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"Hey Bokuden! Throw me a kunai," were the next words that came out of the young Kenji's mouth. Binsu wasn't sure what the guy was planning to do with that kunai, but he was more than capable of avoiding any projectiles the two nin tried to throw at him, due to his exceptional reflexes, agility and Jounin ranked speed. Right after the request from the young nin towards his partner, he recieved what looked like two kunai, from his mate instead of the desired one. Not long after that, Bokuden drew out 3 shuriken and threw them towards Binsu's direction. Now, if he really wanted to, Binsu could've waited til the last minute, to dodge all three of the shuriken, and even then he would be able to do it with little effort, but he had something else in mind.

Right after the 3 shurikens were launched in his direction, Binsu started running towards Bokuden in the North East direction (Bokuden's South West) only this time, he wasn't holding back: he was using his maximum speed. Wihtin seconds, he was in range with the guy. He had still 5m of ground to cover, before he'd reach the guy, but at this point he didn't want to move any closer: he was fine with where he was. He threaded together a few hand signs, before charging up his left hand with Raiton-based chakra. He then shot the raiton outwards in front of him and the attack took the form of an average sized pegion. The raiton bird flew 2m away from Binsu and towards Bokuden, but then changed its course. It turned towards Bokuden's partner Kenji and charged towards the nin at Jounin ranked speeds. Within two seconds, it would've been but a few meters away from striking the boy, and that attack would've gone through the boy if no action towards avoiding the attack had been taken. Right after the bird shot out from Binsu's left hand, with his right hand, which held the three kunai he had earlier drawn out from his kunai pouch, he launched all three of the Kunai towards Bokuden, all at once.

To the two nin, the attack may have looked like an indirect attack at both of the nin, but really Binsu was intending to hit Kenji more so than Bokuden himself. The three kunais he had launched towards Bokuden, were to distract Bokuden from helping his mate Kenji dodge the sudden Raiton attack, whilst the raiton bird persued towards the young nin. 'Now to make sure the bird hits Kenji,' thought Binsu to himself, as he paid attention towards the bird and its target. Luckily for Binsu, his bird had 3 attempts at the genin, and even if it ended up missing him, Binsu would simply hit the water-soaked ground around the victim and still be able to attack the poor nin. Before then, the nin would have to be at least a rank higher than Binsu in order to successfully outrun the bird or avoid it quickly, otherwise it was almost a definate hit. Since Binsu was terrible at multi tasking, he'd have to switch his attention from Bokuden to Kenji at different times, rather than watching both of their movements at the same time.

Training: Raiton (C -> S) *Raiton now A rank*
{Wordcount: 5015/9000}

Chakra: 255/300:

27No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:06 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

A look of relief was on Kenji's face as the unlikely duo was still apparently working together, and somewhat effectively. Despite his expression, he did expect Bokuden to cooperate and toss him the kunai; he actually flung two in Kenji's direction. The more the merrier, Kenji thought. But what Kenji did not expect was what Bokuden did next, the tall genin would follow up by launching three shuriken at Binsu, he's trying to provide cover. He appreciated the gesture but didn't need such a thing, the "cover" would actually reduce the chances of what he was planning to do from working, as he would need Binsu's undivided attention more or less and now he would be focusing on the.shuriken. Their opponent so far had proven himself to be pretty skilled, so Kenji knew he would dispose of shuriken easily, so he would still have a good chance of getting the attention of Binsu.

Kenji assumed Binsu would swipe at the shuriken with one of his katanas, but instead displayed what had to be his full speed and blitzed Bokuden at an angle, not even giving the three measly shuriken a second thought. [Again he's attacking Bokuden, seems imprudent, he must have something else up his sleeve.[/color] As this took place Kenji also took off with impressive speed, that more of a nimble chunin than a genin, he put one kunai in his pocket and the other in his mouth as he moved towards the pillar of earth planning to use it to obstruct Binsu's vision of him. This was to allow Kenji to set up his next attack, he was about 5 meters away from the pillar when Binsu had channeled lightning chakra in his hands and released it, initially heading for Bokuden would zag and head in Kenji 's direction, soon after this Binsu unleashed the three kunai he had drew earlier and threw them at Bokuden from relatively close range. So that's what he was saving, he's also a raiton user, a pretty good one at that. The young shinobi could already tell this was not only a powerful attack but a fast one as well, and Binsu was already aware of Bokuden 's incredible reflexes, so the kunai were obviously a ploy to prevent Bokuden from aiding Kenji in avoiding the jutsu. Wow, is it really so fast that he believes I can't Dodge it alone.

The blue-haired genin had an idea of how to evade the attack, as the jutsu got closer, it became apparent that evasive maneuvers would be in vain, and if he could pull it off it would use entirely too much stamina; and the arrogant shinobi knew all well that he didn't have the privilege of using his stamina recklessly. When he reached the pillar he positioned himself so that his actions would be concealed, he took the kunai he placed in his mouth and threw it into the ground about 5 meters away from the pillar, he did this while still moving. Looks like that extra kunai is going to come in handy, thanks Bokuden ,he didn't say this aloud of course. He then concentrated chakra in his feet and ran straight up the pillar at full speed. He was hoping his movement would keep him away from the lightning long enough him to adequately set up his next attack or give Bokuden time to execute a counter, unlike Kenji, Bokuden has shown the potential to neutralize an elemental ninjutsu user. Kenji thought it unlikely for Binsu to manipulate the pillar of earth while he was obviously consciously controlling the bird of lightning, so he fancied it safe for the moment. It also behooved Kenji travel off the ground due to the wet terrain that would certainly prove devastating for him.

It would only be a matter of time before the lightning grabbed him; Kenji could already feel it tickling the back if his legs as he approached the peak of the pillar. Binsu was right, I can't dodge this alone, Kenji thought disappointingly as he still had a sliver of confidence that he could avoid the strike with raw speed. During his efforts to avoid the high-speed strike, he was unaware of what was transpiring down below, if Bokuden couldn't do something to stop this jutsu, he was going to get hit, but the brash shinobi indeed had something in place, just in case that happened. This is the last time I travel in the rain , Kenji said sarcastically to himself.


CHAKRA: 130/150



The shuriken Bokuden threw were immediately evaded by Binsu who then charged at Bokuden at what was seemingly his full speed. "Shit," Bokuden thought to himself, "I can't keep up with that speed!" As Binsu rapidly closed the gap between them, Bokuden gripped the handle of his katana in preparation for the incoming attack. Much to Bokuden's surprise, Binsu stopped dead in his tracks about 5m before he reached Bokuden and immediately bean weaving hand signs. Bokuden instantly sensed Binsu molding a large amount of raiton chakra and released his katana to assume an evasive stance. Bokuden knew that whatever was coming, judging from the amount of chakra being molded, was going to be a problem.

Binsu then released a small bird shaped bolt of lightning that he fired in Bokuden's direction. The rate at which the attack was covering ground was an immediate notification that Bokuden had no chance of outrunning it, but then again fleeing wasn't one of Bokuden's preferred battle tactics. Moving backwards was out of the question, Bokuden's only choice was to use his current perception to get out of the way at the last moment the same way he had done with Binsu's first attack. However, Bokuden was not without his doubts. Being a Ryuzoji afforded him a far greater probability of avoiding the bird than perhaps any other genin in the village, but it also assured his defeat if the attack were to connect. It was a huge risk, but he and Kenji were obviously outclassed by their opponent and if they didn't take some calculated risks than this training match was going to come to a premature and painful end.

Just as Bokuden relaxed his body and prepared for his evasive maneuvers, the raiton bird changed directions. About 2m before it reached Bokuden the bird took a hard turn and flew in Kenji's direction. "A feint?" Bokuden thought to himseld, "Damn it, Kenji can't avoid that bird by himself!" Before Bokuden had a chance to say or do anything Binsu threw the three kunai he had previously drawn at Bokuden, obviously trying to prevent Bokuden from interfering. Since he was already prepared to evade Binsu's raiton jutsu dodging three kunai was as simple as a quick sidestep, even from this distance. What he found more interesting was Binsu immediately averting his eyes away from Bokuden and towards the bird and Kenji after he threw the kunai. It was not the first time he completely shifted his attention away from one of the two. "An experienced shinobi wouldn't just completely allow an opponent out of his sight, even if they were just genin. Does he believe that we are incapable of posing a real threat to him? No, that isn't it. It isn't that he is refusing to remain focused on both of us, could it be that he can't?" Bokuden pondered silently, formulating a plan to test his hypothesis, "Either way, I can't let him take out Kenji. If I'm right we might actually have a chance two against one."

