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1Innocent Minds [C-Rank/Private/Kumo] Empty Innocent Minds [C-Rank/Private/Kumo] Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:37 pm


Nagare had left Horui behind for this mission, which was quite an easy one as contrary to what he thought he'd be facing. He had just come from Reika, who had finally promoted him to Jounin. With his first goal reached, all of the possibilities seemed so real all of a sudden, and never again would he feel weak. He was a respected and powerful Jounin of Kumogakure no Sato, and he planned to keep that title. His mission, for now, was to simply lecture a bunch of random academy students on the life of a ninja and what it entails; they obviously knew what they were getting into, so Nagare found it pointless to reiterate it, but maybe they didn't; maybe they just wanted to be cool, kunai-slinging ninja. Maybe he was doing some good by giving them the awakening he soon would. Only time would tell, and until then, his sights were set on the reward.

The red-eyed shinobi arrived at the Academy with time to spare, so he sat outside and looked up at the sun until it was exactly 2:00 PM, so that he was just on time. He entered the building, moving through the long curved halls and finally arriving in a large room. A woman with glasses approached him, her blue eyes sparkling like diamonds. "Hello, you must be Nagare. I'm Ms. Vernia, and you'll be teaching about 30 aspiring academy students the ways of a ninja. Let me warn you, they aren't the most respectful of students." she turned as a boy called her over. "They'll be here in a minute, I'm sure you can handle yourself while I take care of some side business." and she went to follow the boy. Nagare sighed, and watched as a crowd of short children with bored expressions entered and sat down, looking up at him.

"Hi, students. My name is Sōseiji, Nagare, and I'm a Jounin here in Kumogakure." a girl in the crowd raised her hand. Nagare gestured toward her in indication to ask her question. "Why are you here? We were doing shuriken practice!" Nagare sighed again, already fully aware that he would not like the next 30 minutes. "I'm here to teach you how to be a ninja, and what it means to be one. You may think you already know...." he said quietly, lighting his hand aflame and displaying it for all to see, "But it's not easy, and it's dangerous. You see, being a ninja means that you put your life on the line to protect the place you love, the village that you live in, the very countryside it stands on. Your life isn't about having cool jutsu and being strong; it's about guardianship of things you care about." None of the children were really paying him any attention, save a select few who were enthralled by his flaming hand.

"Ugh, you know what? Let's just get this over with. You don't want to listen to me? THEN I'LL GET SERIOUS." he slammed a hand against the wall, and charged Raiton chakra into it, which cut the lights in the room immediately. As silently as possible, he ran to the door and closed it. Now, it was completely dark in the lecture room, and the kids were looking left and right, with scared countenances. "I'm going to test all of you. If you can survive the next 30 minutes, then you can return to your studies. This is what it means to be a ninja." He used a simple Clone technique, and images of him ran through the crowd. Some of the kids began slinging jutsu at them, while others just ran away. When all the clones were gone, he summoned Amaya, and made her swoop through the room, using Fire Release: Misty Flame Dance. The noxious gas filled the room, stinging everyone's noses.

The same girl that asked the question earlier, stepped up and made a string of hand signs before using a Fuuton technique that blew the gas out. A cluster of students, near 11 of them, were huddled in the corner, hoping not to be seen, but Nagare had his Heat Mapping Technique active in the pitch-dark, and he knew where they were. Dodging the Fuuton technique, he spouted a blast of flames around, which 3 Suiton ninja countered with Water Trumpet techniques. Scanning through his mental library of jutsu, he realized that none of his remaining techniques were fit to use against almost-ninja, so he found the light switch and turned it on again, before re-approaching the stage. "Most of you did well, you may return to your training. Those of you who were huddled in the corner..." he pointed to all 11 of them, one by one, "..are not ready to be ninja. You were afraid, and you let it get the better of you. Next time...if you're still willing to be ninja, that need to keep your head high, and face your fear. No matter how strong your opponent is, you need to keep fighting, you can't let yourself run unless you need to. You may leave, too, but remember what I just told you." The remaining kids ignored him, for the most part, and left the room with smirks.

Ms. Vernia returned, with an innocent smile. "Sooo? How did it go?" Obviously, Nagare wasn't going to tell her he had practically attacked them, so he kept it short and sweet.

"It went well, I think. Thank you for letting me lecture them, they are a good batch of students, I expect they'll be powerful shinobi one day." the Sp. Jounin simply smiled, and Nagare gave her a salute before turning and leaving the building, off to collect his reward. That wasn't nearly as bad as he expected, and it had passed quickly. Easiest. 130. Ryo. Ever.

Mission Word Count:

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