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1Conflict [D rank/Repeatable] Empty Conflict [D rank/Repeatable] Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:37 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji was on his way to Tethys Grounds to mediate a squabble, he didn’t know if he was up for it because he had just a peppered shrimp with seasoned pork; holding his stomach, “Hope I can make it”. From the description he was given; there were two people, one was an older man described as a wanderer and the other a young man who was insistent that the other not be there. Well, they both insisted on such. Kenji was a few meters away from the two, they were so enveloped in their squabble they didn’t even notice the shinobi standing adjacent to them. “A filthy bum like you doesn’t belong up here!” From the tone and diction of the young man it was apparent that the youngster’s intentions were to offend the older man, “Listen hear, you bully, I was once a great adventurer and should be treated with more respect. A rude and disrespectful twerp like YOU shouldn’t be up here.” The sky was beginning to swirl; Kenji took it as a sign to bring resolution to this issue.
Kenji had heard enough and after a few more minutes of bickering, he decided to interject. Kenji held his hand up with his head down, first he snapped trying to get the two’s attention. They continued so he resorted to more forward actions; “HEY YOU TWO!!” The two swung their heads to face the bordering irate shinobi; it appeared that they immediately became aware that he was a Kumogakure shinobi, most likely due to his headband. “I’ve heard both sides, and you two are ridiculous. I’m going to resolve this right now.” The two bickering fools stared at each other as they anticipated whose side the shinobi would assist and agree with. Kenji was closer to the age of the bully, and that was most likely the reason he was grinning so widely while adjusting his hat. Kenji sighed and shook his head with eyes closed. Getting the two to compromise, giving how dull they were was going to prove a longer task than Kenji was willing to endure giving his upset stomach. So he indeed was going to choose a side and basically force the other to leave. But then he thought of a slightly better way to solve the issue; “One will stay today and the other will get to have the Tethys Grounds the next day without the company of the other. Yea, that’ll work.” Kenji took a few steps closer to the two, “Ok, here’s the deal… hold on, one second please.” The genin’s stomach was spinning and gurgling; “Oh no” Kenji said to himself, the bully approached Kenji to see if he was all right he presumed. Kenji was slightly bent over holding his stomach and then…. The bully’s nose began to twitch, Kenji lifted his head “I had some bad peppered shrimp” He said with an embarrassed tone and rosy cheeks. Then all of a sudden the bully went into a complete frenzy, “I hate farts!! Disgusting” With a puzzled look, “You do it too.” He said with a dismissive sigh, almost insulted by the fellow’s gaudiness. The beggar looked in delight as he could tell that it had really upset the bully, and with some effort he ripped one as well. “See, everyone does it; now it’s your turn.” Kenji said happily. “You’re both filthy scoundrels.” The bully then proceeded to run away. Kenji was shaking his head in disbelief, he turned to the beggar; “Your pepper shrimp must have been raw.”
Well, the beggar “won”, he now had the Tethys Grounds. Kenji didn’t stay around for a thank you or anything like that. He did his job, and he thought he’d let the man enjoy the solace of not having that irritating bully around. As Kenji trekked back, he found the whole thing rather amusing upon reflection. And Kenji realized that the bully did have a point, his flatulence was quite unpleasant. “No more peppered shrimp for me.”
WORD COUNT: 668/600

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