As Bokuden watched the raiton bird chase down Kenji for a moment he noticed that Binsu seemed to be controlling it somehow. If his theory was correct, Binsu controlling the bird and targeting Kenji presented an opportunity. Bokuden swiftly jumped into Binsu's line of sight, blocking Binsu's view of Kenji and immediately wove a set of hand signs. "I may not need my eyes to see, but I'm guessing he does," Bokuden mused to himself as he closed his eyes while finishing his jutsu. His Lightning Release: Blind Faith would render Binsu's eyes useless, even if only momentarily. Bokuden made sure to have his back towards Kenji so that he would not be blinded by the flash and would be able to jump out of the way of the bird with Binsu's sight disabled.

It would be a little while before Bokuden could perform this jutsu again so he had to make this opening count. Now standing barely 2m away from Binsu with the flash still blinding anyone looking its way, Bokuden drew two kunai and threw them right at Binsu's shoulders hoping to disable or at least limit the use of his arms. Sure that Binsu's inability to see the attack coming and the short distance between the two shinobi would ensure the kunai hit their mark, Bokuden leaped over where Binsu was standing hoping to position himself behind Binsu just as he was at the beginning of the match.

Word Count: 5431/900

Kenjutsu S>SS

Chakra: 125/150:




All was going according to plan, by the looks of things: just as he had suspected, between Bokuden and Kenji, the latter was unable to outrun the Raiton Bird Binsu had thrown at him, which wasn't shocking news to Binsu at all, as it was one of his clan's most powerful Raiton jutsu ever created. True enough, Bokuden had managed to dodge Binsu's kunai with ease, but Binsu didn't directly see this himself, instead, he assumed the ninja had managed to evade it, otherwise he would've heared some form of screaming from the guy, or at least a loud grunt. Just as Binsu thought it was all over for the nin, he did something Binsu thought was the most idiotic thing any ninja, after seeing Binsu manipulate the earth before, would've done. The young shinobi ran up the stone pillar Binsu had earlier errupted from the ground. Easily, Binsu could've re-manipulated the doton pillar, even at his current distance, to stagger the young nin and very well leave him in a vulnerable position to his attack, or he could've just sent his raiton bird straight into the stone pillar and conducted the electricity through it, but one thing and one thing alone had forced him to change his plans.

Just as Binsu had averted his eyes away from Bokuden, he began to regret it soon after he saw the nin land not too far in front of him, blocking Binsu's sight away from Kenji. Although Binsu could've made a risky guess and randomly send the bird clashing into the position he thought Kenji was, another idea sprung into his mind the moment Bokuden had landed in front of him. As if to make things worse, the nin had enough time on his hands to cast some blinding, flash-like jutsu towards Binsu, and due to Binsu not expecting the attack, he was unable to avert his eyes in time and fell for the jutsu's 'illusion'. Binsu was rendered completely blind, for a few moments or so. During this time, Binsu found it impossible to even open his eyes, as the blinding flash had too much energy for the Jounin's eyes to take. 'Rats! He'll pay for that, he's close enough for my second Raiton jutsu,' Binsu thought to himself, as he waisted no time in trying to regain his eye sight back, but instead spent his time to imediately launch a counter-attack that if timed well, would render Bokuden, rather than his cunning partner, useless for a few minutes or so. Just as the flash burned into Binsu's eyes, he imediately threaded together a few farmiliar hand signs, before ducking down and slamming his left palm down on the ground and taking hold of his Kappatsuna blade with his right hand. Imediately, a shockwave of electricity shot out from the place on the ground Binsu had touched with his palm and in less than 2 seconds, shot out in a blast radius of 50m. Binsu was unaware of his current foe's whereabouts, but if he was 50m or less from Binsu's location and if his feet remained on the ground, the Raiton attack would automatically surge its way through his body within seconds and render the nin useless for a short amount of time.

Binsu's clan's second strongest Raiton jutsu, was the 'Eletric Shock Impulse', which was a ground version of the 'Heavenly Attack'. The clan had made the two jutsus as two collaborative techniques, for if the opponent jumped away from the electric shock impulse, they would be left vulnerable to the Heavenly attack jutsu, and if for some reason they managed to avoid that, they'd fall right back down to the ground, where the Electric Shock Impulse would still be waiting for their return. The only real ways of avoiding the Electric Shock Impulse, was to remain off the ground and off doton based objects that would conduct the electricity from off of the ground to the target. As for the Heavenly attack, one would need to have exceptional speed and reflexes in order to successfully avoid the bird in all three of its attempts. Right after Binsu ducked down and slammed his palm on the ground, he felt a sharp object skim past his ear, leaving a small cut on the side of the ear and causing the ear to bleed a little, though the amount of blood that came out wasn't enough for Binsu to even notice his ear was bleeding. 'Likewise: he must've thrown something towards me before i ducked,' Binsu thought, as he remained crouched down on the ground channelling through his impulse technique. As for his raiton bird, upon casting, the bird would remain in the air for up to 3 posts before dissipating without the user to control it, but once Binsu had gotten his sight back, he planned on using it for the last few moments he had the bird out. As for right now, it stopped in mid air and hovered near the pillar.

Training: Raiton (C -> S)
{Wordcount: 5873/9000}

Chakra: 230/300:

Last edited by Binsu on Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:06 am; edited 2 times in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji was vulnerable in more ways than one; his assumption that Binsu couldn't manipulate the earth pillar while controlling the bird was just that, an assumption. But he had convinced himself there was no other seeing as the ground was even more dangerous given the water tha decorated it. As Kenji desperately ran up the pillar with the lightning bird chipping at his heels, out of the corner of his eye he caught a glance of an extremely bright flash. I know that jutsu. Kenji thought jokingly to himself, he made sure he didn't look at the flash directly as he continued to dash up the pillar. At this point Kenji was only but a few steps from the top of the pillar, he let out a sigh of relief. The flash worked, I got away! Kenji figured the bird was hovering around the middle of the pillar as he didn't feel it chasing him anymore.

As Kenji's foot reached the top of the pillar he planted it and flipped over the top. As he flipped over he could see Bokuden landing behind Binsu. The second thing he saw disturbed him. He could Binsu initiating some sort of jutsu throught the ground. "Crap not even the ground is safe now." Kenji was now falling through tthe air approaching a similar positipn as Bokuden; he was going to land a few meterz beside the fellow genin. "I probably have no more than two seconds to get off the gr
oumd or attack Binsu to force him to cancel the jutsu." Kenji a few feet from the ground formed the necessary hand seals and right before his feet hit the land he released a gust of wind heading rigght for Binsu. Kenji had a smirk on his face as he was well within range for his genjutsu "Heavenly Spiral", as soon as the gust made its way towards Binsu he grabbed the second kunai from his pocket and threw it at Binsu's back. The gust would hit Binsu in less than a second, and if the genjutsu worked the skilled shinobi would lose all coordination and sense of his surroundings, in that state he would definitely get hit by the kunai Kenji launched from behind him. But what Kenji was really hoping for was that the genjutsu's effect would distort Binsu's awareness so much that he would be unable to continue the jutsu. "The kunai itself miight garner the same result" Lenji thought with a rare serious expression.

CHAKRA: 115/150





Immediately upon leaving the ground, Bokuden sensed Binsu molding another enormous amount of raiton chakra. "Shit! That bird again?" Bokuden thought to himself, "No. The molding of the raiton chakra is different, there isn't the same shape manipulation involved as the first jutsu. This isn't a bird, it's a blast!" As the flash cleared up Bokuden could see Binsu seemingly prepare to thrust his hands onto the ground. "So he plans on unleashing his raiton jutsu into the ground beneath us?" Bokuden thought to himself as he began trying to formulate some sort of plan to get himself out of harm's way, "I see. He hopes to avoid having to deal with us one at a time by using an area of effect attack to take us out simultaneously. But... I can't stay air born forever. If this is some kind of a maintainable field jutsu, then we're finished. Whatever, I only have one trick left up my sleeve."

