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1What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:24 am


Chapter One – The Story

Everyone has a story to tale, what's yours? – Taigen Kichirou.

What will you have?” The black haired female bartender asked, Kichirou, having just gotten finished attending to the other patrons of the Shushaya Pub. Green chartreuse gems locked eyes with the woman who was dressed in an unflattering outfit, though it did show a generous amount of cleavage, no doubt in order to entice the males to spend more time here and subsequently buy more food and sake. Unfortunately for the woman, Kichirou knew that trick well and didn't fall for it.

Sake.” That was all the man said, having giving a pause before hand to collect his thoughts, all the while rolling a dice over and under his knuckles. The bright red item, glistering when light rays hit it. “Just none of that weak shit. . .” He added, as if it was an after thought. While he could careless about the strength of sake, for some reason he wanted something stronger. A chuckle escaped his lips as he watched, disinterestedly, the backside of the bartender walk away, trying and failing to sway, from him to get what he asked. She was trying to hard to be sexy. . .such a shame.

Here you go. . .” The sound an ochoko cup being placed on the bar cause Kichirou to glance at the female bartender who was in the processing of pouring the alcohol into the black cylinder cup – till it was half way full. Pocketing the dice, he wrapped his hand around the cup and brought it to his lips, taking a sip of liquid. Savoring the taste of the sake sliding down his throat, Kichirou eyes cut at the bartender who hadn't moved from her spot and was smiling. . .

Yes?” He asked, finishing off the cup of sake and setting it back on the table. He just wanted to spend a nice evening at the Shushaya pub, but alas it seems like the female affront of him wanted something.

Hmm, Hi. I'm Aoi. “ She introduced herself, stretching out her hand, which Kichirou grasps in a handshake while introducing himself as well. The woman would than moved towards a fellow bartender, words were exchanged, before Aoi moved from behind the counter making her way to the empty seat beside Kichirou. Though not before getting her butt slapped by a drunken patron who obviously wanted her, for the lust was clearly shown in his eyes.

Such pigs. . .” The gambler mumbled, though loud enough for Aoi to hear. He slide over a napkin for her to dry up the tears that threaten to spill from her eyes. Kichirou eyes shot a glance over at the drunken man who was leering at him with envious and hatred. The hatred grew more when Kichirou moved his chair closer to the woman, blocking the drunken patron's view.

So . . . What's your story?” He asked, waiting to here the story of Aoi. For if there is one thing Kichirou knew.

Everybody had a story to tell. . .

2What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:00 am



Akai entered the pub and took a look. She was dressed in red silk kimono, decorated with flaming dragons intertwined with air spirals. Her hair was done and decorated with a litttle baby blue pin. Her appearance didn't match the place, but she still rushed in and tergeted the bar and the guy bartender almost sleeping in the corner. While Akai was rushing, she bumped into one ugly massive man. She seemed furious from before, sqeezed her fist and punched his shoulder with a huge power this kind of girl shouldn't have. The punch was folloved by her words:

"MOVE, YOU IDIOT!" All people enjoying the pub now turned to her.

"Where are you rushing, little pumpkin? The man gazed at her with a pair of hungry eyes. That gaze made Akai growl. Ugly man decided not to get interacted with the furious lady. He backed off gesticulating hands. "Allright, allright, just go..".

Akai rushed to the bar and collapsed into her chair. She was talking to herself the whole time, seemed being upset and angry about something. Akai hit the table with her hand and shouted to the almost sleeping bartender.

"HEY, YOU! I WOULD LIKE SOME PLUM WINE! Then she added more silently "please add something stronger to that.."

Bartender suddenly woke up and went to get an order like a robot. Only when he came back he noticed that a female was sitting in front of him, a very pretty one. He handed a drink and when Akai took a huge sip of that strong drink he started with the flirting tone, which seemed not a job matter, but real this time.

"What's the matter, gorgious? Had a rough day? You can tell me if you want.."

