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1Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Sheer coincidence or something more? Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:01 am



It wasn't a busy day in Iwagakure, people were at their occupations but working to the minimal, well most did this, but not the medic's in the Iwagakure Hospital. For the entire complex was flooded with individuals, but this was normal in the life of shinobi who battled non-stop to protect the peace. A black hooded chuunin had an errand to run, a simple mission in taking a letter to the hospital entrance. The young shinobi would make his way toward the front desk before taking off his hood, allowing the light of the bright bulbs to shine onto his face. "Kazu Kanetsu, here to deliver a letter to you guys."

The lady at the front desk would nod and accept the letter by taking it out of his hands before waving goodbye. Kazu would instantly lose focus allowing his eyes and thoughts to ponder, his body would adventure around the complex, strolling up the stairs and down the next. It wouldn't take long for him to reach an empty room where a man would lie across a bed, his body burnt completely as his flesh began to slowly rot away, large lacerations would be present across his fingers. It would seem this boy had gone through a lot. Kazu would make his way toward the boys chart and then....he realised.....

His eyes would widen and his jaw would drop, he'd quickly grab the messenger bird held throughout the corridor and attached a brief message. Skarn, get your ass to the hospital, room 19F. I'll explain everything when you get here. You won't believe what i'm looking at. Kazu~. And with that he left the message with the bird and sent it to Zwei.

2Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:35 am



At the time Zwei was at the academy, assisting a few instructors with some shinobi techniques. He was pulled away from the group and stood in the hallway while reading the note left for him. Zwei initially chuckled as he noted the wording that Kazu used; however, his expression immediately shifted to a serious one once he realized the location was a hospital. "Shit.." Without further ado he made his way over to the hospital with much haste; several thoughts plagued his mind, wondering if Kazu, Riyo, or anyone else close to them in danger.

Once Zwei had entered the hospital he immediately made his way into the direction that Kazu mentioned in the letter. "Hey Zwei! What are you doing here?" Zwei came to a halt, peaking over his shoulder upon hearing a familiar voice. He turned to face Riyo who was in nursing attire; she was as perky and excited as usual. Zwei released a heavy sigh of relief upon noticing she was okay, he doubted that Kazu was injured -- but he couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with him. He knew Kazu had done a few missions on his own in the last couple of weeks nit certainly he'd be able to handle himself. "Hey Riyo, good to see you!" He uttered as he gave her a firm hug. A curious expression shrouded her profile a bit startled by the sudden show of affection: "Uhm good to see you too. Didn't I see you and Kazu the other day though..?"

Zwei pulled away and patted her on the shoulders gently: "Well hey, I have to go meet Kazu -- be safe!" Upon that note left Riyo and made his way over to the the room that Kazu was in: "Yo what's --" Before he concluded his statement he made his way over to the bed, taking notice of the scars  and immediately realized why he was called: "Have you told anybody else about this?" Zwei inquired, keeping his eyes glued on the patient, knowing Kazu was still in the vicinity.

3Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:30 am



Kazu had only waited a few minutes for Skarn to arrive to his location, room 19F in the Intensive Care ward, located on the second floor of the Iwagakure hospital. The young black robed chuunin had his facial expression unchanged from the moment his eyes first saw the young bed ridden individual as his eyes were widened as they could possibly be whilst his jaw dropped till it could touch the top of his collar bone. It was fair to say Kazu was in an extreme sensation of shock and disbelief. Kazu would only turn to his right allowing his crimson gaze to glare directly into Zwei's green hued lenses. With raw disbelief Kazu would attempt to answer Skarn's question.

"I haven't said a word, this is some fairy tale shit."

The words spoken from Kazu were pure ignorance, in a world full of shinobi and 'magic' it seemed more than possible for these situations to happen. "Do you think it's really him?" Kazu would make his way to the young gentleman unconscious in his bed, his right hand would softly grab the mans forehead before separating the mans left eyelids from the closed state allowing two golden eyes to be come visible. Kazu's reaction would instantly fall back into the wall, his spine would clash would the hard wall behind him. A sigh would slip out from the Kanetsu's lips as he regained his concentration and turn his face to Skarn. "So what do we do?" Kazu practically always depended on Skarn's tactical views in any situation. He thought Skarn was virtually a genius and could probably think straighter than a jounin.

4Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:09 pm



A nimble breeze of carbon dioxide flowed through a small crack formed between Zwei's parched lips; a sigh of discontent escape his vessel, feeling an overwhelming chilling sensation draw down his entire body. There was a subtle hint of relief that shaped Zwei's form upon hearing Kazu's reply; he allowed his shoulders to drop a bit, obviously not as tense as he was when he first walked in. Zwei didn't believe in mere coincidence; he only believed in very calculated and measured possibilities, there was no doubt in his mind that this man was the creature from the forest. When Kazu inquired about Zwei's opinion and went in for further investigation, Zwei made his way to the other side of the bed to further observe the man. He placed two nimble digits firmly against the male's wrist, feeling the male's throbbing pulse beating against the tip of Zwei's fingers. The pulse was strong and despite the male's broken state -- it was very vibrant and beating a lot faster than the normal unconscious male. Zwei turned the male's hand over, moving the cloth that concealed his wrist only to expose a long scar:

"Shit, Kazu check this--"

Before he could even conclude his statement he caught a glimpse of his colleague backing away from the male, it had seemed that Kazu had already seen enough to confirm their hypothesis. 'So what SHOULD we do.' The thought lingered in his mind before Kazu could even question it; this was certainly out of their jurisdiction, it would be wise for them to merely take it to their superiors but who would believe them? Zwei placed his hands on the edge of the bed, staring intently at the young male -- eyelids were narrow, yet the piercing green glare remained unblemished. Zwei tapped his foot anxiously as multiple thoughts plagued his mind, at this point it seemed as if the voice inside had been screaming and was desperately trying to break out. Once he finally came to a conclusion he released a subtle sigh of relief, moments before shifting a focus serious gaze towards his colleague Kazu:

"I think we should kill him."

For a moment he merely stared at Kazu; out of everything they have ever done, killing another human being was never something they even considered. There was something extremely eerie with the way he presented it. It was outside their element, jurisdiction, and certainly something they'd never be able to take back once it was done; however, every logical fiber in his body only saw one solution. When he looked at Kazu it was almost as if he was fishing for some type of reaction; would Kazu think lower of him because of this? He would gladly take action in his own hands and hoped Kazu would be behind, but perhaps this would be the defining point between -- Kazu was a Shinobi where Zwei was a Samurai. They trained together, fought among one another, dined, and even worried about the other; but Zwei always felt a certain disconnection from not only Kazu, but everyone else in the village.

Before Kazu would even have the chance to formulate a statement; Riyo came into the room with a very puzzled expression shrouding her profile. "What's going on in here? Kazu, you're here as well?" Zwei immediately retreated a single step, breaking the gaze he had with Kazu to focus on Riyo for the time being. She moved towards the body with a clipboard at hand; she could sense something extremely odd between the two, a certain tension that one could literally slice with a sword. Needless to say she gave them a soft smile and broke into a small chuckle as she shook her head: "You two are such weirdos." She observed the body and glanced at the screens, taking notice of the numbers dialed on the screen to make sure everything was okay. She made her way over to Zwei's side, investigating the male's wound against his chest: "Wow, I wonder what happened here." Riyo inquired as the edges of her delicate fingers traced along the massive wound drawing down to his torso. Zwei shook his head, signalling Kazu to keep it a secret -- it was probably an unspoken rule, but of course something he wanted to reiterate.

Just as he shook his head Riyo turned her head quickly, taking notice of it: " two are up to something." She paused, shifting her attention over to Kazu -- noticing they were making some type of sign towards one another. She was around them enough to know when they were up to something or trying to hide something for her sake. She hated the idea, especially since she was trying so hard to acclimate herself to their crazy methods. "Are you two hiding something from me again?!" She inquired with the most intense pouting face. She glared over to Kazu: "Kazu, tell me what's going on now!" She demanded, putting huge emphasis on the time being now.

