibility that Dray could find him before they even got to the casino so it would not hurt to try and look. Dray would scan the area until he got to the village gates and with a single wave at the guards on duty, he would exit the village. the golden horn casino was to his left as Mount. Ikkyu was to his right. Having walked not more than a few inches from the village gates, Dray would look backwards to see a familiar person also walking out of the village like he had done few minutes ago. Light blue T- shirt with a white trim, blue jeans, black combat boots, fingerless gloves, light tanned skin or was it dark.. then silver hairs that glistened in the sunlight. It was him, the genin Asura. Dray would wait for the young man to walk forward and recognize him but if not, Dray would say hello and later tell him about his intentions to visit the casino so that they could talk over a drink or something and if Asura agreed, both parties would make their way towards the golden horn casino.

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

During the day, Asura planned to just go for a long walk and read his brother's book about this mysterious group. He walked right past a clothes store, over to the gate, he knew every Genin was heading off to start the exams soon, but Asura had a strange feeling about him, he was scared of dying, that is why he pulled out of the exams, to live a little longer on this world. He stopped for a moment, his head turned to notice the strange Kumo Ninja he had met before, named Zennyo. He heard the man say hello, and offer him to join the Kumo Nin in the Golden Horn Casino, not to mention a slight talk of a drink. Asura gave off a little chuckle, he hasn't had alcohol before, this would be a first, but it would still be pretty entertaining. "Sure, why not. But, I would need to grab a change of clothes. Here, have a read of my book, you might like it, it's about this secret group of Ninja that want to take over the world." He handed Zennyo the book, "I've only read some of the profiles of each of the members, only two of them. Right, I'll be back soon." He smiled and gave Zennyo a bow before turning and walking off to the clothes store.

The next point Asura was going to read talked about Manipura, it talked about his appearance. -- Manipura looks much like his son, yet with a taller and bulkier frame and with much longer hair with a wild look. He has intricate markings of red symbols on his body which portrays him as a savage warrior. He wears a pair of silver intricately decorated gauntets on his arms and his sword is sheathed horizontally behind his waist. He wears baggy white pants with remnants of armor and a torn white sash attached to them. -- Manipura looked a lot like Asura Senju's father, Augus Senju, however, this was not known to either Dray or Asura.

Asura came out of the clothes store around ten minutes later, with a brand new look. He wore dark trousers and a light sleeveless shirt, over which he wears a dark jacket that has a fur-covered collar. He also wore a thin chain necklace that has an X-shaped pendant attached to it. Still, on his back he had his backpack, so he would not lose his normal look. He walked over to Zennyo, "Right, let's get going. Did you have a read of the book at all?" This time around, he wore his combat gloves, mainly for the look of them and not for the combat bonus. He had no intent in fighting this time around. "Oh, and I actually pulled out of the Exams... I don't want to die just yet."

Word Count: 480
Total Count: 1,560



The young silver haired Asura did accept Dray’s offer to the casino but he explained his need for a change of clothes and Dray could not argue with that because the ninja might have not had any new clothes since he came to kumogakure no sato for the chunin exams. Before he left, he handed Dray a book saying that it would be fun to read and that it was a book containing a secret group that planned on taking over the world but Dray could not help but chuckle and wonder if such a thing even existed anyway it was just a story and most stories were just made up by the writer or narrator. As the young genin shot out of sight, Dray decided to give it a go and check out the book. Channeling his doton chakra into the earth below him, a rock shot out of the earth with a surface flat enough for Dray to sit and balance while he read the book. “The thousand petaled war”, the title read. The intro was more like a mythical tale of a beast of another world that slew thousands before splitting its power and stuff like that. This group was named the Sahasrara and the profiles of the members of the group were down below. Maladhara, one of the group members has slate grey eyes and black hair which he kepps up in intricate white hair pieces called the kenseikan which symbolizes his nobility as head of his clan. He wears one on the top of his head and another two on his right . He also wears a white scarf which was woken by a master weaver and the scarf was made from a silver white wind flower light silk. That must have cost pretty much, Dray thought and he just could not go out with so much of a description. The profiles of the other members looked pretty descent but the book looked more like an information book other than a story book but he wasn’t really going to consider this story as being true, not at all.

