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1Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Mon May 13, 2013 1:51 am




Name: Satomi

Rank: D (Must be taken at D and trained up)

Species: Wolf

Appearance: A small white wolf pup (Standing about one foot off of the ground on all fours, two feet on her hind legs). Satomi has a silver/white coat resembling, very closely the hair of her companion Bokuden, with cloud shaped tufts of hair protruding from her legs and tail and blue patterned markings on her fur (around her eyes and up the bridge of her nose and over the center of her head). She has a large mane and long hair on her tail giving it a fox tail like appearance.

Personality:Perhaps the best way to learn about Satomi's personality is to ask her, because she can speak. She comes from a rare and highly intelligent breed of wolves that also have life spans comparable to or even exceeding the average human. Given Bokuden as a companion when they were both still children, she is fiercely loyal to him. That being said she often finds herself irritated with his woman chasing and is often the one responsible for getting him back on task, even if she needs to remind him with force. Having grown up alongside Bokuden she shares his serious disposition and appreciation for snarky remarks. Satomi is also extremely intelligent and wise, often acting as the voice of reason and/or restraint with Bokuden when he begins to step out of line or lose control. This breed of wolves is unique to a beast tamer clan located in the mountain's near Kumo of which Bokuden's mother is a part of. Her puppy like appearance despite her age is the result of the breed having its size and power inextricably linked to the the power of its master. As a result the breed can not be trained past one rank higher than its shinobi partner (i.e. As a genin Bokuden can not train Satomi past C-Rank without ranking up to Chunin first. Upon reaching Chunin that rank cap increases to B rank. So on and so forth.) Upon training with its shinobi master to rank up the wolf's size and power grow (specifics must be apped seperately and approved alongside the training topic before being used in any RP.)

Techniques:None Yet, she's a puppy dawg.

What that price quote like tho?

Last edited by Bokuden on Sat May 18, 2013 12:58 pm; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Nerfing and broken coding :()

2Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Mon May 13, 2013 3:10 am



Reduce the size, keeping in mind that this is a D Rank pet.

Remove this fur nonsense entirely.

3Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Mon May 13, 2013 9:33 am



Wolf has been shrunk and fur sentence removed.

Side question: would I be able to increase her size back up to where I originally had it through training? Maybe slightly increase size every rank up until she's back to her original size at something like B rank?

4Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Tue May 14, 2013 8:28 am



Actually, could I re-do this entirely and make it start off as an E-rank combat pet? The general idea would be for it to start as a puppy and then have it grow as I train it up.

5Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Thu May 16, 2013 2:54 pm




Edited to E rank to be tied in with Bokuden's back story and possible future character/clan.

6Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Sat May 18, 2013 12:34 pm



Pets Guide wrote:E: This pet can barely hold it's nerve in any form of combat. It can bite and scratch, but that's about it. This pet cannot be anything large or threatening, for example, it cannot be a dog or something else that would pose a noteworthy threat. This pet has 0 chakra, and cannot use any jutsu.

Also, E Rank pets can't be combat pets.

7Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Sat May 18, 2013 12:51 pm



Ah, thought that by making her a puppy, so she couldn't participate in fights until trained up could make her E rank. Alright then, back to D!

Also made necessary adjustments to appearance for D rank-ness.
Thanks Taco.

8Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Tue May 21, 2013 8:13 am




9Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Wed May 22, 2013 10:21 am



~Bump~ and ready for deduction upon approval if applicable

10Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Wed May 22, 2013 9:24 pm



Approved for 150 Ryo. Let me know when I can deduct the amount.

11Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Satomi (D Rank Combat Pet) Thu May 23, 2013 7:36 pm



Ryo deducted.

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