Before he had a chance do do anything, Bokuden saw Kenji zoom past him. He had leaped off of the pillar and was trying to position himself behind Binsu as well. Kenji had launched himself from the top of the doton pillar and used his speed to outpace Bokuden and end up behind Binsu and preparing his jutsu while Bokuden was still in midair, almost directly over Binsu. Bokuden immediately recognized the jutsu that Kenji was trying to perform, having it already been used twice against him during their last fight. "His genjutsu, huh?" Bokuden thought to himself while drawing another kunai, "Sorry Kenji, I can't afford to rely on your plan. I have to take care of this myself."Immediately after Kenji released his genjutsu and threw a follow up kunai from behind, Bokuden threw his own kunai from Binsu's blind spot directly overhead. Bokuden aimed his kunai straight down at Binsu's right shoulder on his front side, so that there was a kunai approaching both sides of his body. Bokuden had no idea if forcing him to break contact with the ground might prevent whatever jutsu he was preparing, but at this point he couldn't not take the risk, not that actually hitting him with the kunai was his plan to begin with. If Binsu managed to see Bokuden's kunai he could easily take one step back and be out of the way, but then he would walk right into Kenji's kunai. This was of course assuming that he wasn't caught in Kenji's genjutsu and robbed of his senses. Just in case Binsu did sidestep his kunai, Bokuden had a bit of an insurance plan. At least one that was as secure as one can possibly be when they are imminently approaching an incoming surge of massive electrical energy.

Word Count: 5907/9000

Kenjutsu S>SS

Last edited by Bokuden on Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:21 am; edited 1 time in total



((OOC- assuming you are both airborn, and should you land even for a split second, onto the ground you'll both get caught in the raiton jutsu, for the distance you'd have to run away is 50m))

Alas, Binsu had gotten his vision back. Binsu was impressed with the determination in the two ninja's eyes. He himself would've given up by now, if he were fighting an opponent similar in strength to himself. After Kenji ran up the pillar, he dared to leap away from the only thing keeping him off of the ground and safe from Binsu's ground attack, which to him was a foolish move, but perhaps the guy had some kind of trick up of his sleeve. Binsu however, didn't have any intentions on letting either of the two men attack with such a basic attack like throwing a kunai towards him, so like all the other cases, he too had a way thought up that would enable him to avoid the kunai that Kenji had just thrown at him after jumping off the pillar and hopefully still give him enough time to counter the ninja's move. Unfortunately, Binsu had only just seen the Kenji throwing the kunai, though from a point outside his focus, it seemed that Bokuden had launched yet another kunai attack from the opposite direction, towards Binsu. Binsu was only aware of the kunai that Kenji had thrown, though he had a defense move that would hopefully protect from any direction the two nin might think about attack from, and he'd be able to do this whilst continuing to channel Raiton chakra through the ground around him.

Today was Bokuden's and Kenji's lucky day: they were all going to whitness all three of the Genko clan's most powerful jutsus, but unfortunate for them, they would be the victims of the attacks. So far, the two had seen part of the Earth changing terrain jutsu, the Heavenly attack jutsu and had just recently been introduced to the Electronic compound jutsu. 'Hmm, i just have to keep this jutsu up long enough for the two to fall into it, but i have to do something about this kunai,' Binsu thought, before turning quickly, following Kenji's body falling through the sky, but soon noticed a second kunai, one that had been launched by Bokuden in an attempt to attack Binsu from his blind spot. Although with his jounin ranked speed and lightning fast reflexes, Binsu was still unable to dodge both of the kunais at the same time, but he had a plan that would hopefully keep him protected from both. Earlier on, Binsu had drawn his Kappatsuna blade and currently was holding it in his right hand, whilst he channeled raiton chakra into the ground. He remembered his raiton bird from earlier on, and how this was his last chance of utilizing it freely before he'd need to give it more chakra in order to maintain it.

Thinking fast, Binsu decided that he'd dodge Bokuden's kunai first, as his kunai seemed like the closest one to hitting Binsu. Using his quick reflexes, Binsu slid backwards by no more than half a meter. Then just as he saw Kenji's kunai approaching, the one he had thrown from behind Binsu's back before Binsu turned around,, a large gust of wind blew straight through Binsu and apparenty triggered some strange effect built to mess with his eye sight. Binsu held his Kappatsuna blade inbetween him and the direction the attack had started off from before his vision went abnormal. He heard the 'ting' sound that a kunai made when it collided with another metal equipment, before seeing the item drop on the ground just in front of him. He did all this, whilst still crouching low and channelling the raiton chakra into the ground. 'What, what was that?' Binsu thought, before sheathing his Kappatsuna blade on his back. Strangely, the gust of wind that had swam right through him, had caused Binsu's head to spin as if he were dizzy, and the area around him started to look more distorted than ever. In his current state, Binsu wasn't able to see Bokuden anymore, nor could he see Kenji: all he could see, were long,swirly lines around him and a couple of awkward shapes in the area. 'This better not be Genjutsu!' Binsu thought to himself, as he dropped his earlier plan at getting back at Bokuden, for the two guys had just stumbled upon Binsu's greatest fear and possibly, his greatest weakness: Genjutsu.

As if it had been switched off by some controlling force, the raiton bird dissipated into thin air, for Binsu had no use of it so long as he couldn't see his target. Although the Genjutsu had a great affect over Binsu's abbility to see, it didn't seem to affect his body physically, as he was still able to maintain his ration jutsu channelled through the earth around him, over a distance of 50m away from Binsu. As long as his jutsu was up he was from this point on, ready to take any hits the two nin were able to throw at him before they landed into his attack. As far as he knew it, few shinobi in the world had the ability to remain airborn for a long period of time and sooner or later, the two nin, or one of the two nin would fall right into his attack, and once that had happened, Binsu would've won the battle, based on the jutsu's effect to one's body after it hits.

Training: Raiton (C -> S)

{Wordcount: 6789/9000}

Chakra: 220/300:

Last edited by Binsu on Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:32 am; edited 1 time in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji noticed that when Binsu initiated this lightning jutsu that was running through the ground below, that he had unsheathed his intimidating sword, which he currently had in his right hand. He 's probably accustomed to his opponents attempting to attack him during this jutsu, so he wields it to defend from projectiles and the like, most likely. Kenji didn't think it would matter what the purpose for him taking out out his 'favorite ' sword, if he was hit by the genjutsu, he figured it would nullify just about anything Binsu intended on doing.

While Kenji flew in to deliver his genjutsu and a supplementary kunai, Bokuden was also airborne, and while he was above Binsu he threw a kunai of his own in Binsu's blind spot. If this combination of two kunai and a sensory displacement genjutsu doesn't stop this jutsu, I don't know what will. Naturally, Binsu dodged Bokuden's kunai first as it was the closer of the two, he avoided the attack by quickly sliding back a few feet. This is it. Kenji said as his genjutsu was moments away from reaching its target.

The genjutsu had some effect as Kenji could see through the corner of his eye that the lightning bird dissipated. Ok, that's a start, but what about this massive son of bitch below. and the kunai Kenji threw collided with something of metallic material and thus made worthless. Now about two feet from the ground it became apparent that the genjutsu wasn't going to be quite enough. Fuck, this is going to hurt, I'd rather jump off the plateau. Kenji thought to himself in despair. Kenji considered using the substitution he placed on the kunai earlier to defeat that pesky bird, but he would still be moving along the ground, if not directly he would be moving along something that was in contact withe ground. Fear and terror were beginning to set in as the outcome was looking more and more dismal.

Once again it was going to be up to Bokuden, he had already stopped one of Binsu's lightning jutsus, and he was going to have to do it again if they stood a chance of avoiding this attack. There would be just enough time between Kenji launching his genjutsu and landing on the ground for Bokuden to attempt an attack On Binsu. Come on Bokuden, I know you've got at least one more option in your repertoire. Just find a way to stop this jutsu and I'll end this! Kenji tried his hand at telepathy, as he hoped Bokuden could hear his thoughts. He went on to give Bokuden a determined and confident look that said what he was thinking. If he got the chance he would use all the speed he was gifted with to retrieve his sword that was currently lodged in the pillar of earth that was a little less than 10 meters away, Kenji could reach that pillar in 2 seconds easily. And Binsu would most likely have no time to manipulate the earth as he would be preoccupied by whatever Bokuden threw at him. And in that time he would make his way back to Binsu to finish him, it sounded straight forward and foolish but there as another element to the attack that was sure to give him a great advantage, there has only been one occasion where the jutsu he had in mind failed. But then again, he has never faced anyone like Binsu, his ninjutsu and overall skill as a fighter was truly commendable. However, he did seem to take considerable discomfort when caught in the genjutsu earlier, so it might stand more of a chance than he thought it would.

