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1Food time! [Open, No Kill] Empty Food time! [Open, No Kill] Thu May 02, 2013 11:05 am

Akane Sarutobi

Akane Sarutobi

Akane her tummy made a whale-like sound while rushing to the Ichiraku Ramen shop. She was ao hungry after a good training. The smell of all restaurants made it even worse. Her tummy made even a louder sound when she saw people eating dumplings in front of her face. "Thank you, daddy!" A little kid said when his father bought a lollypop for him. Akane stood next to the pair, she was almost literly drooling on the kid. Not only because of the food but also the father of the child was a really beautiful man and Akane her perverted mind just made it worse. When the dad went away with his kid Akane got down to earth again and started to walk to the ramen shop.

When she finally arrived at the Ichiraku Ramen shop, she sat down and ordered a bowl.

2Food time! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Food time! [Open, No Kill] Thu May 02, 2013 11:15 am



It was noon - or so, Juniko assumed it to be. She had been up since the crack of dawn fumbling around in her clan library, reading more about its history. To be blunt, it wasn't easy to decipher or to understand. Very few people alive understood the history behind the Uchiha Clan and its relationship with Konohagakure; but nonetheless, Juniko still enjoyed learning more about it. She felt more connected with her clan and herself as she learned more about its prowess and capabilities. She had been walking around the village with nothing to do. After all, Juniko had finished her first mission yesterday evening - somewhat sore from the capture of the gang but satisfied as her accomplishment. Sadly, she had nothing to do for now and decided that it would be a good opportunity to go for a lunch break. Hours earlier she had received word via a messenger hawk that she had been assigned a sensei and one female teammate, with the other teammate pending as more Academy Students graduated.

Somewhat skeptical of being assigned a team so soon, Juniko shrugged her shoulders as she briskly walked towards the Ichiraku Ramen stall. Ramen was certainly not one of her favorite meals; she found it too salty at times and preferred more earthy tasting meals. However, she had a terrible craving for miso ramen (which ironically was very salty) that she couldn't seem to get rid of. Entering the stall and letting her limber legs help maneuver herself, she hopped onto the stool and let her forearms and elbows rest against the wooden table in front of her.

"What do you want, miss?" hollered a chef back in the kitchen who seemed to be busy preparing another bowl. Glancing sideways, Juniko took notice of the other girl who sat adjacent to her. She seemed to be older than her but had incredibly bright blue eyes - and she wore her hitai-ate as well. She was a genin. Realizing she had taken a while to respond, Juniko finally spoke up softly. "Miso, please." The chef nodded and bustled back into the kitchen. Rattling her fingers against the wooden table, she silently waited for her meal to arrive.

3Food time! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Food time! [Open, No Kill] Thu May 02, 2013 11:59 am

Akane Sarutobi

Akane Sarutobi

Akane just ordered her bowl and then another girl came in. The girl looked over with her deep dark brown eyes. Akane had a feeling someone was looking her direction and looked her way. She saw that the girl was ordering Miso. Akane kept looking and analyzing her appearance. The Miso girl had brown hair that looked almost black in the light. Her eyes were deep dark brown and matched with her face and hair perfectly.

"Miso, huh?" Akane asked out of the blue. "You should pre-order some water as well." the blue haired Genin joked. While grinning she waved at the dark haired girl, not that she had anyone else to wave at, the whole shop was empty.

The chef brought Akane her bowl of Pork flavoured ramen and she started eating it with manners.

4Food time! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Food time! [Open, No Kill] Sat May 04, 2013 10:34 pm



ooc ]] sorry for such a late response. had prom last night and the day before i was busy preparing for prom. take your time responding since i know you are busy.

Rattling her fingers on the counter top as she patiently waited for her bowl of ramen, Juniko would glance upwards as she heard a voice. Craning her neck to turn to her left, she saw the same girl there - who had no had a large bowl of ramen in front of her. Enviously, the kunoichi's stomach grumbled as the scent of her pork ramen wafted over towards her. Hearing what the girl said, she would then raise her eyebrows a bit and nod her head gently. "Mm." responded Juniko, agreeing with her. Miso ramen was terribly salty, but its earthy and salty taste is exactly what she craved and needed right now.

A few more minutes went by in silence and eventually, the chef came out with a large bowl of ramen in hand. Placing it down in front of Juniko and offering a pleased smile and a small wink, he returned to the back of the shop to clean up, letting the two kunoichi eat in peace. Picking up the pair of wooden chopsticks adjacent to her, she broke them apart swiftly and would begin to eat her ramen. She was slow as she ate considering how hot the noodle soup was. As bits of noodles reached her mouth, she hummed pleasantly to herself, complacent with the taste of her food.

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