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1Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Sun May 05, 2013 7:25 pm


The waters of Kirigakure was slightly warm today. Ejj lazily floated in the calm waters that encircled the dock-village, hidden in the mist. The shinobi's hands were intertwined behind his head as he relaxed against the bob of the water. Matching his natural mattress, the sky was a light blue. Occasionally, he saw a cloud pass by, riding winds at speeds he probably wouldn't be able to stand. The sun, standing high for noon hour, beat down on his nearly-bare body, only a pair of swimming trunks separating his entire visage from the sun. The water acted as a catalyst for the sun's rays, increasing the potency of it, but Ejj wasn't concerned. His body was used to having some form of assault being tested against it.

His eyelids grew heavy in the luxurious corporeal atmosphere, and he was ashamed to say he let his guard down in the open as his body began the sleep process. It was only the sound of his stomach suddenly erupting in a chorus of pleas for nourishment that brought him back to the Waking World, in which he immediately switched his stance in the water so he could swim back to the nearest dock. Climbing up the wooden frame, he grabbed the towel he had set earlier for this such a purpose and began to dry himself off. When that failed to sufficiently perform the task, he opened his chakra vents and executed a very quick, weak variant of his kekkai genkai's base ability to part the water particles from his body. Sliding on the torso part of his usual Disciple outfit, Ejj followed suit with his pants over the now-dry shorts, strapping his kunai holster to his left leg with a length of ribbon. When he was once more respectable as a soldier of Life and Death, he took toward the nearest source of food he could think of -- his backyard.


Ejj lived in a small hut on one of the outskirt docks toward the south of the village. In his backyard, a small pond that was fed into by the main river and led back out by circling around the hut, brought fish into a small pond that would grow too big to fit back through the stream opening and get caught in Ejj's trap. It was also excellent accuracy practice, for it taught Ejj the principles of light refraction. Standing on the edge of the bank, he stared into the crystal clear water with muddy eyes. He was conflicted on which to choose. They all looked so delicious to the young man, and he would gladly attempt to devour every single one if he was given the choice. To some, this may seem a bold conquest, for there were numerous fish in the enclove, and they were clearly belligerant. Reaching into his kunai pouch, he withdrew one with two fingers.

Setting his sights on a large, yellow-tailed panfish that just begged to be... fished... for his pan. Shaking his head to clear it of the foolishness that had just somehow occured, he took aim and snapped his wrist, flinging the projectile toward his potential dinner. There was a dull slapping sound as it struck the water, and then an explosion of mud made it too difficult to see what had happened. Waiting patiently, Ejj whistled a tune as the opacity faded. Once it had, a large grin spread across his face. Success. But, Ejj had only missed the first three times he tried, and he had been living here for a few months. Reaching into the water, he grabbed the kunai with the fish impaled onto it and hauled it out of the water, the thin substance spilling down into the pool with a victory tinkle.

Walking over to his cooking table, he started a small fire with a lighter beneath a frying pan, onto which he promptly placed the fish, popping it off his kunai before flinging it back into the water. He didn't know it, but later on, when he went to retrieve it, he would find he had speared himself another fish. Sitting on a stool, he seasoned the fish, chopped an onion and added that onto the pan, as well as various other random dishes he had scooped out of his fridge earlier. When the meat was a satisfactory color, he blew out the flame and dug into it with his bare fingers, too hungry to care about utensils. It burned, but he didn't care. It was greasy and slid down his arms, but he didn't care. It was too damn good. When he had finished (which included picking the bones with his teeth for anything that remained, scraping remnants from the place with a finger into an eagerly-awaiting mouth), he placed it on the table and leaned back into his chair.

Now he had to find something to do.

2Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Re: Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Thu May 09, 2013 9:54 pm



Tsu had nothing to due on this rather unusually warn day so he decided to take a run through kiri to try to increase his speed. He jumped over the tops of the buildings and ran through the crowds only to end up near the docks on the outskirts of kiri. Tsu was about to head back when the smell of cooked fish began to fill the air. It was then when Tsu realized that he had not eaten yet so he let his curiosity get the best of him. He followed the smell to a small hut. Tsu had not noticed this place before so he decided to see if anybody lived there or if it was abandoned so he knocked on the door and awaited his answer.

3Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Re: Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Thu May 09, 2013 10:10 pm


A dull knock echoed behind Ejj's ears, raising him from his slumberous slump and pricking his consicousness with a sharp pin. Opening his eyes, he realized he had dozed off after such a filling meal. Although he had been content on amusement, his body had other plans, and he uwittingly closed his eyes and followed a strange hum that sprung up from his throat through the rabbit hole and into a DMT -generated world of subconscious messaging. Shaking his head to clear it of any cobwebs, he picked himself up off the seat he had been in and shouted for a moment. He thought about drawing a second kunai for cautious protection, but decided against it, figuring he could handle just about anything around these parts. Storming through the back door of his hut to the front, he took a sheer moment to glance through a peep hole in the door before swinging it open.

