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1Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Empty Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:05 pm


-Naoko wakes up early as usual. He would gwt up and walk out slowly and spot his mother still sleeping. He walks over to the bed sliently, and places a note on her bed from paper he keeps in his room. He leaves his house in order to go get the medicine downtown.

2Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Empty Re: Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:16 pm


He comes back with medicine and walks to his mother's room. Silently, He places it down on the floor next to her bed and walks back to his room. There he gets another sheet of paper and wirtes the note that would be gone for awhile. He walks back into his mother's room and places next to the medicine. He leaves the room and exits through the door.

3Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Empty Re: Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:45 pm


He enter and goes upstairs he would go in his bedroom and go in and pull up the covers. He would close his eyes. He must prepare for the day ahead.

4Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Empty Re: Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:49 pm


Unable to go to sleep, He would get backup and go out the door. Heruns out the door. Naoko decides he could do some exercise before he goes to sleep. Just cant get too dark or else he wont see his way back home

5Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Empty Re: Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Thu May 02, 2013 2:12 pm


Naoko walks back into his house and sees his mother standig in front of him, tapping her her foot on he floor with her hans on her hips."Where have you been?" She would ask in a concerned tone. "Out." Naoko would reply. His mother would sigh and walk towards her bedroom. "Okay well, i was just worried about you."
She would exit to her bedroom and close the door, but within seconds Naoko could hear the snoring already.

6Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Empty Re: Hozuki, Naoko's house [no kill] Sat May 04, 2013 8:50 am


Naoko would lean on the wall, next to the door. He wodered what he could do today.Maybe talk to people for once in his life. He decided he wouldn't og ot get medicin because his mother seemed to be getting better. One day couldn't hurt. Right? He got up and headed out the door, shutting it behind him. He should at least get some breath of fresh air

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