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1Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:36 pm



Rinshi stepped out of the shower the bathroom was full of steam, he rubbed his head, ”Aaaaaah so good!”  Rinshi exhausted from his day-off and kinda broke after taking the girl out who gave him her number some nights ago at Ichiraku.  Rinshi stepped into his bedroom, and checked his clock, 6:50 pm.  Rinshi thought he had enough time to blow through a mission for some pocket change decided, ”Aah what the hell.” Rinshi said with a shrug of his shoulders.  Rinshi went through his draws for his under garments.  As he bent over there was a sharp pain in his stomach, his bruise had not healed from where Tatsumaru’s foot greeted his stomach.  Rinshi decided to go back to the bathroom to apply some ointment to ease the pain and take a few pills.  He then decided to wrap bandages around it a good 8 times just to be safe, his stomach felt bulky so it would be pretty tough to twist around for anything.  Rinshi walked back into his bedroom to grab his authentic original attire: Navy Blue Ninja Sandals, Black Pants that came just below his knees with 1 pockets on the rear and one on each pant pocket, Navy Blue shirt (similar to Genin Sasuke), Black fingerless gloves with metal plating on the forehand, and his Hidden Leaf Headband wrapped around tight in a knot. Along with his fingerless black gloves with reflective metal plating with the Hidden Leaf Symbol engraved on both.  Rinshi took time to do some quick stretching, as he stretched he eyed the clock it read, 7:45 pm.  Rinshi decided he would leave now.


2Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:35 pm



Ryuusi picking up his book, he opens the door and make his way outside, “Fair day indeed.”, he comments as the sun shines brightly, the wind slightly blows his jacket while it moves to the song of the wind, “Time to get going then..”, as he steps off with his eyes into his book. Enjoying the peaceful walk, no one is disturbing him, for him it was the beginning of a perfect day. Suddenly, his stomach started to rumble: placing his hand over it although he slightly bends his back.

“I should've eaten something before I leave the house..”

Lucky him, he spots a ramen shop in the distance, slightly cracking a smile, he hastily strides over and inside. Taking a seat; he opens the menu and place his book beside him on the chair, “It’s a good thing I carry my wallet with me, I’ll just buy something that can fill my belly.”, he told himself. After a four minutes wait, a young dark brown hair girl; that seems to be a bit older than him, “Can I take your order?~”, she ask him and of course he gazes at her with a cute smile, “Can I get the regular please”. Her face light up as she hesitates, “Y-Y-Yes sir!~”. She speedily sprints off to get his order; before he could even put the menu down, she returns with his ramen, “Wow, now that’s fast service.”. Placing it on the table, he gives her the money for it with a little extra for the fast service.”T-T-Thank you sir~”, as he replies with a nod.

Clap, “Thank you for the food.”

He quickly digs into the meal, little do he knows the girl was watching him eat from a distance. He started to feel like something was piercing through his body, like someone was watching him, “What…What is this feeling?”, he ask himself. Without hesitation, he finishes the meal and exit the building as soon as possible.

Word Count:

3Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:38 pm



Rinshi locked his house door as he turned towards the Administrative building.  Rinshi stuffed his hands in his pockets and began walking down the street.  The sidewalks and rooftops were filled with bright lights, and paper lanterns.  Rinshi loved the scenery of his street because it always appeared as that of a festival.  Rinshi still walking down the street noticed a group of girls on a bench giggling, he gave them a slight wave and it appeared they ignored him, but continued giggling.  Rinshi thought to himself, Thats Odd.  Rinshi saw 2 girls walking towards him waving at him.  Rinshi waved back as the girls began approaching calling out, ”HEY!”  Rinshi still waving at the girls as the two girls got closer one of the girls held her arms out to hug him, she walked completely around him.  Rinshi, surprised by the girls action immediately turned around to see a boy slightly shorter than him, addressing the girls. The boy was light tan skin with aqua clear blue eyes, his hair was at neck length was jet black and untidy.  he wore soft cotton type clothing: A thin mesh undershirt with short sleeves, dim indigo blue sleeveless jacket to his waist length, short mid-night black pants with a dusky black holster on his right leg, Obscure black twin wristbands, snowy white wrapping that covered his shadowy black shoe below the knee cap and a jet black headband located around his waist.  Rinshi immediately thought to himself, Who the hell is this guy!?!?


4Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:58 pm



Placing his hands behind his head while he walks and slightly kicks dirt but not enough to mess up his white clothes, “Jesus, I wonder what the hell was that about..”. Closing his eyes slowly and folding his hands meanwhile he was thinking. Opening his eyes and gaze up to the sky, watching the clouds slowly soars by, calm and relaxing day without any danger was his favorite type of days.

