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Satoshi walked in a different manner than usual. His head looked straight ahead and his dark brown eyes focused on the road ahead of him. He needed to boost his strength, and this was how he was going to do it. He needed to work on his Doton skills if he was going to be successful further down the road. He needed some defensive and supplementary techniques instead of constantly working on offense. A well balanced shinobi was a formidable shinobi, or at least he thought.

He finally arrived at his usual training spot. Charred rocks covered the area from where Satoshi practiced his Katon jutsu. It's not that he neglected Doton, it's just that he really enjoyed the heat that came with his Katon. Now he needed to put that to the side and continue his training. The memories of his past training sessions flooded his head. He could remember passing out from exhaustion, burning himself multiple times, and even having to be rushed to the hospital.

The most vivid memory being the first time he trained his Yoton Release. His family's famous abilities were known around the world, which sent Satoshi's determination over the edge. He was only 10 at the time, but he sure did push hard. He failed many times before even getting a drop of Lava to form. He spent 4 days out here constantly working, and it payed off in the end. Now he was quite decent with those techniques, though they needed to be trained as well.

He walked over to a rock, setting down his black and red backpack down carefully. He made sure to bring some snacks and such, just to make sure he kept his strength up. After all, it was important to keep his health up if he wanted to become stronger. He then turned to an brownish rock of medium size. He focused his chakra, preparing for the first step in his training.




Satoshi was ready now. He threw several hand signs before stopping and concentrating his chakra on his feet and the ground below him. "Earth Style: Earth Flow River!" He said sharply as the ground turned suddenly into a brown river of mud. This caused the target rock to move about fourty meters before stopping.

It was an effective jutsu for keeping his opponents on their toes, which was nice in the heat of battle. However, the jutsu wasn't the point of this training. The point was to increase his skill with Doton techniques in general. He observed his work with careful speculation, noticing each aspect of the jutsu he just performed.

For this training to be successful, he would need to increase the distance and depth of this jutsu. It was a simple jutsu, but when wielded by a stronger shinobi with more skill, it would be much more powerful. He calmly moved to a different portion of the designated area, turning to another brown colored rock. However, this time it was a bit larger than the last. He was going to prove a point to himself. He was strong enough and prepared enough to do this.

His mind flashed through the potential jutsu he could use if the training was a success. He would be a much more powerful shinobi, as his Doton would be close to his Katon in strength. He would just need a bit work on a few things, and he would be ready to enter the famed chunnin exams. He was ready to move to the next level, as he was tired of the life of a genin. While he didn't care for people all that much, he hated being treated as an inferior by everyone around him. He wasn't weak and he was going to prove that.




Tame sat. Quite simply....he needed to do nothing. He hadn't heard of such a training, the absence of action. But that's what he needed to do, so he would. Tame wanted to see more of the world....he came across a scroll in a rather dusty and unkempt corner of the Iwagakure Libraries, where all the files on techniques or ninja or practically anything you needed to know could be found. Anyway...he found it in a corner that looked like it hadn't been visited in a long time. Like, archaic. And this was the ages-lonesome corner of the restricted section.... so probably few to none would even know he took this scroll. It was called the Scroll of Enlightenment, but Tame at the time didn't have any idea what it entailed. Its mere name was enough to intrigue. And that mere name uncovered something that he couldn't imagine...

It was called the Kagura Shingan...the Mind's Eye of the Kagura. An ability, not a Kekkei Genkai, that actually rivaled some of them. It was a chakra-sensing ability; quite the potential rival to, say, the Byakugan. Although this didn't allow direct, piericng vision, it certainly had a larger scope than most Byakugan did. More than half a kilometre, so the scroll said...which was certainly impressive. Skilled bearers of the Mind's Eye could apparently even home in on one person, track them, even 'see' them. Even more impressive, perhaps even more useful than the All-Seeing White Eye. Tame appreciated his blood-line limit quite enough for him not to envy others'. At least not to the point of stealing...replicating was good enough for him.

And so he sat. Well, that wouldn't be accurate, exactly. On one of the spires of rock that abounded in this Fissure, a result of rock being pushed up by tectonic movement, it made a perfect stalagmite-type formation. Heh, Tame almost felt like he was training to be a Sage or something. Complete open the mind's eye. He wasn't one for simply gliding through things, but such a block was....meh. Eyes closed, not moving, simply focusing inward. After completing this inward focus, he would be able....yes, he'd finally accomplish this goal. That was what Tame liked about his style of training. He never set goals that he knew he couldn't accomplish. Sure, some things might have a touch or two of jeopardy, but there was always at least a possibility of getting there.

And he did...he finally did. Even if just a fraction... Tame focused his mind inwardly. He had found his mind's eye. Now...all that was left to do was focus that...focus it outward while keeping inward focus. Lots of focus, needless to say....

And while focusing, Tame found something. Something with chakra, at least....that was his guess. If he was doing it right, using the Mind's Eye of the Kagura correctly, that was, he would be sensing chakra. From what he guessed, it was indeed a person; lower life-forms had chakra just the same as humans, but not enough to cause a flare-up like this...the Yamada was admittedly new, inexperienced, even kind of bad at this. To be able to pick up on that would be impressive. He peeked open one eye, and saw the source in his peripheral vision, the very corner; a large rock was being moved by the efforts of what appeared to be a ninja. If he saw correctly--he knew from seeing it before--it was the Doton: Douryuu Taiga.

Tame stood and jumped off the rock, supposing that the movement would be enough to draw some attention.

