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1Sight Seeing [Solo] Empty Sight Seeing [Solo] Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:40 pm


Grey woke up in the morning, he had had his pajamas on. Grey didnt like to wake up early. He need his sleep after all. Grey brushed his teeth with extra toothpaste and took a hot warm bubble bath. After feeling fresh and good, Grey went downstairs and ate his breakfast. He didnt feel to well today, he never felt good when he woke up early. To Grey waking up early ment a bad day, and it had already begun. Grey stomach was hurting him, he had ate breakfast so what could be wrong? Grey went to the bathroom, on his knews and threw up a mouth full of ramen. Grey washed the stench of vomit out of his mouth and sat next to his mother. Grey's mother was sleeping but when his mother slept, funny things happened." the cliffs... the cliffs are high"Grey's mother said. Was she going crazy or something? Thats when it hit Grey, today he could spend his time sight seeing. Grey had gone sight seeing with Mako a couple of times. Today would surely be one adventure.

Grey packed his old backpack with his normal everyday supplies. The only extra thing he brought was his camera. Grey wrote a note to his mother, saying he was out. He slipped it into her hand silently. He went outside, turning to look inside his house whike silently closing the doot. Grey was starting a new Adventure.

2Sight Seeing [Solo] Empty Re: Sight Seeing [Solo] Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:27 pm


Grey was very tired, as he walked out his door. It was very early in the morning, no wonder his mother was still sleeping. The good part was that if Grey got there in time, he could look at the stars. Grey headed out Eat of Iwagakure in the direction of the sight seeing spot. Some say, threw the sight seeing spot, you coukd see most parts of Iwagakure itself. That sounded very interesting to Gray so he just had to see if it was true. Grey walked down the bumpy streets, encountering the most strange and pitiful things. He could see Elders weak and starving for food, the children were drenched in stink, and trash was everywhere. As Grey walked deeper onto the bumpy streets things started to turn out ordinary.

There were no more bumpy roads, no more old and weak people, even no more dirty people. It was truly fantasric, instead of those asty things there was cool art, good food, and well dressed and smelling people. Passing by Grey could smell ramen calling him, he ate some ramen, and took a nap on the ground waiting until it was the right moment for him to wake up.

3Sight Seeing [Solo] Empty Re: Sight Seeing [Solo] Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:37 am


As it turned into night, Grey felt something on his face. It was a leaf that had a snail on it, and he thought it was a women sleeping with him. Grey then woke up to the sound of a trash can tiping over, he was having a good dream too. Grey, half-asleep backed up his backpack and got ready to make his leave as he walked pass the ramen shop. Grey started walking again, noticing people staring at him. Grey started ti wonder if sometging was on his face. Maybe it was the snail, just that he couldnt feel it. He started rubbing his face fastly making sure everything was ok with him. Grey then noticed he was making a fool of himself as the people around him laughed. Grey ran away into the East trees up ahead. Out all of his adventures, Grey had noticdd most of them involved trees for some reason. He ran at a high speed paste, not leaving a sweat behind. Grey encounterred some cliffs up ahead. Noticing the way it was shaped Grey knew he was near to his location.

As Grey encountered the cliffs he looked up to see how high he woukd have to climb. What a pain he would think. Grey took out his climbing supplies, getting ready to climb a skyscraper. Grey reached out one hand, put one foot up then continued with the same routine. Grey continued the same routine over and over. This lasted for a an hour. After Grey reached the top he was very tired, he had to way a good 30 minutes to cool down. By now it was very early in tge morning and Grey had a perfect chance to look at the stars. They were very beautiful.

4Sight Seeing [Solo] Empty Re: Sight Seeing [Solo] Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:27 am


Grey had managed to carry his telescope. it couldnt see very far out into space, as if one was seeing a comet or meterite but he coukd still manage to see the beautiful stars clearly. Grey ad wished his mother was with him, so this way he coukd tell her that shes beautiful like the stars in the sky. She would think he was going nuts, Grey never called my mother beautiful but inside Grey thought she was. He looked to the side of him and saw another person there, it was only Grey and her. The woman next to Gray had red hair like his mother with grey eyes and wore something warm. She looked at Grey while Grey looked at her, he could tell they both like looking at the stars. Threwthe entire time neither Grey and the woman spoke. He was just simply enjoying the moment and so was the woman. Grey pulled out a candm from his backpack and lit it. He sat down onto a blanket he packed and set out his food. Grey coukd see the woman was hungry, so he invited her over.

Grey offered his extra salad but had to take of the picles, throwing them down the cliff maybe hitting someone in the process. They both ate in silence while looking at the stars for a good time. this was Grey's second spot to relax and think. This was a place where everything was clear to Grey. He could understand things in life by being here.

5Sight Seeing [Solo] Empty Re: Sight Seeing [Solo] Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:28 pm


After Grey had finished his dinner with the lady next to him, he started to clean up the mess. letting the lady do it would be wrong, showing no manners. When Grey finished cleaning up the mess he looked at the stars one last time. The stars were very beautiful indeed. Grey wish he was a star sometimes, so he wouldnt have to deal with the pain and the arguments. Grey then took his telescope and got ready to hike back down. Grey said farewells to the lady whobwas still there and started hiking down the cliff, so he could tell his mother of yet another adventure. Grey, this time put a line on top of the cliff and started jumping spaces down the cliff, so it was faster to climb down. It was turning into morning when Grey was in the forest. Grey was now back to the village with the good ramen at which he slept, then he entered the disgusting village he started from at the beginning, from there it all led to home. When Grey stepped inside his house his mother was awake, reading the letter. That was until she saw Grey and hugged him to death. Grey was so tired so he just went straight to bed.

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