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1Missing Pets [D-Rank, Repeatable] Empty Missing Pets [D-Rank, Repeatable] Sun May 05, 2013 5:26 pm



Zodiak never liked cats and now he had to do that stupid mission... Urg... Why can't they give me a proper mission? Like catching a thief? Or something more exithing? But No, i have to find some stupid cats for a stupid cat lady... What a waste of time! He thought while the water kept streaming in his bath. I better get ready. So he got dressed and took a towel to dry his hair. He took an apple and began searching.

"Here kitty kitty kitty! Don't be afraid." But nothing responded to it. So he went looking for the cats a street further. Suddenly he heard a 'mew'. The sound came from above his head. Zodiak looked up and saw the damn cat at the top of a 14 metre high tree. Damn cat! Why climb all the way up if you can't get back down! The boy started climbing. Stupid mission... Stupid cat... Step by step he went up. Zodiak could run up the tree, but his pride stopped him from using any technique on such a stupid mission. He sat his foot on a strong looking branch. The branch broke and Zodiak's foot couldn't find any other to stand on. The branch wasn't that strong after all... Lucky for him his reflex took over and grabbed another branch. His arms were strong enough to keep hanging there for a while. Long enough for him to grab another one and pull himself up. He took a shuriken and threw it a bit higher so he could grab on to it. Finally he got to the top of the tree when the cat decided to jump down. Zodiak's face went from glad to totally angry. What! You gotta be kidding me!! What would the cat lady say if her little kitty got hurt? So Zodiak pushed himself in the direction the cat jumped and grabbed on to the cat. The Genin didn't think of his own safety, he just jumped. He felt hard on the ground, but the cat was safe that was all that matters. The hard ground made Zodiak's arm bleed, but he ignored it. "Now let's bring you to your owner." he said to the cat. He walked to the owner's house.

The knocks on her door made her open the door. "Hello, ma'am. Here is your cat. Today i'll bring the other four aswell." he said. "You are such a good boy bringing me my cats back!" the woman pinched his cheeks. "Ma'am, i'll see you back soon for the other cats." he bowed and left the woman. Okay, where would be the next cat? 

He was walking around the village and saw a cat being chased by a giant dog. Zodiak immediately ran after them. The cat went in an alley and the dog followed. It was a dead end. The lost cat was trapped between a wall and the dog. Zodiak threw a stick at the dog to draw its attention away from the cat, but it only made the dog angrier. Then Zodiak jumped in front of the cat to protect it. the cat gave him a few bite marks and ripped clothes but the dog went away eventually. "Let's bring you home." He brought hi Protecting m back to the old lady.

After a long time searching, he finally found two more cats and brought them back. "Finally one more to go." he sighned. He looked all over the village but didn't find anything. So he went looking in the forest. He saw a shadow glaring behind the bushes. Zodiak jumped in the bush and saw nothing. In the corner of his eye he saw the shadow again. He had a chance of getting it in a corner and it worked. When Zodiak grabbed the cat, it began scratching his face. "Arrggh!" he screamed "Stupid cat! You're lucky that this is a mission!" He grabbed the cat with it's neck and brought him to the lady. "Oh I've missed you, Wiskers!" the woman almost killed the cat with hugs. Heh... That's what you deserve, stupid cat...

Wordcount: 714/600

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