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1Naruto RPG (Affiliation) Empty Naruto RPG (Affiliation) Sun May 19, 2013 7:39 pm

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Naruto RPG (Affiliation) T3lx2Ah

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Naruto RPG (Affiliation) GGURSzI

400 years have passed since the 4th shinobi world war, (SWW) and the earth had calmed with growing peace since Naruto had become the new 10 tails jinchuriki, Rikuudo, and united the nations forming the "Ultimate Ninja Nation" claiming his title as "Supreme National Kage". Everything changed when a meteor shower scattered down on the nation destroying it, many survivors argued and separated again do to their suspicions. Another year passed and the 5th Shinobi World War broke loose, unlike the 4th this war was between villages like the first 3 wars a war between nations.

1,000 years passed and the 5th war has ended and become history, nations are now thriving and back to their original stature. Peace has been restored but only time will tell how long it will last.

Naruto RPG (Affiliation) Y1s5taL

Community: We have a very nice sweet community full of kind people and kind staff.

Character Developement: Create and grow with your own character.

Customs: Create what you want clans, jutsu, and items.

Naruto RPG (Affiliation) Naruto_series86


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