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Cherry blossom leaves would dance gracefully across the clear sky, the sun portrayed throughout Iwagakure would paint it's sky a vibrant orange. The sun would sit amongst the clear sky whilst birds would glide amonst the cherry leaves. It truly was a beautiful day in Iwagakure, and was an imperfect day to train in. Why so you might ask. A shinobi life consists of getting into physical combat no matter the situation, it's about constant adaptation and learning that strengthens a shinobi to become something worthy of being a legend. For the young Kanetsu had been waiting an hour, sitting atop a small boulder getting in touch with his doton element. The earth below would begin to viciously vibrate allowing the terrain to slowly spit and disperse. Kazu's eyes would be closed as his body would concentrate the movements of the earth by touch. It was the true way to 'understand' the element of earth.

His blonde hair would upruptly move side to side by the vicious nature of the earths vibrations, his crimson eyes were hidden by his extended eyelids as he remained poised whilst sitting, but only momentarily. The fissure ground were completely empty and were perfect for earth training. He could feel every vibration without interruption. There was no distraction and no annoying villagers to give him shit. If only his student would already make his way to the training ground. Kazu had already begun training two hours ago, the time was now 7am thus labelling Grey as late. Did the young pupil not want to train? Or was he simply an idiot? Either way Kazu would keep his body completely still whilst his mind would portray the vibrations the earth provided. Now to do it with some chakra. Concentrating chakra across his lower torso, a violent array of blue chakra would cloud his legs thus allowing the dust to slowly consume his legs and lower back. What was this feeling? His concentration was ideal to perfecting this technique, so if someone were to suddenly surprise him, he'd have to start all over again......

Training: Doton A >> S (Gifted Trait 20% off Wordcount)
Wordcount: 351/3200.


Grey was very happy on this particular day, today was the day he had his first ever training with Kazu. Toshin disnt know a single thing about Kazu's skills or abilities so today was the day he could finally find out. Leaving his house, Grey had begun walking to his destination already late. He knew Kazu would do something drastic as I appeared infront of him for being late but, The shinobi's mind was onto another topic. Grey had wanted to train his Taijutsu so he could mantain stamina, speed, and strength. Taijutsu was a good way to start, and this was the day to be ready. Grey was wearing a jump suit type of outfit, this way he could move more freely and be more flexable. Grey had wanted to know how good he was today and it started with him training at the Fissure Training Grounds.

   Toshin had never been at the Fissure Training Grounds, and knew very little about it. He thought he would have to bug Kazu about the history of the whole thing. Out in the distance Grey had spotted a blurry figure. He assumed it was Kazu waiting impatiently for Grey to arrive. The shinobi continued walking in a normal state, as if he was in no rush.

   While Grey was walking he had saw many Cherry Blossoms. They were truely magnificent. Toshin just had to pick out a few for his mother. He quickly jumped up in the air as a couple fell in the sky from the wind blowing. Grey had thought it would fit his mothers mood since she was the peaceful yet deadly women.

    After all the walking, jumping, and thinking he had went threw, Grey was finally at his destination. He had spotted Kazu spick and span although something was fishy about the sight of him. Kazu had had a blue cloud of what seemed to be chakra surrounding his legs, what could be up with that? Toshin assumed it must have been some sort of jutsu so he stood a good distance to not get in the way."Sorry Kazu, I ran late again. Whats the punishment?" Grey had said not paying attention to what Kazu was doing, staring down at the ground. Toshin had also realized something else, the surface he was standing on was made of Earth, so their could have been a posibility that Kazu knew the Earth Element."Im ready when you are.." Grey had said.

Training : Taijutsu C >> B
Wordcount : 412/2000



It was the perfect day to train his affinity to the earth, remaining calm on such a beautiful day would bring Kazu 'closer to his doton roots.' For people didn't choose their elements, it was in their body, in their blood, it's a birthright placed on each shinobi, they were destined to utilise these elements, or else why would they have them? Dust would begin to slide across Kazu's lower torso, his chakra would soothingly move across his waist allowing the dust to whirlpool around his torso. It was pure serenity and Kazu had reached a close feat to doton enlightenment. That was until....

