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1Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Nitsumeru Clan Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:36 pm


Nitsumeru Clan  Asssasasasasas2
Clan: Nitsumeru

Kekkei Genkai: Shutsuryoku, Nyūryoku, Atsuryoku

Elements: Wind, Water, Fire

Specialization: Chakra Flow and Ninjutsu for Primary and Secondary, in any order

Location: Konohagakure [NINJUTSU, Nyūryoku], Kirigakure [CHAKRA FLOW, Shutsuryoku]; Atsuryoku can come from either.

Clan History: There was once a shinobi in Sunagakure who possessed great skill in manipulating his chakra. Although his overall total of chakra was nothing more than average, he was able to increase its potency and strength through a special skill he called "Pressure Release". This skill required one to manipulate their chakra's pressure through two sets of skill, Input and Output. By mastering both, the shinobi was able to finely control his chakra so that none could stand against him save for the absolute strongest in the land. When this man settled down and seeded young, he took it upon himself to teach this skill to his children, so they could grow old and happy with their families safely, just as he did. However, in order to keep the secrets safe from those that lurked in the darkness, he taught them separately. He taught his eldest the Output method and the younger the Input method.

But, by this time, the man was old. By the time the sons mastered their respective methods, he had passed on. To the grave he took with him the final step required to merge these two methods into one, for, although they could teach each other the opposite, they wouldn't be able to perform their father's true techniques. And so, the brothers took their knowledge and set off on a quest to see the world. They used their skills well and let nothing stand in their way. However, as they grew older, it was time for them to settle down. Because they had done everything together in order to master each other's art and attempt to master their father's, it was odd for them to be apart. However, the elder brother's Output method and personality were more suited for the Konohagakure lifestyle, and the younger's Input was closer to Kirigakure's. So they split up and started life anew.

Three generations later, the abilities and skills passed down had become such an integral part of their life that the genes of the shinobi were warped to purposely augment and support them. The Pressure Release style had evolved from a simple hidden skill into a full-blown Kekkai Genkai. Despite the distance, both clans felt the effects at a similar time, for the Pressure Release substyles were so closely matched that the physical, mental, and spiritual training required to use them allowed both clans to adapt with their skills on a more cellular level. And now, the young shinobi of the Nitsumera, with their fresh and shiny Kekkai Genkai, are ready to start at the academy. Perhaps one of them will unite the two methods once again!

Kekkei Genkai Description: There are some traits that all members of the Nitsumera clan(s) possess. All Nitsumera are Agile/Frail. All Nitsumera have Wind, Water, and/or Fire as their Elements (in any order (Can only start with two, may not take others), and Ninjutsu/Chakra Flow as their specialties (in either order).
All Nitsumera have enlarged chakra capillaries that allow for them to provide a greater output of chakra. When activated, these capillaries form tiny holes across the shinobi's body.

Gain +1 to Ninjutsu techniques

Shutsuryoku [CHAKRA FLOW PATH]
Gain +1 to Chakra Flow techniques

Gain +1 to Chakra Flow and Ninjutsu
Does not stack with previous (Shutsuryoku or Nyuryoku)
Must be A-SS Rank
Must have mastered both Methods. This can only be done by going through a special Clan Advancement at A rank (5000 Words minimum) in order to retrieve the opposite style's Method Scroll, located in their Clan Compound, and a training thread in order to learn it, as well as a second to fuse them.

Drawbacks: Nitsumera may only have Wind, Water, And/Or Fire as their Elements. They may not choose one different.

Nitsumera must possess the following Special Characteristics. POSITIVE: Agile, Trained, and Reflexes. NEGATIVE: Frail, Short Fuse, Foolhardy. Nitsumera may not differ from these traits.

Hyuuga Gentle Palm and similar, tenketsu-targetting techniques do +2 until Jounin, where it drops to +1.

High consumption of chakra for Kekkai Genkai Jutsu (most techniques require 2, 3 times as much per definition of individual technique).

