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1Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Orochi Clan [WIP] Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:43 am




Orochi  Clan [WIP] 31d0UbkCyTL

Orochi Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Snake Affinity

Elements: N/A

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Konohagakure

Clan History:

Kekkei Genkai Description:

Everyone born into the Orochi clan has physical attributes that resemble snakes. The most obvious of them is the slitted eyes and the long forked tongue. Also, Orochi clan members are cold blooded.

Members of the Orochi Clan all have the innate ability to "see" heat signatures. To the Orochi, this is normal. The clan members see the world normally but everything they see has what appears to be an "aura" covering it. The auras color depends on the temperature of the object. White is the hottest, and black is the coldest. This ability makes it easy for the Orochi clan members to locate living organisms and distinguish between what is real, and what is not, making it easier for the Orochi to notice when under the influence of a Genjutsu.

On top of this, the Orochi have a near super-human sense of taste. This allows them to get a great deal of information simply by tasting the air around them. This type of information includes how many people are in an area, as well as who they are if they have tasted the person before.

These attributes make the Orochi clan members excellent at tracking and stealth as they can see the residual heat signatures of people to track them, and know when someone is in the area simple by tasting the air.


Orochi are highly susceptible to temperature. This is due to the fact that they are cold blooded. If they get too cold, their bodily functions slow and naturally go into a state of hibernation. On the other hand, if they get too hot, they could overheat and die.

Also, due to their heat vision, things that are very hot, if unexpected, could blind the Orochi temporarily.

Orochi, Yohan

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Skin Clone Jutsu
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: N/A
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 4 Posts
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Description: The member of the Orochi Clan will use their chakra to "shed" their skin, making a paper thin clone of themselves and their clothes. When damaged, the clone will tear and shred away.

Name: Secret Snake Technique: Serpent Stomach Jutsu
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: N/A
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 5 Posts
Cooldown: 6 Posts
Description: The Orochi uses their chakra to cause their body to become more elastic, as well as more resistant to puncture on the soft, inner tissue. This allows them to swallow anything from weapons to animals to whole people. The users chakra then restricts the bodies natural digestive process, allowing the object to remain undamaged inside of the user. The users chakra within the stomach forces the object into a more compact state, allowing the user to carry objects and people larger than themselves without appearing stretched out or deformed. The user can then regurgitate the object at any time so long as the jutsu is in effect.

Should the user fail to regurgitate the object before the jutsu wears off, the results could be disastrous depending on what the user swallowed. In addition, the jutsu uses a considerable amount of chakra.

Name Secret Snake Technique: Skin Shedding Body Replacement Jutsu
Canon/Custom Canon
Rank A
Type Supplementary
Specialty Ninjutsu
Duration 2 Posts
Cooldown 4 Posts
Description This jutsu, while using a considerable amount of chakra, allows the user to create a new, undamaged body within his original body. The user, in his new body, then crawls out of the old bodies mouth, as if he were shedding his skin. This jutsu even replicates clothing. This jutsu is useful if the user has taken serious damage, as the new body is unharmed in any way upon completing the jutsu. However, this jutsu renders the user very tired.

Name Snake Form Jutsu
Canon/Custom Custom
Rank D
Type Supplementary
Element N/A
Range N/A
Specialty Ninjutsu
Duration 5 Posts
Cooldown 2 Posts
Description The user uses his chakra to modify his body. These modifications can be anywhere on the body that the user wants. The modifications include only that the user is able to extend a part of his body, and make it more flexible and snake-like. This could also be used to fuse the legs together and lengthen them, giving the user the lower half of a snake. Or to turn the hands into snake heads, making a Taijutsu more deadly. However, the more complex the body modification, the longer it takes for the body to retake its original shape.

Last edited by Yohan on Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:29 pm; edited 5 times in total

2Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Orochi Clan [WIP] Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:27 am


Restricted and Banned List wrote:

  • Steel Release.

Sorry. This clan is Denied. And don't say that it's not Steel Release just because you changed the name, "The Shield" is clearly a ripoff of [url=]Steel Release: Impervious Armor[/url].

3Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Orochi Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:34 am



I was informed of the Ban two days ago. Today was the first time I have been able to change it.

4Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Orochi Clan [WIP] Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:14 am




5Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Orochi Clan [WIP] Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:30 pm




6Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Orochi Clan [WIP] Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:22 pm


All of Orochimaru's snake techniques were sage arts @.@

also, you realise poison is banned right?

7Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Orochi Clan [WIP] Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:26 pm


Plus, some of these jutsu are Soft Body Modification (banned) or healing techniques which are far too overpowered for their rank.

8Orochi  Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Orochi Clan [WIP] Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:49 pm



No..i didnt realize any of that. sorry

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