This was all of course premature, seeing that the lightning jutsu had to be stopped first. But Kenji believed it would be more useful if he used the little bit of time he had concocting a plan as opposed to staying hopeless. He had to be prepared; if Bokuden stopped the jutsu, he would set his plan in action, and if he didn't, well... he would be heading back to the hospital for another visit, one more time and he'd be a regular. Kenji was actually looking forward to seeing that cute nurse again. I think she likes me. Kenji daydreamed for an instant, this would be his last thought as his feet were inches from the ground.


34No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:17 am



"Well, so much for that plan," Bokuden thought to himself in disappointment, [color=darkblue]"Guess I should have figured the kunai wouldn't hit. I'm not surprised the genjutsu didn't stop his jutsu either. I've been hit with it before after all." Bokuden quickly refocused himself on the task at hand. He knew that dwelling on what didn't happen would not help them now. He and Kenji's time was running out fast and their options were extremely limited. Taking one glance at Kenji, Bokuden could see that he was out of ideas. If they were going to get out of this Bokuden was going to have to move and fast.

This is where Bokuden's brain would become the star of the show. He had read countless books and treatises on military tactics. Bokuden knew that he didn't have a jutsu that could over power Binsu, but perhaps he didn't have to. None of his jutsu could do the job directly, but war is never won with directness. All warfare is based on deception and ingenuity. It was too bad that none of his books ever told him how to stop a giant electrical wave that engulfed all of the ground beneath his feet.

Bokuden gave a quick and silent nod to Kenji and swiftly weaved a set of hand seals. "Sorry Kenji," Bokuden thought to himself as he prepared his jutsu, "For this plan to work I'm going to need you to take a hit for me." Bokuden then turned his body to face Kenji mid air just as they were both dangerously close to hitting the ground. Bokuden waited for just the right moment and fired his Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration jutsu right at Kenji. The force of the shock wave should have knocked Kenji back and kept him air born for a few more moments, hopefully that would be enough time for Bokuden to follow through with the rest of his plan. The real reason he fired his jutsu in the opposite direction of his opponent was to use the recoil from the blast to change the trajectory of his fall. Instead of falling behind Binsu he would now be falling in Binsu's direction.

"If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!" Bokuden thought to himself. He would hit the ground, but not before he drew his sword and used it to pierce Binsu' foot. Since Binsu was caught in the genjustu and focusing on maintaining this jutsu, Bokuden knew there was no way he could see this move coming. If there was any element that Bokuden knew well it was raiton. As the electricity from the ground surged through his body it would also conduct through his sword and into Binsu. "Check." Bokuden said with the last bit of strength that was left in his body as he felt paralysis setting in, or at least he would, assuming it connected.

Chakra 115/150:

Word Count: 6396/9000

Bukijutsu S>SS

Last edited by Bokuden on Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to add jutsu and chakra consumption)




For the second time, Binsu had be robbed of his visual senses, and for the second time he had gotten them back. His vision was slowly coming back ad within seconds, was back to the way it was before. Judging by the small amount of time it took for Binsu's vision to blur, this was the work of genjutsu and somehow either Kenji or Bokuden had managed to place the genjutsu on Binsu without him knowing. Binsu wasn't sure as to how the genjutsu may have been triggered, but it certainly wasn't by direct eye contact with the user, as his eyes had just shifted towards Kenji's direction right before he lost his vision. After Binsu had gotten back his vision, the first thing he was was Kenji, whilst airborn, being attacked by Bokuden a way that would send Bokuden falling towards Binsu and Kenji away from the two. Whether or not Bokuden was trying to knock his own partner out of the match, or had doe so to either benefit the both of them or just one of them was unsure to Binsu, but as the final stages of his raiton jutsu were just about done, he knew it was imperetive that he musn't come into contact with either of the ninja whilst his justu was up.

As if fate had read his mind and granted him a wish he didn't want, Bokuden now soared through the sky and was coming towards Binsu with his sword drawn out and aimed at Binsu's leg. At first, Binsu only saw Kenji's body being knocked away by some force, but after quickly tracing the direction the force had come from, he realised what Bokuden was maybe trying to do by pushing away his comrade. 'Oh, this guy knows a lot about raiton, then again it is one of his elements', Binsu thought to himself, as he remembered back to the point when Bokuden had earlier attempted to land a raiton attack o Binsu, right before Binsu emerged the Doton pillar. 'but so do I' As Binsu mentally traced Bokuden's latest movements back to where he estimated he'd land, he quickly decided to turn 90 degrees slightly to the right and move back a few feet, whilst holding his left hand low to the ground, holding his jutsu up for the final time as his targets came into contact with the ground. Where he was currently, was roughly a meter or so away from where he had estimated Bokuden would land, and fortunately Binsu had taken the ninja's sword's length in consideration whilst he made his quick measurements in his head.

Binsu was oblivious as to what would happen next. He expected Bokuden and his partner to make contact with the ground and ultimately fall into the dangers of his secret technique, but judging fromt he two's ability to counter all of Binsu attacks earlier on, they could very well surprise him and somehow manage to avoid Binsu's raiton attack for a third time. The only gain Binsu was aiming to get out of this fight, was for the training and mastering of his second element: raiton. Whether he lost or won the fight was of no importance to Binsu, however, he was curious to find out what his two training partners' ranks were. Binsu was proud of his achievements so far in the sparring match: as he had managed to stay alive for more than 30 minutes without the help of his companion Hades, who would also be proud of him should Binsu win this match on his own.

Training: Raiton (C - S)

{Wordcount: 7400/9000}

Chakra: 210/300:

36No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:58 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

As Kenji drew frightfully close to the ground, and if he was to land he would be attacked by a massive amount of raiton chakra that was sure to incapacitate him. Right as Kenji was about to come in contact with Binsu’s Jutsu Bokuden released a burst of raiton chakra right at him, for a moment Kenji was furious but soon realized that the attack was to prevent Kenji from hitting the ground, “Better to get by this than that I suppose.”. Also the attack altered Bokuden’s trajectory sending him towards Binsu with his katana drawn. Kenji smiled, “He’s going to sacrifice himself and try an attack on Binsu as well by channeling the lightning from the ground into him and through his sword to attack Binsu.” Kenji also thought it to be an extremely risky maneuver, but better that than nothing.

Kenji’s ability was completely negated while flying through the air away from Binsu. “What can I do? How can I get him to stop this attack?” Kenji asked himself just in case Bokuden attempt failed somehow. Kenji decided to use his last jutsu; it was highly improbable that it would succeed. Kenji made three hand seals and as the distance between him and Binsu increased he locked his eyes on Binsu, the shinobi was not currently looking at Kenji but if he did he would hope the genjutsu he would initiate would do the trick. Unfortunately, he was flying out of range, so he would need Binsu to direct his attention to him soon. The blue-haired genin was currently about 10 meters away when he initiated the genjutsu, and he only had about 5 seconds tops before he would be out of range for the genjutsu. The genjutsu he was attempting focused more on balance, as opposed to the surroundings being blurred which really targets the vision more than anything. So Kenji was hoping he would be able jar Binsu's concentration free just long enough for him to break the jutsu. "Look at me damn it!" Kenji thought to himself as he was flying away from the other two shinobi.

