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1Daseki Clan Empty Daseki Clan Wed May 01, 2013 7:35 pm



Daseki Clan 13th_d13
Clan:Daseki Clan

Kekkei Genkai:Henzai bijon (Omnipresent Vision)

Elements: Fuuton (Wind), Doton (Earth)

Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu

Location: Kumogakure

Clan History: It is said that the only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. This is something the Daseki clan has known for generations upon generations. Many wonder how their vision became the way it is and there are many rumors. The true reason is because the clans original family, the main branch, were greedy. Well, to be more exact the Clan Head was Greed himself. His name was Daisuke Daseki and he was the most greedy man in all of Kumogakure. Daisuke relished in the thought of having fortune and had come by vasts amounts of gold coins.

One day a strange traveling woman dressed in tattered black clothing approached him while he was shopping at the market. She simply asked for two gold coins so that she may buy herself some food. Daisuke being the man he was snarled at the woman and pushed her to the ground saying only "Begone you disgusting woman!", this enraged many around him, but they said nothing. The old woman mumbled and pointed at Daisuke claiming that his future generations will be blind to the gold that he loved so much. Daisuke laughed at the woman and returned home shortly after.

Months passed since the woman's words crossed Daisukes ears. He did not believe it until the day his soon was born and was blind to the world. Daisuke shunned his son saying that he was that witches pawn. Months later Daisuke died of a heart attack. The boy himself though grew up and learned that he could see, but not see as how the birds that fly in the sky see, but he could see the chakra flowing in everything. The boy became a shinobi and changed how his clan was viewed. To this day the Daseki Clan has become renowned for the talented "blind" shinob they produce.

Kekkei Genkai Description:The members of the Daseki clan have a special Kekkei Genkai, that has become known as "Henzai Bijon" or Omnipresent Vision. This allows them to see the chakra flowing inside of everything that has chakra flowing through it. Since they are blind this causes their other senses to be enhanced greatly, especially their hearing. They are able to hear just about anything that vuts/flys through the air. Although they are blind they have beautiful eyes that seem like they are not blind at all. The eyes of the Daseki clan range in all kinds of colors, any color that a rainbow has to offer basically. Due to their constant visual prowess they have lower chakra pools than most people. Due to these facts they cannot learn 3rd or 4th Elements or Specialties. However, they are immune to any kind of visual genjutsu.
The distance one can see varies depending on the maturity/rank of the clan member. They can see EVERYTHING within their limits.
  • SS Rank 800 Meters/838 yards, minus 60 from base chakra
  • S Rank 600 Meters/657 yards, minus 50 from base chakra
  • A Rank 400 Meters/438 yards, minus 40 from base chakra
  • B Rank 200 Meters/220 yards, minus 30 from base chakra
  • C Rank 100 Meters/110 yards, minus 20 from base chakra
  • D Rank 50 Meters/55 yards, minus 10 from base chakra

  • Blind
  • Smaller Chakra Pool for constantly being able to see chakra
  • Can't have a 3rd or 4th Element
  • Can't have a 3rd or 4th Specialization

Daseki, Ichiru (Clan Heir)

Last edited by Ichiru on Thu May 02, 2013 8:42 am; edited 4 times in total

2Daseki Clan Empty Re: Daseki Clan Wed May 01, 2013 10:21 pm



If you want Henzai Bijon to be a technique, it will have a constant chakra drain of at least -5 chakra per post. This kind of effect would be better off being noted in the Kekkai Genkai Description instead of as a jutsu. Also, be sure to describe how far/how detailed they can see.

3Daseki Clan Empty Re: Daseki Clan Wed May 01, 2013 10:30 pm



Oh i was told to turn it into a jutsu

4Daseki Clan Empty Re: Daseki Clan Wed May 01, 2013 11:01 pm



It'd be fine as a passive effect, since all it does is let you see chakra to compensate for being blind. Doesn't really give you any benefit besides revealing a lot more than normal. Lower how far they can see by about 70-80% each. Also, describe in detail exactly how much they can see. If they can see EVERYTHING made out of chakra at all times, then you'll need to lower it further.

"Smaller Chakra Pool for constantly being able to see chakra"
Describe how much the chakra pool is reduced per rank.

5Daseki Clan Empty Re: Daseki Clan Wed May 01, 2013 11:15 pm



How's that? I added SS and added the chakra negatives.
I don't know if that's low enough though.

6Daseki Clan Empty Re: Daseki Clan Wed May 01, 2013 11:30 pm



Complete immunity to genjutsu is a no. You can, however, be immune to genjutsu with visual triggers because of the blindness.

7Daseki Clan Empty Re: Daseki Clan Thu May 02, 2013 9:50 am



8Daseki Clan Empty Re: Daseki Clan Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:38 pm



Ranges need to be cut by a bit.

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