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On my way to the next training field, I remember that I need to re-supply on the amount of dirt I have in my possession. Not giving a damn, knowing these tasks are required to get accustomed to the process of completing missions, I turn my wheelbarrow in the direction of the village, where I'd go find the same vendor in which I got the bags of dirt from originally.

Finally arriving at the next training field, with a wheelbarrow containing full bags of dirt, I crack my neck in preparation to do this mundane and un-interesting task. The hard part about cleaning up people's messes in an open field is how boring the job is. I have to entertain myself somehow or it'll be a long and grueling process.

Scanning the field for craters and other decrepit aspects of it, a couple ninja are engaging in a sparring match in the distance. Both are teenagers, around my own age, and they are practicing hand-to-hand combat, each with a kunai knife. They had forehead protectors, so they were at least a Genin-rank. They were both amateurs as well, so I hoped they were only lowly Genin like myself.

Thinking to myself "If they were any rank higher than me, that would be a shame to the Leaf Village."

I decide to do what I can to clean up before they were finished. Yet, the only task that had to be done was changing the Taijutsu striking logs. I released the wheelbarrow and walked over to the current Taijutsu striking logs. They weren't worn down to that much, yet I decided to be thorough in my work and make sure the entire area was fresh as possible. Looking around the immediate perimeter, I couldn't find any logs. 

I sighed in disappointment and thought "Maybe these degenerates will be done by the time I return with some fresh logs."

Scouring the forest for some large logs that were able to take some hits from regular Taijutsu attacks, I can't find any immediately. There were always logs around the area. A bit more searching and I was sure to find a couple big logs that I could bring back to the training ground. With that mentality I was driven to find the replacement logs and was self-assured that they'd be found in the vicinity. 

After 10 minutes of hopefully searching, my sure attitude was superseded by impatience. Finally, deciding to end my search and make logs of my own, I go back to the outskirts of the forest near the training ground. I see a short, yet thick tree that would suffice to make training logs out of it. It has a considerable distance from other trees. I'd burn the base of the tree enough to take it down easily, yet not so bad that it would start a fores t fire. Using the Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu (translation into Japanese Romaji is Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu), I released a moderate burst of flames at the trunk of the tree. Burning to a crisp, it was about ready to take down. Re-arranging myself, I gave the tree a solid chakra-enhanced kick to it's base, as it toppled down into the open field. 

One of the two ninja who were continuing their training from earlier shouted vulgarity at me "What the fuck are you doing, man?"

Ignoring the imputent bastard, I then approximated where the breakage would occur to have sufficient size for the striking logs. Concluding that four large pieces could be made, I hollered at the two other young men here in the field with me asking for a kunai, so that the incisions at my desired breakpoints could be made "Can one of you two let me borrow a kunai knife for a moment?"  

The one knucklehead from before yelled an obscenity at me yet again "Screw off!"

Getting enraged, I went over to him and he said cockily "Oh, what'cha going to do, huh?"

I walked up to where I was in his face. At remarkable speed compared to my observation of him in training beforehand, In grabbed the kunai knife, and jumped over him. Landing behind him, I flung my right arm around his neck and brought him to the ground. With my left hand, I clutched the kunai and poked him under the chin. Not enough to make a break in his skin, but enough to make him aware what was below his head. Sweat started rushing down his face, feeling the fear that emanated from him. I couldn't look back to see his friend's reaction.

With an voice filled wth anger and egotistical enjoyment, I muttered "Learn some god-damn manners, you piece of shit. I can kill you at any moment I wish. Try me again and I'll bury you here with no-one to find you ever again."

I released him from his bonds, turned around and gave his friend a calm nod. Walking back over to the tree I re-assessed my measures and made the notches where I would divide the tree apart. Then I proceeded to kick all of the breakpoints one-by-one for a good 15 seconds until there were 4 huge logs ready to use. 

I grabbed two of them and went over to the older Taijutsu striking logs. I took them out of the ground and tossed them to the side. Planting the new ones in the ground, I went back to the wheelbarrow full of dirt and started the process of filling in the potholes in the landscape. 

After about 5 minutes, it was all completed. Having adrenaline pump from the rush of putting that other Genin in his place, there was nothing left but to bring the wheelbarrow back... except give the kid his kunai knife back. Scanning the perimeter for him and his cohort, it had seemed that they left. I placed the kunai in my back pocket, grasped the handles of the wheelbarrow and proceeded back into town to return the tools and be relieved of my duties. 

Chakra usage:

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