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1Rotting Smell (Kumo-C-Repeatable) Empty Rotting Smell (Kumo-C-Repeatable) Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:13 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

The Mad Doctor

Zetsume let out a small sigh when he read the details of his new mission. It seemed they have given him the worst of worst mission but he had to do it for the money. He was to locate this odd smell that has been reported in the lower quarter of Kumogakure. He wondered why he had to go on such a silly mission but it was all for the sake of Kumogakure. Since the mission would be inside of his hometown he felt no reason to bring his Hishou along with him. He did not think he would need to use violence for finding this odd smell. After he finished his breakfast he set off towards the lower quarter of kumogakure.

Before he was even at the spot of the smell he could smell it. He knew all well what this smell was and knew it could have only meant trouble. Then he remembered he did not bring his Hishou with him, and walking back would have taken to much time for this matter. He took the mission slightly more serious now than he did just half an hour ago. Zetsume took his time with his investigation asking fellow Kumogakure citizens about the smell. Some said one way while the others said that it came from the other way. He felt like he was walking in circles around the small part that was afflicted with the smell. He somewhat wished he had the nose capabilities of a dog so this would be easier but alas he did not. He was just going by what his thoughts were. He started to knock on several doors asking if he could inspect the house. Most people were very polite about it, yet others were rude. Since he was on a mission directed from the Kage though no one could refuse him for entering and inspecting and they knew that. Finally he found one house that no one answered. He figured the worst. He knocked and knocked but no reply was given. This worried him even more as someone could be dying right now as he waits. He decided to take no more precautions and kicked the door down.

When he kicked the door down a putrid smell ran through his nose, the smell of rotting flesh. It was almost enough to make him vomit but he had to keep his cool. From the looks of it no one was home, he walked around checking everything. For awhile he thought that he was in the wrong house, but the smell had to have originated from this spot. Then he found what could have been the holy grail of this whole mission. A basement door. He quietly opened the door and walked down to check it out.

His eyes met one of the most gruesome sites he has seen in awhile. There were people hanging from fish hooks on the ceiling while a man was holding a scalpel over the table. His newest victim was being cut open while he was watching. The mad man was speaking to the dead body about secrets and other things. Zetsume could not quite make out what he was saying exactly. He knew this act could not go on any longer. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!", Zetsume screamed while staring at the man. He turned around quickly to meet his eyes. He began mumbling something but Zetsume could not quite make it out. Then he charged at Zetsume with the scalpel in hand. Zetsume ducked his first swing and caught his hand when he swung again. He could see directly into the man's eyes, he could tell that no one was home. The man had gone insane down here with these people. Zetsume gave him a quick head but to the nose. This caused the man to fall back then he caught himself and charged again. Zetsume did not have his bow and his taijutsu was less than nothing. He would have to resort to the next form of attacking. He used the proper hand seals and used Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique). Zetsume forced the man to see the bodies move on their own. They began to rip apart their bodies and cry in pain. The mad man stumbled back terrified as these illusions moved in closer and closer. Each one crying louder and harder each step they took. The man let out a small howl. Zetsume grabbed one of his scalpels off of his table, he knew that this man should not be allowed in this village. For his acts against this village were unacceptable. While the man was cowering in fear from the illusions, Zetsume leaned down and slit his throat. When he cut the man's throat the illusions vanished for any pain could break this genjutsu. Zetsume watched the man hold his neck as the illusions vanished and only Zetsume was before him. He tried to stand up but the blood pouring out made his body weak. He fell over and started to choke on his own blood. He was wiggling and flailing about trying to grab something that was not there. He let out many gargling sounds of pain as blood flowed from his neck and mouth. If Zetsume did not think he deserved it he would have made it nice and easy, but he wanted to watch this man suffer. After a few minutes he finally stopped moving, there was far to much blood on the ground for him to be alive. Zetsume leaned down and checked the man's pockets. It seems he was a renowned doctor. What could have possessed him to do this to these people. Zetsume made notes of the incident and left the house for the smell was getting to him. When he left he threw up violently from the smell. People were looking from all over to see what had happened.

He reported his findings and the coroners came by to clean up the mess. Zetsume wondered what made this man want to kill people let alone cut them open for no reason. These things Zetsume would never understand, nor did he want to. After informing the families of the victims to put their mind to rest he set off back to his house. While laying in bed visions of the man and the bodies flashed through his eyes. It infuriated Zetsume that he did not find this incident before. He could have saved so many lives. He knew that the people in this village looked up to the shinobi and if he could not protect them, then why do they look up to him. After letting a small sigh he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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