Training Fuuton/Wind, C-A: 4892/6250




"God fucking damn it," Bokuden screamed in his own mind as he saw Binsu slide back several feet from whee was about to land, "I was too late. The genjutsu already faded. There was little Bokuden could do at this point. He was already too far into his fall to have any chance of suspending himself above the ground and even if he had the space, he didn't have the jutsu. The best he could hope for was a last minute stroke of genius to come his way and provide some means of at least taking Binsu with him like he originally intended. He had no idea what Kenji was doing at the moment, but he found a bit of humor in the fact that he just hit Kenji with a jutsu in order to try and get him out of the way of Binsu's, but in the end he would just end up being hit by both. "That's it!"An idea had hit Bokuden harder than this raiton jutsu was about to. Binsu had seemingly taken into account the length of Bokuden's blade when he slid back because he was still very close, but he was definitely out of cutting range. He most likely had guessed what Bokuden was aiming at and wanted to avoid any last minute surprises. Whatever Binsu had planned out before one thing was for certain, he was going to be surprised.

First things first, Bokuden placed his sword in between his left arm and his side in order to free up his hands for a moment. Bokuden then activated his Current Perception: Close Combat Range, he was going to need it's tracking and movement prediction power. Bokuden then proceeded to activate his Lightning Release: Blind Faith jutsu for the second time in this match. Binsu had already seen it moments before, so he would likely know to close his eyes or avert his gaze before the flash began to shine. The beautiful thing about this particular jutsu was that even if the opponent wasn't blinded by the flash they would still need to relinquish their sight on the user in order to avoid looking at the light. That brief moment was all that Bokuden would need to throw his blade down to the exact same spot he had planned to pierce Binsu the first time around in order to use it as a lightning rod of sorts and conduct raiton chakra into Binsu's own body. He didn't even need a direct hit with a jutsu of this level. He only needed the blade to cut over so slightly as it conducted lightning chakra from the ground and into Binsu. This is where the prior two jutsu would pay dividends. Bokuden was already skilled with hitting moving targets with projectile attacks and his Current Perception's ability to read a body's electrical synapses and predict an opponent's movements before the make them would prove invaluable. Combined with the fact that Binsu would have no way of seeing the sword being thrown from such a short distance would make it exceedingly difficult to dodge, even for him, there would be almost no reaction time.

"You should have slid farther than a few feet,"Bokuden thought to himself with a smirk on his face. He was as certain as he could be at this point that his last ditch effort would connect. He had no choice but to believe at this point, he was out of options and worst of all he had thrown his sword. It would probably seem like an insignificant thing to most, but it is not a tactic that he had ever seriously considered before that moment. After all, what was a swordsman without his sword? If he had to resort to such brutish tactics, would he become like Kenji. He shuddered at the thought. He didn't watch the sword fly towards its target after he had let it go, he didn't see the point. There was nothing he could do to help it connect then what he had already done. Any movements that Binsu might have made before the throw that he couldn't see were all taken into the calculation in order to prevent any fluke misses. Bokuden was just trying to get his mind off of the ground he was about to hit, he didn't expect it to be pleasant.

As Bokuden's body came into contact with the ground an enormous surge of electricity flowed into him. He could feel control of his body slipping away and he already knew that this raiton chakra flowing into him would jam his sensory abilities even if he wasn't in too much pain to try and use it. He was interested however in finding out what became of Binsu, and hopefully he would be around after Bokuden regained control of his body. He wanted to get more information about this Binsu, the jutsu he was using were not run of the mill raiton techniques.

Chakra 100/150:

Word Count: 7242/9000

Bukijutsu S>SS




'Yes!' Binsu thought to himself, as he saw the young nin fall into contact with the ground just below him. It seemed as though Binsu's earlier calculations on the distance he had to cover between he and Bokuden in order to avoid the nin's attempt entirely had been as close to accurate as they could've, but just before he had the chance to celebrate, something so unexpectedly expected happened, that soon spoiled Binsu's mental celebration. Just as the nin was inches away from hitting the ground, the same blinding flash that had messed up Binsu's ability to see earlier on had yet again been triggered by his opponent. Due to the fact that Binsu had been hit with this attack before earlier on, he knew that the flash could only blind the opponent if they had already been watching the user before its activation or right after it, and sadly Binsu had been watching Bokuden's movements ever since he averted his eyes away from Kenji's whereabouts. Just as the blinding light flashed Binsu's eyes, a thought came into the Jounin mind: Binsu suspected that the blinding flash was used to either mask the user's escape from Binsu's sight or mask a counter attack aimed towards Binsu himself. Binsu didn't like the sound of either, but luckily he only needed to avoid one: the latter.

Just as the flash of light appeared, Binsu canceled his jutsu, satisfied that at least one of his opponents had been hit by it, but strangely, his reaction speed had been too slow to avoid the incoming attack. 'Urgh!!' Binsu thought to himself, as he tried his best to make no such noise out aloud that would signal to his opponents that he had in fact been hit. It seemed that, this Bokuden guy, was up to a speed high enough in order to land a projectile attack on Binsu, either that or he had such a jutsu that had a high chance of hitting its target regardless of their reaction speed. Binsu had no idea what exactly had hit him, but it had hit him nonetheless. His left foot was bleeding, enough to direct attention towards his foot. Where he had been hit, there was a rip in the shoe , and in that particular place was a large blood stain that did nothing more than darken the part on the shoe, over where the wound was located. Binsu at first thought that he had been hit by a well-timed kunai attack, but the wound was too deep to have been caused by an item so small as a kunai, senbon or shuriken. Binsu couldn't let such an injury stop him from winning the battle, not with his rank. He was a Jounin and Jounin were known to be highly skilled ninja, even when facing foes that were much stronger than them. Binsu, so far, had been proud of his achievements so far, but he was satisfied yet. He mentally promised himself that whether the odds were towards him or his foe, he was going to win this match somehow. Even though it had started off as just a mere spar between comrades, Binsu couldn't afford to loose with that excuse. His performance in this particular battle, where both of his opponents were literally strangers to the Jounin, would reflect how good his combat skills were when utilized in a real life combat situation.

'Heh, nice hit mate,' Binsu wanted to say to his foe, though decided to keep this mental compliment to himself for the time being. At the moment, his mind was set to beating his foes, with dignity of course. 'I can't do much if i can't see a thing,' Binsu thought to himself, as he desparately drew out his Kappatsuna blade with his right arm, and held it diagonally in front of him, using the reverse hand grip, crouched down  and prayed that during the time his vision was impared, he wouldn't have another attack thrown towards his direction by either of the two ninja. So far, the two ninja, be they high ranked nin or low ranked nin, had proven to Binsu that they could hold their own against a guy such as him in close combat and long distant combat. To earn Binsu's respect, you needed to impress him both in combat and out of combat. So far, his two opponents had earned half of his respect with just their skills in their fight with him, though Binsu had no doubts by the end of the battle they would've earned his full respect. As far as Binsu knew, the two worked great as a team, at least in Binsu's eyes they did.

Training: Raiton (C -> S)

{Wordcount: 8,206/9000}

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji's attempt in catching Binsu in time to cancel the jutsu before Bokuden hit the ground was not only a failure but an even greater drawback for him. Bokuden had initiated his blinding jutsu again, and Kenji was looking right in the area as he was attempting to gain eye contact as he was flying through the air  on the brink of his genjutsu's range. He could also tell that Binsu was looking in the direction meaning he was caught too.The only reason he could be using a vision impairing jutsu at this point would be to conceal a counter attack... That might work! Kenji was sure Binsu knew the same, but getting out of the way was a different thing all together. The genin wouldn't see the outcome. As he was approaching the ground blind he was also unsure if it would be enough to cancel the jutsu, he sure hoped so.

After getting hit by the flash he was forced to cancel his genjutsu as he hit the ground. AHHHHHHH! Wait... it's over. Kenji was extremely embarrassed at his outburst. He was still blind and was curious as to what was going on, all he knew right now was that whatever Bokuden did while he was hidden by his flash was able to cancel the jutsu and that was more than enough for him. He rose to one knee, he decided to skip a few meters over in the direction of the pillar of earth; if neither of the other shinobi had moved he would be facing both; he was also a litte more than 10 meters away from both at this point, once again assuming neither moved. Kenji also remembered that Bokuden hit the ground before he activated his jutsu; a solemn expression was now on Kenji's face as the act of valor inspired the young genin. He knew Bokuden did it to win the fight, or at least give them an advantage; not it was up to Kenji to capitalize. But he didn't know how hurt Binsu was, must've been something significant to get him to cancel that terrifying jutsu. And on top of that he couldn't see. So Kenji would definitely have to wait until the blindness subsided and he could better analyze the area and his opponent's condition, from there he would be able to better formulate his next attack.