“..Right, I have that mission to complete.”

He sets off and begins to walk down the street, with both hands buried into his pocket. in a split second, he remember that he left his book in the shop, “Oh shit!”, swiftly turning himself around, he was about to dash off before he heard someone shouted out “Hey!”, which stop him in his tracks, turning his head around as a group of girls make their way over to him, “Oh, Hello there~”, he said with a warm smile.

Word Count:

5Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:18 am



Rinshi became steadily tempered with the fact for the first time ever he was ignored by girls, usually he pays no attention to girls unless he’s in the mood but something just wasn’t right.  Rinshi decided to ignore the matter and continue on his way.  Rinshi as he walked down, the festive themed street, looked over his shoulder to find that the girls were no longer with him but the boy looked as if he were following him now.  Rinshi planned to continue walking as he thought it was some sort of coincidence, still he did not feel easy about some mysterious person following him.  Rinshi began walking up the steps of the Administrative Building as he reached the top of the steps the sun was beginning to set.  Rinshi walked towards the Mission Board and decided to take his first C-Rank mission it would be the first one he ever took so he thought it should be worth his while.

Rinshi took one of the sheets of paper that was nailed to the board it read URGENT in bold red letters.  Rinshi continued to read on, A Sarutobi Genin accidentally set flames to a building inside the Sarutobi compound while practicing a new Katon based Jutsu. These flames quickly spread across a small section of the compound, these fires must be put out before they spread across the entire compound and turn the prestigious clan’s home into ruinous ash.  Rinshi thought to himself, Finally some action!!!  Rinshi folded the piece of paper and shoved it in his back pouch.  Rinshi ran towards a building and began climbing up a ladder to take a rooftop shortcut.  Rinshi began running as he could see the flames getting brighter and brighter.  Rinshi for some reason looked over his soldier and saw the boy from earlier running behind him.   Rinshi came to a halt as the boy ran into him from behind, making Rinshi fall forward.  Rinshi turned on his back and sat up and with a raised tone.  “What the hell is with you following me! Huh!”  


6Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:46 am



Ryuusi was a bit confused considering the fact that all the girls were talking to him at once; he could barely understand what exactly was coming out of their mouths. Gawking upwards to see: A boy that was taller than him, tan skin with toned arms, black short sleeve high collar shirt with some strange symbol on the sleeves. Dark blue color long shorts with bandage wrap around his wrist and even his ankle. Navy Blue Ankle-long Ninja sandal with 3 pouches: One attached to the back area of his shorts and the others on each leg. On his hands was a jet black fingerless pair glove with reflective type of metal plate on the back also with the Hidden leaf symbol that seems to be engraved, certainly his forehead protective head-band. His eyes widen a bit to realize that the boy thought that they were running to him. He felt a bit guilty that someone’s hope was crashed like that and he wanted to apologize to him.

Stepping forward, he was surrounded by girls, “This is bad..”, he told himself meanwhile they all were talking to him. Getting a bit annoyed for the Noise, he inhales then exhales, thinking of what his father taught him as he flashes back to that scene, his father bends down to his level and said, “Listen Kiddo, whenever you find yourself trapped by other, just make a distraction and leave, anything that can catch their attention or you can shut them up and leave.”. He smiles, staring at the girl in front of him at the moment, gently grabbing her chin and Kissing her forehead while she blushes until her face was glowing blood red, “That’s something you can keep to remember me by, I have Important matters to attend too.”, he said meanwhile all of them were shock and a bit angry that she was the only one to got a kiss. Using this, he leaves the circle slowly and said, “See you guys later~”, swiftly sprinting off before they realize that he was leaving.

Successfully escaping, he stops and takes a breather, “Dad, I owe you one.”. Luckily for him, he spots the boy ahead, “Looks like he’s going to the mission board as well..”, he thinks to himself; stepping off while entombing his hands into his pocket. He realizes that the boy looked back and started to speed up. He was wondering about that but he continues his walk.

Finally arriving inside the mission board building, a woman was shouting, “We need Ninja to help put out a fire as soon as possible!” however she waves around the mission paper. He slightly frowns, he was pondering if anyone was hurt: Hastily walking up to the woman, he grabbed one of the mission papers and scan it, “I see, the roof it is.”. Climbing the ladder up to the roof, he notices that it was getting dark and of course, he could pin point the fire’s location. Jumping off, roof to roof as fast as he can go, he spots the boy for early making his way over to that direction. All of a sudden, he stops, causing both of them to collide, “What the?!”, as he fall on his rear. The boy shouted at him as he releases a sighs, “I’m not following you, now I have to go help put out that fire.”, he said before getting up and dusting off his clothes, “Before you flare up, if you’re heading to that fire, Shut up and take the back area, I’ll take the front, I really don't care about what you do, and how you do it, just make sure you don't screw up.”, he said before jumping off.