The male's eyelids shot open; exposing the white part of his eye, after blinking quickly several times his yellow irises exposed. The action went unnoticed by Zwei and Riyo, but suddenly the male launched into a sitting mode quickly, releasing a massive howl swinging his massive arm towards Riyo. Initially Zwei was startled but he managed to wrap his arm around Riyo and drag her to the floor before the blow connected. He launched out the bed, kicking it towards Kazu before launching himself out the window -- the glass would shatter immediately. It happened so quickly Zwei couldn't really comprehend what was going on -- he merely shielded Riyo as best as he could. "Kazu! After him -- I'm right behind you! Don't let him escape!" Just as they begun plotting to chase the beast; storm clouds begun to fill the sky, complimented with the roaring of thunder.

5Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:02 am



A lonely breeze would sweep through the hallways, the unphased Kanetsu would hold his breath as the individual affront him had shown all clues to be the.... beast they had seen in the Iwagakure Mountains. It wasn't just sheer speculation anymore, as the exact scars and burns were displayed prominently across the unconscious male individual lying atop the hospital bed. Two crimson orbs would uncontrollably flicker at the bed-written shinobi, searching for clues in hope of finding evidence that would prove their theory wrong. But it was no use, down to the very last tiny scratch the individual and the beast in the woods were definitely the same. But why was it in Iwagakure? And why was it in human form? An idle drop of sweat would excrete from the pores located on the top of Kazu's temple as the nervous emotions portrayed by the young shinobi were easily visible for the room to see. Kazu would hear Skarn's words as the patients heartbeat began to beat irregularly fast.

It was obvious what they had to do, to notify the Tsuchikage and village about their problem, even though no one truly believed they fought a 'werewolf' in the first place. It had seemed the duo had been portrayed as up an coming talent, so a made up story like 'slaughtering wolves and a werewolf' would be perfect to further rank their profession. So with their reputation lowering due to the snide comments that were created via their peers, the young Kanetsu truly didn't give a shit. Kazu was born with a 'i don't give a fuck' personality and couldn't care less what they thought, for he knew what happened, and so did Skarn, which kinda let Kazu worry (but he'd never show it) about his partner in crime. It wouldn't take long for Skarn to give his opinion which was most likely the final verdict in what to do. But his heart would drop as Zwei's words passed his lips. A virtual cloud would cloud around Kazu's judgement, did they truly need to kill another human being? For Skarn to say that Kazu knew it had to be a last resort.

Kazu had ended many lives, but never of another human being, it seemed illogical to end lives, but maybe he should think harder now that he's a damn shinobi. His facial expression would drop to a mediocre bland look, as in his mind the young shinobi would tell himself repeatedly the same message over and over. It's only one person, it's only one person. Death was permanent, and what if the unconscious male before them was actually innocent? What if..... His train of thought would be abruptly be interrupted by their shinobi partner Riyo, his crimson gaze would flicker back immediately to the young individual as she was one of the last people they wanted to see. Not only did Kazu dislike her way of 'liking everything' but he hated that stupid smile that he secretly adored. But it was no time for attraction as his eyes would move back to Skarn in hope of alerting him off the walking-in newcomer. "What's going on in here? Kazu, you're here as well?" The young girl would make her way toward the patient, the two would glare directly at the incoming female in hope of her smiling and pissing off, but that would be too easy. Kazu kept his mouth closed in hope of giving the impression of ignoring her question. 

It was then and there where her voice became 'fazed out,' instead of normal words all he was "You blah blah weirdo's." His concentration had seemed to linger and he was now beginning to get light headed, it wouldn't take long for Skarn to catch his attention, the crimson eyed chuunin would glare directly at his comrade as he saw his physical warnings to keep his mouth shut and not tell Riyo. Kazu truly would've smacked Skarn due to his annoying tendency to point out the obvious, but it truly wasn't an appropriate time to do so. His concentration would be brought back to life, his crimson gaze would notice the abrupt growth of hair that was beginning to form on the patients arms. Each follicle would begin to grow, his nails would slowly begin to lengthen, was this truly reality? The males eyelids would abruptly  fold allowing his golden iris to be completely visible. A bad feeling would rush across Kazu's body, it seemed they were too late to act, and it was now life or death." MOVE NOW!" His words spoken from great instinct, it had seemed his perceptive abilities had yet again proven useful as the man let our a glass shattering howl rendering the glass into a thousand pieces. The beasts arms would swing wide open as it's mouth would begin to lengthen till a snout would develop, hair would instantly grow widespread across his skin, whilst a thick black tail would snake through the bed sheets. 