3What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:40 am



Extraordinarily, the young Gennin found himself by a bar's door, he lacked perception, perception of what had dragged him by alcohol's home. Yet, he brushed off the idea and pounded the door furiously, the thing almost went of it's hinges but still swung anyway. He reached his hands for his pockets, his mind was unsettled and he had many thoughts smashing together, of his history ... his friends, his team, himself and how he is hereby standing tall and slowly crawling the path to holding the supreme title Hokage.

He was serenely angry, but he didn't give a shit about showing it off. He took his right step into the bar, it was not pretty but also seemed not so bad after all. The entire community in there were silent as he walked right in, and they were all tending, staring, scrutinizing with their sharp eyes and these eyes were pissing him off. Instead of starting a bar-fight massacre, he would emit a growl; forcing them to return to their conversations and leave the youthful alone. A rumpus of a very angry lady had caught up with his ears, and she was very young as well. He observed the source, judged from her voice, she was actually Hyuuga, Akai; his teammate.

He could hear the bartender flirting with the adolescent, that gave him a hint he was going to crack the daylights out of his face. Choosing the alternative of doing so, he rushed at the bartender's seat, and positioned himself next to her. He furrowed his brows, his azure orbs shooting a glare as his hand reached for the bastard's collar, twirling it savagely before suddenly pulling it and the bartender along with it. The man's face was only a few inches away, the predator faced the prey and the predator's eyes would speak.

"Listen, you scumbag.. if you want your mouth intact with your face then shut it up and bring me my order... QUIETLY."

His voice was deep and cold, Idari had never been like this. He released his grip from the dog's scruff, slowly pushing him as the man went almost off balance. The man had his very spine drowning within the chills Idari's eyes had committed into the man's. Very quickly, he would change his tone and his eyes into his regular mood, a calmly happy mood. Slightly turning to face his friend, he exposed a weak smile with a nod.

"Listen, Akai.... I know you might not feel the urge to speak or even stay with me, but I want to speak with you a little.." His emphasis were tranquil and collected, Idari rarely acted so maturely but these childishly acts were only during his childhood.  (YOU DON'T SAY) since he became part of Team 6, Team Kyo. Idari could notice how Akai had grown rapidly in these years, despite not spending much time with Karasu, his second teammate, he could recognize how he had grown much likely.

The youngster bucked for his forehead protector from behind, he untied it, slowly bringing it before his eyes, he would go on staring at it as he dropped it on the bar. The order had arrived, only for him to simply knock the cup off of the bar with his wide eyes glaring at the Konoha mark. Idari slightly released a portion of arm bandage, revealing some point of his arm. He pulled enough of it so it can lazily lie on the shaft, he planted both of his palms on the two items. One on the bandage, and then slightly on the Konoha mark.

"....I... I don't know which to choose..."



4What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:02 pm


Everyone had a story to tell. And as the gambler listened to the story of the female bartender, he could say that he had heard one very similar. Woman forced to work in a sneazy place likes this in order to pay off some debt to another individual. The owner of the bar being a douche bag, having the female bartenders wearing slightly revealing clothing to get more male customers to stay. Patrons can touch as long as they didn't to grabby. Yeah, it was a story that Kichirou had heard once boy and thus wasn't surprised by it out all. He allowed Aoi to finish speaking before doing the gentlemen thing and telling her that things would work out.

Thanks for listening. . .”Aoi said already in the process of moving from the bar stool to the right of Kichirou. The make up on her face having been reapplied moments ago, the other having gotten ruined from the tears.

No problem. . .”Kickirou stayed, watching as the female moved back around the bar, her hips sway more seductively. She was still trying to hard for his case. But it seem like some of the other patrons like what she was doing. Shaking his head lightly Kichirou turned back to the bottle of sake, pouring some into the ochoko cup before sipping on the liquid – deciding to enjoy the rest of his time here in peace.

