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1juniko's plot area. Empty juniko's plot area. Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:16 pm




Currently, all friendship plots are open & encouraged! Juniko is a lone wolf type of person and therefore, she doesn't make friends easily - so you have to persist in attempting to befriend her in order for her to trust you. She didn't have too many friends back in the Academy (although many wanted to be her friend but were intimidated by her personality), so she hopes to gain people she can trust as a Genin. All teammates have it easy and naturally, it makes sense for them all to be friends. Juniko is a loyal friend so once you manage to coax her to stick with you, you won't regret it. Should be noted that friendship with Juniko is not an easy task - so one or two threads isn't enough for her to trust you. Don't be discouraged by her borderline "tsundere" personality though. She has a kind heart, honest.Currently, all enemies plots are open & encouraged! I love having enemy plots - because in the shinobi world, not everyone is buddy buddy with each other. Juniko isn't one to talk a lot of smack but she is terribly blunt and some people don't find her harsh honesty pleasant. She's not one who cares if she's liked or if she makes any enemies, so she won't really give a damn. However, rivalries are awesome; whether with a fellow kunoichi or with a guy. Juniko is a competitive girl and likes achieving and having a rival keeps things intense and stops her from slacking off. Enemies can be anyone from her childhood since she did get bullied a bit in the Academy, but they can also be fellow Genin or even those who are older. Juniko is not someone who is easy to like or to deal with, so yeah.Currently, lovers / romantic relationship plots are closed. I currently have a plot with her to be the romantic interest of Hao's new character, Susumu Uchiha. Juniko is thirteen currently so I think she's the typical adolescent girl - doesn't know much about love but is more interested in it then she lets on. She doesn't know anything when it comes down to people let alone romance! So it would be very fun to have her be awkward and out of her comfort zone. Juniko is bisexual so you are welcome to have any character to flirt with her or have them crush on her as a one-sided romance. One sided romances are realistic. Just remember that if Juniko's boyfriend really is Susumu, he won't tolerate you flirting with her! So flirt at your own risk since Susumu seems like the protective type and so is she, haha.

all people with plots will be listed below. their color corresponds with one or more of the plots above (friends, enemies, and lovers). want to plot with juniko? just post with whatever idea you had and if you wanted to be a friend, enemy, or lover (or a mix of all three).

Last edited by Juniko on Sat May 04, 2013 4:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

2juniko's plot area. Empty Re: juniko's plot area. Sat May 04, 2013 4:48 pm



I would be honoured to be your friend.

3juniko's plot area. Empty Re: juniko's plot area. Sun May 05, 2013 1:02 pm



Yes, that sounds good!

4juniko's plot area. Empty Re: juniko's plot area. Sun May 05, 2013 2:49 pm



And when can i get to know you better, Juniko? Tell me when you have time to rp!

5juniko's plot area. Empty Re: juniko's plot area. Sun May 12, 2013 11:19 am



Since we are in the same squad... I thought that maybe we should be friends?

6juniko's plot area. Empty Re: juniko's plot area. Wed May 22, 2013 7:53 pm


I can actually see Ritsuka & Juniko being enemies. Taking into account his somewhat unwillingness to be friend others and her aloof personality. . . they have a tendency to clash?

And we can solidify this with an topic or something. Just a thought ^^

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