Arriving in front of the building with his back turn to the flames, he wasn’t near the fire or near the crowd, turning his head to the left, staring at the fire as he thinks to himself how exactly is he going to do this, “Fire out Fire..I hope no one is dumb enough to try that..”, he said before taking one step towards the building.

Word Count:

7Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:54 pm



Still sitting on the ground listened as the boy let out a sigh in reply to Rinshi's brash comments,  “I’m not following you, now I have to go help put out that fire.”  Rinshi felt embarrassed for judging the boy, but not to long before his first comment, the boy spoke again.  “Before you flare up, if you’re heading to that fire, Shut up and take the back area, I’ll take the front, I really don't care about what you do, and how you do it, just make sure you don't screw up.”  Rinshi grew quickly agitated at the slight comment from the boy telling him to not “screw up.”  Rinshi decided to follow the direction the boy gave him, and proceeded to the back of the house.  

Rinshi ran behind the back of the house, where he saw a man standing inside of the house holding a baby, the man was dressed in all black and his face was covered.  Rinshi ran into the burning house, as he stood behind the shadow dressed man he spoke, ”Oh how this takes back memories of the day I graduated from the academy.  Hand over the baby you loser, and maybe I'll let you go in peace.”  The man stood turned around surprise, dropped the baby, and vanished.  Rinshi dived for the baby before it hit the ground.

Standing up from his heroic dive, he tried to run back outside to the back of the home.  Rinshi stood with the baby in both hands immediately thought, Thats Perfect!  Rinshi rushed farther back approximately 39 meters from the home. Rinshi stood perfectly still as he could feel the wind behind him growing stronger and stronger.


8Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:57 pm



Releasing a gentle sigh, he push his hands into his pocket, closing his eyes while he thinks to himself, “What should I do…....That kid..”, quickly turning back to the crowd and ask, “Hey, where is the kid that started the fire?”, lucky for him someone responses, “He is still inside the building.”. Just that statement put him in a shock state as his eyes widen. He quickly dash forward, towards the door, extending his leg into a kick, knocking the door down, “Shit, Shit, Shit!”. Hurriedly scanning the area has he makes his way farther into the building. The heat was different: It was so damn hot, kicking his way through junk, he found the kid laying on the ground unconscious, “There you are.”, quickly checking his pulse to see if he was still alive as he releases a sigh of relieves that his heart was beating.

Both exiting the building safely, he puts him on the ground. Ryuusi himself was in a bad shape: He was a bit black for the smoke, part of his clothes was burn and he was cut from kicking junks but he was happy that everyone was safe. Sitting on the ground, he wonders how is the other boy doing at the back.

Word Count:

9Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:04 am



Rinshi still stood holding the baby, was losing his footing as the wind tunnel blew over them and he nearly fell forward. Rinshi now behind the wind tunnel which was now blowing away the flames upon the building and Rinshi sweating and with a sigh, ”Whew! Well lets get you back to your parents little guy.” The baby had big brown eyes, black hair, and a pug little nose. Rinshi smiled as the baby giggled at him. Thus he began walking to speak with the Sarutobi clansmen.

Rinshi arrived on the opposite side of the building, already handing over the baby to one of the clansmen opting not to tell him about the shadowed man. Rinshi now noticed a boy unconscious on the ground, and the black haired boy from before standing next to him. Rinshi approached the boy and said, ”Will he be okay?” Before the boy could answer a Sarutobi clansmen approached the two boys. ”Thank you young men for helping us.” Rinshi smiled and nodded at the man.

Rinshi holding out the sheet from earlier gave it to the man who addressed him and the other boy from before. The man returned it to him signed and with a wave, Rinshi was off. Before he left he approached the black haired boy and spoke, ”So kid. Whats your name?”

10Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Empty Re: Sarutobi on Fire [C-Rank/Ryuusi] Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:21 pm



Ryuusi release a loud sigh, he was relieve at the boy was ‘OK’ as the medic ninja took him to the hospital, his injuries can heal themselves so he didn’t even after one of the medic to help or accept there healing request. Making his way with his hands buries into his pockets, like he was just Mr. Cool, he didn’t care about the mission anymore, at least, “At least you can do something and don’t screw up.”, he comments at the boy before he continues to walk. Hearing, “So kid. Whats your name?” he turn his head towards the boy, he knew he was older but he wasn’t going to use it against him, “I’m Ryuusi, if you want to know more about me and what not, I’m always at Shushaya Pub.” He told the boy as he place his hands into a Ram seal and vanish like that. To him, mission is complete and now make sure, he wanted to check it off and get his pay.

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