Well that was the plan anyway. Like the rest of the patrons he turned his attention towards to commotion at the front of the bar. Green chartreuse eyes locked onto the female who had just deck one of the fellow patrons who was trying to get to fresh with her. The guy deserved it. One should know better not to mess with a hyuuga heiress. Guess the guy didn't get the memo. Though it seemed like the female Hyuuga was pissed for she wasn't acting like the prim and proper clanswoman that all Hyuugas stride to be like. Though who was he kidding? Hyuuga Akai never acted like the others, she was different. And it was her difference that cause the pair to become friends, with she being the only one know his real name. No, emotion shown in his eyes as he watched one of the few male bartenders, who obviously been drinking on the job, trying to flirt with the Hyuuga.

Might as well, help the girl out. . .”He mumbled, finishing out another cup up sake and began to move towards the open stool beside the woman. Well he was anyway, till someone else came into the establishment as if they ran the place. Kichirou almost palmed himself at the idiocy of this person. While the pub was a well established place, it still wasn't the place were you boost or draw attention to yourself. Some of the patron here, while not shinobi, could still give any genin or chuunin a run for their money. And unlike other places, clan status meant jack shit. Though Kichirou shouldn't be so hard on the kid, for he was young, immature and didn't know anything. Pity. . .

You know you could get arrested for that little stunt. . “ Kichirou said putting his hand on Idari, stopping him from doing anything else to the bartender. Kichirou didn't bother in wearing his headband or anything that showed he was affiliated with Konohagakure forces, for while he isn't on duty the man is simply a civilian like everyone else. “Shinobis are meant to protect the civilians not beat them up. For with civilians shinobis will be out of a job.” He stated before turning his attention to the bartender and smiling warmly. “And besides there wasn't any harm in asking her what was wrong. . .”

Once he said his peace, Kichirou moved into the stool on the opposite side of the Hyuuga, pouring himself another cup fill of the sake. A chuckle almost escaped his lips when Aoi, the one who served him earlier made his way over to the three, taking over for the job of the man who had disappeared to somewhere else.

Been a long time. Hasn't it, Akai-chan?” He stated turning his attention to the obvious upset Hyuuga. ”What's you and your friend doing in a place like this. . .” He asked, referring to the one who had roughed up the bartender or at least tried to. Speaking of bartender, Kichirou caught him moving to a darker part of the establishment talking with a bunch of hard asses, some he knew well. He mentally prayed that a fight won't happen within the pub. For he just wanted to drink in peace, but alas doesn't seems like it will happen.

And like any story, it seems like action was inevitable. . .

5What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:46 pm



Akai was simply talking to the bartender, who obviously was flirting with her, but she couldn‘t care less, her head was full of other stuff than finding the man, actually, she left that stuff for her father as he‘s so eager to find her one. Suddenly her team mate Idari came out of nowhere the same moment she finished her first cup and got an order of another one. Idari started acting weird grabbing the bartender and threatening him. Or maybe he was just being protective of his team mate. Naturally Akai would jump from her chair and start shouting and separating the two, but now she was just watching the little act that Idari has pu out and sipping on her drink. When Idari has done his act, he sat down, put his both palms on the shaft, one loosened in bandages, other slightly resting on his headband. To the most surprise for a girl, he asked for advice.

Akai seemed like awakened then. Her eyes brightened a little and she took Idari‘s hand, the one loosened in bandages. She, holding that hand, lowered it under the bar table. Then she placed her free hand on Idari‘s one resting on that headband and sqeezed both the hand and headband. Then she talked in comforting voice. That was nothing but sincerity talking.

“You should cling to what is close to your heart. Never let yourself fullfill what others decided for you.“ She sqeezed the hand holding the mark of Konoha even harder, giving some good chills for Idari through those hands holding.

But then she noticed the familiar face came by them, she was blushing as the man spotted Idari and her holding hands. “Toshiba... She thought, while the guy was speaking to Idari. That name was called in her thoughts a lot from that time they met. She sometimes dreamed about seeing the man again, wondered how things were for him, but never let herself hope that this will ever happen. And now when they finally met, she couldn‘t let herself appear speechless and amazed by the event. He was asking some questions while gazing into new lady bartender who came to assist them. Well, maybe he hasn‘t been longing so much as she was. That was a little dissapointment.