Kenji would most likely be going up against this Binsu fellow alone; Kenji would have to utilize well thought out strategy if he was to stand a chance against a guy of this caliber alone. And so far the guy seemed to not being holding back at all, Kenji was done with games and was ready more than ever to unleash his full arsenal. Kenji already had a few things in place to assist him in further getting the upper hand in this fight.




Upon coming into full contact with the ground beneath him the surge of electricity he had felt draining away his strength became an unstoppable typhoon. Despite being widely considered masters in the raiton element, it was in fact the greatest weakness of the Ryuzoji clan. They, who are far more sensitive to the flow and charge of electrical currents than any other clan, are handicapped far more by the electricity flowing out of a jutsu than a jutsu itself. The foreign electrical flow conducting through Bokuden's body not only robbed him of his freedom, but his sensory abilities as well. The electricity cascaded down throughout his body as if a dam had been broken, unleashing a crushing wave which devoured all in its sight, leaving nothing in its wake. It was a feeling that would have been difficult to communicate to someone who had never experienced losing one of their sensory functions. His normal five senses remained intact, but to a Ryuzoji who has come to rely on their sixth sense far more than his other five it was if a darkness had crept into his senses and robbed him of his sight, his real sight.

The shock was short lived as Binsu had cancelled his jutsu immediately after it connected with Bokuden. It was a curious move, if he would have held it for just a few moments longer he would have incapacitated Kenji as well, although a one on one fight might as well be a victory for him. If they could not defeat him together than the likelihood of Kenji being able to take Binsu down alone was as close to zero as he could get. His only chance would just be to stall until Bokuden regained control over his body, assuming Binsu would even allow the match to continue for that long. Kenji was quick, but he was not going to be able to gain the upper hand with his speed this time around, and Bokuden doubted that he had a genjutsu in his arsenal sufficiently powerful to bring down Binsu. Even if he did there was the matter of having the jutsu land, which when you are obviously outclassed by your opponent would be exceedingly difficult to do alone. To make things worse, Bokuden's theory about Binsu's inability to multitask seemed to be accurate and with Bokuden taken out of the fight, Kenji lost his biggest advantage.

It was a pitiful feeling. Bokuden absolutely despised the situation he found himself in. In his current state he was utterly useless and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. He had everything riding on the hopes that his sword could act as an improvised lightning rod and channel the electricity from that last jutsu back into Binsu in order to take him out as well. It didn't work and now all he could do was wait it out and hope that Kenji could last out until he regained his mobility or Binsu ended the match.

Word Count: 7746/9000

Bukijutsu S>SS




The blinding flash Bokuden had cast towards him, was begining to fade, but Binsu still couldn't see things clearly as he could before. The jounin absolutely hated Genjutsu, but specifically genjutsu that interfered with his ability to see. So far, he had managed to temporary eliminate his biggest weakness by lowering the number of opponents he had to fight to just one, but he wasn't satisfied. The paralysing effects of his raiton jutsu wouldn't last that long, and within minutes, the young Bokuden would surely get most of his senses back and would yet again, prove a tricky obsticle for Binsu to eliminate, which was why Binsu had come up with a way to keep the battle between he and Kenji for the rest of the match, or long enough for him to finish off the latter of the pair. 'I need a few more seconds until i can use *that* jutsu again,' Binsu thought to himself, as he rubbed his eyes, desparately trying to recover back his vision. By examining the two shinobi's actions so far in the battle, Binsu had learnt that Bokuden was more of the close range fighter than his partner Kenji, who seemed to fight best from a distance. The two seemed to have some form of Bukijutsu background, as both had one katana each. If Binsu was ever going to win this battle soon, he needed to fight one of the shinobis at a time.

Just as Binsu began to see things more clearly, he could now see that it was a katana that had been thrown by Bokuden, whilst Binsu was blinded by the flash of light, and had managed to pierce straight into Binsu's foot. The pain Binsu recieved after the hit was unimaginable. His own blood had stained almost all of his right shoe. It was obvious that his foot needed medical attention as soon as possible, but Binsu wasn't prepared to leave the fight now, not without finishing the battle first. Ignoring most of the pain and griting his teeth in order to keep himself from screaming out in pain, the lean  jounin slowly felt his left foot with his left hand, right before standing up from his crouching position and turning around to face Kenji. '...just a bit longer,' Binsu thought to himself, as he looked over towards Kenji, as he was approaching the pillar he had stuck his sword into the side of. Easily, even at such a distance away from the pillar, Binsu could've changed the height of the pillar in order to keep the sword away from its weilder, but Binsu had another tactic well thought out in his mind. In a way, he was hoping the ninja would come at him using Bukijutsu, rather than throwing yet another ninjutsu towards his direction. He doubted that the nin would try to hit Binsu with shuriken and kunai, as he was a master at dodging and avoiding weak projectile attacks.

Time was running out: the battle so far, had indeed helped to improve Binsu's raiton abilities. Although initially a training spar match between the strangers, the battle had become more intense than expected. Binsu had resulted to using his most powerful attack on a shinobi he barely knew just to increase his chance of winning. This meant that in order to win this battle, he was going to have to do something even more powerful than his most pwerful attack, which to some would seem impossible, but to he was achievable. Although he considered the electronic shock impulse to be his most powerful move, he had a totally diferent trump card, which he reserved for when it was needed most. He wasn't planning on using it today, as this was not a serious enough battle for Binsu to find the need to use his trump card. True enough, he had to admit that together, Bokuden and Kenji had kept the jounin on the edges of his toes. To the young shinobi, it may have seemed as though Binsu was toying with them, but in actuallity, he found it hard to even land a single hit on either of the two, something he wasn't proud of, but something he admired to two nin for being able to do so. At heart, Binsu was glad to have such powerful shinobi as these two in the same village as his. The time had just about arrived, for Binsu to use the jutsu that would officially take out Bokuden from the fight. Although this would be bad for the pair, it meant that Binsu would nolonger have to keep tabs on more than one target, and focus all of his attacks and defenses on just one. Binsu was begining to feel good about his achievements so far: how he had managed to stay unharmed by the two shinobi up until the sword throw to the leg, but the only reason he was proud of his current achievements, was because he had done all this without the help of his companion Hades. If Hades had aided Binsu in this sparring match, the Jounin would've claimed victory over the two nin faster than he currently was alone.

Trained: Raiton (C -> S)

{Wordcount: 9081/9000}

42No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:17 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

As Kenji's vision was slowly returning he speculated to what his opponent might be planning, if he was smart he would go for the most vulnerable of the two, Bokuden. Seeing as he was lying on the ground paralyzed. Kenji didn't know how he would further disable Bokuden making him unable to return, because as of now Bokuden would regain some of his strength soon. The substitution Kenji placed on the kunai he threw into the ground near the pillar has been in the back of his mind ever since he did it. "I can take a hit, Bokuden can't." He thought to himself, then charging Binsu, vision almost back; he sprinted at full speed and he was hoping that his vision was restoring at a similar rate so by time he could see Kenji completely he would already be in striking range. It was his intention for Binsu to capitalize on such a reckless move. As Kenji approached even closer with full access to his vision, he loaded up his left hand and cocked it back appearing to prepare for a taijutsu strike.

The shinobi was eager to see how this would unfold, he even considered conceding, but that thought didn't last long. If he was going to be defeated, he was going to leave everything on the field. Shoot, if he couldn't beat the guy there was no point in keeping anything a secret. However, most of his other techniques would require more time, since he attempted one of his other jutsus while flying through the air after being hit by Bokuden's lightning jutsu, so he would have to wait quite a while to perform it. And his favorite jutsu required too much preparation, and against an opponent like Binsu he simply wouldn't have the luxury to execute such a technique at his level, and he was beginning to tire reducing his chance even further. Basically he had one shot, and he was taking it now; maybe this move would give Bokuden enough time to recover, and by gaining the numbers advantage again he would have a much greater chance of preforming the jutsu he had in mind earlier. Unfortunately, this would have to happen quickly; time was not on Kenji's side. Kenji, after the dust settles between the three of them looked forward to asking the skilled shinobi if he could possibly train more together; the genin was doubtful that he'd agree. And most of all he was eager to know his evaluation of the two genin; and hopefully this was a beneficial training session for him, it was more than helpful for Kenji, and there was sure to be a few more surprises if not, Kenji would be highly disappointed. 

