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Dākuchairudo Jishin


"I'm not sure I'm really qualified do to this, I'm not a relationship counselor", still aggravated neighbor insisted upon Jishin completing the task given to her. In fact he was so insistant that he literally walked her to the couple's home, forcing her inside and sitting the little Mrs. down on a white couch in the living room of the couple who could be heard yelling in another room. The neighbor promptly left the folks' home slamming the door behind him, this of course alerted the couple who then entered the room where Jishin was now sitting. The man, Daisuke, stared at her confused as to why she was sitting in their living room as he was opening his mouth to ask a question his female accomplice cut him off before he could get a word out, "Why are you in my house?! Can't you see we aren't taking visitors!" she yelled angrily. Jishin coughed awkwardly, unsure of what to say in such a situation, Daisuke then decided to jump in "Get out of this house, now!", yet she still sat in silence upon the couch awaiting her chance to speak. Staring at the two for a few moments it seemed that they weren't going to say anything else as they waited for her to leave, "Your neighbors, they hired me to remedy your problems with each other. So, I suppose it would be best if the two of you described the troubles you've been having with the other." gesturing toward two other seats in the room expecting the two to sit, which to her surprise they did without trouble.

Naomi was the first of the two to speak, "He's a pig-headed ass! That's my problem... to which Daisuke replied, "She's an insatiable money grabbing gold-digging monster of a person!" sitting wide eyed Jishin found it insane that these people would say such things about each other to someone they had never met, Wow, they have some serious issues. she thought to herself unaware of what the two were really bickering about, not that it really mattered as it stated in the mission parameters that she could just break them up. The only conditon for completion was to get them to leave each other the Hell alone. While she may have had a problem with building a couple up, she had no such issue in tearing them down destructive criticism was something of a specialty, "Look, I'm not here to help either of you get back to loving each other, actually I'm here to do quite the opposite." she stated with her usual cold stare. Both of the two looked bewildered as they sat in silence awaiting her to continue with her speech, which she promptly did "What I'm here to do is to make the both of you realize that this relationship will not work." crossing her legs she continued, "I'm going to state one thing, and only one thing, and that is this. The relationship the two of you find yourself in is quite toxic, and isn't good not only for the two of you, but the ones around you. Now, questions?" she ended her little speech with a question watching as the man's eyes filled with tears before bursting out in sobs looking to his love, "I'm sorry, I love you, don't leave me!" to which the woman replied with tears in her eyes as well, "Never!" it seemed that she had in fact remedied the situation, although not in the matter intended.

Jishin stood looking at the two, her work seemed to be complete "You two are quite welcome.", unsure of anything else to say she left the home of the two whose love was now reenkendled heading back toward the neighbor's to collect payment.



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