All Nitsumera take Taijutsu damage as one level higher at all times (This adds on to the Frail, to make it +2).

Only one path can be taken.

Members: None Yet

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
E Rank


Nyuryoku [CHAKRA FLOW]
D Rank
Shutsuryoku [NINJUTSU]
D Rank
A Rank

Last edited by Ejj on Sun May 05, 2013 7:51 pm; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Name Discrepency between sections)

2Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:53 pm


KKG: You say they have wind/water/fire as their elements. Do they start with all three? If so, they start at C, C, and D ranks. This kind of looks like a Kekkei Tota...say so if it is.

Say that you can only take one of the first two paths (as is implied); the mission should have a rather high wordcount (doesn't have to be a mission, just a topic dubbed as clan advancement).

Drawbacks: Frail is fine. You say they take +1 to Taijutsu, is that in addition to Frail? Do only clan techs take 2-3 times as much chakra, or all of them? I would suggest taking a concrete amount. 2x chakra usage is fine.

Jutsu...Ukeireru needs a rank scale. What rank causes what damage, and how much extra chakra can you put in per post?
Omoiyari simply allows the other two to be used with a weapon?
Wakikaeru Why? This jutsu can be only D-rank, as elemental jutsu can only be D-rank and higher. D rank jutsu may be only -5 per post. Wind is too fast; 25% speed boost is good for D. First degree burns for fire.
Bui says instant, but needs an actual duration. I don't think that you should be able to use both in the same post...

For all jutsu, Cooldown must be at least 1.5-2 times the duration.

3Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:25 am


Alright, I think I've fixed everything. I'll give you a breakdown here, though.

No, it isn't a KKT. It doesn't need those three elements, you can only HAVE those three elements (Quaternary is still User's Choice, but those three must be in the First Three (Fire, Wind, Water's order does not matter). They start with one, like any other ninja.

Yes, that is in addition to Frail, so +2 altogether. Clarified chakra usage thing. I don't think you read the first jutsu correctly, because both of those things are in the description. If you read it again and disagree, I'll happily restate them. Modified Omoiyari for clarification (Yes, that is what it does). Wakikaeru's earth was an accident. Fixed to your specifications. And as for Bui, I modified it. Hopefully, it's a little fairer.

Oh, and all cooldowns are a solid double the duration.

Anything else?

4Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:51 am


"All Nitsumera have Wind, Water, and/or Fire as their Elements (in any order),"

put this in Drawbacks; as part of the KKG, it sounds like you want them to start with all three elements. Also say that they cannot take any other elements, as you've stated in your replies.

I'm still not getting Ukireru. It says you can put in variable chakra amounts, even at genin....does this or doesn't it affect the power of the 'explosion'?

Wakikaeru's Water specialty needs to be reworded. What's there right now would be classified under Ice release, which is locked to the Aisu clan.

5Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:32 pm


Modified element specifics to suit.

How Ukireru works is that, every post with it active (I have to pay that), I can choose to pay extra chakra (at Genin, I can pay E, D, or C level technique chakra, based on Genin's being able to use a C level (if they have it trained for, consider it trained for in this example). The purpose of this is, when it reaches 100 points, it does 1 rank of damage higher.

Fixed Wakikaeru.

6Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Wed May 01, 2013 5:57 pm


Fixed Ukireru again.

7Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Wed May 01, 2013 7:04 pm


Ah, I see. I recommend splitting this into two jutsu, one for the actual shell and one to put extra chakra into it. The extra chakra jutsu can have Duration and Cooldown as /.

B rank jutsu can fully break bones. You can have it defend against jutsu of 1 rank lower, not 2.

8Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Wed May 01, 2013 9:49 pm



9Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Wed May 01, 2013 10:27 pm



10Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Sun May 05, 2013 8:47 pm


Added Chakra types to Ukerireru

11Nitsumeru Clan  Empty Re: Nitsumeru Clan Sat May 18, 2013 5:24 pm


For each element, limit the power by the rank of the jutsu you're using. Don't need a D-rank jutsu having S-rank element effects.

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