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Juyo sat on the edge of the Battle Plateau, looking down at the village below him.  He had come up here to practice some moves, but not being a very rushed person, decided to admire the view.  The sun shown through the clouds, giving bits of light to various pieces of the village.  His eyes drifted from the marketplace to the hospital, then wandered through some streets until they met his clan's place of residence.  Juyo's eyes narrowed at the sight, his fists clenching as anger began to build up inside him.  His mind went back to early this morning, when he watched his parents get pushed out of the clan's monthly meetings because of their mixing of the clan's two communal sides.

Disgraceful they call us, Juyo boiled up at the thought.  He wanted nothing more than to have tables switched, so that he could look down on them.  The only way that could ever be possible would be to best them all in strength and skill as a shinobi, Juyo understood that much about the clan.  He stood up, fists clinched against the wind, now truly pumped up to practice to his full extent, Juyo made his way to the center of the plateau.

Suiton Element C -> B [210/2000]



Ikki, after finishing his latest mission, decided that he need to be stronger. And to do so he was going to have to work on his weaknesses. Ikki's main weakness being his Doton, so climb his way to the Battle Plateau for some last minute training. But being the lazy genius that he is, he decides to overlook the city at his favorite spot. "Man this city looks so much different from up there. Peaceful and serene, almost as if we weren't at war," thinks Ikki as he head to the Plateau's edge. But someone was occuping his 'spot.' The spot has the best point of view of the city with the sunlight at such an angle at this time of day that the city shone as if it was a little slice of heaven. So needless to say, Ikki was pissed that he wouldn't be able to get the perfect view to himself and be lost in thought.
So being the smart ass that he is, he walks over within 3m of this person and says, "Hey, street rat, get your ass out of my spot, and get the hell outta here. This is where I meditate. *sniff sniff* And just so you know you reek of blacksmith's underarm" Looking at this guy with a stank eye he switches on his 'Current Perception:Close Combat Range' preparing for a violent response, not knowing what to expect.
{Doton Training(242/200)}
Jutsu -5chakra



Right as soon as Juyo was getting up, a voice from behind him began barking, "Hey, street rat, get your ass out of my spot, and get the hell outta here. This is where I meditate. *sniff sniff* And just so you know you reek of blacksmith's underarm"  The voice completely threw Juyo off, losing focus on his built up anger because of the ridiculous statements.

He turned around to face the loudmouth. Standing just about 3 meters away was a tall black haired kid.  He was wearing all black clothing from head to foot, with red armor taking up his left arm. His left arm seems important he made a mental note, noticing the katana strapped to the guy.  "Awwww, I'm sorry" Juyo said in a mocking tone, laughing at his own joke. "Don't wanna ruin Mr. Black's meditation, do we?" Then, switching to his actual voice, while being slightly annoyed, "Just who are you?  Fancy armor, nice clothes, and calling me a 'street rat'.....must be some big clan's little pet, huh? Maybe even an heir?  You're all alike, bossy to everyone and whiny when things don't go your way."

Juyo began side stepping away from the plateau's edge, widening the gap between them to about 5 meters, wanting to distance himself from a guy with a sword.  The arrogant rich boy seemed ready to strike, all over a stupid spot.  "Go ahead, sit and meditate in my refreshing scent you seem to love so much."  Knowing most clans living in Kumo, Raiton was certainly this guy's forte.  No need to make things boring with just Raiton, Juyo was thinking he'd practice his Suiton on this chump if he really felt like messing around.  "Or was there something else about me you didn't like?"  He flashed his fangs at the rich boy, letting him know he was ready for a fight if he really wanted one.