Kazu's was lost in thought, his body immobilised by mere over thinking, he was completely unaware of Skarn tackling over Riyo, saving her life from the beasts razor sharp claws. The beasts would clinch it's legs before kicking off the hospital floor, launching itself outward making a huge hole where the window used to be, as the beast left the building Kazu was still lost in thought, had this truly happened, how many lives were about to be taken due to them not killing the beast in the forest. His mind would slowly sink into an abyss of thoughts, until... "Kazu! After him -- I'm right behind you! Don't let him escape!" Zwei's words would thunder through Kazu's trance, he would swiftly snap back to reality which would soon lead to a quick sigh of shame due to the embarrassment his actions had just displayed. He now had to work hard to motivate his teammate, he knew Skarn would be most likely scared as much as he was. His hands would tighten whilst his head would tilt till it faced the hole."Riyo stay here, Skarn we got unfinished business with this stupid mut, let's take out the trash."

Without a moment's notice his body would swiftly move out the hole and begin to chase the beast, his legs would kick off from building to building, with only 20 meters separating Kazu from the beast. It was time to end this whole dilemma, and what a better chance to use a powerful jutsu than right here.

Jutsu Training: 1148/1500

6Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:36 pm



Sheer coincidence? Hardly; the man's abrupt movements would cause a ripple effect across the entire hospital facility. Once the male had disengaged from the equipment, the beeping sounds from the electronics chimed uncontrollably across the room. Shortly after medical personnel had filled the room which only intensified Zwei's anxiousness to engage the beast. The medical personnel panicked upon seeing the destruction the beast left, taking notice of the two shinobi who didn't have any documented reasons to be there. Words were shot directly at the two shinobi scolding them for not belonging; however, their words would be ultimately ignored by the auburn hair shinobi.

Zwei could feel the young girl trembling within his embrace: "You're fine Riyo..." He uttered in a reassuring voice in attempt to settle her anxious noise; as far as she was concerned the man was stuck in some kind of coma after being attacked. She would soon put the pieces together upon hearing Kazu's remark referring to unfinished business. "Just go..." Riyo replied in a tone filled with hurt and disappointment; she had her head lowered, bangs would cast a shadow over her eyes. Once again the two had engaged in something dangerous and not only was she not notified, but she would once again be left behind. She was the black sheep of the trio and despite her efforts it seemed there was nothing she could do to fully integrate herself with them. Zwei bowed his head in acknowledgement; a solemn expression would shroud his profile, now wasn't the time to reassure her. He and his companion Kazu would have to  silence this creature once and for all.

Once he released her he caught of Kazu leaping from the hole formed in the wall. Zwei approached the wall, placing an idle hand against the wall. A clenching sensation would seize his chest, which he eventually placed his hand over it to ease the pain. "No, not this, not now..." He uttered quietly to himself, having one of his heart trauma episodes. Zwei peaked over his shoulder catching a glimpse of Riyo observing him. There was a puzzled expression along her face; despite his Zwei managed poker face, Riyo was able to read it" Zwei would normally be able to keep his miniature attacks at bay, but after being startled by the man, complimented with the fear that shrouded his entire body it was certainly overwhelming. Needless to say he wouldn't allow Kazu to venture out into battle alone. Despite his body's warning he leapt from the window and once his feet collided with the stony terrain he immediately bounced forward and proceeded with a quick sprint to catch up with his colleague.

As the chase continued they begun to venture deeper into the village instead of branching off into the forest. The man would leap through booths along side of the walk away and toss items out in the path of the two shinobi. Zwei would eventually close the gap between him and Kazu just as the items were thrown. With the first wave of tossed items Zwei would leap and flip forward just to avoid it; the screams of the civilians echoed across the entire village, the rabid man would toss people around as he fled through the crowded area. It was quite an interesting scenario; normally Zwei would suggest Kazu use one of his projectile fire attacks, however with the crowd it would be impossible without causing harm to the innocent.

