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1Rotting Smell (Kumo-C-Repeatable) Empty Rotting Smell (Kumo-C-Repeatable) Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:46 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Mission name: Rotting Smell
Mission rank: C
Objective: Find the smell of flesh
Location: Kumogakure
Reward: 150
Mission description: People of Kumogakure have been smelling an awful smell for a couple of days now. We want you to locate the smell and deal with the problems how you see fit.
Mission details: Okay, so you are sent to find the smell that people have been complaining about. After some search you will find a house which has the strongest smell. Try to knock but when there is no answer knock the door down how you want. When you enter you will see multiple dead bodies with rotting flesh as a man is in the middle of cutting open his newest victim. You must kill him. He should not pose much of a threat for he knows no kind of jutsus and the only weapon he has is a very sharp scalpel. You may use any kind of NPC you wish, or just use the one given. Min WC 1000 (Standard C rank)


Name: Dr. Uka
Age: 54
General Appearance:
Personality: Clinically insane, has been around the bodies for to long and will think they are talking to him
Motivations: To find the meaning of life through cutting open his victims.
Fears: Nothing
Other: Knows no form of jutsus, only is wielding a sharp scalpel.

2Rotting Smell (Kumo-C-Repeatable) Empty Re: Rotting Smell (Kumo-C-Repeatable) Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:19 am




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