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1Windmill Mayhem [B-Rank] Empty Windmill Mayhem [B-Rank] Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:54 pm



Takeshi woke up out of his bed with a mixture of different feelings swirling through his head and stomach. He was excited, nervous, and a heap of different other emotions all at the same time. He felt like this because he got assigned to his first B rank mission, which was an achievement in its own right. The danger level of this mission was high as with all other B ranks. This one was different because it was his first B rank, he hoped he had prepared himself for this. As he got out of the bed, he worked out to hopefully relieve some tension he had built up. When he got done however, he still felt the same, just a little tired. He went to the bathroom to take care of some business. Shortly after he was greeted by his mother who had prepared a big breakfast in celebration of his accomplishment. She had a fake smile on her face, Takeshi could tell she was worried sick about her child. As with most other mothers out there, she didn’t want their child to put themselves in danger. She was a strong woman, all she did was encourage Takeshi and wished him the best of luck. His father was beaming with pride, with no sign of worry on his face. He had an huge smile on his face, he knew Takeshi would pull thru no matter what the challenge. These two sides of the coin with his parents was always the perfect balance for Takeshi. One one side, he had the soft motherly love, and on the other, strong fatherly love. After he ate breakfast, he left to go out to start his mission.

His mother had packed some food for him due to the traveling Takeshi had to do for this mission. The mission was based around the outskirts of the Fire Country, which would take a while to reach. The mission Takeshi had to complete was quite simple in theory, however he knew this could potentially kill him. He had to go arrest a guy who was destroying windmills on the edge of the country. This man had been apparently wanted for sometime now, but he had just now been found. Takeshi had only a certain amount of time to actually get to him because it was thought that he was on his way out of the country, but he just wanted to cause as much damage as possible. Takeshi left the house quite early, sticking to his motto of the early bird catches the worm. He was almost to the main gates of the village when a thought came across his mind. This was almost like an ANBU mission he heard of while he was at the academy. The ANBU was sent on these type of missions all the time, at least thats what the teachers at the academy preached. Takeshi thought this was cool, it was getting a little practice before the main game. Upon reaching the main gates, he pulled out his mission papers for the first time in what seemed like forever. The last time he even approached the main gates was months ago when he did his first C rank mission. When he thought about it like that, it sounded kinda cool that it worked out like that.

He gave the jounin at the office his papers when it came across his turn. He was now a chuunin and the jounin looked at him with a different look. It was almost like they were looking up at him at his development. Almost like he was their kid and they were watching him grow with each passing day. The jounin put a stamp on Takeshi’s mission papers, but before he gave them to Takeshi he stood up and shook his hand before he wishing him good luck. Takeshi felt slightly embarrassed when this happened, but then he realized that the difficulty of the mission would be somewhat difficult for ninja even at their rank. After the handshake, Takeshi went on his way to walk out the main gates. The gates seemed somewhat smaller since the last time he traveled through them. He looked up at the main gates as he walked out of them. As he looked up, he noticed that the sun had risen a little bit, seeing the colors of the sky change slightly. It was almost like the last time he had walked through the gates. At this point, Takeshi started to feel somewhat nostalgic even before he left the out of the sight of the village. Unlike the last time he had left the village, he didn’t plan on just skipping through the woods like a little girl in a red hood. He did have to make in time to arrest the guy who was causing the trouble, otherwise it would be marked as a failed mission.

The windmills at the edge of the country were towards the east, so Takeshi used the sun as a guide. He then jumped into the trees, heading towards the sun at a steady pace. He jumped on a branch with one foot and then landed on another branch with the other foot. After he got a rhythm, he kept it up with no problem. By this time in his ninja career, jumping on branches were no problem, so instead of just focusing on jumping from branch to branch, he stayed aware of his environment. He couldn’t really hear anything but the wind moving past his ears. but he did notice a lot of things. Like the animals of the forest didn’t seem to notice him, which was a good thing. At the academy, in order to train their stealth, they had to sneak up on deer in a forest. In the beginning it was hard, even for the more advanced people in the class. The trick for sneaking up on the deer that Takeshi found out was to not just blend in with the environment, move fast or go slow. The trick was to keep at peace with yourself, and don’t try to think so much. By just chilling out and not taking it to the extremes, Takeshi was able to sneak up on the deer with no problem. When he tried to explain this concept to the other kids, most of them didn’t get it, which was to be known.