"Sorry Kazu, I ran late again. Whats the punishment?"
His concentration would break immediately, the rising dust would fall to the ground forming a massive clump of the broken earth. The once vitalised training Kazu had planned had gone to waste and he wasn't happy. His eyes lids would fold back allowing his crimson hued lenses to display across his now visible eyes. These two crimson orbs glaring directly at the interupting pupil. Staying perfectly still Kazu would begin to raise his chin whilst staying poised atop the boulder. "Late? No, this just won't do, whatever the reason it's not accepted. Your punishment is soon to come." A grin would morph on Kazu's face as he glared directly at his new pupil. What he had in store for Grey wasn't some petty training the majority of villagers endure. Iwagakure was different to them all. Both physically and mentally. Iwagakure was the village of the stone, with personalities that of it's name. Known for being strong and with will's that would not falter, this is the life of an Iwagakure Shinobi.

With the earth below him, his hands would push off the ground allowing his feet to gain a nice grip of land before kicking his body upward sending his crouched body poised, standing completely still with a straight back. His weight would push forward allowing his head to lower affront him before kicking off with his legs once again sending his body to front flip toward him, landing perfectly still on the ground from the boulder. His crimson gaze still fixated on Grey, it truly made him wonder, what were Grey's skills? Did he use bare taijutsu like himself or was he a long range fighter? Either way Kazu had to focus on his earth affinity whilst helping his young pupil grow."Im ready when you are.."  His young pupil stated, it was finally time for the training to commence. Immediately Kazu would begin to weave hand signs affront his torso whilst concentrating a thick layer of chakra to his lungs and throat. It would only take second for his lungs to fill with air, before his body would expel the air coated chakra allowing flames to disperse from his mouth. A total of twenty fireballs the size of an average basketball would glide through the air and aim straight for Grey. They covered enough ground rapidly so Grey would have to make a move fast.

Training: Doton A >> S (Gifted Trait 20% off Wordcount)
Wordcount: 897/3200.


Toshin started to look at Kazu as the chakra cloud around his legs seemed to have vanished. It was clear that Kazu was pisssd for me being late, but my punishment would come in time. I looked up in the sky and bak down at Kazu. Today was the day that Grey could show Kazu all that was in him. The day that he could be proud to call himself a Iwagakure shinobi. The black haired shinobi had noticed the grin on Kazu's face and he had planned to knock it right off using pure taijutsu. With a clear field of earth, it was a good time to practice taijutsu to Grey. Toshin breathed in and out for 5 seconds straight then got into a stance. Toshin was now ready to give it his all. Grey had noticed he wouldnt take it easy on his pupil. Kazu would give it his all if he had too. This fight sas going to be an interesting one afterall. Grey wrapped around his fingers bandages like items. This way the punches wouldnt hurt as much. Toshin stood in a monkey like state, one foot out, one foot in, one hand back, one hand in. It was his own taijutsu stance.

  Greh had noticed Kazu get into his stance. He was readu for this to begin, and he started by weaving fast hand seals. Twenty fireballs the average size of basketballs shot straight at Toshin at a rapid past, he had to doge fast. The shinobi jumped up in the air barely dodging the fireballs burning his outfit a little. Grey had then aimed straight at Kazu at a rapid past, two hands behind his back doing several kicks aiming at his torso. Kazu had plenty of openings to counter by.Toshin had now switched to strength." If Kazu were to dodge my attacks that wouldnt be very good, my only option is to dodge unless he somehow manages to escape my plan." Grey said to himself. His kicks were a medium average powerful. He knew they wouldnt do that much to Kazu, but he kept kicking and kicking brusing his arms little by little. Toshin then used his legs and pressed backwards with force on Kazu's arms. Seperating them wkth a good distance. Toshin had stayed backand waited for Kazu's next move.

    Grey wasnt tired at all yet, manly because he had good stamina but that wasnt enought for him. He had wanted to achieve something greater. Toshin dug his hand in the ground and pulled his hand backed out to see how good the dirt was. When Grey had move backwards he had notices he created a hole in the earth, he could maybe use that as his advantage.

