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It had been a few years since Toraika last ate at The Dragon''s Tongue. Spicy food was her favorite and what better place to eat spicy curry than there? Because Toraika had been so busy with getting settled back into home and her work, she hadn't really caught up with any of her old friends, though it seemed that most of them had all set out on their own conquests as she did. Home was definitely different than it used to be, though it was interesting to see what new shinobi were now defending the village. New genin had been coming out of the Academy as it may be, and they overran the village, outnumbering the higher ranked nin, simply doing low ranked missions. This was a problem for sure, and she had not quite come up with a solution to the large population of genin just yet. A male waiter came to her table soon enough asking what curry she liked, and of course she ordered spicy vegetable curry. What else could there have been in the first place? It wasn't like she would know, being the stubborn eater she was. There weren't many people out to lunch at the restaurant that day, but the ambiance was dark and relaxing, putting her in an almost meditated state. A soft breath of air escaped her lungs as she laid back in the booth she sat in. Suna needed to be returned to the glory it once was, but she just wasn't sure how. If only a solution would walk through the door for her.

WC: 264 of 264

Last edited by Toraika on Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:28 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Typos)



Sutaka was out alone, for Shinka was busy doing whatever it is mockingbirds do in their free time. The farm boy was wandering around the village, as he always does. For some reason, he chose to do this instead of his shinobi duties. He wasn't exactly a stickler for missions anyway, and only did them to please his parents. He wanted to please them since it was the only reason he became a shinobi anyway. For now, however, he decided to stay in his own little world. He seemed to do this quite often. Although he can be cheery and sociable when the time comes, he prefers to stay distant. Of course, this wasn't always the case. Like everyone, he craved social interaction at some point too.

He was getting quite hungry. Believe it or not, doing nothing really takes the energy out of some people. He looked around and spotted The Dragon's Togue out of the corner of his eye. The infamous dragon's tongue. It was popular throughout the village with everyone talking about all of their delicious types of curry. Surprisingly, he never visited the distinguished restaurant during his four years in the village. Guess now is better than never, right? He made his way through the crowds and towards the door.

The farm boy entered the restaurant as anyone else would. The guest would probably mistake him as a farmer with his bright blue overalls and straw hat. Though when he took off his hat, his Hitai-ate would be revealed in all its glory. He'd let the hat hang around his neck as he looked around the restaurant for a free seat. It was surprisingly empty for how popular Sutaka thought it was. If this was some other day, he would've sat alone. But today he felt like he should talk to someone. He quickly spotted a beautiful woman with blonde hair sitting alone at a booth. Sutaka decided this was the person he'd talk to, quickly making his way over. When he got to the booth, he would open his mouth and speak. His voice would be filled with cheerfulness and hints of a rural accent.

"Hey, is this seat taken? Do you uh... mind if I sit with you?"

It was a weird question, with many free seats being available in the room. Sutaka was very aware of this but only responded with a large, goofy smile as he gestured towards the seat across from Toraika.

Word count: 419 of 419

Last edited by Sutaka on Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)



"Hey, is this seat taken? Do you uh... mind if I sit with you?"

It was like a very uncomfortable sense of deja vu, however Toraika smiled warmly at the boy in front of her. He seemed as if he was from somewhere else, however he was quite polite so she wouldn't turn him away. After all, she was in need of a few friends from her home village again. The atmosphere of the once proud Dragon's Tongue had certainly deteriorated since her last visit, but she was sure the food was still good. The lack of people had to have been the main reason for the quietness of the restaurant. Now it didn't have to be so quiet because there was a boy sitting before her now to entertain her.

"Well of course, have a seat. The more the merrier, after all."

Toraika smiled softly with her legs crossed beneath the table. There was a saucer of saki set down at the same moment by the waiter who then left as if he was needed elsewhere. She picked the drink up, bringing it to her pink rosy lips, finishing it all quickly. Next, she set it back down carefully and took her napkin, dabbing the corners of her mouth. Her large lavender eyes stared across the table at the boy as she gasped and covered her mouth in shock.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so rude! My name is Yoisha Toraika, and what is your name? I'm sorry for not introducing myself sooner."