Dray looked more into the book, taking note of the profiles of each member. He was not all that interested in the book or the story but still, grasping a little information could not hurt since it could come in handy later. Asura came back later on and he had a more different look meaning that the cloth change was really effective. He wore dark trousers and a shirt over which he wore a dark jacket with some fur collar. Really cozy, that would be. He also wore a chain and that made him look.. well maybe perfect but still, it was a shinobi world. He was all set and told Dray that they could move as he asked if Dray read the book at all and he also informed Dray that he had pulled out of the exams since he did not want to die. For one moment, Dray wanted to remove the book and spit on the ground to show how much of a weakling the person before him was but then, if a larve was destroyed in its current state, it would never have the chance of evolving into a butterfly so maybe pulling out of the exams was a good option for him after all, there were other means of achieving greatness. “If you feel that pulling out of the exams would prevent you from dying then you better think well. Death is not something you can outrun, you can only increase the gap between you and it and the chunin exam had only tried to close that gap so good thinking I would say.” Dray would get up from his natural seat while leaving the rock there for whatever reasons. Concerning the book, its just a story anyway but if people like this planned on dominating the world, then we better have something to worry about. Dray indeed found some nice outfits in the book seeing as he was planning on changing his own looks soon. No one had ever seen his face before, not in the land of stone, not in the village hidden in the clouds and at the rate which his hair was losing its green, it would be completely black in a matter of days.

The young man was a bit glad that he was getting new looks. He doubted even if the raikage would recognize him. Ever since he had been accepted into the village, he had been working missions, helping the village but deep down he knew that he had not fully earned their trust so all that he needed to do so was a major event, one that would turn thing around, like saving the village from bad guys but that was too common, he needed something more but patience was a seed that was grown in him so he would continue to persevere until the time was right. Dray had gotten much more friendly with this Asura person but he had not forgotten his own assignment. The investigation on Draygglez Senju. Dray was even tempted to ask Asura about this senju clan and stuffs relating to them seeing as he had a question of his own but that would lead to two things. One, it would seem like he was prying into Asura’s personal village life and two if anyone knew that he possessed the ability to control wood and plant life, they may start thinking that he was from konoha and stuffs like that so it was better he let it die down and ask some other time. One they got into the green horn hotel and settled down for some drinks, then Dray would start the talk.

The two would walk towards the newly opened hotel. It was a long walk but seeing as they were two people walking together, it did not seem long at all. The morning was passing fast and the sun was not as hot as before, the weather was calming and Dray and Asura could see the green horn casino up ahead. They got to the hotel and it was probably noon and they walked into it. They would then settle down at a table that was empty and far away from where the bets of the casino were taking place as the waiter would come around and Dray would order for a bottle of chap man. It was a fruit drink that Dray liked though it would possess a bit of campari which was alcoholic. It was left to Asura to order for what he wanted since Dray would pay for it.

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

The two walked out of the village, making their way to the new casino, he could hear the faint sound in his mind, some kind of evil voice speaking into Asura's ear, trying to convince Asura to lose his mind, to lose control and hand it over to Vritra, his other side. Asura smiled lightly, taking the seat at the table after walking into the Golden Horn Casino. The waiter came by and asked if anyone wanted a drink, he watched Zennyo order his Chapman, Asura looked to the waiter, "I'll have the same, thank you." His attention turned to Zennyo as the waiter left, "Right, so, how have you been? Only been like one of two days since we spoke." Asura cracked his fingers lightly as some thoughts ran through his mind, 'Well, this is new, I've never been before... Then again, I've not been to most places in Kumo. Oh, right, last time he mentioned something about a talk.' Asura seemed to drift off a little before he looked back at Zennyo, "So, last time you said something about 'today is not the day for our talk.' Well... We're getting drinks and we have plenty of time, what might it have been, friend?" The waiter came back to the table with the two drinks, placing one for Asura and one for Zennyo. Asura gave him a faint bow and handed him some Ryo before Zennyo would be able to, insisting that he paid for these.

