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1Akane Kyodara's combat pet Empty Akane Kyodara's combat pet Sun May 12, 2013 5:07 am

Akane Kyodara

Akane Kyodara

Name: Frey
Rank: C
Appearance: Frey has a slightly longer than normal Beak compared to other birds of his kind, extending five inches past his eyes, his body tempered and trained by Akane's Parents as thy prepared him for her inheritance. Frey's feathers are beautifully well kept despite his purpose. He weighs 28 pounds of almost entirely lean muscle and bone.
Personality: Frey is very protective of Akane, being tasked with the job to see her dreams come true, whatever it is that they are, and to protect her at any cost. He was raised with this idea in mind and has been close to Akane since they met.

He is not without a life of his own however, both inside and outside of combat he has quite the sharp wit and humor that often leads to him showing off his training and skills, be it in the form of swooping past an enemy at blinding speeds just to taunt the aggressor or nose diving into the ground only to make a sudden stop just as he would land, saving himself from a sure death at the panic of everyone around him.


Name: Feather Launching
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: C-Rank
Type: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: Short
Specialty: N/A
Duration:Until Feather senbons hit or are destroyed (Senbons remain after the tech is used but can not be manipulated past the initial launch)
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Description: Frey spins around in the air or flutters in place if the space is limited, causing feathers to drop from him and stick in the air, the quills of the feathers are sharp and are launched in a single direction with enough strength to stick out of stone. The Quills can not hit deep enough to cause major injury, but can cause minor bleeding and stick out of skin.

Name: Shed Feathers
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Pet-Only
Duration: 1 Post
Cooldown: 10 Posts
Description: Frey flails in place (used in-air) or shakes his body back and forth quickly (on ground/standing on something) Shedding feathers while at the same time fueling chakra into growing new ones. Generating a beautiful coat of clean feathers by the end of the jutsu. This has no direct combat application however items such as tracking devices, bugs, or tags will be shed with the feathers by the end of the jutsu.

Last edited by Akane Kyodara on Sun May 12, 2013 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Akane Kyodara's combat pet Empty Re: Akane Kyodara's combat pet Sun May 12, 2013 5:20 am



The Inheritance Special Characteristic can only be used to create a C Rank weapon, not a pet. You would have to pay for this normally.

3Akane Kyodara's combat pet Empty Re: Akane Kyodara's combat pet Sun May 12, 2013 5:39 am

Akane Kyodara

Akane Kyodara

Alright then, what would be the determined cost then?

4Akane Kyodara's combat pet Empty Re: Akane Kyodara's combat pet Sun May 12, 2013 6:03 am



1050 ryo.

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