Now Toraika was sitting up in her seat properly as she tilted her head slightly to get a better look at the stranger sitting in her booth. He looked as if he was a ninja, but she never liked judging a book by its cover. It was one of the morals she lived by anyway. However as a ninja she always had to be ready for anything so she leaned forward on the table, her cheeks a light pink from the alcohol she had been drinking even before the boy arrived and her chest a bit more visible in her white dress from the new angle. Her elbows rest on the table and her chin sat lightly upon her crossed fingers.

"So what brings you over?"

WC: 379 of 643



"Well of course, have a seat. The more the merrier, after all."

The pretty girl said yes! Yay! Sutaka would quickly bring his fist up and bring it down, muttering yes to himself as an act of celebration! He would eagerly squeeze into the booth, his face showing signs of pure happiness. His smile would still be plastered on his face, not showing signs of fading. While he was sitting, he would place his elbows on the table, because who has time for manners? He would rest his chin in his hands, his gaze set on Toraika. Man, she sure was pretty! Sutaka was really lucky that the lady was nice enough to let him sit with her. He obviously wouldn't mind sitting next to a unpretty person, he a nice person! But this girl was gorgeous! She was a lot better looking than most girls Sutaka has seen. Boy, was he excited! His face would definitely show this with his eager smile and focus eyes. But did he care? Not one bit!

He'd look around the restaurant once again out of curiosity, but his gaze showed no lines of leaving Toraika. He watched as a smile appeared on her face. Oh boy, a smile! Sutaka wouldn't even look at the waiter as he came over to deliver the sake, it was almost the pretty lady made him forget the reason his came to The Dragon's Tongue! Well, at least his was socializing... kind of. He'd sit in silence with the girl for a bit, but he didn't pay it any mind. He was okay with silence, as he didn't talk to people that often anyway. At least had a good sight to get transfixed on! The lady's gasp would draw him of his trance, his mouth and eyes opening with an equal amount of surprise.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so rude! My name is Yoisha Toraika, and what is your name? I'm sorry for not introducing myself sooner."

Yoisha Toraika. Even her name was pretty! Man, today was sure turning out to be a good day. Sutaka would pay her Toraika's apologies no mind, as he wasn't really offended in the first place. As for her question, he opened his mouth and blurted out the first thing to came to mind. He wasn't really one to think about what he says, after all.

"My name's Suzumiya, ma'am! Suzumiya, Sutaka! And that's really okay, I didn't really mind the silence, especially since I'm with a pretty lady like y-.. uh.."

As Sutaka realized what he said, he would visually crumble. He just complimented someone! A girl, at that! Today was really filled with new experiences. His freckled cheeks were quickly adorned with a touch of red. Toraika's movements would quickly make his crumbling worse. As she leaned forward, Sutaka made sure to keep his eyes clearly away from her slightly revealed chest. With this, Sutaka's whole face would show signs of blushing. Man, wasn't this and embarrassing situation?! His elbows would leave the table and go to his lap as if he just went to defense. Oh no, the pretty lady just turned into a scary lady! With the girl's question, Sutaka would try to stutter out a response. Why exactly did his come here again?

"I-I-I-... I came here to, uh... try The Dragon's Tongue! After all, I... never came here even though I live here for four years. I also came here to meet new people, since I don't really do it that often... W-What brings you over?"

Word count: 618 of 1037



Karisuma eyes were a rare thing these days. The reason was quite obvious, known to most people of Sunagakure, even if they were recent arrivals. The entire clan had been massacred about four years prior, much to the secret gratitude of most people in the country. It was no secret that the Karisuma had commanded a wide network of illegal trade including drugs and child slaves taken from their own ranks. Misaki had been one of them. It was the reason why he was alive right now, he supposed. Silver lining. In any case, that meant that his eyes were also a rare thing - eyes that could entice those who looked at them, inspire a feeling of pure and unadulterated joy. He supposed that was why he was hired for jobs in customer service.

The young boy did that often. Mission payouts were decent, but he could only get that when he was assigned to do certain tasks. There was little he could do for money in between. Working jobs like this one was simple, though, and a good distraction. He smiled at himself in the mirror of the break room, tying an apron around his uniform. It was time to start his shift. He patted down his uniform, evening the odd wrinkles here and there before stepping out of the room, through the kitchen and into the restaurant itself. It was a slow day, by the looks of it. There weren't a lot of occupied tables, which made his job easier, albeit boring. He saw an odd couple sitting in a booth on the far side of the floor - conveniently one of the tables he was assigned to.

