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1Insanity [PB] Empty Insanity [PB] Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:17 pm


Insanity [PB] 2vwveqh
Most of the Earth's resources are gone with the help of the humans and mother
nature sure had a thing for irony, because only a year later a devastating virus broke out.
And in the next year, the Human were wiped out completely.
Soon enough, canines reign supreme at the top of the food chain, the only thing they didnt factor in is themselves.

It is do or die out here in this completely fictional location of Abner, which only half of it has been discovered.
There is no word count with a short application. Must be realistic colors and no extinct animals. There are three pre-made packs, but once you have enough Gems [forum money] you can buy a pack if you wish. Mutts are most welcome. You can buy cool items for your character and even 'mutations' that only some virus carriers get.

:: PLOT :: RULES ::

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