"What are you up to Kazu?"
Grey had said to himself. Even thought it seemed Kazu wasnt really trying he had to keep his guard up no matter what. Toshin looked at Kazu with abserious smirk. Things were going to get ugly. Toshin wanted to rely on his instincts the whole fight but didnt know wether or not that was a good idea. In his mind Grey could picture his mother so happy, big bowls of ramen and all the good stuff for passing his first training. By the end of the day Grey had hopped to improve his taijutsu.

Training : Taijutsu C >> B
Wordcount : 974/2000



As balls of flames would expel from Kazu's lips, his body would stand firm in the same position of the execution of his jutsu. His crimson gaze would stay focussed on his young pupil leaping into the air dodging multiple flames just barely before running straight back at Kazu. Closing the gap within a few seconds the young Jounin began to think. What will Grey bring to the table? Fierce Taijutsu? Or some close range ninjutsu? It was brave to sprint at his sensei as Kazu stood perfectly still, waiting to see what his pupil would do. Within a few seconds Grey would find himself affront Kazu, his arms places behind him whilst a flurry of kicks were made. As much as his Taijutsu showed speed and stature was keeping his arms behind him a good idea? How fast could a genin really counter without the use of arms. It was time to teach his young pupil a lesson. As Grey's legs would begin to extend and strike the well poised Kanetsu, Kazu would only send his left arm from his stance, allowing his wrist to waver to each strike Grey would deliver, palming off each consecutive strike the young genin made. That was until a second kick was delivered from Grey, but it was obvious more power was put into the strike as Kazu would watch his hips shifting and his right leg spinning from it's constantly moving state. In a swift movement it was clearly seen that his pupil loved short range taijutsu, getting in and delivering consecutive strikes, but what if they didn't work out? Did he have a backup plan? Did he have any other skills to augment is close quarters combat?

In one blatant movement Kazu would retract his left arm and tuck it back to his rib cafe before clenching his right fist. His body would begin to move side to side, dodging and weaving his pupils strike before finding an opening in Grey's exposed upper torso (due to his hands being behind his back). A swift thrusting punch to the collar bone should do the trick. Exactly as he thought his shoulder would rotate allowing his arm to push to Grey's upper torso, but of course Kazu used half his strength allowing minimal physical damage to Grey if the punch struck. But the lesson he was providing would be short lived as Grey's legs would come together for a joint kick, Kazu's unused left arm would move affront him allowing his pupils legs to land directly across his forearm. "Wise move Grey." Grey had seen an opening due to the shifting arms and had allowed Kazu's offense to be his weakness, but it was a weakness well covered as Kazu had his left arm ready for defense. Without a moments notice Grey's body would kick off Kazu, separating the two allowing a short five meter distance to separate the two. But this was training after all and Grey was only going to get better if he the battle did indeed get harder. Kazu would kick off the ground, leaping forward toward his pupil, his right elbow would begin to move backward whilst his forearm remained straight. With a clear concise strike his should would flick forward allowing his right straight forearm to thrust forward into Grey's upper abdomen. If the strike met Grey's body or not Kazu would flick his bodies momentum forward allowing his feet to lift in the air whilst his arms held his body upright from the ground (a hand stand).

Spinning his body clockwise Kazu was able to two spinning kicks aimed at Grey's right bicep. Whether the strikes struck or not Kazu would remain in his 'upside down state' before spinning out and landing back on his feet affront Grey in hope of him showing something 'new.' "Your taijutsu has potential Grey, but you need to switch it up. Show me everything." Kazu truly could not get any evaluation over his pupils abilities unless he used them. Not only did it intrigue Kazu but he needed to know what he could do so he could help him.

Training: Doton A >> S (Gifted Trait 20% off Wordcount)
Wordcount: 1574/3200.


Toshin, that was a 5 meter distance away from Kazu had noticed before that he tried to hit Toshin's collar bone. That would be serious damage to the arm, Grey may not have been able to use it all if it did hit him. As Kazu had leaped to Grey, he knew what to do. "My goal is to attack his left collar bone so he wont be able to defend with his arm." Toshin said. Kazu had ttied too preform a handstand kick. Grey dodged it and from behind took hold of Kazu's left arm and attacked his collar bone, then sending him flying with kick in his torso. If the collar bone attack had hit Kazu, he wouldnt be abke to use his left arm so easily without putting pressure on it, preventing him from blocking. Kazu had tried to also aim at Grey's right bicep, but quickly he grapped hold of one of Kazu's legs and used his hand to damage it. Grey had used his elbow and attacked Kazu's leg.  Then used his other arm to bend back Kazu's head and used his now free hand to punch deep within his torso.