[Training Ninjutsu B->A, plus the Mind's Eye of the Kagura, with Gifted. 631/4400]



Sato's concentration was immediately interrupted by sudden movement. His eyes flashed over to where the source of the noise was, showing Sato's incredible speed and reaction timing as a ninja. He immediately recognized the figure as someone he had met quite recently. A mute, if he recalled correctly, and quite the formidable opponent. His green hair was blinding with the sun's reflection bouncing off. Tame was the name of this Jounin, as Sato had done a little bit of research after their spar.

"Funny running into you again." He said turning towards the archer with a very relaxed posture. After he found out who it was, there was no need for being tense. Tame wasn't a foe, so he didn't have to worry about it. He waited to see what the young but impressive ninja would do, as he tended to speak with actions rather than words. "I'm here to train my Doton Release. Would you like to join?" He asked quite plainly as the thought of rejection didn't really matter to him. He moved his eyes to look once again at the dried mud that was created by his jutsu.

He needed to get focused once again on the training before him. This time, he had a spectator, even if he was only temporary. He had to give it his best if he wanted to even come close to catching Tame in terms of power. He looked one last time to the sharpshooter before locking his eyes on his target. This time, he was going to Build up chakra for a few minutes before doing the technique. Maybe he would get the desired effect if he added more chakra.

Doton Training B-A: 922/3000


Guest Tame was doing...some modicum of that, as well. Hopefully this could remain interesting...the council had promoted Tame on his merit to Jounin. However, if he could talk he would freely admit that he didn't really improve on his jutsu repertoire; maybe this wouldn't be as dull as training with a Genin would seem. Eh, why not up the ante. Not like I have anything better to do.

Tame took off his plain grey headband and lowered it onto his eyes. Yep. Now it's definitely going to be interesting. Blind as a bat, save for the Mind's Eye of the its current state, he could barely make out the form of his faux foe; this would be troublesome. But fun, at least. Tame summoned his twin arrowguns, materializing them from airborne crystals that glowed a bit until they were formed.

It would be fun to see what else he had, now...hopefully Satoshi had advanced some.


Last edited by Tame on Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:05 am; edited 2 times in total



Satoshi was astounded that the young man was was going to do this blindfolded. Was that an insult to Satoshi's fighting abilities? He wasn't sure, but regardless of that, he was going to prove that he was not someone to be underestimated. He immediately started thinking of ways to start the fight and only one came to mind. Mind as well use the same projectiles that he opened with in their first encounter.

He quickly molded chakra in his stomach, lungs, and throat as he simply prepared the jutsu. He usually liked to state the name of his jutsu when he attacked, but there was no need to. Tame had already seen everything Sato knew at the moment, so silence would be easier to utilize in this situation. Not to mention the fact that he had blindfolded himself arrogantly. Suddenly, three apple sized blobs of Lava shot towards Tame, who would have a hard time dodging an attack he could not see.

Sato then decided to go ahead and prep his next attack, molding chakra in just his throat this time. He smiled as the he opened his mouth, releasing a gas that was not able to be seen by the naked eye. It did however have a strong odor that was unique to this jutsu alone. He hoped to make this a distraction for his opponent, as abusing his only remaining battle sense seemed to be a great idea. He close his mouth and then watched his opponent to see how he would react to the first moves of what was going to be an interesting fight among two distance fighters.

Doton Training B-A: 1196/3000

Chakra: 130/150:


Tame sensed a disturbance in Satoshi's chakra. He could....feel, no, see it. A swirling type of was strange. It was collecting at some point on his body, but he couldn't pinpoint where it was. Either was coming at him now...spit out in some form, or thrown, or something. It was important that Tame dodged this....which of course he did. Even blinded, his meagre eyesight was enough for him to react and jump high into the air. 

As he ascended, Tame sniffed. He knew that distinct smell from anywhere. It's the 'mist' of the Misty Flame Dance. Kasumi Enbu....near-useless on its own, but when exposed to any fire at all--even just a spark--it combusted violently. Which meant he also had to dodge this attack somehow. On his descent from the jump, he did a midair flip, making it seem like he was going to use his head as a cushion for his fall.  However, that definitely was not the case; as his altitude decreased, he stopped. Just...stopped in midair. It seemed like he was standing on a ceiling, though his hair and clothes betrayed no hint of it; they seemed as if he was right-side-up, almost as if he had his own personal gravity.

Now, though, it was his turn to retaliate. He didn't want to kill Satoshi. So he would reduce the effectiveness of his bolts. Down to the level....about when he was a Genin. That'd do. Still upside-down (the way he was actually accustomed to being), he fired a volley of warning shots at Satoshi. Five each would do nicely....two from each arrowgun were aimed at Satoshi, primarily his limbs for glancing blows, one on each arm and leg. The rest of them would land around the young man, limiting movement, hopefully. Looking at the sun's position, he realized he had to go....

Quickly retreating with the speed a Jounin could muster, the Yamada was out of sight within the space of a minute.

-Tame Exited the Thread-

[Nin B>A: 766+347=1114, +798 from our other thread, + another thread's training = 2400 words.
Mind's Eye of the Kagura: 32 words Q.Q]



Satoshi quickly smirked as those same damn bolts came towards him. The more he thought about it, the more he just didn't want to relive last time. Before the bolts got close to him, Satoshi simply used the Body Flicker Jutsu to get away. He wasn't ready quite yet.

-Exit Thread-

Doton Training B-A: 1247/3000 (To be continued in another thread)

Chakra: 120/150:

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