After Takeshi jumped on the branches for a couple of more hours, he decided to take a break. It was noon and he was almost at the fire country’s border, he was also close to the windmills described in the mission papers. At this point, the trees became more scattered and the plains became more apparent. Takeshi pulled out the food that his mother made for him, after all it could be his last Takeshi thought jokingly. Takeshi ate the food and drunk the water she packed for him as well. He then looked at the mission papers and at the reason why this was ranked B. The guy who he had to arrest had a powerful kekkai genkai, although it wasn’t exactly known what it was. Takeshi packed up his stuff and headed towards the windmills, as he was reaching he had to start running in the open plains, which meant that he didn’t really have any cover going for him. As he approached his destination he heard a loud crash followed by a bright reddish light. Takeshi couldn’t see what it was because at the moment he was running up a steep hill, the only thing he saw for sure was smoke, so he ran up the hill as fast as he could.

As he got to the top of the hill, he watched as a windmill crashed to the ground in a blaze of fire. The sky above started to slowly change dark with clouds as the man who caused the destruction turned around. The man had short brown hair and looked to be a little older than Takeshi. He looked to be the same height as Takeshi with around the same build, which was a little strange. He wore a black kimono shirt with a fishnet garment visibly seen under the kimono shirt. He also wore a white sash with the standard shinobi pants and shoes. He had a menacing smile on his face followed by a loud laughter. The man looked at Takeshi at first with excitement, but that quickly changed to a disdained look as he began to look around. “Where is the rest of your team? Did they die on the way here or somethin?” the man said with a serious look on his face. Takeshi at first was confused by this statement but then he came to realize that the man was actually hoping for more than one shinobi. “HEY! I’m talking to you, I said where is the rest of your team.” the man said with an emotionless look on his face. Takeshi prepared himself before answering back. “I’m the only one they sent to take care of you.” Takeshi said in a calm voice. The man groaned a looked down while shaking his head, and after a brief pause the man looked up. “Well, my name is Ganjou Kemai and it looks like this is where you die today haha.”

Then the man looked into Takeshi eyes for a moment before he disappeared. Takeshi looked around frantically for the man, but he couldn’t find him, and then Takeshi heard a soft voice. The voice drew closer and more familiar with each passing second until Takeshi was able to recognize it. He turned around and saw his mother standing there with a smile on her face. “Takeshi, I’m so proud of you.” Takeshi was confused as to what was going on, he wondered how she managed to get her, she wasn’t trained as a ninja so it would take her at least a day to get here, so why? Then his mother walked closer to Takeshi, but as she got closer to him, her face began to change. It became more evil looking, the way she spoke became more menacing and Takeshi was beginning to question what was happening. He couldn’t think straight, there was some kind of noise in his head that grew louder and it interrupted his thinking. He fell to his knees and his mother walked closer holding a kunai as she repeated the same phrase “I love you...” over and over. Then Takeshi remembered something his mother told him if he ever felt so confused and hurt that he just couldn’t go on. The thing she said was...TO GROW THE FUCK UP AND KICK ITS ASS!!!! That was the only time she was ever vulgar, but she spoke the truth, he needed to grow up. Takeshi got up and shot chains made out chakra from his hands. His mother dodged the attack by moving to the left, but Takeshi met her with his fist and gave her a swift uppercut.

The uppercut was enough to knock her out and then the illusion ended and Takeshi saw it was Ganjou Kemai from before. Takeshi realized that it was a strong genjutsu he put him under, or maybe it was his kekkai genkai. Takeshi never quite got his answer, but after he turned Ganjou Kemai in he had to oversee the reconstruction of some windmills that were destroyed. After a couple of weeks, the reconstruction was completed and Takeshi was able to return home for good now since his mission was completed.

1950/1500 Mission Completed

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