    If all the attacks Toshin had put hit, Kazu woukd have a broken leg and left arm. If he found a way to escape these attacks it woukd be trouble for the black haired shinobi. Grey had backed up a good 10 meters to where the hole in the ground was. Toshin did not know what to do with the hole as of yet. Grey ran up to Kazu in full speee and used his left arm too punch him up in the air. Grey then came behind Kazu in the air and rotated his body clockwise and performed a kick sending Kazu to the ground. Something didnt  seem right to Toshin. Kazu had seemed to be holding back, but why?

   Toshin looked up in the sky and remembered the times he used to fight his father when he was little, since he hated his father. If he set his mind to something he could do anything. Grey breathed in and out. He focused on his objective, Kazu. The black haired shinobi had never thaught of it this way. He never knew all he had to do was think. Using his brain would make things much better during this fight, but he had to find out what Kazu was aiming for."If Kazu were to aim for Grey's collar bone, what could aim for next? If he was aiming for my leg then he would have had the chance long ago, what was he aiming for? Grey said.

Training : Taijutsu C >> B
Wordcount : 1418/2000



More skill was displayed than Kazu had anticipated as his young pupil began his counterattack, dodging his left leg from his spinning handstand kick. It also seemed like Grey was fully aware of his rotating right light thrusting toward Grey's midsection. But it seemed the young genin would catch his sensei's leg and begin to press hard, clenching his hand to input pain into the leg. But alas, he was only a genin, the strength difference between the two was immense, thus the caught leg would keep it's momentum and follow through, pushing Grey's body to his left. Because the kick was caught, Grey's body would move with Kazu's leg, thus allowing his shin to directly strike his pupils rib cage,of course only partially bruising him, if Kazu used his strength at 100%, the boy would have half the ribs he currently had. So even though Kazu was impressed with his pupils Taijutsu, there was a major concern for his lack of survivability, for a Kazu's speed and strength were far superior. Did Grey know Kazu wouldn't go all out?

Whilst lost in thought in an attempt to diagnose his pupils mindset, Grey's left elbow would move toward Kazu's left leg, but the assault was useless, his left leg would meet with a straight front kick, thus both strikes would negate and cancel out. "Taking advantage of my mindset? Whilst constantly looking for counters? I'm impressed." But his words would be interrupted by his pupils onslaught, as Greys 'other arm' rushed to Kazu's head in an attempt to bend it backward, but Kazu simply pushed his head forward, whilst shifting his weight and using the momentum allowing the Kanetsu to deliver a short headbutt to his pupils reach hand, in an attempt to break his tiny fingers.  His crimson gaze would already watch Grey for a quick counter, it was already given his young pupil loved his quick combo's and counter attacks, but alas he thought he'd 'let' him hit him. Whilst his headbutt was initiated both his arms would hover around his chest, as his crimson gaze would watch Grey's left arm thrust toward Kazu's mid-section. Allowing his young pupils strike to land, Kazu would slowly move backward, allowing his momentum to cushion the blow whilst simultaneously latching onto his exposed arm. But catching his arm was only a lesson. "When you strike, you need to be in and out, your attacks have barely any power so you need to augment your taijutsu with jutsu, taijutsu alone will not suffice." Kazu's grip of Grey's right arm would loosen, allowing his young pupil to flee 10 meters to a hole in the ground. Whilst his young pupil ran away it seemed he was lost in thought, was there a reason for this hole in the ground?

