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Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

People often seemed to demand things from life, things they should have been able to have and were taken from them unjustly, and sometimes they asked for things they shouldn't have simply because they're greedy or because they believe falsely that they need them. Sometimes life was nice enough to give out it's blessings, and sometimes it wasn't. But, more often than not, people blamed it on destiny. "Oh, this worked? It was clearly always supposed to, for you are one of god's chosen ones!" or, along the lines of "You lost your family? Well, it was clearly your karma for being a terrible person,  and it was always going to happen". People believed that simply because two events happened one after another, they were linked. They assumed that effect and effect were rather cause and thus effect, they got the entire theory of causation wrong. However, Oshi was not one of those people.

Yes, he had wanted to become strong since he was very young, he had wanted to become strong enough to become Hokage after Takeshi eventually went to whatever happened after death, and so he had struggled and trained and done mission after mission for the village. However, despite that wish, when he heard that the hokage had asked to train with him, he didn't believe that it was some form of destiny or whatever some people would call it. No, he didn't believe that this event following his desire to become hokage was some sign of god blessing him, he was sure there was some reason for it that made sense, after all everything had to make sense scientifically in this world.

Or, maybe he was a little bit embittered by the way that life had treated him. If he hadn't lost his entire family, would he have believed in destiny and fate the same way that others did? Would he believe that having a ninja way was as important as having morals? Or, would he have remained this way even if he still had a bustling family that would have finally grown up and he could have left to their own devices whilst going back to working for the village? it was impossible to know, and Oshi for one was not the kind of person to play what if unless it actually helped his plan of survival. It would just waste time that shouldn't be wasted on nonsense like this.

So, rather than thinking about how it was clearly fate that had brought them to this conjuncture, Oshi had spent the night before, since the very moment that he'd been told about the hokage wishing to train with him, trying to come up with a plan of action....  Well, not a plan of action per se, since that might sound a little bit hostile. Instead, he might call it an idea of how he was going to deal with what most villagers would consider an honor. This was so soon after the promotion to Tokujo, he was sure that rather than training him what he was actually planning on doing was assessing his proficiency for the job. After all, it wasn't like there were any reports of the way that he worked that Oshi hadn't written himself.

Only one person to date had managed to see his powers and live, and that had been forest girl. She might work as a bodyguard to the hokage, but since she had outright threatened to kill him for his eyes, he doubted whether she would be willing to mention what had happened to him. So, without that little bit of information to the kage, he was having to work off what was, essentially, an entirely biased report of his actions. Oshi could simply be making things look in a certain light to benefit him so that he was ranked up quicker, so whatever Oshi did today would have to be very careful, he had to remain dignified and skilled at all times, and if he screwed up this could lead to a lot of future trouble.

But, the man was an expert in ninjutsu, he was one of the strongest practitioners of it in the entire village, along with his current line of Sannin. Knowing that to be the case, Oshi could kick into action a plan that he'd been waiting on for a little while now. He had long since wanted to train in the arts of ninjutsu, he wanted to be able to master things that would allow him to fight outside of assassination or tracking down targets. He was given Special Jounin for his skill as a hunter-nin, rather than an all around specialist. If he had been an all around specialist, he would have become a fully fledged jounin, and so he was going to have to go out of his way to train a more rounded set of skills. If he could do that, he was sure that his final promotion would come seamlessly and without having to worry about things like this again. After all, he had already taken out enemies of the village without too much effort, surely that would shine like a star on his reports and get him the promotion that he wanted? It could not be said until things actually came to fruition

As such, no matter what this man was training, or perhaps not training, he would have to act the same way. He would have to activate his sharingan during the training and analyze how the man did his ninjustu. The Copy Wheel technique had become something of rather a lot of controversy, people claimed that it was stealing techniques that the  individual ninja had absolutely no right to, giving them a way to get things that others couldn't just by recording what happened around them. Whilst most people didn't seem to care very much, especially since Uchiha weren't exactly common, especially Uchiha who had trained enough that they were actually able to actualize the second tomoe within their own body. But, those who did care about it seemed to get very offended by it, and very quickly. So, he was having to hope that the kage was the first type. Still, he was an Uzumaki and after the war between Naruto and Sasuke a full century before, there was a chance that he would not be so forgiving. Oshi was only descended from Sasuke in a very round about way, he thought that he was maybe his great great grand nephew or something along those lines, he'd not paid attention to the lineage properly. But, was that a close enough relation that the man would get offended by it?

What was, unfortunately, more likely was that he would get offended over what Hao had done to the village recently. During Mitsuo's return, the kage had had to fight off Hao from attacking mitsuo, and Oshi had actually seen that battle take place. It was during that battle that Oshi had unlocked his second tomoe, so he knew for a fact that the kage had fought in it. Hao was only distantly related to him, but blood was thicker than water. Was it possible that he would take out his frustrations on Oshi simply because he was related to that piece of shit? He wished he knew, but for once he was stumbling around in the dark without a torch. Things were going to get awkward for one reason or another, that much Oshi was sure.

750/750 - Learned Ninjutsu (D)
500/3000 - Trained Ninjutsu (C)

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