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1Malkavia Empty Malkavia Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:38 pm



Malkavia LogoClanMalkavian1
Clan: Malkavia

Kekkei Genkai: Dementation

Elements: /

Specialization: Genjutsu, Ninjutsu

Location: Scattered (Kumogakure)

Clan History: Even other ninja fear the Malkavians. The cursed blood of their clan has polluted their minds, with the result that every last Malkavian across the world is incurably insane. What’s worse, a Malkavian’s madness can take nearly any form from overpowering homicidal tendencies to near-catatonia. In many cases, there’s no way to tell a Malkavian apart from the "sane" members of other clans. Those few whose psychoses are immediately obvious are among the most terrifying ninja to stalk the streets. None can say what exactly makes the Lunatics so dangerous. Certainly, their madness often frees them from fear of pain or Final Death. More than a few demonstrate horrifying murderous urges or a complete lack of emotion, including compassion. But most convincingly, the Malkavians are free from the confines of rationality and may do whatever they like and this freedom is coupled with an uncanny insight, a strange wisdom that cannot be perceived by the sane. The Malkavians possess a dark intellect that is often — and increasingly - set to frightening purpose.

On the surface, clan Malkavia is barely a clan. The majority of Malkavians are only marginally aware they belong to a clan; Missing-nin Malkavians generally claim to be civilians. What connections Malkavians generally have are informal and generally opperate like business partnerships.

Scratch the surface, however, and the Malkavian's become a smorgasbord of paranoid delights. Malkavians operate on their own timescale, and will gather spontaneously for incomprehensible events. Malkavians usually don't explain how they know these gatherings are occuring, and when they do the explanation isn't necessarily worth anything. Scratch deep enough and it appears that the Malkavians are highly organized, so highly organized they don't even know they are, and instead they continue to pursue incomprehensible and arcane goals that even they aren't aware are relevant.

This organization is generally termed the "cobweb", "Malkavian Time" or the "Malkavian Madness Network" and is a hive mind unifying all Malkavians. The strength of the voices varies from Malkavian to Malkavian, however all of them are at least aware of its call and capable of interacting with it. Dead Malkavians' memories live on in the cobweb, and it is implied heavily that Malkav (The clan founder) himself is this network. The cobweb is only accessible by Malkavians, and they themselves only marginally understand it - most of them merely listen to the voices, but elders have demonstrated a powerful capacity to manipulate the rest of the clan through it.

In villages, Malkavians are tolerated; they are rarely Kages but often are important representitives or otherwise figures of authority. Given their obvious insanity, Kages traditionally give the Madmen a certain amount of latitude; in return, Malkavians are generally expected to demonstrate enough self-control to not endanger the village. This is not a benevolent arrangement but largely driven by fear on both sides: fundamentally, Malkavians are unknowable and the general attitude among kage is that its better to keep them quiet and happy, since unhappy Malkavians have a tendency towards introducing bizarre and inexplicable incidents to the equation. Conversely, Malkavians need the protection of the villages...

Kekkei Genkai Description: The special legacy of the Malkavian Clan, Dementation allows the Shinobi to channel madness, focus it and pour it into the minds of those around him. Though in former nights this power was practiced primarily by the missin-nin of the clan, in recent years it has spread throughout the rest of the Clan. Some people speculate that this "infection" might be yet another move in the internal power struggle of the clan; a few people, of particularly paranoid bent, even whisper that the Malkavians are to be the harbingers of the Final Nights.

The practitioner of Dementation need not actually be mad himself--at least initially--although madness seems to grant a certain insight into the key tenets of this Discipline. Few ninja ask the Malkavians to demonstrate to them this Kekkei Genkai, although the Lunatics are always eager to "enlighten" others. In fact, some say that one cannot learn the secrets of Dementation without eventually going mad.

Eerily enough, Dementation doesn't seem to inflict insanity on its victims per se. Rather, it seems to catalyze madness, breaking down doors into the hidden reaches of the mind and releasing whatever it finds there. The Malkavians claim that this is because insanity is the next step in the evolution of the mind--a necessary progression if one is to behold the truths of the Universe. As such, they say , it is inherent to all minds, and evident only in the more highly evolved specimens of human thought. Other Clans pray the Malkavians are wrong, but find it difficult to dismiss such thoughts out of hand, particularly because Dementation works as well on ninja as it does on civilians.

Due to their mental prowess, Malkavians are able to utilize genjutsu with more ease (+ 1 to genjutsu usage) and affect more people (+ 1 to Genjutsu power).

Drawbacks: Every malkaivian suffers from a permanent derangement. What this derangement is is will differ between characters; it can range from over-powering homicidal urges to near cantonia. Whats even more, as the character ranks up, they will begin to suffer from even more derangements. Genin are limited to one derangement, Chuunin and Special Jounin are limited to two. Jounin are limited to three. Sannin and Kage are allowed to have four or more derangements. (No one below Sannin is allowed to have Schizophrenia or muliple personality disorder. It is over-fucking-played. One may develop the symptoms while young, but you cannot claim it.) Even more, your derangement must be a prominent part of your character. In addition, you can never overcome your derangement; one may resist them, but they cannot be fully stopped once triggered.

Due to members of their clan having lanky builds, they are not suited for physical combat. Thus, they suffer a -2 to to any physical fighting style. Any physical type of combat used against them gets a +1 bonus.

Members: /
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: /

2Malkavia Empty Re: Malkavia Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:41 pm



+1 to power needs to be eliminated. An appropriate drawback may go with it.

Dementation...unless this is going to be flavor, it needs to be quantified so it can be used in battle/other situations.

A drawback to having a physical fighting style isn't very much of a drawback in a clan that seems to intently focus on genjutsu. It's still balanced without this, just noting.

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