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1Sarutobi on Fire (C-rank) Empty Sarutobi on Fire (C-rank) Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:35 am



Walking down a random street in Konoha on a starry night in the summertime, Niko looked up into the sky. He always thought about the stars and the area beyond this planet. Never being able to traverse past the Land of Fire, he had little experience in traveling regardless of whether it was to another nation, or a new planet. Would he be able to do so in his lifetime? Probably not. The thought intrigued him so that he hopelessly dreamed of exploring the realms that were past the one that he knew so well.

Being just a mere Genin without a squad, he didn't expect to be called upon any missions that night, so he decided to take a stroll through the village. Everyone was basically asleep, not much activity out on the streets. No one to bother Niko as he thought about the heavens and whatever else came to mind. He was about to drift into deep thought about all of this until...

"Help! There's a fire at the Sarutobi compound!" Some woman shouted from the distance.

Without hesitation, the white-haired boy ran as fast as he could across the village's rooftops towards the fire which illuminated the dark Konoha. Light footsteps by him created no sound at all, as opposed to the commotion surrounding the fire that was taking place cross-town. It was quite obvious that half the village was awakened by the disturbance. Looking down onto the streets while traveling to the scene, people were emerging from their lodgings to find out the source fo the commotion. In their nighttime attire, they didn't take the time to get properly dressed.

Niko was almost to his destination, yet something stopped him in his tracks for a moment. He thought to himself "How are the fires going to be quenched? I don’t know any Suiton jutsu." He didn't know any Suiton or water-based jutsu, nor was well acquainted with that part of town, knowing of quick water sources and such.

An idea then filled the young man’s head. Proclaiming mentally “I need to find a Senju fast! They are well suited in water-based jutsu!”

Then after the idea emerged in his head, he announced to the village of Konoha “Everyone! Get members of the Senju clan and bring them over to the Sarutobi clan’s lodgings! They can douse the fire that’s burning down their compound as we speak!”

After the announcement, the Genin continued on his way to the scene of the fire. He arrived at the blazing inferno. He could feel the intense heat of the burning building even from a safe distance.

He asked the bystanders “Is there anyone inside the compound still?”

They responded without having any clue of whether there was or not.

A member of the Sarutobi clan cried out to Niko “My daughter is inside there! She was sleeping when the fire started!”

The white-haired boy jumped into the flames to find the missing child. The intense heat was definitely making an impression on the young Hatake. It felt as if he was traversing in the middle of an oven, slowly being cooked at a high temperature. He was fairly acquainted with Katon jutsu, yet he never was engulfed in flames before. Smoke was thick in the air, trying to squeeze the life out of Niko by suffocation.

Anyways, he scoured the building for the young girl who was reportedly still inside here. Room by room, eh searched for the young Sarutobi that supposedly was stil residing in the hellish building. He felt a slight sting on his right calf It must’ve gotten in contact with the flames. He reached the end of a hallway. Hopefully she was in this room so they could both get out of the building.

Kicking down the door with his foot, he saw the young brunette-haired girl sitting on her bed, crying out for her mother. The white-haired Genin grabbed her and addressed her “Hey, I’m going to get you out of here.”

Rushing for an exit, the flames engulfed and surrounded the two. Looking around for a suitable place to leave the building wasn’t an option. He had to make an exit himself. He saw a window to his left, which was still open and immediately dashed for it. With the girl in-hand, he jumped out of the window just before the inferno overtook the room they were just occupying. Falling to the ground, Niko contorted his body so the young girl wouldn’t get hurt badly and he would take most of the pain, if any.

Landing hardly on the ground, Niko didn’t let out a painful cry, yet his face wrenched in the pain of landing straight onto his back. The young girl wasn’t harmed at all by the flames nor the fall. Just to check in on her, the Genin asked “Are you okay?”

She replied with tears streaming down her face “Yeah, I am... what... what about you?”

Reassuring the girl “I’ll be fine.”

The Sarutobi’s mother rushed over to the pair and grabbed her from the clutches of Niko. They embraced each other as the Hatake was still lying down on the ground. Slowly, yet surely, get got back on his feet. He asked the bystanders “Are there any Senju nearby to quench these flames?”

Suddenly, after his question, it seems that it was answered by the arrival of a handful of brown-haired men and women, all bearing the Senju clan’s insignia on their attire. They all wove handsigns and used Suiton jutsu to reduce the amount of flames on the house and to try and stop it from destroying other buildings as well.

After a few minutes of the makeshift firefighter’s dousing of the flames, the inferno finally had ended. The woman who had asked for assistance from the Hatake walked over to him with her daughter and another young boy. She thanked Niko “Thank you so much for saving my daughter from the fire! Are you going to be fine?”

“No problem, and I’ll be fine. Some bumps, bruises, slight burns and an aching back won’t kill me.”

Violently nudging the young boy, he then talked to the Genin “I... I’m the one who started the fire. I was practicing my fireball jutsu and I accidentally started the fire.”

Niko understood the boy “Alright. Just be a bit more careful in choosing the spot you’re training at and where you direct your jutsu.”

He began to walk away as the mother of the two children asked him “What’s your name? We should tell people of your heroism tonight!”

The white-haired boy’s head turned around and stated “Niko, of the Hatake clan. I’m not a hero, just a mere Genin of the Leaf Village.”

Word count:

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