Suiton Element C -> B [538/2000]



"Laughing about your lack of status isn't gonna change anything. You look like some serious meditation and self awareness wouldn't do you half bad. Try it sometime." ,says Ikki in response to the meditation insult. Then Ikki gets annoyed that this fool said, "...You're all alike, bossy to everyone and whiny when things don't go your way."
 "Itching to pick a fight, are we? Fine, I'll answer you in kind! Prepare yourself to be taught some respect, Ryuzoji, Ikki style!," says Ikki, jumping back to 6m. Switching current perception from Close Combat(5m) to regular Combat Range(10) losing the advantage of his 'Lock-on' perk. "Ready or not here I come!" says Ikki, lifting his right foot the stomping on the ground. He sets off a Doton Pulse, causing a huge single wave to appear on the ground in front of him. "A Doton Pulse at this range is sure to send him flying straight up in the air," thought Ikki, as he rushes in behind his jutsu. Hiding his left balled fist, He draws his katana and flips it around to strike this arrogant fool with the dull side as he's launched up by Doton Pulse.
(Doton C>B446/2000)

Current perception: -5 chakra

Doton Pulse: -10 Chakra



"Itching to pick a fight, are we? Fine, I'll answer you in kind! Prepare yourself to be taught some respect, Ryuzoji, Ikki style!," the boy shouted, making Juyo chuckle that he actually preteneded there was a style named after him.  The boy stomped on the ground, and the earth began to shake.  Juyo stopped chuckling, raising his eyebrows as he watched a rumbling wave on the ground hurtle towards him.  Juyo tried to dodge it, but the width of the wave was too large and his reaction was far too late to do anything about it.  The ground's rolling wave threw him into the air.

This isn't good he thought as he hung in the air.  This wasn't a single show of force, this kid really wanted a fight, and most likely there would be a second attack from this arrogant prick.  Thinking on his feet, or rather, on the fly, Juyo started his high pitched Kandaki Itami whistle, in order to throw off his opponent, unsettling him just enough for Juyo to prepare something bigger.  Looks like this could be fun...

Suiton C -> B [724/2000]

Chakra 140/150:

Last edited by Juyo on Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:07 pm; edited 1 time in total



Ikki, readying the swing of his sword, was interrupted by the high pitch of Juyo's Whistle. Stopping him in his tracks and breaking the concentration needed for Current Perception dispelling the jutsu.The sound at this range was so loud he had to cover his ears, throwing straight up the Flash Bang jutsu he was hiding earlier in his left fist and dropping his blade, he jumped back twice putting him over 5m away. When Juyo reached the ground so did the flash bang, exploding and leaving him seemingly blinded and definitely deafened. While his opponent was disoriented, Ikki  uses 'Bushin no Jutsu' creating 5 Doppelgangers. He postions himself and the doppelgangers evenly around Juyo. Through vocal projection Ikki says. "Look now at the mess you've gotten yourself into. Hahaha." Each of the doppelgangers smiles slightly different, while lip syncing the words. "Come at me you low life!"
{Doton C>B(597/2000)}
Chakra 115/150

Bushin no jutsu: -5

Flash Bang: -10



Landing back on solid ground, Juyo was blinded by a bright flash of light and a loud ringing.  The flash stunned him for a bit, making him close his eyes, losing track of where the brat, Ikki, was.  His eyesight and hearing quickly returned, much to Juyo's relief, but only to see 6 identical Ikki's standing around him evenly.  "Look now at the mess you've gotten yourself into," they all laughed, at the same exact time.  Juyo was really getting annoyed by this guy.  "Come at me, you low life!"  That made Juyo grin nice and wide, his sharp canines bearing against the sun.

So that's what you want, huh?  Juyo opened his right hand as water began to form in the shape of a long whip.  He noticed these guys were all standing just outside of 5 meters.  Taking the distance into account, the water whip formed to be as long as 7 meters at only half an inch thick.  Grasping the hilt, Juyo spun swiftly on his feet, making a big 360 degree, sweeping movement.  Within seconds the whip was cutting through the fake Ikki's like butter until smacking into the real one.  Upon making contact with the real Ikki, the extra length of the whip of a meter and a half quickly wrapped around its victim, Ikki's arms pinned against his sides.  "Maybe a good hit on the head will clean out that shit between your ears!" Juyo yelled, springing forward at Ikki.  Concentrating on his whip as he rushed forward, constantly increasing the thickness of the whip as he closed the gap, now only 3 meters away, the whip was 3 inches thick, keeping him pinned.  

