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Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Training Area Maintenance D-Rank:

"Akito Miku"
"Akito Miku"
"Akito Miku"

As the young kitten boy formerly known as Jamie of the leaf as he kept muttering it to himself as he sat all alone in the corner of a room he was spending the night in. He was only allowed to stay there for a while until he found a place of his own to stay in again as he felt he could not return to his Inuzuka family because of some dogs hating him now even more then they did before, from being hated for his weakness to being hated for just being flat out strange. That and some thought he might be a nekomata, as that was one of the cat like clans in the village. He did not feel like he was one of them, but he began to shake his head as he realized something important.

"Miku, you got work to do" as he spoke to himself as he returned to raking some of the leaves in the training area into a large leaf bag, it might seem rather stupid but it would be horrible to do shuriken training only for a random leaf to poke you in the eye when the wind blows, or to have a sharp leave cut you while it swivels in the air like a razor blade. He had day dreamed about his night in the inn as he had to now focus on the mission, the leaves would not clean themselves and just as he thought he was done, the wind blew and half the leaves went away from the pile as he began to pout. "This will take forever!!" as this was an abandoned training ground due to all the maintenance required as too many people preparing for chuunin exams went crazy here as it looked like a dead zone of a ghost town.

"Just you wait, I will win those exams"
as he began to think back to that time when he first met Shippo and how much faster and even stronger he was, only for him to get passed by like it was nothing. To be honest Shippo had been lazy, but his mom as well as his need to impress his little brother gave him added motivation to become stronger. However this was a two way street as he now had his little brother Miku chasing after his tail so to speak.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

After more then an hour as the sweat was falling off the tips at the ends of Miku's cat ears as he twitched them and flicked them a few times to let the sweat fall off as he took a breather as he downed a bottle of water. All that time just to get rid of the leaves as he had been hit in the face, had them blow over the entire training area as well as have to deal with a random inuzuka wolf dropping a small brown present for him to deal with. Though he just burned it with fire then when it dried took an old branch and wacked it away like he was playing golf, as he then proceeded to start removing the damaged target disks. He then placed them in the recycle bin before proceeding to fetch the wooden logs for strike training as he took them there as well, he began to wonder if he needed one too as he wanted to speak to Airi about helping him find a new place to stay.

He kept himself busy as he began to think of what to do next as he slowly went into the back to fetch the new target disks and took them out to place them back in their locations again, he would come back later for the strike logs since carrying a bunch of them would be awkward as he wished he was a puppet master or had a giant pet dog to carry it for him.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Time soon passed as the mission was soon coming to an end, he filled in the holes and changed the target dummies. He filled up the projectiles bin as he began to wonder whether they could melt all these shuriken, kunai and other items into small coins as money. The ideas running through his head not knowing the fate that would await him once the exams began, all he knew was that with enough training he should be ready and would be ready, but in the end he did not know what was really in store for him as a small kunai fell in front of him as he looked up as some shinobi were giggling as they ran off as he thought to himself.

"I can not wait to stop being a genin like those stupid kids" as he had gotten a bit annoyed for reasons he did not fully understand. Miku cleaned up the reception area and the storage shed as he sighed as he prepared to report the success of his mission and deep down he knew he would be cleaning up after himself later when he returns to this place for actual training instead of cleaning and maintenance. So was the cycle of missions and training.


Exit Thread

750 (Mission)
+100 (Extra Pay 25[1] = 25 ryo)
850 Words

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