While running through the crowd Zwei would do his best to avoid contact with the civilians; however, he would occasional bump shoulders with someone but still managed to keep his pace relatively quick. At this point he was panting extremely heavy and found it extremely difficult to regain his composure -- his expression betrayed him at every end; not only was he not able to conceal it, but sweat begun to fill his face and droplets would fall to the ground. His vision was distorted; eyes glossy and his running form begun to get sloppy. The throbbing sensation against his chest intensified and the pains grew sharper and more intense. The sounds around Zwei were muffled and he it felt as if the world itself had begun to press against his body. "Kaz, I-I ne-need you to." Before he could formulate his plan in a verbal form he felt his entire body betray him as he fell forward; his body would collide aggressively against the stony terrain and tumble over a few times before he was on his side.

Zwei was covered in dirt -- his hair would fall over his face and ultimately he was down for the count before the battle would even start. Howls bellowed across the entire village, coming from just about every angle. Shrieking sounds from civilians would fill the streets: "Wolves!" A civilian would announce as several packs of wolves would enter the village. Normally the shinobi would be able to settle an incident like this in no time; however with the kage summit in place, a lot of shinobi were unavailable and currently not in the village..

7Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:42 am



The dim lit night would spread pitch black darkness across Iwagakure, the only thing visible would be the swift movements of silhouettes and the small lanterns that would light up the small pathways of the village. Lightning would abruptly erupt throughout the black storm clouds sending blinding flashes of light to flicker through Iwagakure allowing visibility for short intervals. Two silhouettes in particular being the just recently 'undischarged' patient and his pursuer Kazu Kanetsu. It had seemed this patient had been 'a beast' the pair had found in the woods, the two would sprint viciously toward the centre of the village which seemed strange to the hot blooded chuunin. Why would he run further into the village instead of out to escape? Whatever motive the beast had Kazu was sure not to let him get away. Sprinting atop the clay tiled roof's of the village, Kazu would slowly begin to gain meters than his target and slowly began to close the distance. His attention would soon be brought to his partner, where was Skarn?

His head would turn to locate his team mate, only to see the faint colours of his scarlet hair descending to the ground. Kazu knew what it was right away, Kazu had seen it plenty of times; the birth defect of Zwei Mitsurugi. It was clearly evident due to past experiences what Kazu had to do, but did it outweigh capturing this beast who could potentially destroy the village? Kazu was at a crossroads, either path leading to a completely different objective. Save his friend or chase the werewolf. Sweat would begin to excrete heavily from his pores, followed by his heart beating faster, thudding within his body due to the pure shock the young shinobi was going through. His body would to a stop. The distance between Kazu and the man has vastly widened in a matter of seconds. The black hooded Kanetsu's hands would shake immensely before he kicked backward, making his way to his comrade. I hope it's not too late. The young chuunin would think as he worried deeply for his Skarn's health (but would never give Skarn the satisfaction of knowing).

Before long his red hair would be easily seen due to Kazu's perceptive ability, but a few shapes would take form in the distance affront Skarn, shapes Kazu knew too well. Ear piercing howls would cry out from Skarns general area, an instant state of panic would flood the entire village. It had seemed it was a planned attack and the young Kanetsu had to protect his nakama. Launching off a building Kazu would glide vibrantly through the air, his body emulating like a tiger leaping for its prey in hope of saving Skarn. His crimson gaze would catch four wolves sprinting viciously at Skarn, it was here and there where Kazu had fully understood the situation. They were no longer mere shinobi, they were defenders of their village, defenders of the peace. Kazu fully understood why Gurai wanted him to become a shinobi, everything finally made sense. His facial expression would instantly change, his normal deranged look would now turn to an emotionless expression. His body would hit the ground affront his suffering comrade. His crimson gaze would watch the pack of wolves as they made their way toward Skarn and himself.

"How dare you mutt's invade our village."

Chakra would begin to ferociously engulf both of Kazu's arms, heat would begin to emulate from the rapidly unstable chakra before breaking out to flames. The flames would viciously sway across his arms whilst his posture remained completely straight allowing the wolves to close in quickly. The distance was closed immediately, three meters away, two meters away, one meter away.... It was time. The first wolf leap into the air, it's dark brown fur would waver through the air as it's light green eyes staring directly at Kazu's neck, it's jaws would unlatch allowing all it's teeth visible whilst it's claws would spring forth from their unrestricted state hoping to tear Kazu's skin. Kazu would remain still till the beast was half a meter from Kazu, his right hand already caught a blaze from his burning chakra would thrust forward catching the beast's neck instantly before clenching his hand, immediately breaking the wolfs throat ending it's life completely before tossing the wolf aside. His crimson eyes would flick back to the three other incoming wolves, focussed then he ever was before his legs would bend allowing his central gravity to lower, before kicking off into the direction of the three wolves.