“Well, me and my friend here, Idari, are celebrating!“ She told trying to hide her sorrow as well as she could, but that was a fail, it was so hard to hide away from those green eyes of his. She pushed Idari next to her and turned“ “Right, Idari?“ Akai then again turned her blue eyes to Kichirou, while he still was gazing into the lady and asked with a trembling voice: “What about you, resting after a good gambler, I believe you remained a gentleman..“ She pointed into lady by turning her head.

6What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:09 am



Idari silently monitored in curiosity, his hand possessing the bandage was seized by his teammate's, his own heart was kidnapped once her tiny, petite hand had occupied his own. It had been years since anybody had touched him, or even held his hands. He had no parents, and rarely had the friends to even feel safe by a comrade's side, despite her being one of the closest. The forehead protector remained on the bar, whilst the bandage was taken away.

This meant one thing, his future was more important than the past, his own past, where he almost died two times in his life, during a very young, immature age. Twenty years ago, he was left to die alone as a newborn then six years later, he was threatened with a Kunai and perhaps the abilities of the mighty Sharingan.

“You should cling to what is close to your heart. Never let yourself fulfill what others decided for you.“

Her words were drifted from her mouth towards his ears, dispatching pulses which sent very warm chills through his veins, her tone was the key to his happiness. She gave him hope, he was much obliged he procured a good friend, a polite comrade, a trustful companion. His hand was squashed by her, as the forehead protector was near the point of crushed. She had a simple extremity yet an extremely strong grip.

A moment subsequently, a young man converged the seat alongside Akai from the adjacent side. He conveyed the impression that he was actually Akai's acquaintance. The man seemed no older than Idari and practically resent him for tormenting the bartender, who was now standing with his tail between his legs.

“Well, me and my friend here, Idari, are celebrating!“

Akai claimed, it appeared as though there was something erratic with her. They both resembled that they shared a history, thus, this history was unknown and the Hyuuga decided to cease it from being revealed, but her eyes told him everything. She wasn't pleased with the arrival of her friend, obviously, she was also flustered once he noted the  hand-holding between Idari and Akai. However, he chose to do so and retrieved his hand, and would continue to abstract the bandages obscuring most of his body, he was no longer afraid of removing the thing that covered his limbs for an eternity. Basically, his entire life.

He trussed his protector once again, expressing a smile as he did. Akai was silent and then with a fake smile, lied to the stranger that they were 'celebrating' while they were actually triggering a repartee about history. Only for him to snap out of his thinking, he was given slight shove by Akai, inquiring him about if it was right or not. He only agreed, without thinking and bestowing one bit of hesitation. He grinned widely, his widened jaws liberating most of his face profiles.  


His smile were only a mask eclipsing his very face, his true feelings.~


7What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:16 am


More sake was filled into the cup and leisurely downed by the gambler, as he idly listen to the banter of the hyuuga besides him. Having turned to face forward, after saying his peace moments earlier. Though he did notice the brief pink hue that dusted across her cheeks, the longing that shown in her eyes, and the general happiness that came over her when he had sat besides her. Yeah, he noticed these things, it was part of being a gambler, one must had to be perspective – at least to an extent.

I see now. . .”The words came out as drawl, Kichirou obviously not believing Akai's nor the boy's statement of the pair partying. They probably didn't realize that the gambler had been station near the doorway when the Hyuuga had busted into the establishment madder than a raging bull. He also witnessed the same Hyuuga decking a man who was in her way and tried to flirt with her. Yeah, he noticed it all, but it seem like they didn't noticed him till now.

No, just came back from the orphanage a few hours ago. Spent the most of the day there with the kids. Got to give them something to hope for.” The man stated, pouring himself another drink before downing it. The sake itself didn't do nothing to impair his mental capabilities, for to him it's just like drinking water. At the most it probably given him a buzz. Besides gambling Kichirou did spend a lot of time at the orphanage, him donating a lot of money there. “And as for the lady, she had a story to tell. And I listened. Though. . .” He motioned for the female bartender to come over where they were at, before discreetly slipping a piece of paper to her – and telling her not to look at it till she was alone. The folded piece of paper was a check for an unknown amount of money, though the amount would be enough for she didn't have to work here anymore. Once that was done, he turned his attention back to the pair beside him.

