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The Dog Attacks|Blood Prince Mission|Completed

Another day. Another dollar. Another opportunity to potentially lose your life – not returning home to your love ones. This is the reality of a shinobi of any rank face on a daily basis. But one will never hear such morbid thoughts being addressed in the classroom, for it would be counterproductive to tell the academy students, your future soldiers, that the morality rate of increases the more you move through the ranks. Or that females are far more likely to get rape or perform seduction missions more than their male counterparts. If such things were told at the academy there hardly would be any shinobis for most of them as children, would be to afraid to continue their pursuit. So instead the teachers are instructed to sugar-coat the horrors that awaits for them. Encourage their foolish dreams of grander, while knowing that some of them won't even see past chuunin and that's if they were lucky. And the sad part is the majority of the children fell for the twisted truths spewing out of their instructors mouth, like a good little dog.

Though like anything there are 'dogs' that are more intelligent than the masses, their reasons varying, and understands that what's being told were nothing but twisted truths. One of these individuals is none of then Guanyin Nanashi, who thanks to a loving mother and other circumstances understands some truths about the world around him, that the academy instructors left out or sugar-coated in their lessons. A dog of the military the chuunin might be, but not a naive one. He will dance to their tunes for as long as it benefits him. He will become their attack dog, when asked, but only when asked. He will be their healer whenever the circumstance arises, doing it not to say a life but for his personal own gain. Nanashi truly was a dog that shouldn't be taken lightly and have a promising shinobi career ahead of him.

Here for a mission?” The dark haired chuunin asked, having already rifling through the pile of available missions when he saw Nanashi walk coming around the corner bend. Having spent sometime outside of work with the former Geisha, the man knew Nanashi pretty well, and he can honestly say that the teenager unnerved him greatly. Not because of anything he done did, but because of the ease that he could come up with false alias with a back story to match, perfectly. There were numerous of times were he had witness Nanashi henged into another person and flirted with females at the bar, with skills that were make an actor envious. Before disappearing the female never seeing him again, till weeks later, with him coming up with a perfect excuse.

Yep. Have anything c-rank worthy. Got a particular taste I need to satisfy” The dark haired chuunin nodded at the others' request, before throwing him a mission.

Thanks.” Nanashi stated, having caught the scroll and were currently committing the contents of the scroll to memory. That scroll itself would turn to ashes before dissipating into nothingness, thanks to a small katon that was learnt from the man in front of him.

See you later. Most likely won't be able to go out tomorrow night. My better half want to spend time with me.” Nanashi stated, receiving a nod from the dark haired man, who knew about the relationship he was in.

Alright, take it easy than.” The male said, going back to passing out missions as Nanashi disappeared from the area.

A bandit camp. It seems like that what will be Nanashi's target for this mission. While the scroll did indicate that there are numerous of these hell holes popping up throughout Iwa's territory, Nanashi was only instructed to take out one, that were near a small Iwa port, not that far from Iwagakure. Luckily do to the bandits wonderful idea of making small camp sites through the Tsuchi no Kuni territory, the former Geisha predicted that the number of bandits at each camp to be relatively small and lackluster. Though Nanashi did give them some credit, for due to smaller camps they are more able to keep a headcount of those there – making infiltrating them a pain in the ass. Not only that the leader of them can be in anyone of those camps – making finding him troublesome. But seeing how that weren't apart of his mission parameters, Nanashi began to think up a way to complete this mission.

Night, is the shinobi best friend. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. It was this reason why Nanashi had taken this mission so late. Perched on a tree branch overlooking the small base, with a roaring fire in the middle of it. A fire only attracts the attention of other animals and people, everyone knew that – well maybe not seeing how these poor fools didn't. It were shinobi rules 101. His citrine orbs watched the movements of the five bandits that were laughing uproariously, when another had almost fell into the fire, spilling alcohol all over themselves. Nanashi mentally shook his head at their idiocy of these fools who looked like grunts more than anything.

ehy, boss! I got to restroom.” One of the more illiterate bandits said before stumbling off to the nearby woods, to relieve himself of his full bladder. Unknowingly to him this simple act had just forfeit his life.

Ah this feels good.”

Yes, it does.” Nanashi whispered into the man's ear, having placed his hand over the bandit's mouth, preventing him from scream, as 'smile' appeared underneath his chin before the crimson liquid gushed outward like a geyser – coating the ground with it's life given essences. Nanashi didn't allow the man to drop down on the ground but rather gently lay the deceased male, disposing him behind some bushes. Can't allow him to be found, right? Once he made sure the bandit wouldn't be found Nanashi made his way towards the camp, henged as the deceased male.

By the time he arrived back at the camp other four members had fallen into a drunken slumber. Five minutes later all four members had smiley faces underneath their shin, their life essence flowing freely from the gash – staining their attire, not like it matter anyway. Nanashi spent a few minutes going through any documentation that he could find, all which pertain to the location of other bases. Nanashi didn't even bother to burn the bodies, preferring to allow the pack of wolves that were howling in the distance to feed upon their bodies. If anything for sure they will surely have their bellies full.

Mission accomplished.” Nanashi stated having handed the chuunin who were manning the desk the needed document and proof of kills – before heading home, wanting to see his love.

[Final Word Count: 1153]

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