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Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

What happend yesterday...

“It seems that you have managed to finally understand a few things about genjutsu, dear brother. You’re finally able to practice on your own now, and you should probably start heading back towards Konohagakure.” Shiro said on a calm and assuring tone while reaching for a towel in order to wipe out the sweat that dripped along her cheeks. As soon as her words were finished, the young woman reached for a nearby towel and threw it towards Tenzō, as their final session of training was finally over. “Actually, I’ll be leaving tonight, Shiro. I’ll take a shower in a few moments... eat something and rest for a few hours before departing.” the raven-haired man said while catching the towel with a swift jerk of that right hand of his.

“You should stay at least for dinner, Tenzō. Saving an hour isn’t going to mean that much... but leaving hungry won’t help you at all, especially since you had little time to sleep last night.” Shiro said on a worrying tone before leaving the tower against a nearby bench. A few nods were given by the raven-haired man, agreeing with her suggestion before heading inside the Chantry for a quick shower and change of clothes. There were quite a few books and scrolls that were needed to be picked once he would arrive in Konohagakure, researching and documenting himself upon genjutsu was going to be one of his main goals for the time being. Shiro was quite good when it came towards ninjutsu, and she was always the person who helped him train in case if there was something that he lacked, or if there was something which he could not understand; however, as he grew older, the young Uchiha was capable of learning himself even if the pace was ten times slower, as such, the only reason which still brought him here, was the fact that he enjoyed training with her.

This particular field was quite difficult to master, without even counting the fact that if you would make a mistake, the genjutsu would most likely be flawed and easy to spot even by a normal eye. As such, a lot of skill and mastery was needed in order to make use of this particular specialization, and with the keen mind that was given towards the raven-haired man, this particular field won’t be that much of a milestone for him. However, finding ways of combing this particular style with the use of the other ones that he chose to adopt, will be something that could be proven difficult under his own eyes. A lot of time was going to be invested within this, and hopefully, the results were going to be quite pleasing once they reveal themselves. The younger version of this particular lad was too comfortable to devise anything up, although, as time passed by, the man had started shaping himself within a fine shinobi, one that started to act more maturely, despite that a few traits of his younger self were still hidden somewhere.

~ 519/519 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Back to the present time...

It’s been two weeks since the Uchiha left the village in order to pursue the training for which he departed for in the first place. Time was almost over for him, and as such returning back towards Konohagakure was the first thing that stood upon that mind of his. The night engulfed the raven-haired man within its dank and eerie presence, making it hard even for those keen eyes to see due the fact that the slumbering moon was nowhere to be seen on that pitch-black sky; the grey clouds which blended within the sky were making sure that not even a single ray of moonlight was going to kiss the ground beneath. Only the trees and that uneasy silence were the only things which kept company towards the young Uchiha, as he was just returning from the Chantry in which he spent two full weeks alongside that beloved sister of his, both of them were dedicated fully towards a particular type of training.

With drowsy ebony eyes, Tenzō was not aware due to the tired state in which he was, but since the man decided to depart from the Chantry, back towards Konohagakure, one particular individual had started following those footsteps of his. It wasn’t that hard to observe, but the Uchiha barely had any time to sleep for the last days, as such, the raven-haired man was not in the most appropriate condition of his. Hopefully, this particular person was nothing more than a bandit that was after his money or belongings; however, things were not always that simple and easy, as such was the nature of life.

“Hahaha.” the hooded figure’s chuckle broke the silence. “A fitting place for your death, isn’t?” he added before placing those lips in a sinister grin, revealing those white teeth that stood hidden beneath the shade that lurked inside his own hood. At the hearing of that eerie chuckle, the young lad halted and immediately faced the direction from which the sound came from, only to see a person who made a few steps, revealing himself by stepping away from the tree which he used to conceal that presence of his. While the hooded man awaited silently for the Uchiha to respond, both of his hands were slowly, reaching for that hood of his while also making sure that the large grin became much visible than before.

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Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“What are you talking about, Genkaku?” Tenzō inquired on a piercing tone, widening up those eyes like saucers against him. Apparently, the Uchiha knew the person who tailed him all the way here. Onozuki Genkaku was his name, and the man was one of the most loyal rodents that were working for the leader of the so called Chantry. There weren’t that many interactions between the two to make them something close towards the word friends; however, the interactions were enough for them to know each other’s names, and how they looked, since Genkaku had quite a good reputation at the Chantry. The figure wasn’t that intimidating to begin with, although the fact that the place from where he came from was connected with his sister, Shiro, was a worrying factor that contributed towards the situation.

