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1Conflict (Kumo-D- Repeatable) Empty Conflict (Kumo-D- Repeatable) Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:47 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

The Conflict in Kumo

Was another day in Kumogakure, waking up in a daze and slightly excited for his first mission. Zetsume opened the letter he received to see that there has been conflict and that he has to resolve this matter quickly.Great, just what I need, to solve other peoples problems because they can not solve them peacefully. Finishing his coffee and putting clothes on after a much needed hot shower, he departed toward the Tethys Grounds.

Was middle of the day and the sun could not seem to have helped the temperature because it was still cold with not even a cloud in the sky. As he was nearing the Tethys Grounds he could hear what appeared to be two men bickering, quickly he ran to see if this was the so called conflict. Upon arrival he could see an old frail man around the age of seventy or more as he was on the ground covering his face with his arms in a cross shaped pattern. His assailant was a teenager around the age of 17, his hair was dark black wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans. His height was roughly four inches smaller than Zetsume but he did seem to have more muscle mass. I should help that poor old man he thought to himself as he was very close to them. If he had brought his bow he often thought of where to shoot him, but then quickly discarded those ideas as the Kage would not like if he accidentally killed him in the process. Though the Idea of shooting him in the knee still passed through his mind.

"Hey! Stop!", Zetsume shouted as he grabbed the bully and shoved him back. Knocking him to the ground. The bully quickly got up with his chest all puffed out, trying to intimidate Zetsume. "Who the hell are you? This is between me and this filthy man here you have no business butting in", the bully said with anger as he was only inches from Zetsume's face. Man he could brush his teeth once in awhile he thought to himself before replying the to the bully."I was sent here to resolve this conflict, I will not take sides but if you do not leave this man alone I will use force", Zetsume said to him in a calm tone staring into the eyes of the bully not blinking. "Force you say? You could not even hit me let alone stop me." he said with more venom than a black widow spider. Right as soon as he finished speaking the bully tried to hit Zetsume in the face, but even though he was much larger than Zetsume he lacked speed and discipline of his body. His body movements were too easy to read as Zetsume simply shifted his body to the side extending his foot to trip him. The bully fell onto his face in the snow. Zetsume could tell now that he was infuriated that he missed and was knocked into the snow for the second time. "I will warn you one more time, please go home." Zetsume said hoping that he would just listen. Yet, the bully seemed to not even hear him as he got up and madly swung again at Zetsume. This time Zetsume was tired of this silly charade, ducking his swing to bring a swift strike to his xiphoid process watching as the bully fell to his knees trying to catch his breath. "GO TO HELL!" He shouted as he seemed to have some fight left in him. Zetsume gave him a swift kick to the side of his neck watching as the bully fell to the ground unconscious. Zetsume let out a sigh as he could not resolve it peacefully and then helped the old man up, dusting the snow off of him. The old man thanked him and shook his hand. Told him stories of how he was an adventurer and a shinobi but now he is too old for all of that. He often got closer than Zetsume had wanted because honestly the old man did smell horrible. Can not believe the bully was right this old man does need to shower he thought to himself but kept his thoughts to himself.

Zetsume picked up the body of the bully and left him at the door step of his home but not before getting a little more revenge. He told his parents of how their son was bullying this old man so much that he had to go resolve it. As he was leaving he could hear the anger in the bully's parents voice as them shouted at him for dishonoring his family. Zetsume quickly made his way back to his house and counts this mission as a success hoping that the bully learned his lesson. Though in the back of his mind he wondered was it really over?


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