Kazu would stay poised, with his sternum completely straight with his arms arched and his legs bent. It had seemed his young pupil still hadn't learnt and would charge in with a left hook in mind judging from his shifting weight with his shoulders, Kazu simply had to counterattack with the exact same attack, allowing his fist to collide with Grey's , but of course Kazu used only a half of his physical strength, just enough so the two attacks would do nothing but hold at a standstill. "I've already told you, simple taijutsu is boring, and you need to either amplify it, or use something else." Kazu's right leg would swivel due to the changing of his weight by both his planted feet allowing his right leg to step backward from Kazu, with a 'quick momentum shift' Kazu pushed his body forward whilst moving his right shoulder forward allowing his right fist to thrust toward Grey's upper torso in hope of knocking him backward to get some range. Grey was truly taijutsu specific, so it was time for Kazu to break this 'mental barrier.' Kazu would plant his feet affront his body and kick backward after his right jab, allowing distance to widen between the two. "Show me something new you Dopey." There was now 10 meters separating the two, whatever the events that were about to take place Kazu had to make sure to lure out Grey's 'true' abilities.

Training: Doton A >> S (Gifted Trait 20% off Wordcount)
Wordcount: 2306/3200


Toshin did not really like what was being said. He knew Kazu was right, but he didnt want to listen for an odd reason. Grey had to do something new, but he had no idea what to do. Toshin wen back into his planning state for a quik second to think of a plan. A minute later he had thought of one. One that may have actually work if heplanned it out correctly. Toshin knew he could do this and he knew he had the strength within him. Toshin guessed that since he has basically been a clam as his life he hasnt showed his full power, but that would soon change. Today was the day Toshin showed his sensei his true strength and also his mother. He wasnt going to about to give up because he didnt do things correctly or because he doesnt follow instructions the first time said. No, Grey was doing this because he wanted to become much more stronger. He was going to show he was stronger then his dad ever was. He will fight threw these battles his own way. Courageously Toshin stepped up two meters and put on  mask he coukd see and breath threw. The mask would help Grey breath and see in his next jutsu. Kazu was in for a big shocker. Weaving the hand signs Grey had looked at Kazu both seriously and angrily. Toshin was pumped up.Fire Style : Misty Flame Dance" Grey had said in his head. Toshin breathed in deeply filling his throat with chakra, then exhaling it as a gaseous substance. The substance flew around the field covering both me and Kazu within it. Kazu had no mask and if he breathed he woukd face the consequence. Unless Kazu had the guts to do such thing. Yet Toshin knew Kazu was holding back, what was his true power? It seemed Kazu think my Taijutsu had lots of place for improvment but Grey already knew that. Grey just had to hit this combo attack.

    "As long as he doesnt have a Doujutsu, Kazu couldnt see. This was Toshin's chance to strike. Grey couldnt see exactly well himself but he coukd see a blurry figure at least. The black haired shinobi sprinted with all his might, attacking Kazu from his left side and right side over and over, what would he do?. If the attacks did actually hit Grey's barrage of side kickes would damage his ribs by a minimum. Toshin felt like he did it but was it over? Grey grabbed Kazu's arm and swung him into the hole. The hole was huge, but it was good enought to fit Kazu. If Toshin had succesfully flung Kazu into the hole, he could begin. Grey weaved more hand seals lokking straight at Kazu hopping his next jutsu would hit,"Fire Style : Great Fireball Jutsu" Toshin said in his head. A huge fireball headed straight for Kazu, but when it impacted all Grey could see was smoke. What had happened? The whole area was filled with smoke and Kazu could not be seen. Did the attack hit? Had Grey actually done it. Toshin giggled while on top of the tree maybe thinking he overdid it. Grey did feel proud of himself though, since he had show a changed. Now for sure he wouldnt let down his mother.

    Toshin jumped in the air, when impacting back on the ground sprinted onto the top of a tree. He stayed on top of the tree until he saw site of Kazu. Grey's speed nd planning was perfect but h just stood there hopping his attack hit."You cant hide forever... Kazu" Grey yelled.

Training : Taijutsu C >> B
Wordcount : 2033/2000

( I will add the jutsu soon my phone is being crappy.)



(ooc: For future reference the auto-grab and swinging me into the hole, would count as being auto hit. We'll let it slide now but for future reference will be ignored.)

