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1Midnight walk [open/no kill] Empty Midnight walk [open/no kill] Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:17 am



It was another one night that Miho couldn't sleep in her bed. The minute she closed her eyes a nightmare came to threaten her. Well, that wasn't much of a threat to her though. Dreams were boring, nightmares were too. Who even bothers about those stuff if you cannot even test yourself there. The next minute she got out bed, she put on her clothes and left the house empty. It was too much of a boredom to stay the whole night there alone.

The night was so dark that it was hard to see your own feet. The background sounded creepy as some moans were coming out of nowhere. Miho found herself standing in the area where the old burials used to be. Now it is made a battle area.

"I wonder if you're somewhere near..."

The girl was talking loud as she hadn't noticed anyone around. She was dressed in black, so to the passenger she would look like a death itself wandering around such a place at such time of the night. Only the area of her naked skin was giving some effect of light in that place. Miho stopped for the moment and by chrouching a little touched the ground with her hand.

"Are you even here with the rest of us? Or did they throw you in the river, maybe burnt you due to the hatred that they felt for you? I never hated you, maybe I was scared, but now I understand, you did the right thing, that was in your blood, now in mines too..."

While she was talking to helself or god knows with who, Miho heard some strange noises around. She didn't pay any attention though, she was concentrated on the burial ground that was under the area and the things and people that those grounds were holding in them.

2Midnight walk [open/no kill] Empty Re: Midnight walk [open/no kill] Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:12 pm

Kirā Wani

Kirā Wani

The Wani Clan was native to Kumogakure but rarely ventured outside of it, due to their strict beliefs in only interbreeding within the clan, they rarely ever spoke towards the offspring known simply as Kirā. They considered him to be unclean, an never-born. Someone who was not actually a member of their clan, and the most that they did to even signify his membership was making a grave plot for the lad's mother. Here in this world of abyssal darkness. The ever encroaching void drank deep the sorrows of all that entered it, shunning the light of the moon itself save for the certain grave plots that paid memorial to the fallen. Even though the young male had not been accepted by his mothers clan, his fathers clan was nearly as bad. Often causing his life to be filled with a bitter and cold feeling. A feeling of disdain towards the blood that created him. None the less he was quick to mask this, no one could read his emotions from his clan. He always appeared so stoic, so cold. Who could blame him? Here he stood, over his mothers plot with eyes fixated. He paid his respects every moonlight.

Tonight was no difference, after bending his back lower and lower each bow, he had achieved the ninety degree angle, and stated the words of his father. A smile rose upon his face, as he would begin to raise up and head away from here, this emotional calamity. However, his curiosity granted him no reprieve from this area, like harpoons spaded within a large mammalian whale, he was reeled in further. Experiencing the ever-black and being drowned by the chill of wispy wails. He could make out a faint figure, only faintly. It appeared to be non-human, but bared flesh, revealed in only scant places. Clearly not a ninja he would think to himself, due to the fact that if anyone were trying to hide in this mist, it would be a task all to easy. He approached carefully, not wanting to antagonize whatever it happened to be. Still breathed.

"Hello, is anyone there? Do not be alarmed, I am not here for a fight." He stated quite reassuringly. After all it would be in his best interest to not antagonize an unknown. He didn't know what the figure was as he gained ground covering the gap between the two. With a mild peer, he sniffled. He braced himself for whatever came next.

3Midnight walk [open/no kill] Empty Re: Midnight walk [open/no kill] Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:21 pm



Soon Miho stopped talking to herself as she heard those noises coming closer. She assumed that this should be some kind of a beast or a criminal, because normal people do not wander at places like this  in the middle of the night. The girl stood up and listened until the voice came out. The wanderer was definately the man, because his voice was tough and low. Miho moved her feet and was moving to the direction of this voice by swaying her hips slowly. Her purely black costume was blurred into the background of the night. The one could notice her face features, naked skin in the bust area and on the sides of the legs though.

Miho was not the one who would be easily scared or would put her curiousity aside in order to avoid the dangerous situation. She was quite the opposite, thus, approached the man till that very point when she came that close that they were facing each other face to face.  Men are not scary, men are attractive. She took a good look at this man, he was tall and muscular, seemed like mysterious  one. She got curious now why he isn‘t sleeping like the other good boys do.

“What did bring you here? I haven‘t seen you around.“

Miho didn‘t ask his name, nor introduced herself, she always skipped that part of conversation as considering it quite meaningless.  One might reveal the name or the clan, but that will tell nothing about the person.  Miho was just standing in front of him in the middle of the night, alone with no one to protect her or even witness if needed.  She felt the thrill in her veins triggered by the atmosphere of the burial grounds.  Some strange vibes were getting to her.

“Maybe you really rest somewhere here, Deadly Blade.“

She never adressed him by „father“ as that word never revealed both his cruel personality and cruel reign. Standing there electrified by the moment, Miho waited for the man to answer, her curiousity was causing her thirst.

[O.O.C. The words in italic are thoughts ]

4Midnight walk [open/no kill] Empty Re: Midnight walk [open/no kill] Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:44 pm

Kirā Wani

Kirā Wani

The male had been graced by a gift from god, here before him a woman of unmatched attraction stood. He body was that of a minx, showing itself lightly upon the drifts of darkness, she was a fan of black most likely, as it hid away all of the desirable, and left most to the imagination. He had not however focused upon her frame, even though it was mostly hidden, he could see her hips slightly, and she was a hold of a womanly figure. Whatever her age may have been. She decided to not introduce herself, a decision that the young man was not used too, but he would not argue against it. As she let her question become the subject of discussion the male would let out a breath of air from his mouth, calming down. Clearly at this close range she had the advantage. He crossed his arms and spoke out, his blue hair shining quite brightly upon the small reflections of moonlight. "I came here to pay respects to those who have died. No other reason to be in a burial ground after-all, however I could ask you the same thing. You're practically invisible in that."

That referring to her clothing. He was quite interested in the female, but was not sure if her intentions where good or bad based on a small bit of brief dialogue. "You realize that there are some unsavory types that sometimes lurk in our village, looking to pray on anyone whom has not proven themselves as an idol in the village, and even then they become targets." His deep voice was lacking a monotone, it was completely filled with personality despite it being that of a full grown man. He placed his left hand on the back of his head casually, and continued.

"Not as though you don't have a clue what you're doing, after-all who would come out here at night without a plan anyway." He chuckled a bit.

5Midnight walk [open/no kill] Empty Re: Midnight walk [open/no kill] Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:29 am



Miho smirked a little when she heard the man talking. The devilish smile ran through her face as he was all serious about lurking in this place alone at a time like this. Miho saw right through his expresion at that time, at one point he has a thought that she is a someking of villain. Well, that might be the case. His explanation of what was he doing here made her curious. The man is also paying a visit to some people here. Maybe he is one of the lost people of her clan that are either actually extinct or scared to reveal themselves to the light. Miho touched her lips with her index finger like an innocent being and spoke.

"Well, I do have a plan coming here, but I am sure you wouldn't be so pleased to hear that. Anyways, now I got curious, to which clan do you belong?"

She made a circle around the man taking a quite good look, searching for weapons that he might carry. Something was attracting here to the ground though. Some king of call to her blood. If she just could find her people here, all of those powerful weapons they carried to their death during the bloody reign. She could revive those prosperous and cruel times of her clan making it the most scary of all that exist.

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