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1Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:53 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu was rudely awakened by the mass of crowds near the area. A mixture of chanting and shouts could be heard in the distance. Sosuetsu jumped from his bed and looked out the window but could not see much from his whereabouts at this moment in time. He raced to wash himself and slip on his black jumpsuit before making his way to the rooftop of his own house to get the view he had been looking. The crowds seemed to all gather around one figure, who stood in the centre of the markets and seemed to be rallying the neighbours in some sort of protest. A fellow leaf shinobi had made his way towards Sousetsu, he seemed to be a Chuunin judging by his age and flak jacket, who then handed him a sheet of paper before bowing and taking his leave.

"What's this? A mission of urgency?" Sousetsu exclaimed as he opened the letter casually. 'Sousetsu, presently, a large crowd of villagers have gathered in the Central District for a protest. They feel that shinobi have too much authority in the village and run rampant, leaving the villagers to tend to their messages. The protest is lead by Susuma Takahashi, who is slowly converting the relatively peaceful protest into a violent riot. Susuma is known for causing violent protests and a warrant is out for his arrest. Apprehend Susuma without angering the crowd and further, and calm the protesters before a riot breaks out.' Sousetsu looked back into the distance and paid further inspection on the figure that everyone had gathered round. "So that's who he is. This whole ruckus was all a protest against the Leaf shinobi!?" Sousetsu spoke of quite angrily.

2Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:07 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

"Who the hell do they think they are? We are here to keep the order the village needs. We protect them in their times of need. The Genin even help them with their chores. Ungrateful bastards! Sousetsu began to become blind with rage. The very idea that this protest was to oppose those who had helped them, their friends, their watchful protectors. It was a disgrace for a protest this large to be against the Leaf ninja in their own home, by their own people. Sosuetsu made himself scarce from his house, leaving a trail of dust and scattered leaves to linger in his stead being carried away by the wind.

Upon his arrival on top of a building close to the protest he could see the man known as Sasuma more clearly. Sasuma wore a navy blue tunic with a white sash around his waist. A straw hat that covered most of his aged, leathery face. He had brown hair that is faded gray in many locations, as well as balding. The colour of his eyes were not perceivable from this distance, however, he had a well-groomed goatee. He wore three quarter length black trousers and generic shinobi sandals. The cries of the people cheering towards the man in question was quite the sight. A man with this much power with nothing but his voice was indeed impressive to have persuaded this many people to join in his protest. How did all of this come about Sousetsu wondered. Was there meetings? Or did this man simply decide to do this at a random moment? Maybe, something had got to him? Sosuetsu simply waited for his next segment of his speech. There would be more answers that resided within his mouth he knew that for sure. It was just a matter of time before he would find out why.

3Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:27 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

"My fellow people!" The man had shouted addressing the mass of people before him. The crowd roared in response with the odd shouts that could be picked out of saying how great the man was and how he should spread more news about the Leaf shinobi and their shenanigans. Sosuetsu became a little flustered upon hearing this from crowd. This is the same crowd of people he had put his life on the line for and this is what he had received as their thanks. "The Leaf shinobi have abused our rights! They do not take us for granted and wish only for prosperity in power and riches from the spoils of needless battles!" Sasuma shouted once more. The people chanted and booed the very idea that he had shared with them. Sousetsu somewhat agreed with the last part of his speech but it did not match up to the overall purpose of this protest. He summoned five water clones and dispersed them into separate hiding places that surrounded the area.

Sousetsu then hopped down to join the crowd and made his way through to the man who was the centre of attention. "That's right! The shinobi are only using our resources to benefit in their military strength, they care not of our people!" The crowd cheered once more and it was the last straw in Sousetsu's book. As the man before him opened his mouth once more he was interrupted by none other than Sosuetsu himself. "Stay your tongue!" Sosuetsu shouted with much anger and another mixture of emotions. The crowd drew silent as the new speaker had been seen making his way to the side of their beloved voice. Anger was shown on his face and power in his stride as he proudly made his way.

4Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:53 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu stood in the place of Sasuma and looked at the mass of people before him. They watched in silence, some were in awe while others were showing off their own anger judging by their facial expressions but Sosuetsu did not care much for either of the groups. He opened his mouth a let his words escape with confidence and ease, trying his best to counter the argument he had before him. "People of Konaha! Why do you aimlessly follow this man? Not even knowing the full extent of the path he leads you. Why do you blindly look upon his ideas and agree without hesitation?" The people began to roar one after another, "Because he speaks the truth! We do not follow blindly when he makes us see clearly!" The uproar of voices soon cancelled each other out before Sasuma calmed them with his hands in the air.

"Do not listen to the shinobi's words for they are poisonous!" The crowd jeered once again. This man was a tough opponent when it came to politics. Sosuetsu could not simply arrest the man in front of such a crowd who followed him. A riot would be sure to outbreak. He had to choose his words carefully if he was to grab the their attention away from this man with his gift of the gab. "My forefathers built this village! That's right, I am from the Senju Clan. You disgrace the very existence of the Konaha this day by questioning its founders and how we brought this land together. This village stands for peace and the hopes of bringing that dream into a reality." Sousetsu shouted hoping to get his words across but instead was interrupted by the man once more. "You and I both know that that dream is an impossible achievement. You shinobi need war to uphold your reputation and power. You need the riches so that you can bask in your glory to its fullest!" The crowd chanted the mans name. "Sasuma! Sasuma! Sasuma!" the very chant died down with another gesture for silence from the opposing man and his tainted words.

5Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:02 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

It was clear to Sousetsu that his words would not reach the ears of the many before them. He tilted his head forward and sulked a little before turning his gaze towards the man. "You win..." Sousetsu told the man with sadness in his heart and admitting his defeat. The man smiled at him, a cheeky grin at that, while Sousetsu went to his knees and embraced the onslaught of many pieces of litter that was tossed at him. Some barely touched him while others hit the side of his head causing him to flinch. He stood up and accepted the crowds decision.

He summoned a wooden prison to detain himself in, which acted as both a form of defense and showing that he was indeed defeated. The crowd laughed along with Sasuma as they continued to throw their needless items. Sousetsu glanced to the nearest alleyway where he had sent his water and seen that it had used the henge no jutsu in order to take the form of a common civilian. He ran out to the crowd shouting, "They're coming! They're coming! We are under attack!" making his way to the center where the two political figures stood. "Who are coming, boy?" Sasuma ordered. "Missing ninja! They are attacking us!"

6Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:21 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The water clone continued to run in an act of desperation for a good performance. The crowd seemed to lose focus in the debate at hand while looking for the missing ninja in question. Before long the four remaining water clones apart on four different rooftops at the four different corners of the protest in henge no jutsu appearing as missing ninja. Some were brutes and others were slim and agile looking thieves. They all performed the water palm blade jutsu for further intimidation towards the crowd. "Don't anybody move!" Shouted one of thee slim looking bandits. The crowd became disorientated as to what to do. Sasamu, unexpectedly remained calm and ordered the crowd to remain where they are.

The clones began laughing in unison as they overlooked the large mass of people. "Won't you help us, Senju?" the man asked Sousetsu urgently. Sosuetsu kept a blank face, keeping his sulking look. "Why? Why should I? This is what you wanted wasn't it. Wasn't it?" Sousetsu asked the man without looking up. Panic began to rise in Sasuma's face. It did indeed contradict his statements of getting rid of the shinobi. He had to make a decision now. These people would surely be lamb to the slaughter and it would weigh heavily on the mans spirit. "I'll do as you want, please! Just get rid of them!" The man said under pressure. Sweat began to trickle down the mans nose as he begged for Sosuetsu's help.

7Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:31 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sosuetsu looked up at the man who was now begging for his help. "I will help if you turn yourself in after I have dealt with them. I need your word on that." Sousetsu proposed. It was the mans only option. His straw hat was removed as he had thought of his decision. He fiddled with the edged of the hat and pulled on some loose straw showing his nervousness to the naked eye. His heart began to race as time was idling by, soon to run out without a decision. He swallowed, hoping that his guilty conscience would go down with it. "Okay. You have my word... he said regrettably. "Do you now see why we shinobi are here? These protests have to stop." Sousetsu stood tall as the wooden prison had unfolded back into the ground. The man nodded in return in hopes that it would speed up the process. "I will lure them away. You stay here with the people and keep them under control." Sousetsu explained to the man.

Sosuetsu dashed to the rooftops above him and began hastily running. "He's getting away! After him!" The clones shouted. The four of them gave pursuit in chasing down Sousetsu leaving Sasuma with the crowd. "Everyone! I was wrong! I am sorry. But please! Stay calm until help arrives!" Samsuma stated. The crowd looked down. All of them were undergoing a rush of mixed feelings of guilt and anguish for their inappropriate behavior. Of course, this was Sousetsu's plan all along. He could not convince the people and so he had the voice to do it for him. If he convinced Sasuma then he would surely explain it to others in a way no-one else could. His mission was almost coming to fruition as planned.

Last edited by Sousetsu Senju on Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:53 am; edited 1 time in total

8Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:43 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As sousetsu had given himself a clear distance away from the mass of people he turned to face the clones. He smirked and ordered the clones to be released, turning into nothing but a puddle from each of them. This is where the hard part came in. Sousetsu was going to have to injure himself to make the story more believable. He looked down to an alleyway from the rooftop he stood on and gave a sigh of bemusement. "I am not gonna like this. he exhaled. He tore the upper half of his black jumpsuit and braced himself as he leaped down the alleyway with no intentions of landing on his feet. He crash landed into a pile of trash cans which caused a sprain in his wrist and grazes on his elbows and face from the surrounding debris.

"What's keeping him so long?" people were beginning to ask back in the crowd. "Should we go for help?" another added. "No. He will return in time. Let's just keep calm and await for his arrival." Before long, Sousetsu arrived back to the crowd taking a route from the alleyways. He had seen better days as he was grasping his wrist and giving a slight limp upon first glance. The people rushed to meet him to tend to his wounds but their offers were turned down by Sosuetsu as he continued making his way towards Sasuma. "Now, it is your turn to fulfill your end of the deal." He said quietly as he leaned into Sasuma before standing by his side taking a final look at everyone who had gathered to the markets this day.

9Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Empty Re: Silence the Rebellion [A - Konoha] Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:53 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

"Everyone, may I have your attention please! I have said some things today that were spoken out of anger and haste. My mind wasn't as clear as I thought it was. I will leave you with a memorable day of how this shinobi had saved our lives. Please, do not forget that." Sasuma spoke of great dignity and with his head held high. He began walking alongside Sousetsu as he was fulfilling the bargain that they had both agreed on. Sousetsu, of course, waited until they were out of the crowds sight before cuffing him in rope and escorting him towards the prison cells.

Upon their arrival, the gate to one of the cells lay open sor Sasuma and with Sasuma safe behind bars, Sousetsu let out a small chuckle. "What is so funny?" the man asked curiously. Sousetsu gradually finished his chuckle before speaking directly towards the man. "All I had to do was convince you." The man gave off a look of shock. "This was all a trick!?" the man said furiously. "Please, don't misinterpret as the message was still the same. But if you speak ill of this village's shinobi one more time...I will assassinate you myself. Do I make myself clear?" Sosuetsu exclaimed keeping his pride in his village a top priority towards the man behind bars. With a nod in reply Sosuetsu simply nodded back and was on his way to turn in his first A rank mission as a success to the Hokage's office.

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