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1Blood Spillin [Iwa C] Empty Blood Spillin [Iwa C] Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:02 am



The sun had begin to set across the desolate border's of Tsuchi no Kuni, the earth country had begin to lower in climate as a divine wind would sweep across the plains, gaining a nice softer breeze throughout the small camps that the foreign bandits would live at. it had seemed these certain individuals had destroyed nearby towns and reaped havoc across Tsuchi no Kuni so it was finally time to send out the infantry, this being Kazu Kanetsu. It had seemed the village had sent other shinobi prior to Kazu, but the problem just kept coming to arise, so instead of giving the job to the same people, the head of the board decided to share the workload and give this job to Kazu. His body as always cloaked in his black hoodie, the young chuunin would sprint through the dark plains, making his way to the camp site of the bandits. 

It wouldn't take long for him to be at the camp, tents would be present in a small field which in itself was surrounded by a small array of tree's that would provide cover for Kazu. His body tilted to the site and hid behind a tree, hidden from visibility of his opponents. Just with pure instincts and observation their were 8-9 bandits stationed at this camp. It was going to be no easy feat to destroy the group before him. Kazu would need more information on his opponents. His body would swiftly leap up the tree before gaining a position on the highest branch allowing his vision to notice a few swords scattered across the ground whilst rotting flesh would lay on the ground. Kazu would begin to diagnose the situation, analysing each individual including their body mass and weaponry Kazu would be in danger if he approached with a close combat mentality, his obvious plan off attack was using his ninjutsu and keeping long-mid range. 

Even though Kazu's taijutsu was superb, he really focussed more on his ninjutsu which gave his taijutsu so key weaknesses, they were soon to develop into gaining heightened skills, but for now the young chuunin would have to use his prime source of offence, his fire style jutsu's. Whilst perched atop the tree, his legs would rap around the vertical branch whilst his hands would begin to shift swiftly affront his chest before holding the tiger seal. Chakra would begin to knead across his lungs before pouring through to his throat. "Fire style, Phoenix Fire jutsu." A barrage of flaming balls would disperse from his lips, moving out from his general position to completely surrounded the group on bandits. Their heads would flick upwards as one would scream "We're under attack!" Three bandits would be struck by the fireball, remaining on the ground rolling back and forth to put out the fire. Whilst the six others would simply dodge or strike the flaming balls with their broadswords or axes. Their eyes would pan across the landscape only to notice Kazu standing atop a tree in the moonlit night sky. He would leap into the air graciously before spinning horizontally, his hands would reach for his pockets. It was time to destroy the mercenaries.


2Blood Spillin [Iwa C] Empty Re: Blood Spillin [Iwa C] Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:33 am



His left and right hands would both reach for his ninja tool pouch before bringing forth 8 shuriken (four in each hand) his spinning body would throw forth all eight shrunken simultaneously in different directions, aimed vaguely at the group of bandits in front of him, most shuriken would be blocked, except for two of the bandits would be struck in the foreheads, ending their lives instantly as blood would linger across their faces before hitting the very earth they stood on. Kazu would land in the middle of the pack, now only two men where disposed off as the three burning men would stand with their clothes singed and their skin partially burnt. Their cries would shout loudly as their war cry began to boost their morale, the team of bandits began to fiercely charge at the black hooded shinobi of Iwagakure. 

But their was no chance for them, there never was, Kazu would instantly begin to form hand signs before a vulcanised rubber from his lava release would surround his body making an orb of rubber that could withstand any sword attack these bandits could provide. Their attacks would bounce of the rubber rendering their onslaught useless. What they didn't realise is Kazu was prepping a new jutsu he had never used, one he had recently developed via working with his Kanetsu family. After a large amount of hand signs which time was provided due to his rubber defence jutsu Kazu would slam his palms across the ground below him. The earth surrounding the rubber ball would begin to crack open, allowing lava to rise slowly from it's open holes. All bandits would be caught by this lava release jutsu. Their feet stuck in the lava would begin to vigourisely melt, as their flesh began to corrode from the immense heat the lava would supply. Cries of agony would cry out from the bandits as the rubber ball would disperse onto the ground leaving Kazu standing still, his posture completely straight as he looked at the bandits directly as their lives  began to waste away. "This was fun and all, but it's finally time to end your lives." This was the first time Kazu had ended the lives of other humans, sure he had killed hundreds of animals and injure many shinobi, but he had never ended the lives of a human being. "Rest in a burning field of my forefathers blood." His face showed no emotion as his stance widened, chakra would begin to dance across his lungs whilst he began to develop hand signs at his lower torso. "Lava Release: Pyroclastic Current Technique." In an instant a powerful smoke would disperse from his lips, consuming the entire group of bandits before melting their skin whilst cutting their bodies due to the abrasive nature of the ash of the smoke cloud. It would only take a few minutes before their bodies would fall into the lava in exhaustion, their bodies would melt into nothing after a few minutes. Kazu would drop the other two bandits into the lava concluding his actions as a 'proper burial' before walking back to Iwagakure. His emotions were silent as he portrayed none, as he looked into the night sky and began to wonder. What if.


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