So, do either one of you want to tell me what's really going on?” He asked, chartreuse green eyes staring into the eyes of the Hyuuga Female. Having decided that not to have them beat around the bush and just tell him what's going on. Especially Akai for her eyes told him that there was something wrong.

Let me guess. The Hyuuga clan is trying to fuck up your life? Maybe another suitor? Some sleaze bag, who's overweight and ugly. Or maybe some cocky jerk, who thinks he's god gifts to women? Or maybe they told you to take away from a street urchin like me?” The last part was followed with a chuckle, as if they missed a hidden joke. Though only Akai would know why Kichirou was chuckling, for the man was far from a street urchin, having only telling Akai about that. The man hope that she still remember his alias, Kichirou . . .

Mentally Kichirou was preparing himself for another story to be told. . . .

8What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:55 am



Akai lowered her head while sitting between two men she kept precious for herself. She took a huge sip of sake and sighed very deeply. Somewhat melancholic aura seemed to linger in the air, the noise made at the bar by the customers now disappeared, it seemed only three of them mattered. Akai rolled her eyes in disappointment with herself.

"Oh well..the cat would still be out of the bag sooner or later..." Saying that she sighed again, it was obvious that it felt somehow unseasy for her to get started, she was gazing into Idari's eyes first, then into Kichirou's, was doing that over and over for some moments with some kind of longing and sadness which are still not quite there, but will appear later on. Then she respond to Kichorou's speech he said earlier:

" He is not a jerk..nor ugly and fat...he doesn't think he's a god's gift either..."Then her voice broke and she turned to confused Idari, the one she adviced to fullfill his own and only his onw path some time ago, but yet she herself is not following this advice now. Akai was staring with an empty eye searching for the words in her cup of sake in order to be able to say what she needs to say.

" The fact that me and my friend Idari here are celebrating is real." Then a big pauze folloved. " I am getting married soon and Idari decided to come here to congratulate me." She didn't know if it is proper to reveal those intimate things like giving the advice for a friend and other stuff, thus she decided to keep that just for her and Idari.

9What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:37 am



His brows arose in majestic concussion, his eyes were radical as the void itself, Akai never mentioned that she was getting married nor that she did relate to it anything of what they had uttered so far.

This was a blissful announcement to all but herself, she wasn't perky by passing these words, and seemed irritated about having to get married by force, and faintly by choice. This posed much depression for the Hyuuga gentlewoman, but it was theoretically; the precept of her clan. And there was nothing he could do about it.

"Well, that.. and we were actually talking about our stories."

Idari allowed his wrests to assign over the bar, he closed his eyes momentarily, only to open them with a serious stare at the nothingness that lied before him.

"Long ago.... I was born on a side road connecting the Leaf and the Sand. My mother passed by childbirth's completion and I was left alone, in the middle of the night.. to die as a newborn. I died... but now I'm alive.. I was found by a healer, and I needed serious attention. I was covered up with these bandages, and never left them since that time... until now.." Idari slightly shut his eyes, he was growing morbid as his story grew into the harder part.

Remembering it all was.... despairing and it naturally offered tears to his eyes. "That man took me in under his care, I don't remember what was his clan, what village, what age... I don't even remember his name.."

The sorrowful Idari took a simple gasp, he would continue on. "I grew to like the man.. even love him, he told me stories of legends and heroes.. to me he was a hero.. a good one."

The drops began coursing down his face. "Then suddenly, I don't know why.. how.. but I know when.. It was almost fourteen years ago, that that 'hero' threatened me with a Kunai and almost had me killed.. I don't know what exactly happened after, I woke up in an orphanage and it all seemed like a dream for me.

He arced to the side, opposing them his back. He would somewhat pull over his shirt, exposing his back as it seemed; then he gestured over something. "I found this when I woke up from that incident."

There was a large, parched Uzumaki symbol on his back, it seemed burnt but it was actually a useless black seal. He obliterated his tears with his sleeve, facing them again with a large sniff.