Word Count: 252
Total Count: 1,812



Asura would also offer to have what Dray had ordered and Dray hoped that he would like it when it was served. The two could go on talking with Assura starting first. Seeming to be one with a retentive memory, Asura would remind Dray that the last time they met in the village, Dray had mentioned that that day was not the day for talk and in all honesty, Dray was right with what he had said. That day, in the streets of the hidden cloud village, on the long brown bench that only two people sat upon, Dray had merely sown seeds and these seeds were starting to grow. Once Dray had gotten home that day, he had given a slight thought to the beast that Asura had talked about and the way he seemed determined about it, it showed that it was pretty serious and Dray knew a bit of what he felt if not all. He would remember the cold days in the land of stone when he was alone in an abandoned house, questioning his own existence as if there were two different people inside of him. It was all part of the vicious plot of the other, there was no doubt about it. He would slowly deprive Dray of his delicious slumber until finally exhausted, Dray would pretend to give in to his wretched demands. He would slowly claw its way into Dray’s dreams as he would growl and stamp his feet like it was his territory but he would not give in. Dray would pull the sheets over his head and roll from side to side trying to get him out of his head. He was the determined one, he was the human and the other was the beast that was terrorizing his night.

As time went on, Dray took control of the body that was his and this beast was submerged under the air of authority that Dray breathed. The same would go for Asura if he was to prevail. He needed to embrace this beast yet show him that there was only one who is superior and it is him. If only anyone had gone through ass much pain as Dray had. The physical pain mattered less but the internal pain mattered more. He would wonder if the void beast was to arrive in this world of shinobi, then all would be doomed. A beast so powerful that its name is ‘nothing’ and being nothing, he could turn all to nothing while making people believe that they had something. It was a beast that had nefarious schemes and Dray could never forget the inspiration that filled him one particular night as he began to write about the void beast that he knew nothing about and maybe it was all just an imagination but if such were to happen, then they had better prepare. The beast could appear in the form of a man and there was no escape from him. It was once said that the night is never afraid but some forget that once day breaks, it chases away the night in disgrace. When he comes knocking at your door and you tell him that there is no seat, he would smile and tell you that he brought his own stool, that was the wisdom of the void beast and even what a person would not see after climbing to the top of a mountain, this entity would see it while sitting at the depths of the earth.

Asura seemed ready to know what Dray wanted to say and Dray would not hold it back either. He had a duty to fulfill to kumogakure and he had no intentions of letting the raikage down. He was one without a life, without a home, without a purpose. When he found himself at the gates of the land of stone, he entered into the village and the few months that he spent there, only few knew him and only few even bothered to show concern but here in the hidden cloud village, he was given a new life, a new home and a new purpose. It was left for him to decide and he would surely decide well. The pain he had once felt had made him grow. When people are hurt, they learn to hate but when people hurt others, they are hated and segregated. People need to be hurt to experience this pain and it is this pain that enables them to grow but how they grow is surely up to them and for him, his pain had helped him to grow, it had helped him to evolve, into someone else, into something else. Full with valor and a sense of justice.

The waiter would come around again with a tray in his hand and of course two drinks on it. He would serve both Dray and Asura what they had ordered for earlier. They waiter would place two bottles of chap man on the table and two glass cups also. The drinks were chilled and they also looked perfect for the afternoon. As both men would pour their drinks, Dray would continue the conversation. “Do not be afraid, no matter how much you take you can never be drunk with chap man because the fruits that the drink contains would always nullify the effects of the little alcohol present..” or so Dray always thought because he had been drunk while drinking chap man nor had any one he had seen drinking it. He hoped Asura would believe it and drink without the paranoid look that would soon appear on his face. Even if he managed to get drunk, Dray was sure that it would be his first time and Dray would of course get him out of the casino and definitely dip his head in a running river, he could render that much help to a fellow shinobi.