One more leap and he's mine! Juyo thought, as he jumped, yanking hard on the whip.  He made a jumping kick into Ikki's face, laying Ikki out on the ground.  Upon landing behind Ikki, Juyo jumped 5 meters away, turning to face his opponent to be safe. He's better at close combat than me, he reminded himself.  That sparked an idea as Ikki slowly got up, so acting quickly, Juyo created a ring of light mist around his opponent.  "Multi-Mist Clone Jutsu!" Juyo shouted loudly, making sure the rich brat would hear him.  Several clones of Juyo started springing up from the ground all around the now standing Ikki.  Now the fun begins...

Suiton C -> B [1127/2000]

Chakra 120/150:

Last edited by Juyo on Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:08 pm; edited 1 time in total



"What the hell? A water form whip? I see you got some tricks up your sleeve. But I'm sorry to inform you that whip is too short," said Ikki, with a cocky smile. Then the whip extends, much to Ikki's suprise, and takes out all the Bushins in one fell swoop. Wrapping around the only solid body in it's path, Ikki gets caught by the whip and somehow entrapped.
  "I've never seen a this jutsu like this," thinks Ikki, as he pieces the puzzle together, "Wait. The whip was only about half an inch thick, it shortened and grew thicker." Now understanding how his whip works, he though it work his advantage but no.
 He hears, "Maybe a good hit on the head will clean out that shit between your ears!" He spent far too long analyzing to realize just how screwed he was. And at the end of his last thought, comes a flying kick to the head to remind Ikki to get his head back in the game. Ikki face meets the floor.(OOC:Duuh, nice to meet you floor.) Writhing in pain and disoriented from the kick to the head, Ikki's struggling to get back up on his feet only to be greeted by words and then a light mist.
Ikki heard clear as day as his enemy foolishly yelled out the name of his jutsu, "Multi-Mist Clone Jutsu!" Out pop more then a few clones. Ikki thought to himself, "This guy must be some kinda ass hole to try that on me. Bokuden use this one me all the time when teasing me. I know this jutsu inside and out. Maybe I should teach him why you shouldn't use genjutsu on a Ryuzoji." Ikki immediately puts up Current Perception: Combat Range to pin point the real one though his sensory of a person's electrical 'Aura', as his viewing distance was limited cause of the mist. Finding the enemy outside his field of vision, Ikki plays along. And eats any clones attacks, ignoring them completely.
 In the meanwhile he can tell that Juyo is running around him seemingly matching the movements of a certain clone So he pulls out two senbon. One places in between his teeth the other he throws at one of the clones, not the one that Juyo was near. Juyo sees the  throwing of a senbon in the general direction that he's going, and stops very easily avoiding it. As he stopped, Ikki took advantage and slapped his hands on the ground setting off Doton Shackles.
Small Boulders spring up from underneath Juyo, swallowing his feet. Binding him for a few seconds.

"Now you've pissed me off!" says Ikki and jumps away from Juyo three times, putting a good 20 meters between them. He smiles with the senbon needle still in between his teeth, then extending his arms with his palm facing Juyo. He connects his both thumbs and pointer fingers, creating a triangle. In this triangle can be seen small discharges of electricity because of the mist. The discharges are growing and intensifying over time. The needle in between his teeth starts to glow with discharges between it's point and outer edges of the the triangle. Ikki was charging his unique 'Pièce de résistance' known as Raiton Rail Gun. He holds this pose while charging...
{Doton C>B(1160/2000)}

Chakra 85/150



Things seemed to be going Juyo's way as Ikki was now stuck inside his Mist Servant Technique.  He smiled to himself, running around the edge of the ring of mist that displayed a fake facade of the surroundings, hiding the real Juyo.  Ikki made no struggle against the illusionary clones, letting them slowly come up and attack him.  Juyo mimicked their fake water whip attacks with his own, hitting Ikki several times on his arms and legs.  Then he saw Ikki throw a Senbon at one of the clones, slicing the illusion in half, letting it split in half and then reform as two new clones.  The senbon went kept going, of course, as it was really hitting nothing, and sped right on through to where Juyo was heading.  He quickly slid to a halt, letting the senbon fly past him. That was odd,[/i] he thought, [i]There's no way he could possibly see through this jutsu.  I lied and said it was Multi-Mist Clones! Even if he knew, it wouldn't be this obvious.... would it?

