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1Missing Pets[D-Rank] Empty Missing Pets[D-Rank] Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:28 am



Kidzukai pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was about noon, and as his ninja training had taught him, the sun shone brightly directly overhead. A few fluffy white clouds littered the massive blue infinite span of the heavens. People all around seemed cheerful and delighted, almost as delighted as he himself was. Except when he turned his eyes forward again he watched a cat cross at high speed across the marketplace. Directly on his trail was a large hungry looking dog. 

Kid looked about, hoping to spot a citizen willing to help, but as sure as he was Hyuga, not a single person turned a head. He leapt the white fencing to his left and broke into a dead sprint toward the two furry beasts. The cat was small and didn't seem to stand a chance in hell with the girth and hunger of that dog. Kid was now sprinting toe to toe with the dog, and even though the thing was trying to harm the cat, he didn't feel that it deserved any harm. So grabbed the cat from the ground in front of the dog, then threw down a snack pastry for the dog. 

He looked at the cat, not realizing he was still running and with a sudden massive THUD he was sitting on some random strangers doorstep, having knocked his head on their door.  Whatever would you know? An old woman stepped out and was filled with such immense joy at the site of the cat.

"OH dear! My kitten! Have you seen the others by any chance? I will offer a reward for the other four, my dear!" Said the old woman.

"Oh sure. Give me an hour and those cats are as good as back in your care!" Said Kid as he turned away to continue the hunt.

It wasn't a hard task at all. Within 10 minutes Kid found the second cat right down the street lapping water out of a puddle. It was a black cat. But Kid wasn't superstitious. He gently escorted the docile feline back home, and as he walked he seemed to grow attached, but there was no time. He placed the kitten in the woman's house, shut the door, and went back on the prowl.

The marketplace was extremely busy at around 3:00 PM. Kid dodged through the busy crowds and searched high and low for a little cat. Woe and behold, there was one, dodging the heavy weight of a thousand careless feet. Just as a large man began to step down heavily with his oversized loafers, Kid snatched the kitten from beneath him. 

The next cat made everything difficult. It ran from Kid, and up on rooftops and everything else. Kid chased it til about 5:00 PM upon which he finally dove headlong toward it and wrestled it down and took it back to the old woman. 

This was becoming tedious. Kidzukai hasn't received a single hint or tip to the location of this next and final cat. It was turning into one of the hardest tasks he had ever been presented. He scoured far and wide for the kitten. Searching trash bins. Asking questions in the marketplace. Even requesting assistance from the happy-go-lucky academy students. 

Kid saw movement in a nearby tree. He immediately paused everyone and said, "Stand aside, I think we've got him!"
The cat suddenly dropped. The height was more than what would be required to absolutely demolish that small kitten. Kid ran as fast as he could, seemingly bringing in slow motion. He slid himself across the ground, dust and dirt floating into his own eyes. The young cat landed gently and safely in his own arms.


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