Misaki waves at the boy whose shift she was taking over, smiling kindly as he usually did. Taking out his pen and paper in case the two customers wanted to order anything. He could see them more clearly now that he was getting closer. There was a young looking boy with a tuft of messy blonde hair. Freckles dotted his face, over his nose and cheeks. They were almost entirely covered by a shade of crimson as brown eyes fixed on the woman in front of him. Her hair was was of a similar color to the boy's. It tumbled down the sides of her face in neat curls. She was a beautiful woman by almost anyone's standard, with very feminine features and a curvy body. Misaki, however, thought very little of it.

"Hi, my name's Misaki and I'll be taking over as your waiter today," He introduced himself, making sure to lock eyes with each of them, as his manager had instructed him to. His doujutsu was by no means activated, but the Karisuma eyes had been known to passively generate a light feeling of euphoria in some people. "Can I help you with anything?" He asked, looking at the boy specifically, noticing that he didn't really have an order in front of him.




It was now more clear than ever that this boy wasn't a Suna native. His accent was something she was unfamiliar with and so she was at a loss to his origins. He seemed to be confused about what she was asking him though. 

"My name's Suzumiya, ma'am! Suzumiya, Sutaka! And that's really okay, I didn't really mind the silence, especially since I'm with a pretty lady like y-.. uh.."

"I-I-I-... I came here to, uh... try The Dragon's Tongue! After all, I... never came here even though I live here for four years. I also came here to meet new people, since I don't really do it that often... W-What brings you over?"

So he thought she was pretty. He was too young to be one of her drunken conquests, however once his name rang through her ears, she spilled her bottle of saki that she was beginning to pour into her cup. The glass bottle shattered on the floor, the alcohol soaking into the carpet while the stench burned her nose. A completely sickening memory struck through her, causing her to clutch her chest and stomach somewhat dramatically. Her eyes widened and she gasped as if she was staring at a ghost that was instead the young boy. Toraika was in a state of panic as she realized her student was sitting across from her as she had dinner and got drunk all by herself. 

"I am so so sorry.. I have made a mess haven't I? Well Sutaka, it's a pleasure to meet you. I wasn't asking what you were doing here in the restaurant, but rather what you were doing sitting with me with so many open seats and other tables with one person at them. Now I know you came simply because you thought I was pretty, am I right? Well I am here because I used to love this restaurant and I was hoping to have a better memory of it. I just don't think that will happen today."

Toraika asked while raising an eyebrow and taking a deep breath. She knew that the remark may fluster the boy even more than he was, so while she waited, she figured she would clean up her mess. That being said, she nonchalantly got on her knees on the floor above the wet mark on the carpet. She then clapped her hands lightly and then pushed her palms forward towards the stain in one swift gentle movement. A light gust of air came from the gesture and was sent into the carpet, quickly drying up the alcohol entirely with the smell and wet mark gone. The glass that was broken in pieces now swept up into a small pile. Now she stood, dusting off her knees and sitting back at the booth. She held up her hand to the waiter and soon he came over.

"Hi, my name's Misaki and I'll be taking over as your waiter today. Can I help you with anything?"

At first it seemed he was rather asking her student, but she took the liberty of asking for something first. 

"I'm sorry to bother you, but may I get a few napkins please? I also broke this bottle, but I just need a dust pan to finish cleaning it up. I will gladly pay for the cost of it if I must. I apologize sincerely for making your job any harder. I think I simply had too much to drink."

The blonde woman had a pink face that looked like she was blushing, however it was the alcohol taking effect and that was obvious. She was a bit embarrassed for breaking the bottle. The problem was that once she realized that the boy before her was her student, she had become quite uncomfortable having a drink alone with him. It just didn't feel appropriate since she had never met him before. Never did she want a relationship with a student that was inappropriate ever again. She had dark memories she had tried to forget and this didn't help. A deep breath and she was recollected, yet still tipsy. As soon as she could and her mess was cleaned up, she would attempt an escape of some sort.

WC: 725 of 1368

Chakra: 285/300

[This was obviously a weak version of the real jutsu.]

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