TRAINING FUUTON, C>A:  5843/6250



As Kenji's chance of victory dwindled away with every passing moment that Bokuden was laying on the floor immobile, Bokuden found himself in a detestable state. With the paralysis from that last jutsu restricting any movement he had been reduced to just a spectator or worse, a piece of furniture. Bokuden wanted to at least keep track of what was going on in the battle, but found it impossible, unable to even turn his neck to observe the events that would follow. He struggled in an attempt to turn himself over to watch the fight, but only found himself more frustrated as he was only wasting his time. With a frustrated sigh Bokuden resigned himself to laying on the ground and staring at the sky until he could move again, there really wasn't much more he could do.

Unable to be of any actual use in the battle, Bokuden did the only thing a normal person would do after being struck by an enormous surge of electricity and left immobile in the rain, he started cloud watching. The rain still falling proved to be a bit of an inconvenience as Bokuden was forced to squint his eyes to shield them from the incoming raindrops, but he made do. An enormous black cloud shaded the entire village underneath it's thundering roars. Cumulonimbus, correct? Bokuden mused to himself while examining it's anvil like shape. His attempt to pass the time only made him more anxious. There was nothing Bokuden hated more then feeling incapable. Well, perhaps he hated bananas more God those things are disgusting. Realizing he was filling his head with nothing but useless thoughts Bokuden listened for any indications for what might be happening in the fight that he couldn't see. He heard the crashing of footsteps into the puddles on the ground. Someone was on the move. I wonder what Kenji is doing. Probably something stupid. I don't even know how I keep running into that kid.

Word Count: 8080/9000

44No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:04 pm




Finally, the effects of the light that had blinded Binsu earlier on had finally come to an end. The Jounin, still clutching his Kappatsuna blade with his right hand, eyed the poor Bokuden lying helplessly on the ground. To Binsu, this meant that his jutsu's effects had not yet finished, and thankfully enough, Binsu was now able to re-do that specific jutsu he had done earlier on in the fight. His plan was simple: take Bokuden out of the fight, so he could fight Kenji alone. He had no intentions on attacking Bokuden, as he was dissadvantaged already as it is, so his main target was Kenji, in terms of who to attack next. Quickly turning around, looking for the latter of the two shinobi, Binsu noticed the distance the nin had managed to cover whilst Binsu was unable to see clearly and had his back turned to the nin. Kenji had managed to run all the way to where Binsu was standing, in a matter of seconds and was now within the right distance to deliver a close-ranged attack towards the Jounin, though that may have been the kid's biggest mistake for the day. 'Come to play?' Binsu thought to himself, before quickly crouching down on the spot, rotating 360 degree clockwise and sliding his Kappatsuna blade right across the shinobi's stomach. Binsu knew that Kenji could've easily jumped up and continued with his attempt at striking the Jounin's face, so once he had made his attempt towards the shinobi's stomach, he imediately jumped 2m backwards, before displaying the half-dragon seal with his left hand, just in front of his chest.

Without uttering a word, two hald-domes errupted from either side of Bokuden's immobulised body and closed together to form a small, 5 tall and 2m in diameter earth dome around the nin's body. Despite it's minute size, the earth dome was roughly 2m thick, though its volume was just big enough to cover Bokuden's entire body. Binsu allowed for there to be one, small hole with a diameter of 3cm, in order to provide enough air to protect the shinobi from suffocation, though too small to provide a way out for the nin. All these calculations were made prior to Binsu actually errupting the doton dome, but at least he could now fight knowing he had only one opponent to worry about. 'That should keep him out of the match for a while,' thought Binsu, as he waited for Kenji's next move, not wanting to be the attacker for a few seconds, mentally plotting his next move.

Chakra: 190/300:

45No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:48 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The window of opportunity was closing, if Kenji couldn’t execute a move that would inflict enough damage to convince Binsu that the training had gone long enough, or if the execution of his plan was not able to extend his survival long enough to regain the 2v1 advantage… there would be little the genin could do at this point, with his chakra/arsenal dwindling and his stamina plummeting. Kenji was not ready to  give in evident by his current action. He was going all in; if it was unsuccessful that would just mean a more detailed description of his faults and shortcomings, allowing him to better improve in those areas. So far, Kenji was content with his individual performance as he was able to land his genjutsu despite its relative ineffectiveness because of the context in which it was used. But more so than his performance, he was proud that he was able to coordinate as well as he did with Bokuden throughout most of the fight, despite them being polar opposites. Kenji felt that it was a testament to his ability to adapt and prioritize; he was often critized by his lack of foresight. However, Kenji was more than capable of doing just that when he deemed the situation necessary. And going against a top tier shinobi like Binsu definitely qualified in his book.  
As he followed through with his punch that was designed to induce the shinobi to attack; and upon contact he would use the substitution that he has been eagerly waiting to utilize. However, now that he thought about it; that was his last move, his trump card and if it didn’t work perfectly the way he intended it to, this fight would most likely be even more out of reach for him.  At this point he had no other options, he was beginning to run low on stamina like always around this time in a fight. It was now or never, he didn’t run all the way over here to just unravel his entire plan. “No time for indecisiveness”
As Kenji’s loaded punch drew closer the skilled Binsu went into a crouched position and spun using his threatening weapon as the offensive aspect of the maneuver. Kenji dreaded coming into contact with that instrument of destruction ever since he laid eyes on it, even though he wasn’t going to actually be hit by it, the thought of it being inches away was enough to make him cringe. Binsu swung the sword with proficiency only further confirming his skill in the art of weapons; being able to wield such a monstrosity.The genin was more than capable of dodging the attack; regardless, it was a adequate move, as Kenji’s supposed attack would have to be canceled therefore proving Binsu’s move successful, but unbeknownst to him it was not the genin’s objective to engage in taijutsu. The sword came and brushed across the shinobi’s stomach, in that moment the kunai from earlier came to his rescue and also provided him with a distraction to gain an advantageous position.
Kenji was about 10 meters behind Binsu as he wanted to give himself enough space to quickly weave his hand seals and then he would step in to deliver the thrust to put the icing on the cake. To his surprise Binsu had leaped back after his swing and appeared to be starting another attack. By the time Binsu arrived to his new position Kenji had already finished his seals and now from well within the range of his genjutsu he released the gust ofwind. If the genjutsu connected Kenji would charge immediately and attempt an aerial kick to the head; looking to knock Binsu down, and with the velocity he planned on launching the attack, maybe even injure him. There was a spirit about Binsu and there was no quit nor complacency with him; and if Kenji didn’t execute his attack perfectly, he might finally get a chance to find out what that deadly tool of Binsu’s could do.


TRAINING FUUTON, C>A:  6503/6250




(OOC: God damn it Shibi >.<)

The footsteps splashing in the puddles seemed to be drawing closer to Bokuden rapidly. Considering the fact that Binsu was still standing nearby the footsteps almost certainly had to belong to Kenji. Bokuden considered feeling surprised for a moment, as it was a clearly foolish decision to charge so recklessely straight at an enemy who had already proven himself to be more skilled than Kenji who was already the weaker close range fighter between the two genin. "No, he wouldn't actually try to fight him in direct combat by himself would he?" Bokuden thought to himself as he struggled once again to move his body, once again to no avail. After thinking about it further Bokuden let out a deep sigh and changed his mind, "No, that sounds like exactly the kind of thing he would do in hopes of using some manner of feint attack." For now, however all Bokuden could do was wait and hope that Kenji didn't get himself killed with his foolhardiness.

Not long after his internal debate, Bokuden heard a series of sudden movements going on in the area where Binsu had been standing previously. From the amount of movement going on it was evident that there was more than one person at that location, Kenji had charged in alone after all. Since he heard no clashing of blades nor groans or screams of pain when the initial confrontation ended he assumed that both shinobi had made it out of the dust up in one piece. What concerned him more was the vibration of the earth directly around him. Two masses of earth immediately erupted from both sides forming a dome around the immobile Bokuden. As the dome closed Bokuden was left sitting in complete darkness except for a small hole in the dome which allowed a small stream of light into the space. Bokuden assumed that the hole was meant to provide oxygen, but that didn't provide him much comfort as he was now not only immobilized, he also couldn't see anything. "GOD. FUCKING. DAMN IT!"