Dray looked at the angle in which he should begin but all the angles pointed to him being privy. There was no doubt that he and Asura were already acquaintances and here they were drinking together so it would not seem abnormal to ask him a few questions in the course of their relaxation. “So, Asura.. I have not heard a lot about this leaf village called konoha but the times I have heard it there seems to be a certain thing attached to it.. the senju clan.. Tell me more about it perhaps this clan has a certain history with the village. I have seen a few clans but this senju one seems to be one of a kind. I know of their superior wood release technique but can someone not of this clan possess that ability?” Dray would ask Asura with a calm look, not looking at all curious as he would take a drink from the cup while anticipating the reply of the young man.

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura poured his drink into his glass, he smiled at Asura before he laughed lightly at Zennyo's comment of 'someone not of this clan possess that ability', "Well, just so happens that my father, Augus Senju is one of the few people who researches old Clans. He studies them and each village." Asura picked up his drink and took a sip, "Huh, this tastes nice, better then water any day." He placed his glass down on the table. "Right, from what my father has told me, and he has told me quite a bit on the Senju Clan. The first Hokage was a man named Hashirama Senju, he formed an alliance with the Uchiha Clan after years and years of war between the two. He used his Wood Release to build the village of Konoha while his friend and rival, Madara Uchiha named the village Konohagakure. From what I know, the second Hokage was Hashirama's younger brother, and the fifth was his granddaughter. The Senju may be the only Clan to have Wood Release, not every Senju has Wood Release, an example would be the second and fifth Hokage, they had Senju blood but they didn't have Wood Release." He picked up his glass, "It is a natural fact, only a few Senju get Wood Release, like me, my father, and my cousin, Dray. My sister, brother and even my grandfather didn't have this kind of power. And it is a fact, if you are able to use the Wood Release..." Asura took a sip of his drink, "... Then you are a Senju, one way or another..." He placed his glass down on the table again, "... Which means another part of the Senju family. My father taught me a some of the Wood Release techniques I know now, but my cousin Dray mainly taught me how to use Wood Release."

Word Count: 314
Total Count: 2,126



Asura smiled at what Dray had just said as he poured himself a drink. He went on to mention his father’s name, ‘Augus Senju’ as Dray put down that name in his memory, it could come in handy sometime. He said that his father was one of the few people that made researches on old clan and with the way that this was going, Dray seemed a little bit excited that some relevant information would pop up soon. Dray was also glad that Asura had ordered for chap man so in the cause of this friendly interrogation, Asura would not get drunk and mush up everything. He picked up the cup he had filled with his drink and took what seemed to be a sip and Dray did the same too while listening attentively. Exactly as Asura went on about it, so his brain registered it for evaluation later on. “The first Hokage was a man named Hashirama Senju, he formed an alliance with the Uchiha Clan after years and years of war between the two. He used his Wood Release to build the village of Konoha while his friend and rival, Madara Uchiha named the village Konohagakure. From what I know, the second Hokage was Hashirama's younger brother, and the fifth was his granddaughter. The Senju may be the only Clan to have Wood Release, not every Senju has Wood Release, an example would be the second and fifth Hokage, they had Senju blood but they didn't have Wood Release." Dray had read about this Uchiha clan and their dojutsu be he had never met one. There was nothing as perfect as hearing from the mouth of the horse itself. Of course, what he had read in the various books were flavoured with words of the writers so not every thing that the books held were true but at least it gave Dray an idea of such a clan and their ability. So to say that this clan was involved in the early beginnings of this leaf village, it was interesting.