“Why do you make me repeat myself? I said that your body is going to lie here... on the ground... lifeless.” Genkaku said while losing that grin, it was obvious that the man did not liked repeating himself, since he believed that his own words were not being taken seriously enough. With his right hand, the man slowly reached beneath the robe which shrouded that physique of his, eventually using those five fingers to clench them tightly against the handle of a tantō. Those green orbs were displaying that there was a certain amount of anger beneath those earlier words of his, clearly the man was not joking at all.

“Please, it’s not late to stop this. I don’t understand what’s going on with you, and why you are doing this, Genkaku. Back down immediately, and tell me... why are you here, and who sent you for me?” the Uchiha asked while hiding his own right hand behind his back, looking for the kunai which he usually kept there, the one hoisted by that sash which he kept wrapped around his waist.

“Hahaha.” the laughter made itself presence once more, echoing throughout the trees. “Do you really think that you’re in any position of giving me orders? You and your sister... I hate you both, the cockiness in your tones makes me sick...” Genkaku made a small pause, letting the a screeching sound resonate once he pulled the tantō out of its sheath. “Speaking with you is pointless. You’re going to die, here and now!” Genkaku shouted before lunging straightly at the Uchiha, with his sword aiming for the man’s throat. Despite the fact that the young raven-haired man wished to avoid this confrontation, the odds were not working in his favor, since the hooded figure seemed to be completely unreasonable.

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Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

In just a few moments, Tenzō reacted towards the man’s action by revealing the kunai once he blocked Genkaku’s swing. Those drowsy ebony eyes were fixating against Genkaku’s green orbs, while a few words started escaping between his lips “I really don’t want to fight with you, Genkaku, but I also can’t let myself fall at your hands. This is the last time that I’m going to ask you to stop.” on a somber tone, one that was a bit darker than the usual hallow one which he normal spoke on. With those words, the last attempt of pursing a peaceful path died along with them as well, since Genkaku did not gave up on his assault and continued instantly with a kick against the Uchiha’s right leg, placing him off guard while making sure that the pointy edge of his tantō managed to pierce Tenzō’s left shoulder.

The blade did not had the chance of penetrating towards the bone, since the raven-haired lad performed a few quick footsteps backwards, placing a bit of distance between the two while also leaving the blade behind. Blood spewed from his wound, and those ebony eyes were being overtaken by the well-known crimson color, revealing the Sharingan along with two comma-like dots that surrounded his pupil. “Don’t take me lightly, because you won’t last more than two minutes against me, scum!” Genkaku said on a even more spiteful tone while swinging that blade of his within thin air, letting the blood splatter across some leaves that were laying on the nearby ground, painting the green canvas with a few spots of blood.

Tenzō did not stop from creating the gap between them and quickly placed that kunai back along the sash, even when Genkaku started to confidently state those words despite the fact that the fight had just started, the man was somehow ignorant and believed that he was going to win for sure in this encounter. As such, while backing down, the Uchiha performed a couple of consecutive hand seals before placing up that right thumb of his just beneath the bottom lip, letting a decent amount of air inflate that well-toned chest of his. Without any more time wasted, the Uchiha yelled “Katon, Gōkakyū no Jutsu!” before opening up both lips in order to let out the chakra which molded once it started to raise along his chest level.

In a second or two, a considerable amount of fire started ejecting from that mouth of his, fire which quickly took the shape of a circular ball that headed immediately towards Genkaku. This was more than enough to pin down an ordinary bandit, although this particular man was a shinobi as well, and as soon as he saw the fire-shaped ball, the hooded figure started a couple of hand seals of his own, as a response towards the raven-haired man’s technique. Once the seals were finished, Genkaku slammed his right hand against the ground, raising up a mud wall just a meter away from his position, one that was completely capable of blocking the Uchiha’s technique.

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Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Upon collision, a few sparks of fire started to disperse against some of the leaves that were nearby, causing a few of them to start a small fire, illuminating the area a bit more; however, the Uchiha did not had any problems seeing, due to the ability of his Sharingan that allowed him to see someone’s chakra. Despite his wound, Tenzō fought with all of the strength which lingered inside that vessel of his and exchanged a few continuous blows with Genkaku, both shoving their own fists against their face, abdomen, ribs and even other parts of their body. As the fight between the two continued on, the Uchiha was starting to lose ground, and a few more cuts were visible upon his skin; however, they were not as meaningful as the first stab that was aimed for his shoulder, and that particular one was starting to wear him down.

