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51No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 3 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:55 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji saw that Binsu hadn't came after him; and begun to twirl the kunai in his hands and placed it in his mouth; right before he could weave the necessary hand seals, "Alright you two, that's enough. This match is over. Kenji you can't beat him alone and I can't get out of this dome, I don't even have my sword with me. Now let me out of here, so I can go and change into some clothes that aren't ruined." Kenji's couldn't register what Bokuden had said from within the dome. "Did...he...surrender?" Kenji whispered to himself; the Genin kept his eyes on his opponent and slowly withdrew the kunai from his mouth. Binsu released Bokuden from the earth dome signaling the end of the training. "That's fine with me I suppose." Kenji was actually relieved, he knew once he got immersed into any form of competition; quitting, retiring, surrender were not options; as his passion for competition would never let him utter such words aloud. It was truly a double edged sword, his confidence. "You fought well, the both of you." Binsu announced to the two shinobi. Kenji attempted to approach Binsu and Bokuden but as he tried his knees buckled beneath him. He quickly regained his composure. "Thank you Binsu." Kenji straightened up and walked forward, "I've never seen jutsus of that level, you are really powerful." Kenji said, stating the obvious while running his fingers through his wet blue hair. "Maybe you can help me train my Kenjutsu sometime, I would like to see that thing in action. What do you call it by the way?" Kenji was sure Binsu knew what he was referring to.

52No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 3 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:39 pm



After Binsu released the doton jutsu that had previously been holding Bokuden down he spoke to both of them, "You fought well, the both of you." It was the kind of thing that Bokuden was sure Kenji would appreciate, but he wasn't terribly interested. "Yeah, thanks," Bokuden answered as he walked over to his katana and picked it up from the ground, wiping off the blade before returning it to its sheath. Kenji stepped forward and began complimenting Binsu and making small talk, trying to get into his good graces or something apparently. Bokuden wasn't paying particular attention to what was going on as he was busy adjusting his appearance and wringing rainwater from the puddle he was laying in out of his coat. "Ugh, my clothes are ruined," Bokuden said while letting out a deep sigh. He began tugging on the sleeves of his coat searching for more holes and burn marks created during the match before turning back to Kenji and Binsu. "Wait, were you guys saying something?"




"Thank you Binsu," was the young Kenji's reply towards Binsu earlier compliment aimed at the pair. Kenji then straightened up and walked forward, before saying, "I've never seen jutsus of that level, you are really powerful. Maybe you can help me train my Kenjutsu sometime, I would like to see that thing in action. What do you call it by the way?" At this point, Binsu was sure that the shinobi was reffering to his largest bladed weapon: his Kappatsuna blade. To most shinobi, his Kappatsuna blade was an intimidating tool of destruction, but Binsu himself thought of it more as a weapon of self defense, rather than offense. True be it that if used on human targets, the weapon proved itself to be lethal, though Binsu had often only used it as a minor defense tool in combat. Just as Binsu opened his mouth to speak, Bokuden's voice interrupted and said, "Ugh, my clothes are ruined," which was then followed by, "Wait, were you guys saying something?" After giving Bokuden a slight nod, as if to asnwer his question of whether the two were 'saying something', he then tried his best to divide his glare between the two nin, occasionally looking at one or the other whilst explaining to the two what his giant buster blade was called and why he had picked that name. "I call it, the Kappatsuna blade, which translates to 'Spirited Blade'," the Jounin began explaining, taking hold of his Kappatsuna blade, drawing it and displayng it in front of the two shinobi. "I called it the Kappatsuna blade becuase of its lincredibly light weight, regardless of its large size," Binsu explained, purposely leaving out the fact that the blade's length could be increased and decreased by the user's will.

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The intimidating weapon was called the Kappatsuna... "Even the name is scary..." Kenji nodded as Binsu entertained Kenji's line of questions; while the two of them spoke cordially Bokuden was complaining about trivial things as always. Kenji walked over to the pillar of earth to withdraw his weapon. His strength and energy was so low that he was only able to dislodge the sword after much straining. He eventually got it, now doubled over, he exhaled deeply and sheathed his sword and walked back over. The rain had come to a insignificant drizzle, hopefully making everyone's trip back a little more comfortable. Kenji had received much more than he expected; he initially came to just sight see, and ended getting into a hazardous and fatal fight giving the height of the High Battle Plateau. "I think I'll try to stay away from this place from now on."  The blue haired genin thought to himself as continued to walk back to his previous area.