"This made me what I am now... an Uzumaki, Idari."


10What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:11 am


Kichirou couldn't help but to choke on the sake that he were drinking, when Akai made the announcement that she was getting married.More like sold off.” He thought, while getting his coughing under control. The Hyuuga clan was some sick and twisted fucks of Konohagakure, than again most of the clans from the self proclaimed 'most powerful' village was. Though within each clan there were some diamonds amongst the coals. Akai-chan being one such diamond. To bad her father wanted to sell her off to the highest bidder, washing his hands clean of her. Such a shame.

I would say congratulations. But by the sound of your voice and how you been avoiding eye contact with you, this is something you didn't want. So let me guess, you are being force into it? He's probably another Hyuuga right?” He asked, having noticed that unlike others who spoke about marriage, Akai wasn't excited at all. There weren't any type of celebration. No happy tossing drinks. No talking about how wondrous the man she was marrying was. Hell she didn't even give a name. Yep, all the signs pointed to Akai-chan not being happy about the arrangement.

Akai-chan. . .” His voice drawled out slowly, Kichirou using a cute suffix at the end of the Hyuuga's name. Only when she looked at him did he continue to speak “Care to tell me who it is? Or shall I lurk around the compound and find out myself?” Something that Akai knew Kichirou had the capabilities of doing so. Hell, the man has done it before, when he was looking for his Hyuuga friend. Much to the annoyance of the elders. Apart of him doubted that Akai would tell him anything, seeing how he's a little bit protective over the woman and just wanted the best for her. Like any friend should “More like your in – “ His musing was cut short as he finally registered the male speaking.

Having missed apart of the male life story. “For every positive story there is ten negative ones.” He idly mused, as he listen to the tell. If Kichirou was a female the story would surely have brought tears to his or hers eyes. Unfortunately for the male, who identified himself as Idari, Kichirou wasn't – thus the only emotion that played across his face was understanding? Or maybe it was acceptance? Having known others with similar tells. When it comes to the gambler, one couldn't be sure. He glimpsed the Uzumaki marking on Idari's back, the male having removed his shirt to show them, though how Kichirou looked at it – one could assume that he didn't know exactly what it was.

Seeing how both of you are shinobi. How is it?” Showing curiosity in their chosen occupations, while maintaining the pose of being a civilian. The change in topic was also to get Akai's mind off of all that depressing stuff. Hey wait! Haven't the gambler forgot something!? Ah yes. . .

Oh where are my manners. My name is Taigen Kichirou. It's nice to meet you again Akai-chan and Uzumaki Idari. “ And with that, Kichirou patiently waited for them to indulge him in their shinobi lives, while idly sipping on the sake that was steadily disappearing.

((OOC:: Italics with "" is his thoughts))

11What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:37 pm



Akai was watching Kichirou‘s reaction from the corner of her eye. Many doubts couldn‘t leave her alone. He started questioning what her motives for getting married were. Those answers remained unknown, Akai had too many questions of her own she couldn‘t answer. She became more lively when Kichirou asked about the one who was chosen, she somehow saw this entertaining. Akai giggled to herself, more of despair than the real fun.

“You can lurk as much as you want, If I tell you, you probably will go and kill him, won‘t you?“ She bit her lip and continued. “ Or what else would you do? Would you win me back in a gamble?“ This somehow felt like a little sarcasm coming from her full lips, although that was really her dissapointment talking that this kind of thing would never happen, she has nowhere to run now. Akai was a bit angry deep in her heart “We already had our time, no bravery though...I wish..I wish...“

But suddenly her teammate spoke taking all the attention from both Kichirou and Akai. The girl nearly forgot her own problem for a moment, she was taken aback that Idari, who always looked so mysterious, now is being so open and reveals his painful past. She suddenly saw the tear falling from his eye and her heart was moved. After him telling everything that had happened, Akai extended her hand without thinking or hesitating and gently wiped a tear from his face. The hand was soft, without any force this time. Akai gazed with an understanding look.