Juyo was lost in thought when all of a sudden the earth seemed to rise around his feet, sealing them in the ground. What?! No, no.. how did he know?  The genjutsu dissipated, no longer useful to Juyo. He tried moving his feet but they wouldn't budge, and attacks from his whip didn't do anything.  "Now you've pissed me off!" Ikki yelled, snapping Juyo to attention.  The brat was holding out his hands, his fingers forming a triangle that had sparks of lightning getting bigger and bigger in between them.  Juyo noticed a senbon glowing, held by Ikki's teeth. This is really not good.  He was at a loss for what to do.  The guy was 20 meters away, and seemed to be preparing some ranged, lightning jutsu that may or may not deal with the senbon, though it's glowing most likely indicating it had a part to play.  Juyo began to brace for the worst, hearing the crackle of lightning as Ikki prepared to fire, when he thought of something that just might work.  Desperately, Juyo closed his eyes tightly and clapped his hands as if in prayer that Ikki's jutsu wouldn't work.  Once his hands were clapped, an extremely blinding flash of light seemed to burst from his hands.  He could feel the bright light from behind his tightly shut eyelids, and hoped this would be enough to save him.

Suiton C -> B [1545/2000]

Chakra 100/150:



Ikki continues charging his 'Rail Gun', as he notices the frantic look on Juyo's face. Ikki smiles thinking to himself, "Mission accomplished, all thats left is to scare him half to death with my rail gun, aim for the ground underneath this jackass." Juyo flailing about trying to escape, releases a blinding Raiton jutsu in a desperate attempt to avoid getting hit. Not realizing that the electrical discharge from his jutsu would interfere with Ikki's Current Perception.
Ikki in a state of both visual and sensory blindness, Thought to himself, "Shit, if I can't aim, I might actually do some serious damage to this guy over a stupid squabble. I can't have that. I'm not a bully, I'm not ruthless like my Clan's head."

 Ikki decides to turn left remembering there was a rock wall behind Juyo. Release the Rail Gun and firing the senbon created a lot of recoil as the senbon accelerated to top speed and flew out the center of the 'triangle' Ikki formed with his hands. The senbon pierced two inches into the rock wall 24 meters away before shattering to pieces as some loose boulders fell from the rock face. Ikki regained his vision and walked over to where his sword laid on the floor. He picks it up and sheaths it. All the while looking disappointed. He turns to face Juyo, walking toward him. Juyo attempts to whip him. Ikki send out his arm to catch the whip. Successfully catching the whip, Ikki uses Raiton: Polarity Charge to deal slight shock damage to undo Juyo's water whip. Ikki says "It's over. I let my hotheadedness get the best of me. Being that I had a somewhat shitty day, I took it out on you for a stupid reason." Ikki releases the Doton Shackles. Walking over to the plateau's edge to sit for a while. He says barely audibly, "I'm sorry." With a melancholy face he sits down and looks over the city. "You know my clans has taught to hate genjutsu users. We're told at an early age that those type of dishonest abilities were cowardice and disrespectful to the 'Ways of our clan.' What a load of shit. My clan are the most dishonest, underhanded, and manipulative bastards I know." Ikki looks back at Juyo while pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, "...Your pretty strong. If it weren't for my Current Perception, I might have lost. My name is Ryuzoji Ikki. What's your name?" Ikki sits there, taking a drag and waiting for a response.
{Doton C>B(1595/2000)}

Senbon Broken(-1)
Chakra 75/150



Opening his eyes after the flash had faded, Juyo’s attention turned to the rock wall behind him that had pieces falling from where the senbon had hit.  The wall had a small dent where the rock face had broken loose after the hit.  Juyo turned back to his opponent.  The rich boy was picking up his sword, but seemed a bit different.  He started walking towards Juyo carelessly.  Angry about the close call with the lightning senbon, Juyo waited a bit, then realizing his feet were free from the kid’s jutsu, made a run at him, lashing out with his water whip.  The brat saw it coming, and made a quick grab at the whip, stopping it from connecting to its intended target.  He was trying to get Juyo’s attention.