“Give up already, Tenzō. You aren’t going to win this fight, no matter how much you try to resist... you are going to die here and now.” Genkaku said before performing a few more hand seals, and as soon as they were finished and both of his hands were clapped against each other, a spike made out of dirt started to arose quickly from the ground, heading towards the Uchiha’s way. Even though the Sharingan was capable of predicting its path, the Uchiha was simply too worn out to avoid it completely, as such the life-threatening spike managed to pierce that left leg of his, entering deeply within his skin although still not deep enough to penetrate the bone.

Tenzō was gifted with a frail body, and the amount of blood which he lost was most likely going to make him faint, since the lack of sleep also added to that cause. Therefore, the Uchiha fell within both of his knees before looking throwing once more a glimpse at Genkaku, pulling out his kunai in order to prepare himself for a final stand. “This is it... and I’m going to kill Shiro as well, right after I finish up with you now.” Genkaku said before pulling out that blade of his from a nearby log, and without even wasting one more second, the man started dashing towards the Uchiha, to land the final blow.

During this whole time, Tenzō had started to lose any kind of hope of winning this battle, although, once the name of his beloved sister managed to assault those ears of his, those crimson eyes had started to change. With his hearth racing, the Uchiha started to fill himself with anger due to the fact that he knew that a man such as this should not be allowed anywhere near Shiro, and knowing that this man will harm her, pushed Tenzō over his limits. With those two crimson eyes, the Uchiha stared at Genkaku once he started charging, and the man’s movements were getting somehow slower. The hooded man did not slow down at all, those moves of his were just easier to predict than before, and in just a few moments, another comma-like dot had started forming around the pairs that were sitting upon those crimson eyes.

~ 539/2446 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Finally, the Uchiha had managed to achieve the maturity of his Sharingan, and once the comma-like dot had finished forming, the abilities came along as well. It was now all or nothing, as such, the Tenzō awaited for the perfect moment before giving himself a last shove that will bring him upon two feet. Once Genkaku was only a few feet away, the raven-haired man would lower his body in order to avoid the man’s blade, before sidestepping towards his right once, predicting the hooded man’s movements in order to create an opening to pierce the kunai inside the man’s neck, shoving it and cutting off the jugular in the process. With that precise blow, the Uchiha managed to finish of Genkaku and due to his worn out state, he had fallen upon his knees once more. Those crimson eyes started to lose their color and revert back towards the dullness of those ebony eyes.

“I have to... do something... about... these wounds.” Tenzō said on a quivering tone while cutting a few pieces of the robe which shrouded Genkaku’s body, wrapping them around the wound located at his leg and the one which was upon his left shoulder. “This should keep me going...” the Uchiha said while attempting to stand up, ignoring the fact that the wounds were making it quite hard for him to do so. Luckily, the fight did not happen that far away from Konohagakure, as such, the man basically started crawling himself back towards the village. He wasn’t crawling per se, but the raven-haired man did not walk properly either. A few sprints were given from time to time, but most of them ended up with him kissing the ground beneath, gaining even more bruises than before.

A couple of minutes had passed, and the Konohagakure’s gates could be seen within the distance, and the man was just almost out of breath. Knowing that he should inform Shiro about this occurrence, and warn her that something wrong might happen, pushed Tenzō further and with those thoughts in mind, the man had finally managed to arrive beneath the gates, falling against their towering height. Those ebony eyes slowly started to close, and the man no longer had the power to even shout a single word out; however, the guards managed to spot him and the sun was slowly showing its celestial presence.

A group of shinobi from Konoha quickly went towards the Uchiha’s aid, picking him up before taking him towards the hospital, the place where the available medics started treating on his wounds, injecting all kind of substances to ease the pain while also performing medical ninjutsu to heal the wounds faster. The doctors asked him to stay more than two days within the hospital, and that request was made after the first one in which he fully slept without even opening up those ebony eyes for a single moment. Therefore, the only thing which Tenzō could do was to take a few more days off in order to rest, to heal and close all those wounds that were opened up. With the new path now opened before the man’s eyes, a few things were about to change in his life, everything was going to become more interesting from now on.

~ 557/3003 of Total Words ~

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