His body in perfect condition would dash toward the three rabid canines, his arm's still set alight would spin clockwise whilst tucking his arms allowing his spinning elbows to the be prime aspect of his attack, one of the wolves would immediately leap at the rotating Kazu, but only to be met with a flaming elbow clashing with it's skull sending the beast flying into a wall with the fur across it's face set alight. The beast would begin to whelp helplessly as death hovered across the atmosphere. Windows would begin to open as villagers began to watch Kazu dispatch the wolves. His onslaught showing grace and respect to his martial art would gain the attention of the hiding villagers. There was only two wolves left at the steam rolling Kazu was going berserk, with two wolves left and only a few meters affront him Kazu would concentrate his chakra across his arms to shroud only around his hands. His body would come to a halt before spreading his legs a shoulder width apart. "Fire Release: Twin Panther Fang. Be gone." Just after his words would leave his lips his flames began to violently move across his hands before expelling outward toward the wolves, the flames themselves would begin to take shape into flaming panthers. In an instant the panthers would collide with the wolves, the panthers would immediately disperse into flames delivering second degree burns across the wolves bodies. Their howls became louder as the fur caught fire allowing the fire to consume their skin.

The crimson eyed Kanetsu would slowly make his way toward the beasts before snapping their necks, one after the other. There was now no longer any flames shrouding his arms, he had successfully defeated the four wolves, if only he could've chased that damn werewolf. Murmurs would be heard around their general area, the hot blood chuunin would look to a window only to notice a bunch of girls all with curious 'red tainted cheeks'. Kazu would keep his composure and concentration and direct his attention to the fallen Zwei before lifting his comrade up and placing him atop his back letting his arms wrap around his neck. "Don't worry you'll be fine in no time." Kazu would focus chakra to his feet before jogging up a wall (not sprinting due to Skarns heavy ass) to make his way back to the Iwagakure Hospital.

Wordcount: 2300/3000 (Two B rank jutsu)

Last edited by Kazu on Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

8Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:44 pm



In the gaze of the fallen warrior; the world before him seemed like an mirage, his vision was distorted and everything seemed to have shifted and move about in a dream like illusion. His breathing was shallow and he could hear the screams of the frightened civilians that surrounded him. He could see the legs of the fleeing civilians as they ran about; Zwei would blink his eyes and momentarily be shrouded with a chilling wave of darkness. When he opened his eyes he caught a glimpse of the canine beast approaching in the distance.

'Wolves? What are they doing in the village?'

The thought crossed his mind as he merely watched as they tore through the area , wrecking everything in their paths. An face devoid of expression would shroud Zwei's profile as he laid powerless to do even move

'I have to get up, everyone is counting on me... I have to protect them.'  

He would blink his eyes once again only to open them and see they were about twenty meters in front of him. A certain fear would fill his entire corpse; an emotion he had never endured in his life. His body would tremble as the the thought of eminent death would seize his entire body. As a warrior and as a shinobi he was taught to put the mission before all and would hope that Kazu would do just that; however, the idea of death frightened him. He had no objections of dying like a warrior, but to be put down like this? It was a disgrace to his family, a warrior, and even himself.

'I don't want to die here - I can't die here, not like this. Get up Zwei, Get up!'

He mentally demanded himself as he closed his eyes tightly attempting to conjure up his remaining strength so that he could stand and take arms. His body trembled under the stress he attempted to put it through, his fingers would barely fold and his nails would dig violently against the rocky terrain, brushing them at the tip. His body would betray him every sense; the time he needed it the most, he would fail at all cost. The sound of the barking and violent beast got louder and once he felt the terror of something over him he opened his eyes quickly only to notice the boots of a familiar young man... It was Kazu, but what was he doing here? He would question his comrade's decision to return, but the tension that once seized his chest had faded. There was a slight relief that he would now be safe; however, an enormous wave of self criticism would begin to burn through Zwei's very pride. Needless to say he would try mutter a few words before Kazu would face his opponents:


The stage was now set; people did there best to evacuate the main walk way of the village and those who could went inside while others would lean up against the wall to stay out the way. The general consensus of the village had warmed up to Kazu; those who were once skeptical of him as a person would breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that they would be safe from harm's way. The duo were well known across the area and although they were well respected as warriors, people had a hard time relating to Kazu due to his abrasive personality.  Despite their formal feelings everyone who had attended had watched intently cheering on the young shinobi as he faced the rabid creatures. A few whispers would murmur; all seeming to have positive feelings towards Kazu at this, whereas some were directed to his fallen comrade.  There were only a handful who were aware of Zwei's ailment and most assumed that he was now on the course of death.

The battle would now take place and Kazu would move ferociously along the battlefield, complimented with an artistic flow as he elegantly switched directions and performed his martial arts. Flames would erupt and bellow from his palms at the beast and soon burst as balls of flame would collide with flesh. The sounds of the shrieking beast would echo across the entire village as one by one the beast were taken down in a violent manner. Eventually Kazu would end the howling of the beast with a rather harsh yet, compassionate gesture, by snapping their necks he would put them out of their misery. The villagers in attendance would begin exchanging words of the brave warrior, some would bow their heads in acknowledgement to the beast while others would make gestures in reference for saving them. Women of all ages would whisper and giggle among one another while others would make a bit more passionate gestures with their gnawing on their lips. The whispers from all would only intensify as Kazu would tend to his fallen comrade.

Zwei would groan gently in pain once he was moved; due to the collision with the earth he had a few bruises across his face, complimented with body and an aching chest. He couldn't help but to feel somewhat pathetic by the whole ordeal and he would lay his head weakly on Kazu's shoulder. Once they begun to move Zwei would immediately start to scowled Kazu; however his voice was quite hoarse and obviously weak. One wouldn't have to be a doctor to realize how much it had taken him to speak: "You idiot... why did you come back?" He uttered with an giant wave of irritation, complimented with a hint of guilt. Eventually they would arrive at the hospital where they were greeted by medical personnel and Riyo. The hospital had been filled with a few civilians who had encountered the wolves; it was quite hectic, everyone moved around frantically to attend to the screams of cries of the patients.

"What happened to Zwei!?"

Riyo would question frantically; an expression of concern and confusion, just like many others she had no idea Zwei had any heart complications. Before Kazu could answer the question a doctor would approach Zwei and notice the discoloration on his face: "This guy needs immediately medical attention now. Take him to the emergency room!" He directed; it was obvious that it was serious or the doctor made no attempt to conceal it by any means -- soon another doctor would practically snatch Zwei from Kazu's back and toss on him a stretched and rolled him away. Riyo didn't wait for Kazu to answer; instead she followed the doctors. Soon they would retreat into the back room; refusing anyone else from entering in the back. After thirty minutes or so Riyo had approached from the double doors; most of the patients who were in the emergency room had been moved to the back and being tended to. Concerned family members filled the room and some had subtle cries while they would wait for the results of their loved ones; all were anxious for results, there weren't a lot who put on a brave face

Riyo had her arms folded across her chest and a look of frustration would fill her face as she approached Kazu: "Zwei said something to you but maybe I should hold it back just like you two always do." She paused for a moment before erupting with: "Zwei has a freaking heart problem!? Why do you guy keep hiding stuff from me? Do you think I can't handle it because I'm a girl?" She demanded; making a bit of a scene in front of the other people who were attending. Her entire body had a red tint to it as she scowled Kazu; she wasn't use to yelling nor getting mad for that matter, but it was certainly something about the duo that drove her crazy.

9Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:27 pm



The storm was beginning to get fierce, small whirlwinds would allow spirals of rising air to protrude across the atmosphere whilst a vague silhouette would make it's way to the Iwagakure Hospital in hope of saving a life. It wouldn't take long for Kazu to bring Skarn to the hospital as he literally didn't make it far at all after the 'patient' left their sights. Mutter's would be heard from the two as they began to rant at each other, it was just the usual, as much as the two didn't get along they had each others back, especially in times like these.

"You idiot... why did you come back?"