Dray would not allow himself to be carried away by his thoughts this time. There was plenty of time to think once he had gotten enough information from Asura. It was listening time and that was what he would do. Dray still appeared calm but to any one that could see past his calm look, they would discover that his ears stood on their toes and ready to grasp the slightest piece of information. Asura was a very important subject in his investigation and he could not afford to even lose him, not right now at least. "It is a natural fact, only a few Senju get Wood Release, like me, my father, and my cousin, ‘Dray’. My sister, brother and even my grandfather didn't have this kind of power. And it is a fact, if you are able to use the Wood Release... Then you are a Senju, one way or another.. Which means another part of the Senju family. My father taught me a some of the Wood Release techniques I know now, but my cousin ‘Dray’ mainly taught me how to use Wood Release." Dray would be taking a sip of his drink when he would hear Asura mention the name ‘Dray’. He had just said that his cousin was Dray and that would mean that Draygglez Senju, the man whose case Dray was looking into was a relative of Asura? Dray would place the drink down on the table while taking a little bit of time to evaluate and it would seem to Asura that Dray was merely taking in all that he had just said. If he had heard Asura correctly, the young man said that if some one could utilize the wood release technique that they are a member of the senju clan one way or another. This thought surprised Dray as he began to question himself inside.. Was he a senju? How did he come to possess the famed mokuton- wood release of this senju clan? Who was he truly? He could not risk showing Asura that he could also manipulate wood and plant life. No, it was all too risky. So now he had two missions. The first which the raikage had given to him was to look into the missing person’s case, Draygglez Senju and the second was to find out who he truly was and how he came to possess this wood release of a thing.

Was this the information he was planning to get from Asura? An information that would almost disorganize his body system and leave him deep in thoughts? No. He was a shinobi and he is carrying out a mission undercover. He would know all that there is to Draygglez Senju through Asura. He could not stop now when he’s getting closer, never. With this determination, Dray would take a long breath and exhale slowly as he would then continue like nothing had happened, it was his way of keeping calm if the most non- calm situations as he liked to call it. “So, Asura.. The way you talk about him, your cousin seems to be good. Lets chat a bit over him, like his looks, his character, your time together and mostly why he isn’t in kumogakure right now because i would have loved to meet him if he truly is good.” This was the main thing, Dray brains were opened and ready to lock their teeth on any information that would managed to pass through their mouths. Dray would wait patiently, he would not rush it. Like a spider waiting in its web for a fly or another insect to fly thorugh blindly, Dray would wait. Only that in this case, Dray did not mean anything bad towards Asura neither did he ever paln on betraying him because he could not even deny the fact that he was growing a certain likeness towards this Asura Senju all of a sudden but this was a mission, and gladly the mission did not involve another betrayal and even if Dray finally finds Asura’s cousin, he has no intentions of killing him. It is just an investigative mission and thats it. Dray would wait, no matter when Asura would speak up, no matter what he would say, Dray was to listen. The first solid lead on who he truly is, it was like killing two bird with one stone and Asura was this stone. The two birds being Dray’s real identity and Draygglez Senju’s investigative mission.

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura tilted his head lighlty, interested as to why this person he was sat with, Zennyo, would want to know about Dray, he stopped being subtle. Asura's mind wandered a little, the voice in his head started again, speaking softly into his mind's ear, 'Look at him, huh? He would make for a fine kill... A fine trophie for your first destruction... Hehehe...' Asura shook his head lightly, replying to the beast in his head, 'No, I wont kill, not now, not ever, and never Zennyo... He doesn't deserve it.' His other side spoke again, echoing in his mind, 'But you don't know that... Do you now? Hehehe... For all you know he could be a mass murdurer, or even worse, he could be here to kill you, or Dray... Hehehehe...' Asura's eyes widened lightly as he replied again to the beast, 'Vritra, for all you know, he could be a gentle farmer, I know he doesn't look like it, but stop trying to take control, I'll never let it happen. I promised myself that.' His attention turned back to Zennyo, "Sorry, I was just... Thinking... But, yeah... Let me think now... Ah, yes, I remember him having a green haramaki over his right hip... Aaaaandd... He normally kept a black bandanna tied around his left bicep. He had a white shirt on too, last time I saw him, and very dark green, almost black, boots and trousers. He also had short green hair last time I saw him... But that was quite some time ago. He was great with Wood Release, like I said, taugh me most of the stuff I knew, he could control plants very well. As for why he isn't here... He... Vanished, a little over four years ago, I have no idea where he went to, but, I miss him." Asura let out softly, looking down to the table as he took a sip of his drink, his smile had vanished.

