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Isamu went off to the Academy for the day on a mission to do some work. It was his first official mission as a Genin. He barely felt qualified to be helping Academy Ninja around, but a mission was a mission, regardless of how he felt about it. He stepped in through the large doors into a small hallway full of academy students, and headed to the backyard. Outside there stood Special Jonin with many academy students around them. He approached one and began talking.
"Hi. I'm Isamu, I've been assigned to help however I can,"

The woman looked back plainly into his eyes. "I guess you can help the students with their ninjutsu techniques." She turned to the children who had formed a crowd behind her, all looking directly at Isamu with expectance.
"Okay then. Hey, guys! I'm here to help out with your ninjutsu!"
The entire crowd stared at him without saying a word. Suddenly, one kid burst out from the rest of the crowd with a kunai in hand. "YOU THINK YOU'RE STRONGER THAN ME!? THINK AGAIN!" Isamu simply moved a step to the left, leaving his foot outstretched, and the charging boy tripped and fell flat to the ground. "C'mon, kid. If you're just gonna be hostile to me, you won't get any help at all." All of the other students gasped, and then burst into applause as if Isamu had just killed death. They crowded around him, and he laughed awkwardly before leading them over to the training grounds. There were trees in all directions around them, mostly covered in shuriken from Taijutsu practice earlier that day. Isamu took a second to think. "Okay, guys. Now, which technique do you want to practice?" There was a pause, and a group of girls yelled, "The clone technique!". Everyone else nodded in unison. Isamu smiled, and made the hand sign. "So have you guys learned the basics of chakra control? It's essential for any ninjutsu." Parts of the group began to dissipate as the taijutsu users who had poor chakra control had lost interest. The ones left, which was most of them, listened intently and replied with a quick yes. "Good. First things first, get a good stance, and then make this hand sign." He held his hands out to them further for a clear view. "It's called the Ram. Then, follow through, with this, the Snake, and then the Tiger." He performed each slowly so that they could keep up, however most of them had no problem doing so. "I take it you've practiced this technique before?" The students all nodded and continued to execute the technique, and soon there were 3 times as many of them. Isamu looked out at all of them, and got an idea. "How about we play a game? I want you guys to find all of the clones and get rid of them, without stopping the jutsu. If you hit someone who isn't a clone, you're out, and the last people standing will get something cool." All of the kids looked excited and began running around hitting each other, and clones began to disappear bit by bit. Isamu felt something whiz by his head, and he looked up to see a shuriken had stuck to the tree in front of him. He turned around, and the kid from before was back. "I'll win this." He got a running start and jumped into the air, and threw a barrage of ninja tools down at the rest of the students. Isamu's eyes widened in fear, and he formed hand signs. "Wind Release: Air Bullets!" He shot 5 bullets of air to deflect the ninja tools that were headed towards the real students, and successfully knocked them away. The remainder of kunai and shuriken hit clones, and all that were left were the real people, shaking in terror. Some of them were staring in awe of Isamu, but he didn't notice. He went to the kid and grabbed him by the collar. "What the hell were you thinking? If I hadn't stopped some of those, you could've killed a ton of your friends."
"They aren't my friends, and you don't know me. Now, where is my prize?"
Isamu looked at him. He felt bad for the kid, he must have been an outcast or something. But that wasn't Isamu's problem."You don't get a prize. One of the first rules of being a ninja is not to kill your teammates." The boy looked angry, but Isamu didn't care, and he pushed him back. "Go back to whatever you were doing, kid. You can't train here, after what you just did." Isamu saw all of the other kids were now yelling at the boy as he walked back into the academy. Isamu gestured for them to be quiet, and then told them that the boy, despite his attitude, was still a human, and no human deserves ostracism. He gave them all flowers from his shop as a consolation prize since their game had been cut short, but none of them were satisfied and all of them returned to their sensei looking disappointed. The woman from earlier approached. "That'll be all for today. You can leave now. Thanks for practicing with them, though."

Isamu smiled and left cheerily, feeling as if he had done the community some good. The sunset overhead shone brilliantly as he returned home.

Used Jutsu:

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