Within a few seconds the short collision of taijutsu had become an entirely different training, as both combatants would include their ninjutsu to the trade off. The young Kanetsu would stay poised in his position only a few meters away from his young pupil Grey. His legs spread apart allowing his body to move to the left or right quicker thus hoping for a frontal attack from his opponent. Even though training his pupil was his main priority for this battle, it was also a time to perfect his doton affinity, chakra would begin to mould through his body, his chakra would violently expand, cloaking his body in a heavy hue of blue. His crimson gaze fixated on his pupil, whilst his legs would slowly begin to widen even more so than he had previously positioned. The stage was set and it was finally showtime, his lungs would begin to fill with air as deep inhalations would give the young Kanetsu a clear mind. For the earth was tranquil, it was always there and was stern and strong, to be stronger at doton you had to be 'one' with the earth.

Whilst his stance was widened and hands began to dance affront his chest, the young jounin had began to create different hand signs in a swift motion allowing the chakra coating his body to fluently sway to his legs, thus allowing the dirt to slowly spin across Kazu's legs in relation to his circling chakra. The crimson eyed Kanetsu would glare directly at his pupil whilst keeping his widened stance and deep breath's. It was the moment of truth, as Grey had decided to make the first move, but the hand signs Grey created and the blank air fog Grey had displayed was a jutsu Kazu had as well. 'The Misty Flame Dance' was a pure trap setter, a jutsu used for pure utility to strengthen a fire based jutsu, a jutsu used by Kazu plenty of times in his time serving as a shinobi of Iwagakure. It was time to overwhelm his opponent, the chakra coat across his legs would soon begin to resonate with the ground. "Misty flame? Not bad not bad, but how will you hit me?" A chuckle would simmer from Kazu's lips as his 'speed earth' jutsu had just taken place, his next few steps were going to be incredibly fast, disallowing his opponent from seeing his movements.

Without a moments notice his young pupil would charge straight at Kazu, a bold move to say the least. A flurry of swift kicks from Grey's assault would disallow any movements from his sensei, but with clear and concise forearms strikes Kazu would block every strike his young pupil would deliver, one after the other each strike was met with a defending arm of flesh and bone. Not only did he deliver a surprise defence to his opponent but was now about to deliver a counter attack.

His crimson gaze would watch as Grey's arms would reach for Kazu's blocking right arm, a perfect distraction to engage in throws and locks. Even though a simple dodge was possible, curiosity overwhelmed Kazu thus allowed Grey to completely grab his arm and throw him toward a hole. Kazu's legs would ready for an offensive move from his young pupil, so what would it be; a taijutsu barrage or a fire based ninjutsu? The young Kanetsu's legs would bend swifter allowing his body to quickly gain a lower centre of gravity for easier movements. His crimson gaze would stay focussed on Grey as his young pupil would begin to mould chakra to his lungs and expel a fire based jutsu. A large fireball would disperse from his opponents lips, one lone ninjutsu technique would flow toward the young Kanetsu, but it had seemed a jutsu of that strength and size as impressive as it was and being used in conjunction with a throw and an environment advantage to prevent easy evading technique's was spot on.

Kazu would kick off the ground, thrust his body to his left, thus dodging the fireball marginally before kicking off again except more to his right, thus allowing the great deal of smoke (created by the fireball jutsu Grey had created) to slowly subside around the two shinobi. As impressive his young apprentice had shown himself to be, the young shinobi still had a long way to go, lucky he was with Kazu, a shinobi who always perfected his arts, whether it be his Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Earth, Fire and even his lava release. But he hadn't shown his young pupil any lava jutsu, but it was best to keep it safe with him. Kazu would notice the sun beginning to set in the distance and the young shinobi would swiftly distance himself from his young pupil.

"Well done, Grey Toshin." As much as he wanted to keep training the sun would begin to set, and training in the night around the Tsuchi no kuni borders wasn't the best idea. Kazu would look directly at his student before bowing. As much as he wanted to literally pound the shit of his new student, time and concentration were keen to trainings, thus having the sun down and training in the land of stone, the chances of becoming a truly fierce shinobi in those conditions were slim. Without even a word spreading from his lips the young Kanetsu would fold his hands together before 'Body Flickering' from the scene.

Training: Doton A >> S (Gifted Trait 20% off Wordcount)
Wordcount: 3229/3200

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