Kenji had gone off to reclaim his sword, walking over the the earthen pillar that Binsu had raised earlier in the fight. Bokuden rolled his eyes at Kenji's pathetic attempt to dislodge the blade from the pillar. After adjusting his appearance as best he could Bokuden decided to enter into the conversation. With the match over Bokuden now had the opportunity to examine Binsu further. His gaze immediately turned down to the wound on his foot that was caused by Bokuden's last attack. "You going to be okay walking with that?" Bokuden inquired, pointing down to Binsu's foot. 




It seemed as though Binsu had successfully answered the young Kenji's question with a fitting answer, but then came another question, this time Bokuden was the man behind the question. He asked Binsu, "You going to be okay walking with that?" and Binsu imediately redirected his attention down towards his wounded leg, before lookibg back up to Bokuden and saying in a low, mono-toned voice, "I should be alright, the hospital isn't far from here." Binsu, for the past few minutes, had been fighting with the terrible pain he felt after taking the hit to the leg. He knew that making a big deal out of it would've left a bad impression of him to his foes, as he tried his best to give his foes an impression of him as a strong, self-dependent shinobi that refused to coward out from a battle or challenge.

57No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 3 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:29 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

It seemed that the collision of the three shinobi had come to an end; Kenji looked forward to trading strikes with them again. Kenji and Bokuden proved they were able of adequate collaboration, but it was obvious that Binsu's techniques were on a different scale; and it was obvious that they were genin, or at least Kenji thought so. Kenji had his sword sheathed and was content on what he had accomplished and the information he gathered. As Kenji approached the two shinobi; Bokuden made an inquiry in reference to Binsu's foot; Binsu assured him that he'd be fine.

Kenji extended his hand to Binsu, "Nice meeting you Binsu, I hope we were able to make this a challenging and productive training session for you. It was definitely a challenge for me." Kenji admitted, as he was quite brash in combat, but outside he was quite humble. Kenji had a feeling that Binsu didn't quite show his full arsenal; and at the time, Kenji was glad he didn't. Seeing how both him and Bokuden barely escaped.

58No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 3 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:53 am



Bokuden raised an eyebrow as Binsu declined his offer of assistance, "Alright. If you say so." It was clear that the wound was causing him pain, but if he was insistent upon dealing with it himself then Bokuden had no intention of pushing the issue. Bokuden considered speaking further with Binsu, but refrained from doing so after Kenji proceeded to offer Binsu some polite words of his own. Bokuden found it unnecessary for there to be prolonged conversation after a battle. Words were often unnecessary for two warriors to convey a message to one another and more often then not only served to make things drag on for longer than necessary. Besides, Bokuden was sure that this would not be his last run in with Binsu. The two did belong to the same village after all. "Well, if that is all then," Bokuden interjected, bowing his head slightly to the two shinobi standing before him, "I'll be off."  And with that Bokuden made his way off of the plateau, leaving Kenji and Binsu to discuss whatever they wish amongst themselves.

[Exits thread.]




Kenji extended his hand to Binsu and said,"Nice meeting you Binsu, I hope we were able to make this a challenging and productive training session for you. It was definitely a challenge for me." Binsu then reached out his own hand and shook Kenji's, before saying, "Pleasure meeting you aswell, the both of you". He then turned towards Bokuden's direction, and nodded towards him as he saw the guy leave, before returning his attention back to Kenji. "You did, and for that i am greatful. Hope our pahs cross again some day, but for now, i have to return back to my appartment, lots of squad paperwork to take care of," Binsu said, hinting to the shinobi that he was was ranked atleast Special Jounin or higher, in order to be a sensei for a squad. He then gave the guy a quick nod, and made his way in the other direction, heading back home after a long day of training.

[Binsu Exits Thread]

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

"Pleasure meeting you aswell, the both of you"He said in response to Kenji; Bokuden left the battle area; and Binsu said his last words before he also departed;"You did, and for that i am greatful. Hope our pahs cross again some day, but for now, i have to return back to my appartment, lots of squad paperwork to take care of," Kenji was the last to leave High Battle Plateau; most likely because he was the most fatigued out of the three. Kenji sheathed his sword and watched as the two shinobi walked off. Kenji stood a few moments after their exit. He then took a deep breath and began his trek back home as well.


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