Word Count: 334
Total Count: 2,460



The situation was getting intense and it was all due to the answer that Dray was expecting from Asura. What description would he give of Dray? Would it be enough to get a lead on something or something, only time would tell. Asura tilted his head to the side as if to wonder why Dray had asked such a personal question. The young man was in that pose for a short and noticeable while as if he was deciding whether to answer Dray or just ignore the question and move unto some other conversation. Dray brought up his right hand to Asura’s face and waved it across his eyes to see if the ninja was still here or already in another dimension. There was still no movement from Asura even after Dray had waved a hand right before his hands. Dray sighed as he snapped his fingers and this seemed to do the trick because Asura had snapped out of whatever dimension he was in earlier.

“Sorry, I was just... Thinking... But, yeah... Let me think now... Ah, yes, I remember him having a green haramaki over his right hip... Aaaaandd... He normally kept a black bandanna tied around his left bicep. He had a white shirt on too, last time I saw him, and very dark green, almost black, boots and trousers. He also had short green hair last time I saw him... But that was quite some time ago. He was great with Wood Release, like I said, taught me most of the stuff I knew, he could control plants very well. As for why he isn't here... He... Vanished, a little over four years ago, I have no idea where he went to, but, I miss him." The young senju genin let out softly, looking down to the table as he took a sip of his drink, his smile had vanished. The look on Asura face wasn’t very happy and Dray seemed to be a bit affected by it for some reason. Dray shifted back to the response Asura had gave him as he analyzed it in his ever thinking brain. The information given by Asura passed through several sections of Dray’s brain where even the smallest piece of information would be analyzed and compared with the information that Dray had also gathered on his own about this investigation. Green hair, haramaki, black bandanna, white shirt, dark green boots and trousers, excellent plant control. These were what the whole information was broken down into but the ones that were matched with other stuffs in the comparison chamber of Dray’s brain were green hair, dark green boots and plant control.

He needed not think too much on the plant control because he knew he could do that perfectly, he also had green hair which was now turning black and not forgetting that the first time he had woken up in the cave in the wilderness of the land of stone, he wasn’t sure but he felt like he had seen what looked like a dark green boot or so but anyway, there could be a thousand people in the shinobi world with green hair and also some other senju members could maybe control plants very well so he was not the only suspect here. Dray would feel movement against his will. His right hand would move with instincts and rest on Asura’s shoulder as if to comfort him. The moment Dray’s hand would connect with Asura’s shoulder, the emotions flowing around in this moment would bring about a trigger that Dray would know nothing about.

The setting was pretty much different but it looked familiar. Dray found himself hovering in the air and away in the distance was someone who seemed to be hiding in a tree. Dray had no idea who the person was or even why he himself was here. The area was covered in trees and plants and the person hiding seemed to be waiting for someone. Soon enough, Dray would hear foot steps approaching and this seemed to be the person that the other person in the tree was hiding from or waiting for. Some vines seemed to immediately wrap around him and then the area was covered in some sort of mist but dray could see very well. Was this a battle or what? The reason why he was here still was not clear to him. The other person managed to free himself from the vines and then out of his mouth came a green orb that he took with his hand and would attempt to throw in the direction of the hiding man. Dray could not figure how he found out the location of the hidden man but he just waited for the outcome of the whole scene. The man in the tree seemed a bit fast as he leapt off the tree and was down in the front of the other man as he grabbed the hand about to throw the orb and directed it elsewhere.