"It's over. I let my hotheadedness get the best of me. Being that I had a somewhat shitty day, I took it out on you for a stupid reason.” He said, walking to the plateau’s edge.  As he sat down, Juyo let the water whip evaporate, walking forward he almost thought he heard the boy say sorry.  Did this brat really just 180 on me, he wonderd, and saying 'sorry'...nah, there's no way he said that.  Juyo was quite taken aback by the sudden mood change, but decided it was time to cool off as well.  "You know my clan has taught to hate genjutsu users. We're told at an early age that those type of dishonest abilities were cowardice and disrespectful to the 'Ways of our clan.' What a load of shit. My clan are the most dishonest, underhanded, and manipulative bastards I know."  The kid pulled out a cigarette and lit it, looking back at Juyo as he stood a few feet behind him. "...You’re pretty strong. If it weren't for my Current Perception, I might have lost. My name is Ryuzoji Ikki. What's your name?"

Juyo was puzzled at Ikki’s change of behavior.  Looks like rich-boy finally cleared his head, Juyo thought, so much for his special spot and meditation, looks like all he needed was a good fight.  He grinned a bit at this, putting his hands in his jacket pockets and sat down on the edge, too.  “Dākuchairudō, Juyo” he answered, thinking over the fight.  “You’re pretty good, yourself.  Had some fancy moves, and you were quite quick.  I’m guessing your Current Perception thing was how you saw through my Genjutsu, huh?" He glanced over at Ikki, who was blowing puffs of smoke out of his mouth.  "And I get the whole clan head thing.  Mine is probably the worst, see me as stain on their reputation."

Suiton C -> B [2003/2000]

Chakra 95/100:



"Dakuchairudo, Juyo huh? A bit of a strange name, or rather, I should say unique. Haha" replied Ikki, finishing his cigarette then tossed it over the edge before continuing. "Yeah, something like that. My Kekkei Genkai is useful in a lot of situations. Seems like everyone has clan 'drama for ya mama' now a days. By the way, thanks for that little sparring match but if your done here I'd like to continue to do the training I had first intended. I like to train alone." Said Ikki as he stands. Looking at Juyo intensely before letting out a held in thought, "And just because we stopped fighting doesn't mean you stopped reeking. Sorry I'm trying not be rude but that robust odor is a ...very disturbing actually. You kind of reek of rotted blood, in specific. like iron found in dried Human's blood. Just, my opinion but I'd suggest a shower asap. But do whatever you want."



Juyo listened to Ikki speak as he showed how quite the talker he was.  "Dakuchairudo, Juyo huh? A bit of a strange name, or rather, I should say unique.  Yeah, something like that. My Kekkei Genkai is useful in a lot of situations. Seems like everyone has clan 'drama for ya mama' now a days. By the way, thanks for that little sparring match but if your done here I'd like to continue to do the training I had first intended. I like to train alone.  And just because we stopped fighting doesn't mean you stopped reeking. Sorry I'm trying not be rude but that robust odor is a ...very disturbing actually. You kind of reek of rotted blood, in specific. like iron found in dried Human's blood. Just, my opinion but I'd suggest a shower asap. But do whatever you want."

Juyo nodded, "Yeah, I'll get out of your way" He said, taking a leap off of the plateau.  "See ya around, Ikki. This isn't over."  As he fell, his body seemed to flicker and then vanish.  Ikki was left alone on the plateau to train, though some of Juyo's natural scent still lingered in the air.

{Exit thread}

Chakra 85/100:

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