“Oh my Uzumaki, if this painful past is what made you to be just like you are now, then i am very greateful to it...You truly are a sincere and amazing person, the best Uzumaki I‘ve ever known..“ She wanted to comfort him so badly, no one should suffer from their past like she is suffering from the one of her father‘s. Akai was nearly prepared to tell everything about herself as well, but to her relief, Kichirou started a much more cheerful topic about the life of being a shinobi. Akai threw a quick gaze at him, reminding, that he shouldn‘t ask about that shinobi stuff as he knows those answers himself. But to be sure she keeps her promise she made long time ago, she still answered that.

“Well, that‘s going quite good, my team and I are having the best time of our lives being shinobi.“ Those words testified that this thing was the one Akai was really proud of in her whole life.

12What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:24 pm



He was thrashed back to existence, his reality, the bar. The Uzumaki stared speechlessly, as the Hyuuga's hand had dried off his tears of sorrow. His lips quirked as his mouth trembled, his face was red as a sanguine rose; he was blushing. For the very first time, Idari would feel so comfortable and safe, Akai Hyuuga was probably the best friend he had acquired, this sparked an idea, he had to repay her somehow. Perhaps he should prevent the arranged marriage, she never wanted to become a wife so soon and so Idari will obey his companion.

The stranger was hardly ominous, but he was spooky enough. He had both the appearance of a shinobi or simply a ghostly civilian, it did not matter much with Idari; it mattered that he would stay out of his way.. nothing more, and zilch less. The isolated individual eyed both Akai and the stranger called 'Kichirou', awaiting their respond, their own stories.

"Nice to meet you too... Taigen Kichirou"

He replied to the man's greetings, his clan was mysterious to Idari's knowledge, this hinted him that he is more likely a villager than a shinobi. But perhaps one of the strongest around. He shrugged in his own mind, his voice echoed through the void that existed within his head.



O.C.C.Sorry for late post, I was put to sleep after returning from the hospital and went to post as soon as I woke up.

13What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:52 pm


Yes, I would kill him but not before finding out why the marriage was proposed in the first place.” There weren't any hesitation nor vileness in the gambler's words as he answered the Hyuuga's question. It was common knowledge amongst Kichirou's closed knitted friends that the gambler didn't particular care for the majority of the clan. Finding most of them as stuck up asshole, with a few exceptions like the woman beside him. As the last of the sake was pour into the cylinder shape cut and downed by the twenty year, Kichirou's green eyes stared intently at the woman's beside him, as she spoke about winning her from a gamble.

I would go to the ends of the elemental nations for you. . .” The words were spoken in a whisper, into her ear, Kichirou having lean in to do so “No, matter the game or the stakes. I will win you back. And you know why.” His voice becoming slightly sultry at the end. Some might assume that there was something going on between the two that crossed the lines of a simple friendship. That wasn't exactly the case. Though gambler couldn't deny that if given the opportunity, he would dated the female Hyuuga, having founded himself staring at her on more than one occasion. It was also hinted at by her actions that she might have some feelings for him as well. And she seemed to shy to act on them. Pity . . .

Never give up on hope. For there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. . .” He spoke softly, his hand grasping Akai's and squeezing it in a comforting measure. Before Kichirou left Kumogakure, his mother taught him everything that was expected of him as a member of a clan. How the politics works. The structure. And that there are sometimes where the well being of the clan outweighs one. Something that he didn't accept even now.

Ah! That's good. Hope you all don't let being a shinobi get to your heads. There are many out there that hate shinobi, finding their superior attitudes to be an annoyance. And they won't hesitate in taking you out if given the chance. “ There was a hidden message within the gambler's words, his eyes cutting across to the corner where the man before was at. If one would looked, they would noticed six big guys there, looking intently in their direction. Well more importantly Akai and Idari, those being the ones who had on headbands and created the biggest ruckus upon entering.

Excuse me for a moment. . .” Kichirou stated, getting up from his seated position, and making his way towards the area where the men were at.

I don't appreciate you looking at my friend like that. . .”The gambler said, sitting down at the table, not being intimidated by any of them.