The two seemed to know each other but Dray could not make out what they were talking about as he felt himself being pulled away from the scene. It was all too sudden and he felt like there was a reason for being here. “Jeneshisu Bakudan” Dray would hear before everything would disappear instantly. The special jounin would soon find himself back in the casino with his hand still placed on Asura’s shoulder. “Its all right Asura. The works of life are mysterious. Your cousin might have had a reason to leave and if he is meant to return, he will.” Dray would say to Asura while patting him a bit and withdrawing his hand. The cloud ninja would still be puzzled as to what had happened to him. The place he was and the actions that happened had consumed some time but in reality, it was like it happened in the half of a second and Dray could not understand how this happened. He had never had such visions and he now wondered if Asura was the cause for this but he could not ask him that straight away. He did not want him to suspect anything so he would have to do it more convincingly. “Jeneshisu Bakudan.” Dray would say lightly so Asura could hear properly as he would then take a sip from his cup awaiting how Asura would react.

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura's eyes widened a little, he heard those two words, his mind locked onto them as they fell through the pits of his memory. Vritra returned, 'Wait? Isn't that...?' Asura's mind traced back, his memories seemed like a mess at this point, as if it were a library with all the books thrown off the shelves, all across the floor. Asura appeared in his mind, his black hair moving violently in the wind. Vritra walked through the other end of his mind, holding the scroll that held the word "Genesis" which at that point, Asura spoke out loud to Zennyo. In his mind, Vritra handed him the scroll and Asura opened it. He snapped back into reality, "Jeneshisu Bakudan... Genesis Bomb..." His mind forgot to pick up on the fact that Zennyo knew what it was. Asura's head was kept down as his eyes watered a little, a single tear falling from his right eye, "That technique... The first... And last... Times I used it, was against Dray... The day before he..." Vritra seemed to keep away from the taunting at this point, leaving Asura alone to remember his lost cousin, their final battle. Asura looked up and wiped the tear away, "... Sorry... I've never quite been able to stand up to him." He spoke softly, picking his drink up again and this time drinking what was left in one go.

Word Count: 236
Total Count: 2,696



The two words Dray had spoken poked Asura like a needle poking a balloon. He seemed to have an attachment to what Dray had said as Dray saw the sudden change in his face. Asura then confessed that what Dray had just said was the name of the jutsu he had used against Dray the day before he left the leaf village. Tears trickled down his face as he simply wiped them off and took his last drink like a man that he was becoming. At this moment, the entertainment of the casino would be switched to a music with slow tempo as Dray would support his fore head with his right palm. This was all so confusing. Why was he connected to Asura’s past, why had he seen that particular thing or was he developing a senju to senju ability? If that was the case, then it was fine but was it? His face was down and so Asura could not see it. Dray eyes opened wide as he heart skipped a beat. Was he Draygglez Senju, the genin that left the leaf about four years ago? No, that could not be. The genin was stated to be last seen in kirigakure- the hidden mist village but he had found himself at the borders of the hidden stone village and the two villages were not at all close to each other.

What was happening? Dray was feeling uneasy, the tempo of the music changed. The men on stage had stopped singing and the only thing that could be heard were instrumentals. He felt like his head was swirling and the tempo of the song was increasing. He felt like falling to the ground and asking what in the world was happening until he slammed his fist on the table and the tempo of the song was immediately decreased but it was as if nothing had happened at all. He then realized that the high tempo and the swirling was all in his head but no attention was drawn to him seeing as they were at the casino with most people gambling and drinking and talking at the top of the voices so only Asura would hear the slamming of the hand. Dray knew Asura was going to wonder why he did so but before Asura would ask, he would quick turn the tables. “Do not be depressed by the things of the past. Your cousin maybe be gone but his memories have been immortalized in you.” Dray would then compose himself once more and speak to Asura. He knew that the young man had not asked him how he knew about the jeneshisu Bakudan technique and he was hoping that it would skip his mind but if he decided to ask anyway, an answer was already waiting though it would not be the truth. “So, Asura how would you like to be trained by someone of high caliber?”


Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura's mind had returned to remembered that one day, the day he last saw his cousin, remembering those last few words that the two of them share. The words that were said when Asura first used that Jutsu, Jeneshisu Bakudan, the very first Jutsu that Asura had developed by himself, those words made Asura grin at the time, it pleased him that he could still, even after these four years, remember his cousin. 'Impressive Asura. What technique was that?' was sounded into his ears, a memory, a connection to his past. He could clearly remember their converstaion, and the last words he would hear from his cousin, the last words before he vanished, 'Yes Asura, tomorrow would do... Expect a greater challenge... I won't take it easy on you.' Asura smiled a little at Zennyo before he heard Zennyo's words, "Do not be depressed by the things of the past. Your cousin maybe be gone but his memories have been immortalized in you." Asura smiled at that, snapping his mind out of the sadness. "He is one who shall never be forgotten." He spoke quietly, a few moments later, Zennyo spoke again. "So, Asura how would you like to be trained by someone of high caliber?” He heard. One of the reasons Asura stayed in Kumo, even after pulling out of the exams, was to find someone to teach him, weather it was Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Earth, Water, or neutral techniques, Asura wanted to learn, just so he can get stronger and achieve his dream. Asura gave off a little laugh, "It has always been my dream to become to strongest in the world... And one of the few reasons I am in Kumo still, is to find someone to teach me... Anything really, I hate being so weak." His mind had completely blanked on the Jutsu that was mentioned, and instead, focused on Zennyo once again. "So... would you be the one to teach me?" Asura could hear Vritra laughing in the back of his mind, enjoying the strange turn of events that kept getting stranger and stranger.

Word Count: 351
Total Count: 3,047



Dray saw the excitement in Asura’s face as he told him about having a teacher.  The reason why he said that was still unclear to him but he supposed he could not have helped it  at that  moment. Words are liked eggs and once they are said, they become difficult to take back. Dray had no choice now but to take Asura as his student but there was not going to be any problem with it because it was only going to be temporary. Soon, the chunin exams would  be over and Asura would have to return to where he came from, the leaf village. The day was far spent and neither of  them had even noticed that. It was not at  all surprising seeing as there was enough things for them to talk about. Well it was time to leave now and Dray would not want to kill Asura with suspense or maybe he would. Dray took one last sip from his cup as he stood up from the table. He looked around and yet the casino was as lively as ever. He wondered if people ever got tired of gambling or drinking or doing some other stuffs that they had already become addicted to. He only drank once in a while and he even never took much of alcohol. He was indeed capable of taking it and even negating most of the side effects but he loved decency a lot even when doing missions that most people considered dirty. That was why he was different, that was why he was Zennyo Ryuo. “Asura, in two days time, your teacher would be waiting for you on the top of mount. Ikkyu. Try to be late and see how much of a teacher that he is.” Dray would say to Asura and then walk out of the casino without him. He was sure he could find his way back to the village and if he could not, then that was his own problem but if he tried to ask anybody, he would definitely receive directions.

Last edited by Zennyo on Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Deep in Asura's mind, he found his ultimate foe, the enemy of his sanity, Vritra. Asura feared this creature's motives, Vritra always wanted to take control of Asura's mind and nothing else, all the beast wanted was Chaos, there is no less he would settle for. Asura feared that if Vritra were to take his mind over, Asura would lose his humanity, Vritra would kill, or at least try. He feared breaking the vow to his family, feared hurting them if Vritra were to ever have control. Every second of every day, he could hear the beast tormenting him, talking to him, making the most evil suggestions, trying his best, to gain control. Asura watched Zennyo, listening to him carefully, waiting for his response, finally. “Asura, in two days time, your teacher would be waiting for you on the top of mount. Ikkyu. Try to be late and see how much of a teacher that he is.” Asura nodded. "I'll be sure to get there. Two days, not too much of a wait, eh?" He laughed lightly, watching Zennyo walk out and make his way out. Asura stood from his seat a few minuites after Zennyo left. Asura cracked his neck lightly before making his way out, back into the village. Slowly walking through the dark streets with his hands in his pockets, slowly making his way back to his camping grounds so he could rest, rest and meet his nightmares again.

Word Count: 246
Total Count: 3,293
Asura Exit Thread


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