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1Matsu(Free Inuzuka D-Rank Pet.) Empty Matsu(Free Inuzuka D-Rank Pet.) Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:47 am



Name: Matsu
Rank: D Rank
Species: Dog
Appearance: Matsu is a young, black and white breed of canine. He is about 1/3 of his potential full size at this age, his legs each around 22" in length, and 21" tall; Weighing in at around 40 lbs .He has a distinct eye, pure white from one of his seizures as a puppy. His coat is a jet black with a bright white underbelly. He has a white circle around his unaffected eye.
Personality: A friendly, loyal companion. Matsu is Laido's best friend and sees it the same way from his perspective. Matsu comprehends ideals and moral, yet unable to speak, he must communicate to Laido through action.
Techniques: None at this point

Last edited by Laido on Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Measurements)

2Matsu(Free Inuzuka D-Rank Pet.) Empty Re: Matsu(Free Inuzuka D-Rank Pet.) Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:29 am



I'd like to see some more specifics in the appearance section, especially regarding his size. That needs to be given a real numerical value.

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