”Heya!” He greeted in a cheery manner to the taller, black-haired boy. ”Can I help you?” Ejj asked, eyeing him with eyes the color of a cliff, the kind of cliff that has been eroded at for a long time but has stood against everything and continues to stand. ”Fish?” He offered, pointing toward the back of his hut. The door was left open, and a the fire still stank of osteichthyes. The Nitsumera's infamous grin was quite large on this boy's face, for he was quite bemused with this uncanny coincidence. Here he was, trying to find something to do but dozed off, and now, the universe presented him with something to do. And what a present it was, for this lad looked like quite some fun. Another Kirigakure Shinobi could always amuse a Nitsumera, as long as they had the Will of Bloody Demons in them, as any Kirigakure shinobi should.

4Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Re: Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Thu May 09, 2013 10:16 pm



Tsu waited only a moment before a boy just a little shorter than him came to the door. He seemed nice Tsu smiled back and said "Oh sorry didn't mean to bother you i was just curious about who lived here is all. It is a bad habit sorry". He chuckled the boy then offered him some fish Tsu smelled the air and could already taste it. Tsu smiled and said "Sure but only if you will share some of my apples other wise i would feel as if i was intruding". Tsu said before he pulled a small bag out of his pack that had 2 large plump and juicy apples in it. Tsu smiled as he held a apple to the other boy and smiled.

5Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Re: Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Thu May 09, 2013 10:26 pm


”Absolutely! I'm Nitsumera Ejj.” He introduced himself, taking one of the apples and biting into it heartily as he led the boy through the hut into his backyard. ”Wan'ah shee shumfing neat?” He asked, his mouth still full of apple. Folding his other arm across his chest casually, he took another bite, chewed, and swallowed. Suddenly, the kunai holster on his left leg began to glow blue. ”Now!” He shouted, grunting. The kunai immediately shot from his holster into the air beside his head before redirecting itself and changing its vector toward the pond. It arced through the air before sinking into the water with slurping sound. Red seeped to the surface, followed by a plume of dirt. ”YES! DIRECT HIT! DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Ejj roared, clapping Tsuyoka on the back.

”Fish it out and I'll fry it up.” He declared, nodding at the frying pan by his waist obviously. ”So, you're a curious one, ain't ya'? Tell me, kid, do curiosity quests come often to you like this?” The question was a bait, of course. Ejj Nitsumera was interested in a great many of things, but most of them fell into a single umbrella, and its cloth was stitched by scars, for the cloth was his flesh, and the damage done was ignorance of combat. Although Ejj could hold a discussion with a variety of topics, he was impatient, and he wanted to get to the nitty gritty. Could this kid fight? Did he have anything new for Ejj to test his mettle against?

6Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Re: Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Thu May 09, 2013 10:34 pm



Tsu was amazed by this kids ability's but Tsu had his own trick up his sleeve. Turning to answer the boy's question he says "Sometimes depends on if i am bored or not". Tsu then turned to look at the frying fish. Tsu smiled and said "As a thank you for showing me your move ill show a bit of my power". Tsu walked over to the pond and said "You see that tree over there on the horizon". Tsu pointed to a tree that looked to be strong and tough. Tsu took a breath and cut hid palm with his finger blade allowing the warm blood to gush from his hand. Tsu let a few drops hit the ground beofre raising his hand out to chest height and focusing his chakra and making the blood form a orb in the palm of his hand. He took a breath and shot the orb through the tree trunk making it collapse. Tsu turned and smiled before saying "Now you don't". He then returned back to where he was and smiled.

7Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Re: Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Thu May 09, 2013 10:49 pm


The bait was statched up almost hungrily, and the grin on Ejj's face that was rarely faded grew even larger. A challenge, eh? Well, he could show off a little. ”Not bad. Pay attention, now.” Ejj blinked, and the tenketsu pores in his body expanded with a surge of chakra, growing until they were visible to the naked eye. Around Ejj, his blue chakra flared wildly until a solid shell formed inches from his body. It was translucent, not reducing his visibility in the least. Beneath it, a fine mist of blue chakra began to build. Holding out his left hand, a shuriken shot from the pouch on his left leg into it, manipulated by the chakra that surrounded him. ”You see that tree?”

He pointed to one beside his hut, just beyond the edge of the water. Holding his hand in the other direction, the shell around his hand began to grow into a sphere the size of an small orange, before expanding slightly an then impoding, erupting in a forward release of energy. The shuriken flew from his head and shot in a wide arc around them, slicing through a ring of trees on the bank until impaling itself into his hut on the same side as the tree he had pointed out earlier. If Tsuyoka was paying attention, he would have noticed a blue flash every time the shuriken shot through a tree. Still, they remained standing.

Allowing his pores to return to normal, Ejj sat down and began to fry a couple more fish for the two, still munching on his apple. As the meat began to glow just the right color, and the smell of satisfied hunger pregnated the air, their lungs, their stomachs, soon to be a reality, evey tree that Ejj's shuriken suddenly split in half, sliding from their remaining stump and crashing into the ground. He didn't say a word, only flashed his signature grin.

8Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Empty Re: Maintaining Sharpness (Open) Thu May 09, 2013 10:57 pm



Tsu smiled as he watched the shuriken fly through the tree the amazing streaking pattern. Tsu was impressed but he was far from done Tsu the slit his left forearm and let his blood spill out of his arm focusing his chakra he formed it into a 4 scythe he then said "Watch this". Tsu took a run and go and jumped over onto the water running toward a tree a began to carve it up When he was done he walked back and tossed two tooth picks onto the table and said "For when we get done". Then he sat back and smiled again.

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