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1Naruto Revolution (Affiliation)  Empty Naruto Revolution (Affiliation) Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:06 pm



[center]Naruto Revolution (Affiliation)  Narutorrr_zpsb0b1d729

Not your traditional Naruto Roleplaying Game.

Naruto Revolution is one of the oldest Naruto role playing websites around, so much that there have been spin-offs that have also have been successful. Out of all of them though, Naruto Revolution is still standing. We started in 2005 and have rode the waves and have been through a lot. The end result is a good sized community who are loyal to the site and want to make it succeed. Recently we did a huge revamp, and moved Naruto Revolution from the traditional Naruto, into a more mature shinobi world.

We offer a new modernized world in which shinobi and civilians alike are creating a new life for themselves. We are a website that challenges members to do the groundwork to change the world they are role-playing in. We offer little restrictions in what one can do with their imagination. We have a Ryo, Civilian, Business, and achievement system that will make this no doubt one of the most unique Naruto sites out there. Leave your preconceived ideas at the door, this is not your regular Naruto RP.


It had been a time of peace and prosperity, these were great times in which the shinobi world became so enlightened that the world around them would soon pay the price for the monstrosities and power that humanity would soon claim. The war would be short and deadly, wiping out most civilized living. Desperate to save what little art, culture, and humanism there was left in the world, the people of Iwagakure and Kumogakure abandoned the old shinobi code and set off towards a land that was far away from all of the civil unrest...a place that was never touched by the monstrosities of man. This place was a small town, abandoned by its people when urbanization became's name was "Little Kitai".

It's now been 80 years since that ugly war that changed everyone's lives. Cultures from all villages and countries, now all refugee's, would flock to little kitai and soon after its establishment it wouldn't be little anymore. Kitai is now the most magnificent and modern example of and architecture the world has ever seen. While Kitai is the closet thing to Utopia that the ninja world could have conceived, we know all good things come to an end.

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