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1Suichi [Free Pet - PTS Event] Empty Suichi [Free Pet - PTS Event] Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:16 pm



Name: Suichi
Rank: A
Species: Penguin
Appearance: Taking upon two forms, one for the convenience of travelling and the other for the utilization in battle, Suichi alternates between the two, but prefers to remain in his smaller stature.
Travel Form:
In his traveling form, Suichi stands at roughly 1'4" tall, and is relatively light weighted. There is nothing outstanding about his appearance in this form, though could be considered cute. His feathers have a dodger blue shade to them, while his belly and face remain white.
Battle Form:
Standing at 5’07” in his battle form, Suichi has an intimidating look to him. With his feathers now taking on a navy blue tint, Suichi also wears what one calls a tuxedo, a common theme among penguins. He has a dodger blue coloured fin on his back along with a tail. A blue fin is also displayed on his frontside, that runs down the entire length of his torso. On the underside of his fins, Suichi has three individual fins under each fin. Metal flippers with blue metal bordering surround each flipper, capable of deflecting D-rank and lower weapons. In addition to his beak, Suichi has a trident that sparks upward from his beak.
Personality: Suichi has what one would call an eccentric personality. The first portion of his personality is his sheer and absolute loyalty towards Yuudai. Almost to the point of blind faith, Suichi does not question much of Yuudai’s actions and instead follows them to a beat, though most of the orders given are for Suichi to calm down. In non-combat environments, Suichi enjoys eating whenever possible, and it is rare to see the creature without food. Suichi also tends to carry around bug spray, spraying it upon random surfaces or directly on bugs to kill them. Also, the penguin is known for creating trouble, though it has toned down since it met Yuudai, and instead does so on rare occasions. Suichi becomes serious when there is a threat lurking, forgoing his usual behaviour for a more serious tone. While he doesn’t speak often, most of Suichi’s replies are through visual cues (ie. nod/shake of the head).

Last edited by Yuudai on Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Suichi [Free Pet - PTS Event] Empty Re: Suichi [Free Pet - PTS Event] Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:48 pm



Seems legit, ~1/2 Approved~

3Suichi [Free Pet - PTS Event] Empty Re: Suichi [Free Pet - PTS Event] Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:19 pm


Jutsus that are of C-rank take 5 hits before the protective coating is shattered or the force of 2 B-rank or 4 C-ranked jutsus to break the coating

"it takes 5 c rank.... but also only 4?" Change it to 4 and consider it Approved.

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