And? What you going to do about it? That bitch hit me. . .”One of them said, referring to Akai.

Yeah, and the little punk think he can jack me up like that? I'm going to kill him!” Another stated, as he intended to do just that but was stopped from doing so by Kichirou's hand that was on his shoulder.

You seriously don't want to do that. Not here anyway. . .take it outside if you must.” He said before leaving the table of the men and walking back towards Akai and Idari.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get out of here. The bar is about to get a little rowdy, and I don't want to be caught up in that. But there is no doubt it's going to be a blast. And I need to walk a certain Hyuuga home before her bodyguards begin to search for her.” Kichirou stated, looking at Akai intently. Kichirou's extended towards Akai, waiting for her to grab it, before leading her out of the building. Truth be told the gambler just wanted to get Akai alone for a minute, there was something he wanted to ask her that wasn't for the prying ears of others. Not only that he didn't want none of them to be caught up in that little surprise he left behind. . .

Unknown to all but Kichirou, a single card laid face down on the table where the punks were, a glass covering it. Only after the three had made it a good piece away from the building, would the card exploding the blast killing all six men. Why did Kichirou kill them? Because they made a fatal mistake. . .

Never mess wish harm on Akai Hyuuga. You will live longer. . .

((OOC:: My post isn't an exit. . . just leaving the building. Though if anyone want to leave this is the perfect chance. If not we can continue this on the streets. . .))

14What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:47 pm



Akai blushed a little when she heard those words to be spoken. She was hiding her feelings as best as she could, but it was obvious that something‘s up with her. “Oh, I wish we both had been born under different circumstances..“ Akai thought when felt Kichirou‘s hands wrapping around her. She wanted to cling to him so badly, but she realized that this would be just torturing herself, thus, that didn‘t happen. At the same time, she also gazed at Idari giving him the story from her eyes. She wanted him not to get confuced, wanted to tell everything just like he did to her and to prove that she really trust him, which she really does. However, she couldn‘t tell anyone, but Kichirou, at least for now.

Suddenly Akai felt Kichirou letting go of her, he stood up and went to the bunch of ugly man who have been staring at the three for a while. They were bitching about something to Kichirou and suddenly all of them went out of the building. Akai got curious and worried. She also stood up and spoke.

“Sorry, my Uzumaki, I can‘t trust him with those tree...and I will tell you everything when It will become not so dangerous, you are just too precious to get involved...I already did a mistake when I told someone once, now the danger could be after him and just because of my indicretion...“

She cheek-kissed Idari and said her goodbye. Akai rushed out sqeezing her both fists.

Exit the thread.

15What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Empty Re: What's your story?||Open, No Kill|| Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:34 pm



Before Kichirou had progressed to six punks that had been constantly overlooking the trio, he retained stating to Akai how much he cared for her and he would go on and 'win' her back, the man was aiming for a whisper, but failed to do so; as Idari could hear everything from there. It seemed as everybody was clinging to Akai, Kichirou.. Karasu and one day, Konoha. Except Idari, with a smirk of bitterness, he realized Akai wasn't embarrassed of showing him her feelings, deep down her heart. But she was only his friend, no more, but what only mattered, was what would happen after triggering the six men over there.

He would've gone there himself, but was only left with the choice to not to, as the Taigen individual already shushed them up. They seemed impassioned as the angry birds, and grew madder as Kichirou had went and spooked them or something. He simply rushed back and extended his hand for Akai, awaiting hers to grasp into it. She would do so, quickly setting a kiss on Idari's cheek as she chronicled him about how she couldn't tell him her plans and what was going on, she only seemed in a surge, as she merely rushed outside with Kichirou.

It was all confusing, now there was no point in staying in this hell hole. He would not gonna follow them, just vamoose before he kills somebody around here, particularly the six men that kept their eyes on Idari. Idari recklessly stood up, put his hands into his pockets and set his head high. He approached the door, bombarded a stare at the six men. They were all embracing their fists, from the cracking knuckles to the drawn weapons. But seriously... he did not give a shit.



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