Kazu would snigger at his fellow team mates comment before answering with a: "Isn't it obvious? If you die now how can i beat your ass up later, only i get to kill you." His snigger would immediately turn to a straight face as thick, black rain clouds would devour the clean night sky, the moon vaguely visible would shine a white glint through the air allowing small vision cues across the dark lit city.

The young Kanetsu shinobi would enter the same way he exited the building prior (via the giant hole). Once again concentrating chakra to his feet, the young chuunin found it easy to scale the building with perfect posture (even despite the fact he was carrying Skarn on his back). Reaching the hole Kazu would thrust his body into the entrance before crashing into the floor in exhaustion, sweat would puddle across his face whilst the cycle of inhaling and exhaling would become difficult. It was purely exhaustion and it wouldn't last long, for Kazu would be towed aside by a paramedic whilst he made his way to the injured Zwei before taking him to a surgery room.

Kazu would stand aside as he watched his partner be taken to the infirmary. His right hand would clinch whilst his eyes began to flicker back and forth. What if Skarn was in dire trouble? His clenched fist would thrust forward due to his transfer of momentum thus allowing his fist to slam straight into the stone wall the hospital provided, a large crack would slither across the wall as his fist penetrated the hard stone. Crimson liquid would begin to pour from his fist as cut's would begin to form across his knuckles. The young Kanetsu's blood truly began to boil as he couldn't imagine a life without Skarn. If Kazu hadn't called Skarn to the hospital this whole situation might not have happened. I Should've known better, i should've seen this coming! His thoughts would play over and over whilst his heart began to race. It wouldn't tale long for the paramedics to hear the sound of Kazu's fist beat into the stone wall thus approaching the young shinobi for medical attention for his hand. The paramedic just had to be Riyo, she was already worried sick about the two, and she was furious more than anything and as usual her big mouth began to yap about questions. "Zwei has a freaking heart problem!? Why do you guy keep hiding stuff from me? Do you think I can't handle it because I'm a girl?"

Even though Kazu displayed his persona has emotionless, he did see the point she was making. Kazu would slowly move his hand off the stone wall before calming himself down. His arm would lift his right hand up in hope of Riyo bandaging his fresh wound. "Your lucky these cuts are small, any deeper and we'd have to stitch you up." Her hands would reach to her tool pouch until her hands would grip the roll of bandages. Her hands would dance across Kazu's fist, wrapping the hand until you could barely see his fingers. His crimson gaze would meet Riyo's, it was still evident to the young Kanetsu that she was truly beautiful. "I'm sorry. I should've told you about his heart problem. I seriously didn't think of the problem was worth mentioning." His unharmed left hand would reach for Riyo's shoulder before tilting his head to the left. We'll make it up to you, how about we go hang about in the hot springs after? We could even catch some dinner after." His stern look that he portrayed most of the time would faintly flicker, morphing into a deranged smile. But alas, Riyo knew Kazu was truly trying his best, her frown would literally turn upside down as a feint smile would appear across her olive, cold lips.

Jutsu Training: 3083/3000 (two B rank jutsu)

Last edited by Kazu on Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

10Sheer coincidence or something more? Empty Re: Sheer coincidence or something more? Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:52 pm



Riyo was taken aback by Kazu's sudden apology; it was rather odd, and certainly seemed out of place. Although it was certainly the correct and polite gesture, but she half assumed Kazu would merely discard her or perhaps even scold her. A puzzled expression shrouded her profile as she took notice of Kazu making a rather unorthodox face, which somewhat resembled a smile. She placed her palm against her forehead, and shook her head from side to side, but ultimately gave in into Kazu attempt. Riyo flashed a soft yet genuine smile -- it was a shame that it had to come to Zwei's incident for Kazu to show any type of emotion other than aggression. Although she preferred this open version of Kazu over this enclosed and normally abrasive persona; she couldn't help but to be a bit saddened. Despite the tough visage Kazu portrayed, Riyo could see through it and


Disappointment and utter would loom over Zwei's pathetic vessel as he laid idly across the medical bed. He wallowed in self pity as troubling thoughts plagued at his corpse; it felt weak, he certainly didn't mind the idea of Kazu coming to his aid but despised his inability to even stand when death was at his door. Eventually the door had opened; Zwei would push himself into a sitting manner and sit up against the bed post. The sheets fell to his waist and would expose his chest -- There w

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