Word Count: 8426/9000

Bukijutsu S>SS



((OOC- lol sorry Boku. Btw, you get your feeling back in the next post))

'Yes!' Binsu celebrated inside his mind. His intentions of trapping Bokuden within an earthen dome had been nothing more than successful: now, all he had to do was worry about his partner Kenji. Before Binsu had the chance to relax, Kenji decided to throw yet another attack towards Binsu, though this one looked more like a fuuton attack than anything. At first, Binsu had planned to take the fuuton hit, thinking not much damage could come out of a small gust of wind, but then he remembered something important. Earlier on in the battle, just before he had been trapped by the first genjutsu this Kenji guy threw at him, a small gust of wind swept through him, and it looked extremely close to the one that was coming towards him now. For a second, Binsu suspected that the fuuton attack had some connection to the post genjutsu attack that once before, followed the small gust of wind. 'Is he able to cast genjutsu in the form of winds?' Binsu thought to himself, as he re-established his counter attack in the short time he was given.

Choosing not to think twice, Binsu quickly drew out his Hakujona katana with his left hand and took a small leap into the air. With the Kappatsuna blade in his right hand, he quickly threw it vertically downards and the blade dug into the ground where Binsu had been standing before the leap. The small gust of wind would've went straight through the Kappatsuna blade, should its course not be tampered with. Most people tried to avoid jumping into the air in order to avoid an incoming attack, believing that this would leave them in the most vulnerable position, but that was why Binsu had drawn out his Hakujona katana. Should Kenji decide to attack Binsu whilst he was in mid air, he'd be able to use the sword to block small incoming projectile attacks, such as flying shuriken or kunais. Within seconds, gravity took over Binsu and soon pulled him back down to the ground. He then decided to retrieve his Kappatsuna blade, easily reaching his right hand behind him and pulling it out of the ground as if it were nothing. Rather than adding more distance between he and Kenji, he decided to stay in his current position, unless he was forced to move away in order to avoid attack thrown towards him by his opponent.

48No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Rain Check! [Training/Binsu/Bokuden] Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:17 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Binsu was able to evade the swift triggering wind by leaping into the air, leaving his most powerful weapon in the ground. Kenji was able to catch a glance of the kunai Bokuden threw earlier. While Binsu was still airborne Kenji scooped up the kunai; once Binsu landed he wielded his sword and Kenji was performing his last sequence of acrobatic maneuvers as he attempted to create a distance of at least 10 meters; he hoped he was fast enough. Kenji didn't feel that his move was threatening so he hoped Binsu would continue to play a cat and mouse game. Once he finished his move, he would scan the field to see if his distance was achieved or if Binsu decided take the offensive in reaction to Kenji's apparent retreat.

Kenji was on his last legs but the kunai he held in his hand gave him new life. Depending on what Binsu did he would be able enact one of his favorite techniques, not only that but the distance he created would hopefully give him more time to stall; that time would give him a chance to prepare another one of his techniques that he hasn't used. "Better late than never" he thought. Also the time would give him some time to figure out a way to possibly get Bokuden out of that dome, at the moment he was skeptical that he'd figure anything out, and mostly viewed the task at the moment a lost cause.



(My bad Shibi, I was clearly given some bad information)

As Bokuden struggled to regain some control of his body while inside the darkness of the earthen dome he slowly felt control of his body slowly returning to him. The numbness of the paralysis was weakening, at first being replaced by a sharp tingling sensation as his fingers slowly began obeying his commands. "Finally," Bokuden said to himself as one by one he touched each of his fingers to his thumb, confirming that he had adequately regained control over his hands. He then began twirling his wrists back and forth, and then his ankles. By the time he began bending his knees and elbows he had essentially regained complete control of his body, but he was not particularly inclined to rush himself up as he was wary of any residual effects that the jutsu that had struck him might have caused. He tested his control of his legs and arms as a whole before stretching his neck and twisting at the waist. "Everything seems to check out just fine," Bokuden thought to himself as he finished his self diagnostic. The whole process was rather machine like as Bokuden meticulously tested each separate part of his person before attempting to lift himself off of the ground.

As he attempted to stand Bokuden hit his head against the ceiling of the dome which was far too short for him to be able to stand upright. "Now how to get out of here..." Bokuden thought as he began assessing his options. His katana was no use to him in this situation as it was no longer in his possession after he had thrown in his last attempt to stop Binsu's jutsu. The attempt was unsuccessful and could ultimately be categorized as a waste, but to be honest in such an enclosed area his katana would be of use to Bokuden anyway with him unable to get any extension in the small space. Bokuden took a knee, closed his eyes, and began to determine his options in this situation. He had no interest in dragging this fight out any further, but Kenji was not the type to quit and allowing Kenji to fight Binsu alone would be irresponsible on Bokuden's part. The jutsu that was holding him was clearly a doton jutsu and his raiton element had the elemental advantage against it, but he doubted that he had a jutsu in his arsenal that was individually powerful enough to destroy it.

Combing the annals of his memory, it did not take long for Bokuden to realize the gravity of the situation he found himself in. Truthfully he had known that he would not be able to break out of the dome with just his current level of strength and at this point he was just wasting time by pretending he could think his way out of this. "It's no good after all," Bokuden said to himself, still kneeling inside of the dome, "I guess there's no point in wasting anymore time here. Let's get this over with." Bokuden let out a deep sigh and rose to his feet and casually brushing the dirt off of his knees, minding his head since the last time he hit his head on the low sealing. Pausing during a final moment of hesitation Bokuden stopped to soak in the indignity of the moment. Surrender was as rare an event in Bokuden's life, but this wasn't a life or death situation and there was no reason to continue this pointless match, he had never even intended to fight when he made the trip up to the High Battle Plateau that morning. Placing his mouth directly in front of the small hole in the dome Bokuden called out to the two shinobi outside, "Alright you two, that's enough. This match is over. Kenji you can't beat him alone and I can't get out of this dome, I don't even have my sword with me. Now let me out of here, so I can go and change into some clothes that aren't ruined."

Word Count: 9110/9000

Bukijutsu S>SS Fin~

Last edited by Bokuden on Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:43 am; edited 2 times in total



((OOC- i was unsure on the mix up myself))

"Alright you two, that's enough. This match is over. Kenji you can't beat him alone and I can't get out of this dome, I don't even have my sword with me. Now let me out of here, so I can go and change into some clothes that aren't ruined." Binsu heard the dense voice of Bokuden call out from within the dome. The jounin had already planned his next move, though was forced to let it go un-practised, as one of his foes wanted to call quits and end the battle with a forefit. Personally, Binsu had nothing against ending the fight right now, as he had acomplished what he had come for initially. Although he would've liked the idea of winning the battle by submission, accepting the two shinobi's forefit was also acceptable, as it still showed that Binsu had won the battle. Primarily, Binsu had come here in order to get some training done, and he had managed to do just that.

Now sheathing his Hakujona blade back into its sheath and slinging his Kappatsuna blade over his back, he decided that the ending the battle now would've been more acceptable than ending it any other tim before now. Apparently, the young Bokuden had requested to be set free from Binsu's earthen dome trap, a wish Binsu would've only granted at the end of the match, or if the poor shinobi's life depended on it. Quickly performing the half-dragon hand seal, Binsu submerged both halves of the earthen dome and resultably set the young Bokuden free. He then crouched on the spot, assuming now that the battle was over his other opponent Kenji wouldn't dare throw another attack towards his direction, though should he anyways, Binsu would've been prepared. Currently, the young Jounin's hair was soaked with water, and as a result of this, his long silky hair stuck itself against Binsu's face and the longest strands of his hair just managed to rest over his shoulder blades. Fighting in the rain was an unusual thing for an average shinobi to do, as most people feared the thought of slipping whilst running. Before he could forget, Binsu quickly cleared his throat and said, "You fought well, the both of you." It wasn't an unusual thing to recieve a compliment from Binsu about your abilities in battle, though at the same time, it wasn't a common thing for him to give out to strangers. Although truth was, that the two shinobi hadn't gotten the chance to get to know Binsu fully, he already thought of them as friends he'd want to train with again in future times to come.

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